So This Is New York . Br NORTH CALLAHA* Then to • strange phenomenon here. It is a Republican Roosevelt At least, such hat been strange since the days of the vigorous T. R. Bootevelt who was bora and brad in New York. But John, the son of Franklin, being a Republican is something hard for a lot of Democrats roundabout to figure out He is a successful young I business man with a smile much like that of his father, and he plunks for the Republicans too. Only' thing of late which puzzles both parties, however, is his recent trip to the state legislature where he sold the law-makers on the idea of a multi-million-dollar indoor race track for this city— an idea more in keeping with some of his brothers than in the tradition of his famous forefathers. Lunching at the Lambs with Chet Shaw, former magazine executive, now vice president of Health News Institute, I looked for the women who have recently been admitted to this erstwhile male sanctuary, but saw none. Apparently they invade the picturesque theatrical club mostly at night. Chet and I discussed cabbages and kings and drugs and pharmaceuticals, and he recalled that one of the new drugs, terramycin, was found only after 100,000 samples of soil from different places were tested for it—and finally one was happily found containing the helpful medicine A revolution in ticket-selling is taking place at the Pennsylvania Railroad Station and the press was invited to aee it. Over a big center section of the 7 "A-acre building, a new, shiny secondary structure has been built, and under this umbrella-like canopy are the new facilities. Counters, neon signs and television sets spread out in a {urinating arrangement. Here is the newest in ticket-selling hooked up by the world'* largest cloeedcireuit of television, 100 Mts in all. As we were shown through the installation, just before It opened, it was demonstrated that a passenger can walk op to a window, ask for a ticket to some place, be shown the train vacancies on the nearby televiaion set—flashed from the diagrams in the rear section —be assigned the space, pay for it and walk away In less than two minutes—or about a fourth of the time it required under the old method. Similiar time-saving is reflected here in telephone requests, and big companies can now receive reservations on telegraph machines in their own offices. As this column has mentioned before, it's high time that the railroads catch up with other kinds of transportation in their ways of dealing with the public Here is a long step forward. The woman sat down in a local dentist's chair and took from her wedding finger a ring of heavy gold, telling the dentist she would like that gold be used to fill her teeth . He shook his head, asked if he couldn't use his regular gold. "No," she replied. "You see I promised my first husband before his death that I'd always wear his wedding ring. Next week, I'm getting married again, and the man has made me promise I'll only wear his ring after the ceremony.This is the only way I can keep my promise to both of them." Apparently newspaper advertisements can do anything. In a local paper, a classified ad asked for girls for a chorus line to dsnce in a Las Vegas, Nevada nightclub this coming summer. "Must have good figures, faces and be able to dog a little. Only women with Phi). rtagraa* Deed apply. Will be known ai the HI Phi Eta*." I cheeked and found that the man who placed the ad wa« getting re »ulU. OirU with Ph.O.'i were applying. Thoae with only maater'a degree* were turned away. And the girla will make from 3-000 dollar* a week—mora than their degree* would pay them elsewhere. Jlarch Is Set As Egg Month The month of March ha* been proclaimed a* National Egg Month. It wa* announced thi* week by Gale* W. Scrogg*. manager of the Watauga FCX Service, who ha* been appointed chairman of the observance for Watauga, Aahe, and Avery counties. The North Carolina Poultry Induitry through the N. C. Poultry Council i* cooperating in thi* Con*umer Education program, and a "kickoff breakfaat" wa* held for the program on Tuesday, March 8, at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh. A regional meeting, wa* held at the Y. M C. A. in Elkin on Thursday, February 14, laid Mir. Scrogga, attended by representatives of the N. C. Department of Agriculture and the Poultry Department Extension of State College. A meeting of the three counties of which he i* chairman will be held in the next few day*, he added. The large Hilton and Sheraton Hotel chains are featuring egg dishe* this month, and the Saturday Evening Post and other national magazines will carry advertisements featuring egg* during the month. The Poultry and Egg Nation* Board haa announced that eggs are moving to market in good volume in mo*t states during the second annual observance of March Egg Month. This i* an excellent iea*on to build meals around egg*, the board said in reminding homemaker* that "eggs can be served in more than a thousand way*." The slogan for the observance i* "Eat Eggs For Goodness Sake." ARMY MULES GONE The last 136 Army pack mules were recently *otd to civilian buyer*. Before the sale, fifty of the youngest mules went to the National Park Service for use in Yoiemite and Sequioa national parki In Calif(Trnia. ThT U. S. Forest Service got 89 other* for use in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Yyoming and Montana. LOOK FOR THE "Country Pride" Label AND BE SURE OF GETTING FRESH, WATAUGA COUNTY-PRODUCED EGGS ' These Leading Watauga County Merchants Are Selling # "Country Pride" £ggi: DIXIE HOME STORE WATAUGA TRADING POST TOM JONES GROCERY BLACK BEAR SUPER MARKET PERKINSVILLE GROCERY A. R. SMITH SERVICE STATION BLACK'S SERVICE STATION ♦ BLOWING BOCK, N. C. Thefle Establishments Use and Serve "Country Pride" Eggs: Boone Trail Restaurant - Kirk's Restaurant Blowing Rock Hospital-Twins Bakery i * i "Country Prid«S" Egg* Are* Graded, Packed, and Distributed Daily by Watauga FCX Service y.'. & WATER STREET' BOONE. N. C. CASUALTY EVACUATION by helicopter, perfect* to (he Koreu Wm, la demonstrated at the Federal Ctrfl Defeaae Administrations ap-to-date reacae achool at otnar, Ml Here a afreet of ca remit? enctneered "bombed eat" baUdlnr. confront reacae eoane atudente wriHy e* altuatlona, tncludlnc reacae tram actaalty - Zionville News Mrs. N. J. Greer, Mrs. Carolyn Harrison and sons, Sonny and Michael, have returned to Whiteville after a visit here with Mrs. Lillle Thomas and Miss Hettie Greer, a patient at Watauga Hospital in Boone. . Mrs. Mamie Donnley of Creston spent Saturday with Mrs. Nannie Greer and Mrs. Lilly Thomas. Mrs. Nettie Perry aqd Mack Perry of Westminster, Md., spent the week end with the Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Eggerf and Ross Bumgardner. Recent visitors with Mrs. Polly Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilkinson were Mr. and Mrs. Daron Shoun and daughters, Mrs. J. E. Jones and son, Ike, of Mountain City, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Hartzog and sons, Everette and Steve of Idlewild. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holman and son, Alfred, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rominger at Rominger. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and Wallace of Mocksville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Potter of Greensboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. Emory Mitchell, Mrs. Rosie • Perry, Jesse Eggers and daughters, Jessica from Edgefield, S. C., and Mrs. Lottie Eggers of Mountain visited this week end with MrWnd Mrs. Odel Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carlton of Patterson spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Colvard have made plans to live near Boone since Mr. Colvard is employed In Lenoir Mirror factory. Joseph H. N orris, who la with the navy, plant to come to North Carolina aoon with hia wife. Be if now on cruise with USS Bremerton in the East Norrls-Dotson Vows Said Geneva Mae Norris was married to Dale W. Dotson on February 23 at Boone. Hiss Norria is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Norria of Zionville. Mr. Dotaon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gonley Dotaon of Poplar Grove, and is serving with the army in Norfolk, Va. Be plans to take hia bride back with him and make their home there. Miss Bingham Is Insurance Agent In a recent story in the Democrat it was implied that Joe Williams, who operates Bighlander Motor Company and Bighlander Gulf Service on the Blowing Rock road, also operates Bighlander Insurance Company at the same address. This was in error, states Mr. Williams, as Miss Annabel Bingham is sole sgent for Bighlander Insurance Company. Ford and Chrysler car output is ahead of 1096. New Loan Plan [s Announced Psoviaioae of the new farm operating and development Umu> program for farisen who have part-Ume employment off the fans were explained this week by Jennings B. Hobinaon, the Farmers Home Administration (tMinty superviaor for Watauga county. He aaid that although the main purpoae of theee ioana la to help farmera who live in areaa deaignated for the rural development program, there may be other farmers having part-time employment off the farm who may be eligible tor operating and farm devolpment loana. To be ellgible the applicant must be of legal age, • citisen of the United States, unable to get credit from other sources and have had farm experience or training sufficient to indicate reasonable prospect* of continuing successful farming operations. He must be an establiahed farmer, conducting substantial farming operations and spending a major portion of his time farming. The applicant must have a dependable source of outside income. * The loan applicant's farm must be of such size and productive capacity that the expected Income, plus the income from part-time employment, ia sufficient to pay farm operating and living expenses, pay debts, and provide a reasonable reserve for emergencies. i The county committee will determine the eligibility of each applicant. Ben W. Farthing, Forrest A. Greene and Dallas J. Wilson are the members of the Watauga county Farmers Home Administration committee. Legion Speaker TIM T. CRAIG Tim T. Craig, of Newton, State Commander of the North Carolina Department of the American Legion, will be the speaker at the Legion birthday dinner to be held at the Legion Hot in Boone Tuesday March 19, under the auspices of the Watauga Poet of the American Legion. The meeting will atart at 7:30. CIGARETTS8 While cigarette consumption is said to be rising in the United States, leu tobacco is being ustd, according to the findings of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation. In IMS, consumption of cigarettes rose about 3 per cent but the use ct filter tips and more efficient production cut the amount of tobacco needed to make them. At the same time, production of leaf tobacco in the United States fell by 3 per cent DHNOCXAT ADS PAT Thursday, March 7 OKLAHOMA: Starring Gordon MaeRae, Gloria Grahame, Gene Nelson, Eddie Albert, Shirley Jones. "Oklahoma" U the first motion picture to be made In the widely heralded, revolutionary Todd-AO process, which ia Awesomely overwhelming with ita clarity, sharpness, brilliant illumination and a sweeping picture without "overlap" line* or distortion. This picture ia big —in every sense of the word. It ia big in beauty, big in conception and execution, magnificently big, bright and beautiful in lovely soft Eastman Color, and big in sound. The great prairie vistas are breath-taking. The story stems on the rivalry of Jud, the hired man (Rod Steiger), and Curly (Gordon McRae) for Laurey (Shirley Jonea.) Ala*: Lucky Dag: Cartoon. / Friday, March t DBANCO: Starring Jeff Chandler, John Lupton, Joanne Dru, Morris Ankrunt, Ronald Howard, Julie London, Donald Criap. At the end of the Civil War Jeff Chandler ia assigned as military governor to a Georgia community which previoualy hia troopers had burned and pillaged during General Sherman's march to the aea. He ia determined through kindness and understanding, to bring peace and productivity to the people who so thoroughly despise him and all Northerners. Ala*: Man Around the and T* B** *r Nat To Bm Saturday, March •, at 1 and I •'clock APACHE WOMAN: Starring Lloyd Bridget, Joan Taylor, Lance Fuller, Morgan Jonea. The story la set in a small town in Arizona at the turn at the century, Just after a /><•«<•« treaty has been inkad with the Apaches and the Redskins have been herded Into reservation. Whan a series of vicious Crimea is perpetrated, the townspeople suspect the Indiana, notably Mian Taylor, a halfbreed, and her brother. Fuller, of being the ringleaders. Ala*: Three Cart—pa. • ']*» ' • Satorday, March », «t 7 and » a'efeck THE CONQUEROR: Starring John Wayne, _ Hayward, Pedro Armendarix, Agnes Moorehead. The fascinating historical story ot the great Genghis Khan, who ruled the Gobi Desert and Ita nomadic tribes of Mongola, Tartars and the rest of the inhabitants of that tigerish civilization of the Twelfth Century has been made Into this motion picture of imposing ■weep, color and action. Wayne ia the great Genghis Khan, and Suaan Hayward olays the daughter of the rival tribe leader for whose love the young but brill isn warrior braves anything. SHOWS EACHDAY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ~ % 4, T, AND • O'CLOCK SATURDAY—1 AND "j O'CLOCK; COMPLETE PROGRAM CHANGE SATURDAY—7 AND • P. M SUNDAY—3 AND I O'CLOCK ADMISSION: 10c, 35c — FRIDAYS 10c AND Me Children Under 12 Admitted Free with Paid Adult All Day Friday Appalachian Theatre 12 INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN: Starring William*, Randy Stuart, April Kent, Paul Grant You must see thli fascinating story of a man of normal dm (Grant Williams) begin, to loo* height until be it only a few incbei high. Ho lives in a small doll's house In his living room. He is attacked by the house cat, to him an enormous creature. His gory bottle with a spider, using a pin for a weapon (he is now only two inches Ugh) his frantic and in- , genious struggle to clmb wall shelves, or collar stain, his escape from drowning in a flooded collar by dinging to a pencil, all make for an Intriguing motion picture. Con- «ui see what happens to the "Incredible Shrinking Sunday, March II, at 1 and • o'clock THREE BRAVE MEN: Starring Ray Milland, Ernest Borgnine, Frank Lovejoy, Nina Foch, Dean Jaggesi Based on a factual incident which was the subject of the Pulitzer Prize-winning series of articles 'thst appeared in the Washington Dsily News, this tells the dramatic story of Ernest Borgnlne, for more than a score of years a civilian employe of the navy department, who was dischsrged ss a bad security risk becsuse of bigoted snd prejudiced false testimony that made him suspect as a Communist. Also: Police Dogged and MGM News. Monday, March 11 KELLY AND ME: Starring Van Johnson, Piper Laurie, Martha Hyer, Onflow Stevens. In the early 1930's, Van Johnson i* a small-time vaudeville hoofer who gets few bookings until Kelly, a Shepherd dog owned by a vicious animal trainer, stumbles into Van's act and makes it a success. Piper Laurie, daughter of a movie producer, meets Van and persuades her father to sign him and Kelly for a dog picture, which becomes a smash hit. Kelly's former owner returns to clain) his "gold mine" and Van returns to small-time night clubs. But Kelly refuse* to take directions and finally runs away to try to find Van.

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