im ention—docia IJC ctivities L. RIVERS, Editor — Home Telephone AMherst 4-3889 — Office Telephone AMherst 4-3812 Local Affairs Dr. Mary Michal spent the week end «t her home in Waynesville. Mrs. Bill Alexander and son, David, visited friends in AahevUle ever the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bingham and Mr and Mrs. J. C. Cook visitod re latives in StatesviUe Sunday. Mrs. H. K. Bingham is a patient at the Davis Hospital in Statmville for a few days treatment. Messrs W. C. Miller, John S. Miller and Perry Potter are spend ing ten days in Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Bynuna CUwson of Boone Route 2 are spending the week in Florida. Mrs. Charles Lecka of Newland spent last Thursday in Boone with one of her sisters, Mrs. C. B. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. John Cox Jr. and children were week end visitors with their mother, Mrs. John Cox Sr. at Todd. Sgt. and Mrs. A1 Greer of Sump ter. South Carolina, spent the past week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Phillips. Mr. Hooper Triplett of Inde pendence, Virginia, visited his sis ter, Mrs. Gilbert F. Mast, and fam ily Sunday. X Mrs. Charles Taylor, who has been seriously ill at her home at Valle Crucis, is very much improv ed. W. H. Gragg spent a few days in Raleigh the first of this week at tending a meeting of the North Carolina Industrial Committee. Mr. R. L. Barber, father of Mrs. Julian Yoder left Sunday for Tam pa, Florida, to spend a few months. Mr. Sherman Younce and ion David Tommy of Baltimore, visit ed recently with Mr. and Mr*. John S. Miller of ZionviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Billy A. Greene of Vilas had as visitors Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Kenns and children, Jimmy and Jenny, of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rufty attend ed the North Carolina Dairy Pro ducts Association meeting in Pine hurst last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Joines spent Sunday at Hudson visiting Mr. Joines nephew, H. Joines and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Estes visit ed Mrs. Estes' mother, Mrs. H. Moore in Do boon over the put week end. Mrs. Frank Estes received in formation her nephew, Hade Gragg, is seriously ill in the Moore General Hospital in Aaheville. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Newt Blackburn Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A Sebastian of North Wilkes boro. Mrs. Charlie McGuire spent the week end with her brother, Mr. Walter Moreti and his family in Lenoir. Visiting Mrs. Edward Mast over the week end were her daughter, Miss Arlene Mast, and Mr. Ray McKinney, of Kannapolia, and Mrs. Jay Edmisten of Kingsport, Tenn. Mr. J. E. Clay, who has been spending the past two weeks at Sanford, Florida, where he ia building a new home, returned to Boone this week. C. C. Ragan, who suffered a heart attack In October, ia slowly improving at his home on Oak Street and is able to be up part of the day. Guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Howell of Todd were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price of Gas tonla. J. J. Greer ha* returned to Boone from ■ few week* visit with hi* son, P. W. Greer, at Old Fort Mr. Greer live* with another ion, Ralph Greer and family in Boom Mrs. W. A. Christie of Beams ville, Ontario, Canada, arrived Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Graham at their home, Normeade, in the Bamboo section. Miss Regina Tait, who has been visiting her family since before Christmas, left last week end for Louisville, Ky. where she is a stu dent at the Baptist Seminary, training for missionary work. Mr. and Mrs. F. W McCracken, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc Cracken and Donna visited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Blanton and their daughter, Lynna, at Fort Mill, South Carolina, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Graydoo Greer of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Greer of Atlanta, Ga. visit ed their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greer, over the past week end. Mrs. Arkie Bryan received word the past week end of the birth of a daughter to her son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Bryan, who ara living in Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ragan and children, Mary, Barbara, Michal and Brenda. of LeMir, spent the past week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B Ragan of Route 2, Boone, in the Meat Camp sect Dr. and Mra. R. H. Harmon visit ed Mr. U. J. Jones in Catawba where he U improving at his home. Mr. Jonec is the father of Mrs. Harmon and has been critical ly ill in the hospital for several weeks. Mr. Fred Councill attended the Furniture Market in Chicago the past two weeks and on his return to Morganton, where he is work ing, stopped over with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Councill and spent the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Meyer of Baltimore, Md., announce the birth of a daughter on January IS, who has been named Kather ine Mae Meyer. Mrs. Meyer is the former Mrs. Thelma Miller Dent of Boone. Julio Castro of San Salvador, South America, who has been liv ing in the home of Mrs. M. P. Critcher while attending school in Boone, left Saturday for New York City, where he will enroll in a school there. Lt. Jim Gold of Appalachia, Va., who baa recently been discharged from the V. S. Navy after four years of service, visited friends in Boone laat week end. Lt Gold is a graduate of Appalachian State Teachers College. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and two of their children, Jobhny and Tommy, viaited Mrs. Taylor's bro thers, Walter and Sam Bingham, and their families in Kings port, Tenn. and her sisters, Mr*. Lil Brooks and Mri. Lunda Nobles, over the week end. Mr. and Mr*. Joe Hipp of Salis bury have announced the birth of a daughter on January 8 at the Rowan Memorial Hospital, Salis bury. The baby has been named RhesT bou. Mrs. Hipp is the for mer Miss Lucille Johnson of Reese. Mrs. J. C. Cook visited her two daughters, Mrs. Harvey Owens and family, and *Mr» Ray Harrill and family, in Gastonia last week. She also visited two sisters, Mrs. Mc Coy Moretz and Mrs. Marshall Courtney, and their families in Charlotte while she was away. Mrs. W. R. Winkler has return ed from a three-week visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moir in Mount Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Moir recently an nounced the birth of a son, Ronald Jtffry. The Moir's oldest son, Michael, who haa been seriously ill during t|ie past few weeks. Is very much improved. Mr. and Mm. Paul Weston left Sunday for a motor trip down the east coast to Miami, Florida, and back up the west coast of Florida, visiting friends in St Petersburg and other Florida cities. They plan to stop and see the Guy Goodmans at Seista Key, Sarasota, on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lane and Mrs. Gurney Norris attended the funeral for Mr. Coy Kelly in Eli zabethton, Tennessee Monday. Mr. Kelly married a niece of Mrs. Norris and a cousin of Mrs. Lane. Mr. Kelly was also a cousin of Mr. Richard Kelly of Boone. He died of a heart attack in a down town drug store Saturday. Weddings Are Announced HILDA C. MAINE Mr. and Mrs. Ivan E. Church of Zionviile, announce the marriage of their daughter, Hilda Sue Church, to George Franklin Maine of Trade. Tenn., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gill Maine. The wedding took place in Trade December 23. PEGGY C. MAINE Mr. and Mr*. Ivan E. Church of Zlonville, announce the marriago of their daughter, Peggy Geraldine Church, to W. C. Maine of Trade Tenn., son of Mr. and Mri. Ben Main. The wedding took place in Boone January 14. Miss Oliver Is Party Honoree Miss Lois Oliver of Mabel was honored on her 17th birthday, January 19th, with a party given by her mother, Mrs. Barnie Oliver and her friend, Mattie Swift. Games were played and refresh ments were served to about 30 guests by Charlotte Burkett and Connie Oliver. The honoree re ceived several useful gifts. Garden Club Hears Mr. Pease The Blue Ridge Garden Club met on January 19 at the home of Mrs. William Matheson, with Mrs. G. K. Moose and Mrs. Paul Cof fey as assistant hostesses. A delicious luncheon was serv ed," after which Mr. T. K. Pease addressed the club; his subject was "Evergreens of the Blue Ridge." A feature of the meeting was an exhibition of line arrange ments made of evergreens, creat ed by the club members. Guests of the hostesses were Mrs. B. J. Councill and Mrs. H. F. Woeste meyer. Parkway PTA Meets Friday The Parent-Teachers Association of the Parkway School will meet at 730 Friday night, January 29, with the program to be presented by the Fifth grade. All members are urged to attend. More Society On Page Two I Miss Glenn# Robinson, Mr. Everett Wed Photo by Paul Weston Studio MR. AND MRS. FORREST LYNN EVERETTE Misi Glenn* Louise Robinson became the bride of Mr. Forrest Lynn Everett, Jr. of Jefferson, Ohio, in a double ring ceremony, performed by the Rev. Barnie Oliver In the Beaver Dam Baptiat Church, Saturday, December 22. Baskets of pink and white glad ioli and pink roses decorated the church altar. Pianist was Miss Lois Oliver. Given in marriage by her father, the' bride wore a princess style dress of white wool, fashioned with three quarter length sleeves and a roll collar. She wore a small white hat with short veil. She car ried a purple orchid surrounded by lillies of the valley, with white satin streamers. Mrs. Phyllis Norris of Sherwood, as maid of honpr, wore a princess style dress of blue wool, featuring a v-nackline and short sleeves. She wore a matching hat and car ried a bouquet of pink carnations. Bridesmaids, Miss Blanda Rob inson, sister of the bride, and Miss Mary Lee Creed, both of Reese, wore dresses identical to that of the maid of honor, with matching headbands and similar bouquets. Best man was Mr. Blan Norris, uncle of the bride. Ushers were Ernest Stout and Russell Swift, both of Reese. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Serv ing were Mrs. Cecil Swift and Misa Ella Norris. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robinson of Reese wis graduated from Bethel High School. She attended Steed Col lege of Technology in Johnson City, Tennessee for one year. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Everett of Jefferson, Ohio, was graduated from Jefferson High School and is in the U. S. Navy, stationed at Norfolk, Va., where they will reside following their wedding trip to visit the groom's parents in Jefferson, Ohio. Brushy Fork Club Meets Brushy Fork Home Demonstra tion Club met Thursday night, January 17th at the home of Mrs. Juanita Wilson. The meeting was called to order by the president Each member gave a Bible verse for devotional and the club collect was repeated by all. The secretary read the minutes of last meeting. Year books were then filled out for 1067 with officers, project leaders, demonstrations for each month and places to meet. Miss Jean Childers gave an In teresting demonstration on "Take a Look at Your Self." For recrea tion Misses Wanda Wilaon and Kathryn Warren played and sang. Mrs. Wilson served delicious re freshments to nine member* and five visitors. Sbe was assisted by Mrs. Elsie Danner. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ivanlee Dancey. End Of Month Clearance Sale '/> to Vi OFF '• i'Jj Store Hours 9:15 a. tn. to 6:00 p. m. CHI&REN'S It SHOPf ■ I ii ' i i ■ Golden Wedding Is Observed Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Wyke cele brated their Golden Wedding An niversary at their hone la Beene •t an Open House from 2 00 p. m. to 940 p. oi Suodaf. Some 180 fittest* called during the afternoon. Arrangements of yellow and gold aaaorted flower* and gold ribbon bowi were uted on the table* and throughout the house at decora tion*. The table from which punch and cake were lerved to the gueatx wu covered with a beautiful Irish Linen Damask sloth, and centered with the four-tiered cake The many beautiful gifts were displayed in an adjoining room on smsll tables decorated with gold ribbon bows. Their four children, who were all present, include Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Wyke snd family of Hickory, Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Wyke and family of Lenoir, Mr and Mrs. Dsvid Greene and son. Glen, of Knoxville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henly and daughter, Kim, of Knox ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wyke were mar ried in 1907 and in addition to their children they have IS grand children, and two great grandchil dren. Out-of-town guet* for the cele bration were Mrs. C. H. Henley, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Weens, snd Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rains, all of Knoxville, and Gene Wyke of Greensboro. Likes Sketches | Dear Mr. Rivers: Enclosed pliift tfad check for 12 00 covering nenewal of my sub scription to the "Watauga Demo crat- lor another year.. The pleasure 1 act from reading the colamn by "Stretch" Rollins is wortii two bucks • year, not to mention all the other fine feature* of the "Democrat" W ft. EATON Boone, N. C. • , ' , Omaha. Neb official* were poaed wit* * question recvutly. A Ml a tetter for a M and handed it heck to her with the comment it wm too heavy and wduld need another atafnp. "Weil," shrugged the woffiM. 'io* will rutting another stamp on it make ■H 1-7-4 V Dodgers purchase a big plane to transport team. rmfo Si L.

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