Local Affairs Uj» Conley Witcoj of Vtta« (pent tact week with Mr. and Mrs Carl Wilcox at Boone. Mrs. Joe Hardin has returned fro* a week's visit with her hus band in White Plains, New York. Mr W. H. Gra« attended the North Carol tea State Fair In Ra leigh tact week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilcox spent Monday in West Jefferson visiting relatives. Mr. George Walton of Charlotte spent a few dajn in Boone last week, Mrs. Herbert Wey, who has been a patient at Watauga Hospital for the past week is improving. • Mrs. C. C. Cook, who is teaching in Greensboro, spent the week end at her home In Blowing Rock. Mrs. Olen Younee spent the week end in Hickory visiting her mother, Mrs. L. W. Powell. Mrs. Jeter Hicks of Chadeston, S. C., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller. Jr. last week. Mr.' and Mrs L. E. Tuckwiller and children, Hilda and Jane, visited relatives in Greenbriar County. West Va., last week. Mr. and Mr*. W. B. Thomas and daughter, Pat, of Taylortville visited Mrs. Thomas' mother, Mrs. R. K. Bingham, last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie McConnell and son. Bain, of Winston-Salem visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McConnell, last week end. Mrs. Lucy Honeycutt of Spruce Pine visited Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Vance and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buchanan over the week end. Miss Laura Holshouser of Wo man's College, Greensboro, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holshouser. Mr. and Mrs. R. /H. Massey and family of Hardin Street, Boone, spent the week end at their home in Newtand. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cole at tended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Mollie Estes, Sunday at Bel Air, Md. Mr. R. W. McGuire of Norfolk, Virginia, visited with hia family and his mother, Mrs. Jessie Mc O'Ure, over the week end. Miss Joann Aldridge of Chapel Hill spent the week end with her parents. Major and Mrs. Carlos De Lima. Mr. Kenneth Perry, assistant county agent of Ashe county visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hart zog last week end. Rev. and Mrs. 0. L. Brown of High Point visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rufty and Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Dougherty last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hartxog and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hartaog visited relatives in Ashe county last week end. Mr. and Mr*. Ted Hagaman vere week end guesta of Mr*. Hagaman's parents, Mr. and Mr*. L. B. Braawell, in Monroe. Mn. C. M. Lecka of Newland visited her listen, Mn. Ralph Winkler and Mr. Winkler, and Mra. C. B. Angell last week. Mrs! John A. Johnson of Falr iille, N. J. is viaiting Aer parents, fir. and Mn. 0. 2. Hollars, thia week. Mr. 11. C. Bggen of MounUin City, Tenn. visited Thursday with a brother, Mr. S. C. Eggen and family. Mn. Charlej Lecke of Newland spent last Monday and Tuesday in Boone with her aiater, Mn. C. B. Angell. . The condition of Mr. Jim Ra lean, who suffered a heart attack last week, and has been a patient at Watauga Hoapital since then, is very much improved. 8 Mrs. X H. Bagley of Newnan, Georgia, and Mn. C. T. Hopgood tt Jasper, Florida, were guests rver the week end with Mra. Bag ley's daughter, Mn. J. M. Gaither. Mr. and Mn. Dean Reese of Beaver Dam entertained Mr. and Mn. Lewis Reeae at • dinner Sun day honoring Mr. Lewi* Reeae on hit birthday. Mr. «wl Mn. Wiley Trivett spent 10 day* her* visiting Mr. Trivette's sister and brother-ln law, Mr. and iMn. Gurney Notrla Before return ing to their home In Denver, Colo l.do. they will visit relatives in Av •ry county, Tennessee. Kentucky, ■nd Kansas. Mr and Mn. Trlv i?tt plan to make this their home \fter Mr*. Trivett's reitrement m ■ ' t ■ " Mr. and Mrs Red Merley and two daughters, Beth and Kay. at Chapel Hill (pent the week end with Mr and Mr* Lewis Reese in Boone. Dr. and Mrs. G. K. Mooae visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. Y Marsh and frand daughter, Sally, in Charlotte last week. Born t« Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Parrish of Hickory Saturday, a son, Harry Lee Parrish III. Mrs. Parrish was formerly Miss Edith Odom of Boone. Mrs. Ray Harrill and sons, Joe and Baxter, and Mrs. Harvey Owens of Castoaia, were recent guests of their parenta, Mr. and Mi* J. C. Cooke Mr. and Mrs. W H. Randall and daughter. Dianne, of Lillington. are visiting this week with Mrs. Randall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Knight of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Mikeal, also of Charlotte, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. C. Mikeal at Todd Mr. Jimmy Holahouser, who is a student at the University of North Carolina, has returned home and will remain for an indefinite period because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller and children, Jdte and Kate, attended the North Carolina State Fair in Raleigh last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Gragg of Greensboro were week end visi tors with their father, Mr. George Gragg, and other relatives in Boone and the county. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Kephart have returned from Philadelphia where they visited Mrs. Kephart's brother, Mr. W. E. Dill. They also visited a daughter. Miss Margaret Kephart, in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klutz, Cindy Klutz artd Betsy Rogers spent the oast week end in Raleigh visiting Larry Klutz, a student at State College, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Greene and Johnny. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Greer and Nancy Dancy of Vilas attended the rocfc'iW'hoH -show In Charlotte Wednesday of last week. While there they visited Mrs. J. Barnes and Mrs. Elmer Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farthing and children Eddie, Betsy and Rickie of Charlotte were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Farthing and Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Harris. Mrs. C. G. Hodges, Mrs. D. W. Cook, Mrs. Louisa Norris and Miss Stella Barnes attended the State Fair In Raleigh last week and de monstrated weaving and other mountain handicrafts. Stanley A. Harris, Jr., of Balti more, Md., arrived Monday for a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Harris. Mrs. Harria, Jr., will join him here on Thursday after a visit with her par enta in Winaton-Salem. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Canfield of Philadelphia have moved Into the Claude Miller house on Orchard Street. Mr. Canfield came to Boone last week to work as Sales Mana ger at the International Resist ance Company's Boone plant. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hodges at Sands were Mr. Marvin Harmon and son of Kings Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Dover and Mr. and Mrs. Letter Harmon and sons. Dale and Dickie, also of Kings Mountain. Mrs. J. C. Cline returned home Sunday after a week's vacation in New York City. Accompanying her on the trip were Mrs. L. C. Hester of Hiekory, Mrs. W. G. Little of Jefferson, and Mrs. Oscar Osborne of Mouth of Wilson, Va. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Wary, who have been visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Linney, for the past few weeks' returned to their home In Kearney, Nebraska Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Linney accompanied then to Asheville Lt. Col. and Mrs. Henry Jackaon of Pine Castle Air Force Base, Orlanda, Florida, and their child ren, Kenneth sad Manila, have re turned to their home la Florida after visiting with Mrs. Jackson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Hol lars, the past two weeks. ■ • ^ Miss Ines Orotee of New York aad Bogota, South America at tended the A8TC Homecoming Saturday week. Her brother, Her man, who la studying at Clemaon College Joined her In Boone. Miss Oroaco and her brother wore guests of Mr aad Mrs V. B Mast tiartaj Dr and Mrs W L Wilhelm of Memphis, Tenn. left Wednesday after « visit with Mrs Wilhelm1* mother, Mrs D, J Cottrell and other relative* here. ' Mrs. J. H. Ctawson. aged resi dent of the Meat Camp section, la a patient at Btowinf Rock Hot pital. where she was taken fallow ;a* a heart attack Friday evening. Late reports indicate her condition is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. George Greene, i Mr. and Mrs. G.' C. Greene, Jr. and' two sons, Cal and Bill, visited in Raleigh Sunday, where Mrs. G. C. Greene Jr. was met by her mother, Mrs John Smith ,of Washington, N. C., and she and the two boys accompanied Mrs. Smith home for a week's visit in Washington. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Norris of Boone. Mr. O. J. Miller of Deep Gap and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Houek of Todd last week were Mr. and MH. Lon Nor ris, Mr. and Mrs. Ronda Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norris and Mis* Betty Norris. all of Cleve land. Ohio. Mrs. Houck returned to Cleveland with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Maltba of Beaumont. Texas, are spending a week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Maltba of Valle Crucis and a sister, Mrs. D. M. Fdmistcn. Jr., of Boone. They have traveled 0.000 miles and visited eighteen states during the past month. Mr. Maltba is with the Texas Co., and is Chief Boatswain on the S. S. Washington. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Schaeffer at their home on Orchard Street the past week were Mr. Schaeffer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schaeffer of Philadel phia, Pa., and Mrs. Schaeffer's mother. Mrs. O. Barnes and her aunt, Mrs. A1 Lesta of Philadel phia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Schaeffer are new residents of Boone, Mr. Schaeffer being connected with the International Resistance Com pany here. Mrs. John Lanning and daugh ter, Dinah, have returned to their home here after snending the past week in Raleigh with Mr. Lanning, who Is working there. They at tended the State Fair and visited numerous places of interest. Mrs. Lanning sayi the most surprising snd interesting place in the Capi tol Is the new North Carolina Museum of Art. She hopes to re turn soon and spend more time studying the different schools and periods of art. Miss Mary Jon Lanning joined her family, in Ra leigh Friday and attended the State Fair with them Saturday be fore their return home. Blowing Rock Sets Carnival The Blowing Rock PTA annual carnival will begin at six o'clock on Saturdsy, October 27, at the school gymnasium. Th« public is cordially invited to come early and stay late. Gloria Swanson is weighing a television starring role. IN 5 MINUTES YOU CAN MAKE CREAMY FAILURE PROOF FUDGE «-~«s-L.J Yoo cio make fudge. America'* favorite candy, that's failure proof and always crcamy smooth in ji*t 6«r minutes with this simple recipe. la this Chocolate Mint Fudge it's the evaporated milk tfwt gives the creamy •moodiness vhich in old-fashioned fuJ/te retired l»i/t vlgorou* beat inf. You'll fat perfect results every lime without aunt a candy thermometer or (aft bait teats. Cold weather is traditionally the season for malting candy at home. With this quick recipe you'll wttt Jn make Chocolate Mint Fudge often for family nibblers. for visitors and for holiday gifts. Remember, the most appreciated gift is often the aoe yon make yourself. , FIVE-MINUTE CHOCOLATE MINT PUDGE fauna Aaour J poummi i* mm i«m i*t ..nbmi... m mm. "» tfmmf >■«;*»■» iLwwl'^ewfwI * m •» - -■■■■■■ ."ilk • kaal flr.WM . • it inj| lO I Combine butter, evaporated milk, sugar and salt fa quart heavy sauce • L^yl f rtflL 4 ■ niiniilM aiirrsna ■ . - * v / fffinuiCT, EVVtiifi|i cofivfEiNiyi < Start tirnxu when mivture start* to "MUe" around edges of put.) Retwva fiom heat. fiM in maeskiMltovs. chocolate chaps, peppermint e* tract and nvtt Stir yiaMDtnly for I minute oe until nunhmailowe are coatplelely melted an) blended, pour into 9-iacfc square butter pan and allow to cool. Cm into squares Tcj^etfh square with * colored mint wafer if you want to nuke the fudge ittirs Official Of College Cli MISS VIRGINIA BURGIN Miss Virginia Burgln of Grand father Home and daughter of Mm Arthurine Burgin of Boone was selected vice president of the freshman class at Lees McRae College. Banner Elk. She is also a cheerleader. She attended Cranberry High School where she was a cheer leader. studied dramatics, belong ed to the Beta Club and also school pianist. Her major subject is music and Bible. She's the church organist at First Presbyterian Church at Ban ner Elk. She plans to transfer to Bera College in Kentucky after two years at Lees McRae. Boone Women At DKG Gathering The Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma was the host ess chapter for the birthday anni versary of District V this year, which was held October 20, in the O. Max Gardner building at Gard ner-Webb College, Boiling Springs. Representatives from aeven chap ters attended. Members of the National Honor Society for Women Teachers were present from chap ters at Asheville, Charlotte, Gas ton'a. Hickory, Boone. Monroe, and Shelby. The following members from Alpha Gamma Chapter who went were Miss Catherine Smith, Mrs. Chapell Wilson. Mrs. D. J. White ner, Mrs. John Horton, Mrs. Kath ryn Tully, Mrs. Edna S. Bivins, Mrs. C B. Eller and Miss Thelma Laws. Wedding Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Lew W. Demarcus of Winston-Salem announce the marriage of their daughter, Judy Leigh Sherrill, to Mr. William Bo lick of Blowing Rock, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bolick of Blowing Rock, on Wednesday. October It. Mr. and Mrs. Bolick will make their home in Lenoir where Mr. Bolick is employed by Southern Bell Telephone Co. Laxon Club Is fj f Formed Monday A Ml Home DeoiorUtritlon Club for Uie Laxon community wu organued Monday afternoon In the home of Mr*. Murray Brown, ac cording to an announcement by Miss Jean Childers, home agent. Officer* were elected a* follow*: President. Mr*. Mack Brown; vice president, Mr*. Bill Brown; seere tary, Mr» Glenn Ford; treasurer, Mr*. Worth Clawson; reporter, Mr*. Ora Brown. Project leader* were (elected and plan* were made for the reg ular monthly meeting* to be the second Wednesday in each month, at 1:30 p. m. The November meet ing will be in the home of Mr*. Ora Brown. The home agents, Miss Childers and Miss June Street, directed the meetings. Music And Art Group Gathers The Music and Art Department of the Boone Woman's Club met with Mr*. John Horton at her home at Vila* Thursday evening, October 16, at 7:M. Mr*. Dewitt Barnett was asaociate hostess and program chairman. The theme of the program was "Spirituals", and Mrs. Johnny Barnett gave a talk on the origin of spirituals, singing several numbers to illustrate her talk.. The house was beautifully de corated with arrangements of chrysanthemums and colorful leaves denoting the fall aeason. Pumpkin pie topped with whipped cream and coffee were served af ter the business session and pro gram. Mrs. 0. L. Brown was a guest. Mfiitone P 'am all 1 dry cleaning quality I Our Sanitone Dry Cleaning actually get* your clothes so clean they look like new again. , Colon, patterns, i and textures are 1 fully restored . .. I perspiration's \ gone obmpletely 1 and no tell \ tale cleaning \ odor remains. I Call for \ service | today. TRAILWAY CLEANERS, Incorporated AM M41I — Boom, N. C. Pick-op and Delivery Sorvte* SUPPORT YOU* GIVE ONCI FOB ALL UNITED FUND •istrict Clubwomen To Gather In 'TW*PV*fwlvii; • 7.1 Some SO members ot Senior and Junior Women's Club* from 17 or ganisation* In weafcrn North Caro lina are expected to attend the annual meeting of the Third Dis trict of the North Carolina Feder ation of Women's Clubs to be held in the First Baptist Church of Boone Thursday. October SS, be ginning at 10:0 a. o>. Mrs. Ivey Moore, of North Wilkesboro, district president, will preside State and general federa tion offirers who will be in at tendant* at the meeting are Mrs. Aubrey Mauney of Kings Moun tain. president: Mrs. James Harp er, Jr., of Southport, second vice president and director of districts; Miss Marjorie Yokely of Mount Airy, third vice-prMldcnt and di rector of Juniors; snd Mrs. Ed ward M. Anderson-of West Jeffer son, genera) federation treasurer. The meeting will open with a business session Thursday morn* Ing and luncheon will be served af terward by the Boone Junior Wo man's Club, with another session to be held after lunch and adjourn ment about 2:30. The third district is composed of clubs from Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery. Burke, Caldwell, Ca tawba, Iredell. Watauga and Wllkef counties, with a membership total of over 1,900. Rspid U. S. economic growth Is feared as unhealthy. Miss Ragan Is With The FBI Mi*s Carole Sue R»gan. daugh ter of Mr. and Mr*. John H Ragan, formerly of Todd, mow of Butch inaon, Went Virginia, left Sunday October Slat for Washington. D. C. where she hai accepted a posi tion with the Y. B. t. Mine Kuan a '86 graduate ot Logan High School, Logan. Wert Virginia, where the waa active la Future Nurse*. Ti^Hl-Y. Library and Prayer Clubs, was entertained with a farefell party last week Hoateaa for the event being Mr* Marguriete Rukae. Twenty-four of her friend* attended. The Ragan* have a son, John Jr., who is in his junior year at Logan High School. WtMW**' snccd by lovely or chid Japanese chrysanthemums, wm laden with a variety of delici ous tea sandwichea. salad and dainty pastries. » >(!' An informal program of group singing led by Mw Kenneth Lin ney at Ute piano, included a musi cal tribute of "Bless This House" to Mrs. Alice Hardin upon her completion of 69 year* in her pre sent home. Mrs. Rankin waw also honored with a birthday tribute. Quests were Mrs. K. D. Wary of Kearney, Nebraska, and Mrs. Woeatermeyer, mother of Mrs. Van Noppen, of Kansas City and Boone. DOGWOOD WANTED Convert your dogwood to Dollar*. For specification* or cash on delivery, contact your local buyer DEWEY HODGES Route 3, Box 27 Boone, N. C

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