utrnan Speaks At e Cruris PTA Meet f On Monday evening tha Vail* Croci* Pi rent-Teachers Assoc la tum met for the fint time this tear with quite a Urge asaembl ige. in spite of the rainy weather. W'tu Mrs Mary Brine aa our praa ident, Mrs. Graea Campbell ss sec Mrs LucUe Wallace an farthing aa devotional chairman, we (eel confidant at an outstand ing year for our aaaoeiation. J for the past several yean we lava striven to obtain Rav. Mr. froutman of Boone to address us |t our first moating. We've grown fo expect him at this, time to give ?a a morale-boosting talk to start our year's work. Mr. Troutman was right on hand to urge us tow ard a bigger and better P. T. A. He chided us upon our short-eom ings and praised us for our achievements. "Don't be a drop-out parent" was hia admonition. He atreased the importance of attending all the meetings and feeling our own individual responsibility toward the success of our organisation. He gave us some valuable pointers on how to make each member feel his own importance and signific ance in the aaaoeiation. We always appreciate Mr. Trout man's efforts in our behalf, and we fael that he is a booster of our P. T. A. The principal. Mr James Greene reviewed the school's plans and objectives for the year. We were especially proud of his an nouncement concerning the fact that our school is now on the ac credited list of North Carolina schools. This means that our school has reached a certain stand ard of requirements in its equip ment, teacher-training and certifi cation of its teachers. There is one other school in the county that has achieved this goal, the Green Valley School. Mr. Greene compli mented the parents and teachers for their part In helping the school to gain this distinction. The P. T. A. has cooperated whole heartedly with the school authori ties to secure equipment and sup plies needed to carry on the school work. In view of our ac complishments on the part of the parents and teachers of our school community, we' feel especially proud of the Valle Crucis School and the Parent Teachers' Assoda SOVIET NAVY In the last ten years, the Soviet Union's Navy has risen from sev enth to second place among the world's navies, according to the report of a seven-man team of North Atlantic. Treaty Organiza tion experts. The team, headed by Vice Admiral James H. Thach, Jr., U. S. N., also reported that the Rod Navy had 28 modern cruisers, 190 up-to-date destroyers and a fleet of 400 submarines. This fleet is exceeded only by that of the United States. S I chairman, and Mr. Aubyn ? These people ore o good bit like those who hunt (or secur ity ? and poss inseronce by. Stop by out office ond we'll show you the woy to security. Ives Cabin To Be Restored A committee ha* bean formed at Holy Cross Church at VaU* Crueis for the purpose of renovat iDC the Bishop Ivoa Cabin. Thar will meet Thursday, Octobar 4, at 7:30 p. m. at Holy Croaa Church. Biahop Ivaa, who built the cabin in 1142, was tbc flrit Biahop to organize Episcopal work in Wa tauga county. ' Included on the committee are Will Cook, Johnston Christenbury. James Davis, Mr. and Mrs Howard Hurray, Rev. J. N. Atkins, Jake Harrell, Will Mast, Mrs. Wade Wagner, Mrs. Charles Taylor, all of Watauga county,' and Bynum Dobbins and Mrs. Lewi* Townaend of Banner Elk. Pritchett Is NCEA Official Prof. John A. Pritchett, Jr. of ASTC, Boone, was elected secre tary-treasurer of the Audio-Visual Education Division of the North western District of the North Carolina Education Aaaociation. The election was held at the an nual diatrkt convention held in Greensboro on Friday, Sept. 28. The conventi n waa addresaed by Dr. W. H. Ptemmona, President of ASTC, on "Our Educational Centennial: A Backward A A For ward Look." Over 2,000 school personnel at tended the day long meeting. RATE RISE Eastern and western railroads have started work on a petition asking the Interstate Commerce Commiaaion to approve a further freight rate increase of about 18 per cent. The Southern lines were alao represented at the meeting but they decided not to Join In the request at the present Railroad freight rates were hiked by an eatimated $473,000,000 a year in March, when the ICC approved a general six per cent increase in such charges. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT SHOWS START AT 7:30 Note with Wide Screen and CinemaScope WEDNESDAY and THURS. October 8 and I Trial ' Glenn Ford Dorothy McGuire Cinemascope FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 5 and 8 The Return Of Jack Slade John Ericltson Supers cope SUNDAY? OCTOBER 1 Texas Lady Barry Sullivan Su perse ope MONDAY and TUESDAY October > and t , The King Deborah Kerr Cinemascope Elementary School . '-V ? ? Or. W. H Ptenuuu, preaident of Appalachian State Teacbeis College, was flu speeker for the Urat P. T. A. meeting of the year bald in ? the ?4anenUnr school cafeteria. Or. Plemmoos gave a my interesting talk concerning the relationships between the col lege and tip demonstration schools \ Prior to Ik* frialness session, a delicious dinner eras served by a committee of parents Special guests were the teachers of both Boone Kheob, their wives and husbands, student teachers, and graduate aaal stents. They were in troduced to the parents by the principal! of the Respective school!, Professor John Howell and Dr. A. B Crew. lira. W. M. Matheson. president, presided during the business ses sion and recognized various offi cers and committed chairmen .for reports An outline of the work for the year was distributed. Following the meeting, open house was observed in the ele mentary school. All the claaarooms snd special rooms were open for the occasion, and the teachers re ported a number of parents visited the rooms. Another open hours is planned during October, and all parents and patrons ef the school are invited to come visit us. Officers for the Boone P. T. A. for this school year are: President, Mrs. W. M. Matheson; vice presi dent, Dr. Ray Derrick; secretary, Mrs. Richard Kelly; treasurer. Major John Thomas. Chairmen of the various committee! are Dr. Ray Lerrick, program; Frank Payne, hoepitality; Mrs. Joe Minor, publicity; Wade Brown, legisla tion; Hugh Hagaman, budget and finance; Alfred Adams, member ship; Mrs. R. E. Agle, welfare; and Howard Cottrell, safety. The coming programs for the year are aa follows: October? Visitation in the Ele mentary School. December ? Chrlstmai music program. January, February, March ? Child development. On CM News The Girl*' Glee Cub ha i bM organized with - thirty memben from the seventh and eighth tr ad aa. They meet twice weakly la the music room under the direction of Mr*. Wilson, public school music teacher. Plans for the year Include presenting a number of special programs as well m participating in the annual district choral con test held in the spring. Members of the organization are Glenda Beach, Betty Broome, Betty Bum garner, Alice Cain, Carolyn Cof fee, Marvella Cornett, Ann Edmls ten, Eva Da nay Erneston, Margaret Glenn, Margaret Gragg, Barbara Greer, Elizabeth Greer, Jane Har rison, Pay Henderson, Jane Hod ges, Ruby Lane, Wanda Lowman, Kay Massey, Alice Mast. Linda Mast, Marie Roark, Barbara Shore, Judy Triplett, Ann West, Geral dine Wilcox, Sue Wilcox, Lynn Winkler, Jeannette Lyons, Eileen White, Mary Hayes. New Store Is Opened Here The owners and operators of Rhodes Furniture Company in West Jefferson announce the opening of. a branch store in Boone this week. D. L. (Don) Francis and J. C. (Carl) Francis, who have operat ed the West Jefferson store for a number of yeafr, said the Boone store will carry a complete line of furniture, house furnishings, cooking ranges and heaters. The new store ia located in the Cannon building on the Bristol Road in West Boone, most recent ly occupied by the Watauga Trad ing Post. The local manager is Mr. Sidney Wilson, who has had sixteen years' experience in the furniture busi ness in Boone, and Mr. Carl Fran cis will also be on hand most of ' the time, It was announced. Turn ? Dm m Dim ?! "High-Sharp-and Euy" tuning k>cki in your channel per fectly, The new "Living Image" pic ture i* dear and critp You hear Balanced Fidelity Sound . . . rich and full! But com* ia ? M* the Cum today I ??? **iif nt imr rtOVM ? krtffct. iNff, UHf ? OHUmI, wmmmm* ? -???z'wmmmmm i Mim. 241 tq. In. vlmbW 4 ?r?. IWy ehrM In *fc?ny MnWi; WWW * ?"??* oak ?r?tn?4 lb?- * lakes txtrc. 31T715. Alt a kM Hm Kiln* l KA Vhtar tartar? Sank* CwMil 510 Down Delivers Political Campaigns IN YOUR LIVING ROOM THE MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL World Series BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3 COLLEGE AND PROFESSIONAL ? Football Games Entertainment ? Education ? Relaxation SWOFFORD'S BOONE. N. Q. Opening lire Store In Gty W. ft Triplet! and I. C. Greene, week of the Boone Tire and Auto Supply Company In the bvllding formerly occupied by the Brown * Graham Motor Company on Eaat King Street Although the new store if now open for business, a gala grand I opening ia planned for a later date. 1 and registering is now in progrea* for valuable prices to be given away at this event, the owners said. Date of the grand^ opening event will be announced soon. It was announced that the store will deal in B. F. Goodrich tires and batteries, Kelvin* tor home appliances. Motorola television and radios, and other small ap pliances and auto accessories. Willow Vallev m News Items Mr . and Mrs Custer Ward visited with Mr. and Mrs. BUI Kirby of Vilas Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shull and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Isaacs visited Sunday . afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Conley Isaacs of Bethel com munity. Mr. Dean James visited with Truett Isaacs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ball left this past week for their Florida home, after spending the past few months in their summer home of this community. Mr. awl Mr* Da rid Ward spent the week and visiting with Mr. and Mn. Wlllard Rominger of ftotniagar, N. C. Marvin Thomas Taken By Death Marvin P. Thomas, 08, o f Chil howie, Virginia died Saturday, September 22, In Mountain Home Hospital, Johnson City, Tennesaee. 1 He waa a reaident of Mabel for many yean, moving to Virginia in 1MB. He ia survived by hia widow, Mra. Golda Kirby Thomas, one ion, Burl Thomas, one daughter, Mrs. Lucille Thomas Martin, all >f Chilhowie, Virginia. Four bro thers, Alfred, Spencer, and Ham, ill of Mabel, and Bob Thomas of Trade, Tenn. One sister, Mrs. Em ma Campbell of Mabel and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sun lay, September 23, at Chilhowie, with burial also at Chilhowie. A targe four-engine KC47 re cently took ifl N I 90,000-mile trip around Ike world. Equipped with ? conk ray monitor, the plan* will itudy tha lmgnatic forces around the earth. Hi AT ? PUBLIC AUCTION Sale on Friday, October 5 1956 mt 10:00 A. M. Elcvci Acres, to be mM to tote ?r wH tract*, tocated M Ftoe Baa iMd, ikMt half allt Mrttwt af Hifhway tit n I hard i?a4, electricity, telepfcaae, Ball raate aad achaai few. 1? 4-KOdM HOUSE I. J. BINGHAM, Administrator WE HANDLE ALL KINDS OF COAL Order Early and Take Advantage of Summer Price* Cannon Service Station 531 West Main Street BOONE, N. C. ftulck SOCIAL 6-Poss?ng?r 4- Door *rvi#fa Its a Great 'lime to Strike a Bargain B>mm h-Myt B*ck) &aa aaga mmm\ jy*?jL ? v -fc. I I W #l th> ^"* ? >?* ?*^? <y?*? tr*^!!i^*? ? - * R08Bi& I A mIiiimih Ul-L. m (La 111 -Jll ?--? My |9 ^ wlwWy? W^pW* WV IlfW ?W BwWw Win 7^ M ? ? ^1 f MiLam |fft|1 ? ? mm tMm tft Lamum* 1a - J- _pl? . m? VariaM* PHcfc Dynotow.* I f ? Mm most liicwwJ tr?*- I I minim y? <?wli>i< ?< Hm wly m Hwt tmb wMfc ? I* Lf||Ui |M|| MM wtf "? ?nn^p jw Fffw 9wimv*pvi%n pviTvnvvoiKv vhh ^ ?f Mm I ? ' ? -?? ?'. ~rl.Ua M n?E?Bwt. | With Buick booming up in the No. 3 sales spot, we're set to rate your car at its peak trade-in worth right now. With only two smaller cars outselling Buick? you can be sure we know how to make you happy on price. And see how much more your dollars buy here . . . ?The fun of Variable Pitch Dynaflow* with its thrilling switch-pitch action. The irfight of Buick's big V8 engine. ?And the luxury of Buick's ride? a ride that knows no equaL Why don't you come in today? 'New Advanced Vmriable Fitch Dynaflmc U the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It U standard on Headmaster, Super and Century ? optional at modut axtra coat on the SpaciaL time - m COM NW LOW MIC* jUje 9 _ II ?nk ??**. o* Mhm Mm -to brf* V9m im (vlcfc ?M finvliM ??nw AVTOMOMUS Mi Mm? MriCK WtU MM* THCM GREENE_BUICK, INC.__ 4M WEST KING STREET Deri*T L ow's The Time To Lay Away Gifts For Christmas ELECTRIC RAZORS WATCHES JEWELRY PENS - PENCILS CIGARETTE LIGHTERS * RECORD PLAYERS And Gifts Of All Kinds SHOP AND SAVE AT WALKER'S JEWELRY STORE W. King St. Boone, N. C.

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