we painted the road*, put up road ligns. made bu« cut-outs with their Mr. Creese's 4th and 5th Grade* The fourth grade ha* »pent the put few dajr* making globe*. We blew up round balloons and put paner and pa*U on the outride. When the paper and put* had hardened, we painted the (lobe* blue. The next *top wa* to draw all the continent* on the (lobe and paint them different color* Wa are studying the world in oar (octal *tudle* book*. Alice Hicka wa* elected presi dent of the fifth grade. We are *orry that Eunice Caldwell left u*. She moved to Wert Virginia. We have been doing paper sculpture work in art Some of U* made funny-looking face* out of colored con*truction paper Mr*. Michael'* Seventh Grade We enjoyed two new filmitrip* which were very appropriate for the time*. One waa "Through the Suet Canal." Since then we have been more conscious of the new* and it ha* a clearer meaning for priaed at the number of worker* it take* to keep the Suez Canal in repair and to operate. The other filmstrip wa* "How We Ele?t Our President." D|acue*lona on party platforma, campaign*, the elector al vote, and the popular vote' help ed u* to better understand the re turn* aa given over television on the night of November •. Two groun* of student* have worker faithfully on the class room bulletin board in our hall. Both did a splendid piece of work y Tii mi— The giria 'a our ytih tk» Wr of the ctaea artiat J D U SbSEiC3-it?-z of the buUdtnt We have the PU (rinu gotag to dmrctuaad what a I»«< d»pict»d a typ**J Hlgriai village. At the top of the diaplay we remind all that 'America Should Count Ita Bleaainga And Be TfeankfeL" We appreciate Mm Michael'* help with tbia bulletin Comfort Vital To Good Looks There waa a time when comfort wa« the laaet conaidered element of faahien. However, deaignera have mh