Appalac ...... ..... HIT ,1pT'W itary School Erd The attefeeo of Mr. Mid Hits Mr*. OwWi third end* gave an Interesting aaaembly pro gram Friday morning. This pro gram wm a reeuit il a unit of work which the itudanU bad been doing lor the put three week* on the weather. Their daaaroom i* alive ftt picture*, experiment*, chart*, thermometer*, and mural depicting acme* In whiter. The program con*i«ted ot long*, delta, and poem* and wa* a* fol low*: A prayer hy all the children; a Bible reading by Lyndon Lack ey; two aoog* which the children had nted la their daily devotkm aia; Tom Adam* and Larry Rich ardaen (art two poem*, "Mud" and "The Snowman"; from their own chart* the children planned I a abort (kit entitled "Who Care* About the Weather?" Thoee taking i part ware Clareaee Wilaon, David i Thoma*, Lee Jeekaon, Su*ie Barn- ! eO Stephen Heath, Johnny Coe, . David Surrey, Allen Wagner, Shir- i ley Eldreth, Johnny Reeie, Boater 1 Coffer, »ebhy ■rirWy. Wayne U» derwood, Jerry White, Linda Gragg, and Barbara Pinoa. Thrtu weather iM|i wart sung by all the children, "Umbrella". "The Wtad Elves", and "The Winds" Poyr couple* did a rainy day danc* T*i p< to vote oa the subcommit tee's findings. by advoc*W» oI itrong action, other. will insist that the ftS committee call wit Chainaan of the full committee I* Senator Jama* Eastland, of Mississippi—aa ardent foe of the civil lights bills being puahed. What be can aad will da to stall Senate Judiciary Committee action a yet to ha seen but committee Ehairaieo are ill a powerful a pot to ielay progress of bills wl^en they rish ta do aa. And that has been the method >y which many bills have been ■lowed or stalled or finally even tilled. If Eastland can delay civil lghts legislation long enough, :he pressure of othef business may force the Senate'^ membership to ■void a filibuster. Yet sixty-roar Senators can »reak the.back of a filibuster, if hey really want to, and if one be gins, the tlpoff on what will hap pen may come in watching the iffort to vote cloture. Cloture can >e voted, all right; it isn't often lone but quite often that's be cause some of those supposedly in avor of certain bills arent as hot or them aa other* think. There are only nineteen sure Dixie rote*. That Imvm 77 other voir* In the S«mte. Aan M will choke off a ffiibuter The Sauth enter*, thin, really don't have the votaa to itaac a aucceaaful fili butter And the cloture rule b not • bad rule at all. It require* only a two third* majority—a rea •enable majority to ihut off it bate, a vary aariaua step. It already *eem* that Minority Leader Bill Knowiand'* March 1*1 deadline ha* gone up la unoke. Bather, it i* more probable that the earlieat a civil right* debate can erupt in the Senate i* mid March — maybe In April. That might depend on the Senate Ju diciary Committee If you are receiving Social Se curity retirement payment*, and have worked since you filed your application for Social Security, you may poailbly qualify to have your payment* r* figured becauac of change* made in the Social Se curity law. Inquire at your Social Security office for more detail* about thi* change. Set Committee For Calf Sale Paul said to Mr. Ed: Dr. Morris Fishbein tells of one medico who wrote out • prescrip tion in the usual legible fashion doctors use on such occasions. The patient used it for two yean as a railroad pass. Twice it got him in to Radio City Music Hall, and once into Ebbets Field. It came In handy as a letter from his employ er to the Cashier to increase his salary. And to cap the climax. his daughter played it on the piano and -wen a scholarship to the Btir tls Music Conservatory. ft A. GAULTNET AND J. PAUL WINKLES Watauga Insurance Agency|| N BANK BUILDING — PHONE AM 4-S291 BOX Ml — BOONE, N. C.