WANT ADS Watauga Democrat J _j >• x J WANT ADVERTISING BATE I CENTS A WORD—Me MINIMUM CHAKGK Cash Must Accompany All Orders sMe BOY# COMBAT BOOTS-Sizea S to «, $3 85 value, only (3.88. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone le GOOD USED Washers. Range*, and Refrigerators; also good used living room suite and bedrotan auite. EDMISTEN FURNITURE CO , W. King St , Boone 1 24-2c FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room apartment, steam heat. Mrs. I. S. Ayera. dial AH 44696. lc GET MORE VALUABLE CALVES by having your dairy cows brad to proven bulla. Call before 10:00 a. m. to AM 4-3061, or call Harold Farthing, Sugar Grove. 1S4-8C DODGE 48 H-ton panel, sell or trade for concrete mixer or labor. AM 4-3322. lc SHEEP FEED—Feed your ewea now and produce better lambs. We have a special formula for sheep feed. We can make your feed from your grain or we can furniah all of the ingredients. Watauga FCX Ben-ice, S. Water St., Boone. lc WOLVERINE Work Shoes are available at CHURCH'S. W. King St., Boone, N. C. lc FOR RENT—Six room house with automatic dishwasher. Furnace heated. Close in. Apply at West ern Auto Store. 1-17-tfc OPPORTUNITY FOR 4 LADIES— 2 full-time, $100 per week, 2 part time 990 per week, to help with New Year expansion program. Car necessary. Write Stanley Home Products, Route 1, Box 35, Boone, N. C. 1-10-Sc FOR RENT—5-room house, gar den, eow pasture. See Mrs. Arthur Adams, Route 1. Vilas, N. C. 1-10-tfc FOR SALE—30 acre farm with new house, near Butler, Tenn. A. S. McQueen, 104 W. Holston, Johnson City, Tenn. 1-3-tp WELL DRILLING promptly done. Latest and most modern equip ment. Experienced drillers. 3. Wayne Gragg, 602 Green OtreOt Phone AMherst 4-3657, Boone, N. C. 11-15-tfc good gulf Fuel oil. j.d Shoemake, dealer. Day phone 8970; night 3921 or 3630. 12-22-tfc GOOD GULF OIL PRODUCTS. J. D. SHOEMAKE, dealer, Watauga and Ashe counties. Day phone 8970, night 3921 or 3630. 12-22-tfc WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE any thing, anywhere, anytime. MAR Furniture Co, Vilas, N. C. l-8-tfc. WANTED to buy clean used house trailers. We also have for tale two good used trailers, and • •ew line of mobile hones. Wayne Johnson Motors, 231 E. Harper Ave, Lenoir, N. C. 1-10* GREETINGS. FOLKS! Some of you may have kinder forgotten about ua. So, let thla little eld ad ton yea une aa a whole "pea pickla'" pace; that we've got lota of good buyi on hand here at the awWi heat place to trade; and to auggeat you come aee for youraelf why our buaineaa ia good. While on the aubject of can and truck*—we're gonna list a few we think are the waving aart: 1956 CHRYSLER New Tarter 195® OLDS Holiday Saper M 4 dr. 1986 DODGE t dr. Uncer 1955 PLYMOUTH V* 4 dr. 1994 FORD Z dr. VI 1M4 PLYMOUTH t dr. IMS FORD S dr. Fewer Steering 1954 CHEVROLET Heavy Doty two ton Uuth hlg engine and good rubber. 1951 DODGE twa tea heavy duty— nice 1955 DODGE VI Ptekap We alio have a late model Sher man Ditcher mounted on a Ford tractor. A real bargain. It'i about time to begin thinking af Glbaon tractora. So. we're ready with a big new ahipment—alao have aome uaed onea. Folka, we eapecfelly want you to remember about our Hoaae Trail er lot. It'a loaded with all makaa new and uaed eoachee. We trade lor moat anything—give eaaieet fi nancing term* and "treat yon right.? Bring the kid* and coma over Son day afternoon to look over theae Mobile Homea. Youll Ma a tot of other folka hare If the weather ain't too bad. F. I- GERMAN MOTOR CO. fGraadto FalH. N. C. Chryaler-Ptyteouth Dodge CM • Tf'iWtff "A Square Deal feehind Every Mtt# - - - Dealer H* Ml CLINTON CHAINSAWS—See us for the new direct drive Clinton chainsaws. We are your autbori* ed dealer with a factory-trained service man. Watauga FCX Ser vice, S. Water St., Boone. le MEN'S~VnNTEir UNDERWEAR - «.7», two (or $1.00 Ala* Hanes, $1.98, aad some boyi' atill left in Hanec at 1.00. CHURCH'S. W. King St.. Booaw le YOU WANT TO KNOW what « chainaaw will do before you buy it Get a free demonstration of the new direct drive Clinton chalnsaw today at your Watauga FCX Ser vice, S. Water St., Boone. lc FOR SALE—Mule, 9 years old, 190ft pounds, gentle, wprfc any where. Gerald Cook, Deep Gap, N. C. (Rutherwood) Phone AH 4 3309. lp FOR RENT—3-room furnished apartment at 196 Queen St., heat and hot water furnished. Dial AM 4*6458 or AM 4-3721. le SWEATERS—Sizes 36 to 46. as sotted colors, 40 per cent wool, 12.96. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone. lc FOR SALE—1963 4-door Dodge Coronet. One owner. Extra good condition. *773. R. E. Agle—AM4 8603. 1-17-tfc PIANO BARGAIN: We are forced to pick up a beautiful little Con sole Spinet Plfno with matching bench. This piano is mahogany, with full keyboard, and will carry a new piano guarantee. Because of freight and moving charges in volved in the return of this piano to us, we will transfer to reliable party in this vicinity. For further information, write: Box 1063, Sal isbury, N. C. 1-17-2C INSURANCE AGENT WANTED Need an intelligent man or wo man, Watauga resident preferred. Most be 21 or over and have car. American Bankers Insurance Com pany will appoint a representative for this area: Chance of above average income. Write or call at AMEBKAN BANKERS INSUR ANctT CO., Wl Jaaksotu. Bldg., Asheville, N. C l-17-3p GRADE A EGGS, guaranteed fresh from Watauga County hens, 35c and up per dozen. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, lc MEN'S ODD COATS—$4.96 value for only $2.96. CHURCH'S, W. King St, Boone. lc LAND FOR SALE—r'om 50 to 100 acre* on Doe Fork of How ard's Creek, Rainbow Trail Road. Donald Killer, Rt. 2, Box 78, Boone. H7-2p WE STILL HAVE all sixes in boys' shirts. 2 to 18, at • saving you shouldn't miss. $1.00 to $1.49. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone, lc TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN —I have iold my (tore to Harold Farthing and will not be respon sible for any obligation* of the ■tore after January 10, 1067. CLYDE PERRY, Sugar Grove, N. C. l-17-4p WE STILL HAVE Men'* Insulated Boot* and'Shoes at price* you can afford. All of our boot* are being closed oat at big saving* to you. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Bo<me. lc HOME BAKED CAKES PARTY REFRESHMENTS CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY MRS. E. L. RAY 314 Locust, Phone AM 44078. | l-17-4p HOMEUTE CHAINSAWS—Sale*, service and repairs. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 1-17-tfc OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE Sale is still in progress. Cheek our ads on this page for outstanding values. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone. lc WANT TO BETTER YOURSELF? Let me explain and show yoa bow I have prospered as a Rawleigh Dealer in 8. W. Watauga. Good locality available adjoining me. Business already established 1 will help you get started. See R. G. Greer, Boone, or call AM 4 MM. or write W. T. Rawteigh Co., MCA-1BMM, Richmond, ta. 1-Mf NOTICE—This is to certify that Cook is no longer leasers. I do • dry cleaning and plek Brlng us your laundry and dry cleaning COOK'S AUTO MATIC LAUNDRY, earaer King •treat and Blowing Rock FOR SALE—Twine baled hay, Ml cent* • bale. MO. (M and HO a | tea Free delivery am MO Mm. W K Walker, Sugar Grow, M. C. 1 FOR KENT—Furnished bedroom, SOS Grand Blvd Mrs. BUI Reeec. MEN'S SUED* CLOTH SHIRTS —Value* to $2 40,'now only $198, two for $3 00 CHVRCHS, W King St, Boone. tc EAT MORE EGGS—They are one of the meet inexpensive ud bene fir ill foods Get yours fresh daily at your Watauca PCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. 1c LOMBARD CHAINSAWS — Sales and service. COVE CREEK STORE. Sugar Grove, N. C. 1-17-tfc HOUSE FOR RENT—One mile west of Boone. See Roger WUson, at Belk's Store. lp SEE THE 1$57 GARDNER * CAPRI Mobile Homes now on display. 41 Ft. Gardner—Sleeps 6 40 Ft. Capri—Cleeps 6 36 Ft. Gardner—Sleeps $ 33 Ft. Schuft—Sleeps 4—used. Low down payments, and up to 60 months to pay, on all new trail ers. — WAYNE JOHNSON MO TORS, Studebakcr, Packard, and Willys Dealers, 131 E. Harper Ave. Lenoir, N. C. 1-24-3C FOR SALE—Wooden Bedi, Dress er, Feather Ticks, 3 sets pillows. Mrs. Pearl Campbell Greene, Vilas, N. C. lp FOR SALE—Modern 5-room house with bath, barn, chicken house, 10 acre* level land. Brady Campbell, Vilas. lp MOBILE HOMES—Ten-foot wide models. Now arriving. Easiest terms. We trade for most any thing. F. L. German Motor Co., Granite Falls, N. C.. lc WANTED—Man to work on A grade dairy. Prefer man and wife or man and boy combination. Weekly salary, 4 room house, elec tric^ and water, garden, near church, school and stores. Must have had experience and be able to give references. Burley H. Shoun, Mountain City, Tetm., Phone 2303. lp FOR SALE on Cove Creek 3 stacks of hay. Edna Bingham, Daniel Boone Hotel. le SEE THE 1957 KNOX * NASHUA MOBILE HOMES NOW ON DISPLAY JANUARY SPECIALS 28- Ft. ONE BEDROOM, Only * $2999 39 Ft ONE BEDROOM Only 1 ' i tT'M 39 Fb TWO BEDROOM»,,«4|3 (Sleeps ?> only $34™ 40 Ft. TWO BEDROOMS, (Sleep* 7) only $3899 42 Ft TWO BEDROOMS (Sleeps 7) only $3895 49 Ft. TWO BEDROOMS, (Sleeps 7) only $4399 90 Ft. THREE BEDROOM, (with washer, colored ap pliances, colored bath fixtures, compare at $6499) only ..$9699 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS—UP TO I 60 MONTHS TO PAY TRUTRED TIRE CO. 772 4th St. DR. SW HICKORY, N. C. 1-24-2C FERTILIZER—You (till have time to get the 91.00 per ton diacourit by purchasing your fertilizer in January. Buy early and aave. Wa tauga PCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. le NOW TAKING ORDERS for bur ley tobaeco plants. Must have or ders by Febniary 15. R. H. Hend erson, Colletaville, N. C. l-24-4p FOR BALE—Pair mules, fanning tools, wagon, Guernsey cow, spring ing heifer. Norwood at Foecoe. l«t-2p WELL DRILLING WELL BORING PUMP SERVICE Serving Western North Carolina Since 1911 Free estimates. Featur ing new modern equip ment. Old experienced operators—with a repu tation to uphold. At competitive prices. Do mestic, commercial, in dustrial. Financing on any of these if preferred. Write as or come down or call collect. B. E. FAW & SONS, INC. Tel ephone 70, Box 529, Elfcln, N. C. 1-24-tfc 1909 aANMVPTCIFN There were 10,700 busine* fail arcs In the first ten months ef IMS, compared with 9,110 in the same periefl of 1900, according to a report by Dun k Bradstrest Li abilities totaled about 90 par eaat greater Mum in 1968. Bmineas mortality was highest among the young ««ttbliahii)ents — OttfrliMl of the (ailing firms being only atr><rt • rsar eld. About oSM>-hslf of the banfcraptrlea were hi retell FOR SALE—1J purebrfd Poland CUM shoata. AO 1# 123 pounds M S. Miller. ltMt* 2, Boom lp Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified at the admini strator of the estate of Larkin S. Having qualified as the admini trator of the estate of Larkin 8. I'ennell, deceased, late of tha county of Witauga, State of North Carolina, this u to notify those hstring claim againat Ik* estate of the said deceased to present them ithin 12 months of the date or this notice will be in bar of their recovery, indebted to the estate are C. EGGERS, Jr., Boone. N. C. M4c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pouwr of Mile contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by Harrison Church and his wife Iva Church and Archie Church and his wife Blanche Church, dated the lOthday of May, 1933, and record ed in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Book M at Page 44, at Boone, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the said deed of trust by the terms thereof being subject to foreclo sure, the undersigned wfll offer for sale, as trustee, at public anet» ion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Booae, North Carolina, at ttoelve o'clock noon, on the 19th day of Febru ary, 1937, thf property conveyed in the said deed of trust, th^ same lying and being in Watauga Town ship, Watauga County, North Caro lina, and bounded and described as follow*: ADJOINING the lands of Har rison Church,and others, and BE GINNING on a small hemlock and runs thence South 87 East 22 poles to a stake in H. McLean's line; thence with said line North 21 East 36 poles to a hemlock by a service; thence down and with the branch 32 poles to a stake, corner of the home tract; thence North 87 West 12% poles to a stake in Fred McLean's line; thence with his line South 24 East IS poles to a stake; thence South IS East 30 poles to the BEGINNING. But this salfe will be made sub ject to all due and unpaid taxes. This the 11th day of January, 1957. LOUIS H. SMITH, Trustee l-17-4c-b NORTH CAHOUNA WATAl'GA COUNTY Under sr and by virta* at Of nk contained In • emd of truM aaKuted 4 * _ d Wife, Dull* . dated the 1st fa* of ovember, 1955, and recorded in Book Nu. 74, page 307, In tbe of fice a* the Register uf of WatMKa County, North Carolina, defnutt Having been made in the puyOMrt of the indebtedness there by secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof mbject to foreclosure, and the undersign ed having been requested by the balder thereof to foreclose the same, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for caah at the Courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, at 3:00 o'clock P. M , on the 10th day of February, 1987, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lfteg and being in the County of Watauga and State •t North CareUaa, Stony Fork Township, and more particularly described as follow*: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a red oak, Thomas Faifthfld's corner, and run* North M Bast 39H poles to a chestnut, Colum bus Watson's corner; thence North U West 9 pates to a white oak; theace South 00 West 30 pales to a state; theace South 40 Wast 39 poles to a maple; theace a South east couraa 45 poles (actually South T9 East) to the BEGIN NING, containing 0 acre* and 10 square yards, being the land con veyed to Burl Church, et ux. by deed recorded in Book 56, pas* 037. for Watauga Couaty. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING « a red oak tree and runs IVbrtfc 79 West 24Vi poles to s stake by a maple tree; thence South 28 West 17 poles to a white pine: thence South 12 West 22 1-4 pole* to a dogwood by the branch; thence South 00 East 4% pole* to Church'* corner; thence North 30 East 30 poles to a stake, Church's corner; thence South 60 East 13 poles to a stake in the Yates Um; thence with said line North 30 East 12 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 3 acres, mora or leas, being the land conveyed to Burt Church et ux. by deed recorded in Book 71 page 629, for Wataoga County. THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING on a stake at the branch, running North course with A. It. Yates line 30 poles to a state in caid line; thence a West course 14 poles to a small white oak; thence a South course 36 poles to a stake at the branch; thence an East Course with the meanders of the branch 14 poici to the BEGIN NING. containing 3 acres, morv or lees. heiog «e land conveyed to Burl Oburgfk et ui, by deed re IN out Je will be made sub ject t« all outstanding and unpaid taxes. This 11th day of January, 1957 THOMAS S. JOHNSTON, Trustee 1-17-toJ GRUENTHER General Alfred M GruerithW, military colleague of President Ei senhower and former supreme commander of NATO forces in Eu rope, received aa official army firewall in • review held at htt Myer, Va. Gruenthnfr's retirement became effective <rm December M. He will new take mrer the presi dency of the American Bed Cneas, st a salary of about $31,000 a year Church Bake Sale ftm Womu'l Auxiliary ot St LuWi EpUcop.1 Church will kin ■ Hi* oo Ttbtmty 2, at the Man Furniture Store from t:SO a. m tO 8 p. DL ♦ if. Tbore to Mnd Mi «UMd ONLY 7 DAYS LEFT TO List Your Taxes AND GIVE IN YOUR POLL BEFORE THE END OP JANUARY If you have not listed your taxes, please do not de lay any longer. See your list taker In your township at the specified place and take care of this important matter at once. THANK YOU IVY B. WILSON, Tax Supervisor WATAUGA COUNTY

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