. J.l Fund Is Vital ityuTo Mother with never a thought . running through my mind tyiat I might need help from tiut very fund. Shortly afterward, my ton, Bobby, age 19, went to Charlotte to take an examination for tome type of mechanical work. He waa turned down by the first examiner and told he would never be able to enter any kind of aerviee. Hi* Mood preiaure waa ISO. "Better aee your doctor," they aaid. After a tew daya of debating with himaelf, be went to a local - doctor, who waa accustomed to looking after our family ailmenta. It waa hia firat viait to a doctor aince he waa 12. The doctor gave bin an examination and treated him a few daya in an effort to bring down hia blood preaaure. No auceeaa. Bobby waa instructed to go to the boepltal for additional testa and examinations By thla time he realised that there waa something wrong. None of ua ever gueaaed there waa something wrong which could not be treated at our Stanly Hospital. I waa walking down the hall of the hoapltal, on my way to see Bobby when I met the doctor. My firat words were, "What'l wrong with Bobby?" Hia reply act my heart beating faster aa he aaid, "Come down te Bobby's room. I haven't told him yet and 111 toll you both." ny There we were told that Bobby had a hardened he^rt artery. The main veaael from hia heart waa cloaing up and they could do nothing about it In the local hospital. ]Ht were too (hocked for words. The doctor went right on and explained what could be done. He recommended that Dr. Glenn Sawyer at Baptist Hospital in Win •tun-Salem be consulted Ha alao saM aa operation ol this kind would to wry expensive. Bobby Mid right sway to coold aot take such aa expensive operation. Nevertheleaa. we went to Wiiutuo&ilem, where we were told in mofwdetail of Bobby'* condition. It wis at that time we all faced lUrkneif rack as only God can comfort. We were told that Bobby couldn't live to to more that 80 years of see In his prasset oonditico. and that his chance* #f surviving the operation were slim, lince ho was more than It yean of ace. Besides, it would coat from a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars. Dr. Sawyer relieved the money worries by telling us to d gat help through the Children's Fund la Rtleifli ihffilj wc decided in fi* vor of the operation Bobby decided for the operation, after careful consideration. It was hi* decision, for we felt to would have to make up his own mind. If we tod advised him and our advie* had turned out to to wrong, we would have never gotten over It. » Now, of course, we are all pleasMi that to decided to have the operation. He underwent surgery June SO and has since been pronounced normal. He has an average life ecpectaaey now that the heart condition has been relieved. He was married in October to Miss Barbara Lambert and they are living In St. Louis, Ho., where ■to 1a employed at McDonald's Aircraft a* a file clerk and he in the engine works. We never received any bills or signed any papers. What Bobby's insurance didn't take care of was paid by the Children's rund. It la a wonderful thing to know that such operations can to performed successfully. Heart Fund will always to my "pet" organization. Let's all give this year! Takes Course In Auto EDWARD SCOTT Edward Scott, Highlander Motor Company aervtcc man, recently returned from the Chrysler Corporation Training Center at Center Line, Michigan, near Detroit, where lie attended an intensive three weeks' trtioini ill various phase* of car car* and repair. The courae Included latent method* in engine, diagnosis and tuneup. coaxial power steering. front > us pension and ' powar steering pump, torque-flight transmission, powerflite trammlaalon, electrical lyttem. and engine conditioning. Joe William*, proprietor of the local Chrysler and Plymouth agency, said Scott «h *ent to the training achool in line with Highlander Motor Company policy of heaping a bread of latest factory method* in expert car care and repair In a fast-changing industry. WHOOPING CRANES . Observers have noted only two young whooping cranes this year at the Aran*a* National Wildlife Refuge In Texas Latest report* had accounted for twenty-four wild whoopers, 23 on the Aranaa* refuge and one on the portion of the King ranch that Is nearest the refuge. A year ago, there were 29 of the crane* on the refuge, *ix of them young bird*. ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Marriage Licenses Tke Watauga County Register of Deed* OMn u»u«i »arriage liMNi during the month of Februiry 10 uw ivuovsp. ^ Jane* LouU McCuire. Todd, and Mary Elizabeth Phillip*. Boone; Ranzy Howard Woodring. Ht. 2. Boom, aad Tempi* Ruth Ellison, Ztooville: Eatle Henry Meek and Betty Charlem- De busk, both of Briatol, Va.; Carl M. Johnson. Reese. and Betty Lou Ward. Vilaa; Cliaard A Hieka, Boone, and Mary Virginia Oaks, Banner Elk; Ronald Dewitt Cos. Triplett, and Barbara Jean DanMr, Vllaa; Floyd Lee Presnell. HI. ft, Boone, and Rirbara Ann Chu. 0, Boone; Rale W. DoUon, Boone, and Geneva Nonria, Zioavilie; Franklin Delano Tilley, Bt. 2, Mt. Airy and BUlie Jane Poyce, Franelaco; Henry Albert Greene and Belle Adam* Cole, both of Boone; Junior Paul EI d r e t h. Boom, aad Pauline Dorothy Moreti. Zionville British forces cut-back warriei the United States All Varieties of Fresh New GRASS SEEDS j GARDEN SEEDS NEW SEED BEANS TOBACCO SEEDS ONION SETS and CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES WE FILL ASC ORDERS FOR FERTILIZER AND GRASS SEEDS THREE OUTSTANDING BRANDS Of Fertilizer for All Crops ROYSTER SMITH-DOUGLASS AND ROBERTSONS TOP QUALITY — FREE FLOWING FERTILIZERS "THE FINEST PLANT FOODS MONEY CAN BUY" GOODNIGHT BROTHERS PRODUCE COMPANY HOWARD STREET -lilt * BOONE, N. C.