WANl ADS Watauga Dkmocbat WANT ADVERTISING RATE • CENTS A WORD—Me UNORTV CHAMOI Cash Mutt Accompany AU Order* LIQUID FERTILIZER—Gel your water soluble fertilizer for •tartlug plant* and shrubs. This ferti!iter is excellent for getting those tobacco plants off to a good start. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. le FOR RENT—4-room unfurnished apartment with garden on Blowing Rock Road. CaU AM 4-3037 after 9 p. m Ip FOR RENT—One large furnished room, with double bed, suitable for 16.90 and *19.89. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone. lc ARE YOU SATISFIED with the way your lawn looks? If not, we will completely re-seed or correct spotty conditions. Revitalize old j lawns with adapted seed and highest gride fertilizer. Call Hugh Miller at AM 4-8241, Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, lc NOTICE—This is to certify that Dean Cook is no longer with the Master Cleaners. I do however, m»lntein a dry clewing and pickup station. Bring us your U under and dry cleaning. COOK'S AUTO MATIC LAUNDRY, corner King Street and Blowing Rock Road. 10-29-tfc HALF PRICE ON WASHING MACHINE PARTS—Attention Repairmen and Appliance Dealers. We have thousands of used Washer parts for all makes of Automatic and Wringer type Washers. These parts are perfect as new, and we are selling them for one half of wholesale price. We are also distributors for new parts. Write for parts list and prices.— Burwell's Electric Appliance Service, 532 10th St.„ Blvd. N. W„ Hickory, N. C. Telephone 26987. 4-4-6C HOMsLlTK CHAINSAWS—Sales, service and repairs. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 1-17-tfc LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY at Auction. Farms,' business, subdivision.—Honey cutt Land and Auctldn Co., Boone, N. C. Next Auction Sale at Lawm. N. C, Tuesday. April 0, 1967, 7:30 p. m. All kinds of household articles to be offered at public auction on this date. Free prices. lp LOOK FOR THE "Country Pride" label on eggs at year grocery store. They're produced la Watauga Cmmtyr Watauga FCX Service lc WELL DRILLING promptly done. Latest and moat modern equipment Experienced driller*. J. Wayne Oragg, 60S Green Street Phone AMherat 44607, Boone, N. C. U-15-tfc Wl iUY, SELL OR TRADE anything, anywhere, anytime. MAR Furniture Co., Vilaa, J*. C. M-tfr WELL DRILLING WELL BORING PUMP SERVICE Serving Wert era North Carolina Since 1911 Free estimates. Featuring new modern equipment. Old experienced operators—with a reputation to uphold. At competitive prices. Domestic, commercial, industrial. Financing onj any of theae if preferred. Write us or come down or call collect. B. E. FAW A SONS, INC Telephone 70, Box 529, ElLiu. N. C 1-24-tfc LOMBARD CHAIN SAWS — Sal , u>d service COVe CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 117-tfe | Septic Tank Cleaning Prices reasonable, work (uaran-1 teed Sanitary Septic Tank St riee. Phone Warren Greene, AM herst 4-3203, Route Z, Boone, N. C. ' 1-31-tfc A rare lithograph by Goya haa been discovered in the attic of the Weeleyan University library. . Legal Notices NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND | IN OKI 1IKKD OF TRUST NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Whereas the undersigned, acting as Trustee, in a certain deed of trust executed by Howard C. Bailey and wife, Elizabeth R. Bailey, which is recorded in Book 78 at page 176, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, foreclosed and offered for kale the property hereinafter described; and whereas within the time allowed by law an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and an order issued by him directing the undersigned Trustee to resell said property upon an opening bid of $13,§10. NOW. THEREFORE, under and by virtue of said order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga County, and the power of sale contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and will sell upon said opening bid of (13,910, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Watauga County Courthouse door, in Boone, North Carolina, on MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1987, at 12 o'clock Noon the following described property located in Blowing Rock Township of Watauga County, North Carolina: Being all of lots number Thirty (30), Thirty-one (31) and Thirtytwo (32) in the Smith-Winkler Subdivision of ANSLEY HEIGHTS as shown on a map of this subdivision of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, North Carolina, in Map Book 2 at page 18, to which map reference is hereby made for a complete description of said lots located about three (3) miles Wast 'of the Town of Blowing Rock, North Carolina. Together with the partially completed dwelling Structure located thereon and all plumbing fixtures, heating equipment and building materials located on said premises. This the 28th day of March, 1987. MARSHALL E. CLINE, Trustee Lenoir, North Carolina 4-4-2C • NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY LENNIS PENNELL VS. PEARL P. REESE and husband, CLAY REESE: MAMIE P. STEVENS and husband, OLlN STEVENS; ED PENNELL and wife, EMMA PENNELL; MARTHA P. PARDUE and husband, ORVILLE PARDUE; LETHA P. GREER and huaband. LON GREER; GRACE PENNELL (Single); DAVE PENNELL and wife, MARY PENNELL: CLAY PENNELL and wife, PEARL PENNELL; MAX G. PENNELL and wife, CHAROTTE PENNELL: JOHNNIE PENNEL (Single), Minor; MARY ALICE PENNELL (Single), Minor. The defendanta Mrs. Martha P. Pardue, and huaband, Orville Pardue; Mrs. Letha P. Greer and husband, Lon Greer; Miss Grace Pennell; Mr. Dave Pennell and wife, Mary Pennell WILL TAKE NOTICE that an action as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Watauga County, North Carolina, by the Petitioner to have her dower interest, ai widow of L. S. Pennell, laid off for her uae and benefit. The said defendanta will further TAKE NOTICE that they are reSuired to appear at the office of le Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga County, North Carolina, In his office at the Courthouse in Boone, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition field In said proceedings within twenty (20) days after the 29th day of April, 1997, or the Petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition This the 2nd day of April, 1M7. A. E. SOUTH, Clerk of the Superior Court A A Am. TT*"* Fiber Glass Insulation Weather Stripping, and Co (torn Caulking, CustomMade Aluminum Storm Doors, Windows and Screens, and Aluminum i* Awnings Hickory r Insulation Company Bra 113. Phone MM HICKORY, N. C. ft Blowing Rock Rotary Auction Sale April 13 The Ant of four general auction sale* U be held fey the Blowing Rock Rotary Club will open at 7.30 p. m. Saturday. April IS. in the high achool gymnasium at Blowing Rock. The project 1* being launched to rkise 9800 tor the buying of Venetian blinds for the new achool building Items for auction will be collected by tmck. and the success of the project will depend largely on the amount and type of Roods which are made available to the Rotary Club. Anything of some value, no matter how old'or outof-date, will be gladly received, including all kinds of household furniture, appliances, and equipment; any farm or garden tools or left-over building materials; good used clothing; boxes of cast-off toys; and sports equipment. Members of the community are urged to look around their homes, offices, basements, or yards, spot the things you've been meaning to get rid of, and let a Rotarian know about them. Farm Questions Are Answered QUESTION: What'a the beat way to protect against bloat and off flavors In milk? ANSWER: For the safety of the cows and the taste of the milk, dairymen should not let their cows go out on the lush green pastures at the beginning of spring without first having been fed some kind of roughage—either hay or silage. If the cows are not completely empty when turned on the pasture, it stands to reason that they will not eat as much and as fast. QUESTION: What is the best way to control the relatively new plant peit known as the alfalfa weevil? ANSWER: Entomologists at North Carolina State College recommend heptachlor as the most effective insecticide in combating the alfalfa weevil. It's safe to use up to two weeks prior to cutting without leaving residue on the hay. It is available for .use in sprayers as a 25 per cent emulslfiable concentrate. Recommendations call for the use of one pint of the concentrate in six to 10 galIons of water per acre. The material is also available as a 2V4 par cent dust and would then be used at the rate of 10 to 12 pounds per acre. QUESTION: How much commercial fertilizer is used in North Carolina in one year? ANSWER: In 1955 farmers In this state used some 1,828,000 tons of commercial fertilizer or almost seven tons per farm. This Is about a 5 per cent increase over the 1050 level. Question: What type of fertilizer should I use on my house plants? Answer: Use sny good garden fertilizer auch as M4 or Vigora. Fertilizers put up in small packages especially for house plants are good, though more expensive. Question: How can I have good sauaage? Answer: Detailed information on the correct procedure is available at the county agent's office. But be sure to follow the recommended seasoning, and store in the proper place. North Carolina la now aelllng approximately one-half of its annual broiler output outside the atate. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Having qualified aa the administratrix of the eatate of Palmer S. Blair, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this la to notify thoae having clalma againat the eatate of the aaid deceased to present them to me withing 12 months of the date hereof, or thla notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those Indebted to the eatate are asked to make prompt payment. Thla March 29. 1987. _ MRS SARAH R. BLAIR, Admx. , MMf NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified aa the administrator of the estate of Mrs. Doris ,T. Perry, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this la to notify thoae having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery Thoae indebted to the estate are aaked to make immediate payment This March 1. 1MT. L H SMITH. Administrator, Boone, N. C. S-T-fle NOTM* Or ADMINISTRATION Having qualified aa the administratrix of the estate of Blaine Hayea, late of the County of Wetaaga. State of North Carolina, this Is to notify thow bavin* claims against the estate of the ed to present them to . JZSE'JSS'&t r bar of their recovery. Thoae Indebted to the estate are aaked ft T" to About Your Home For the most part we think of bulb* as spring flower*. However, there ore many glamorous flowers that grow from bulb* that you can plant In the apring and «et blooms from all suiumor long. None of thee* summer blooming bulb* can stand freeling, an, if j you live In the north, you mast wait to aet them out when thore is no danger of freeling Also, when autumn comes you must dig them up and (tor* them in a warm, dry place., Theae bulbs multiply rapidly and you will have more and more each apring. Gladiolus and tigridla like iota of sunshine. For best results, apply some good insecticide weekly. It is a good idea to plant some every ten days to stretch the blooming season. Tigridla make the best show when planted In clumpa of three or four spaced six inches apart. Two good, tall-growing summer blooming bulba are the canna and the dahlia. They make excellent background planting. They require sunshine and a rich soil. They should have lots of water and ex> tra feeding during the summer. Plant cannas two feet apart and dahlias about three feet apart. The gloriosa is a lovely, exotielooking flower. Blooms are often four inches across. It needs a fiberous soli and some support to climb on once it |starts growing. Feed freely. The people of Poland count heavily on U. 8. aid. ■ i ii ■ So This Is New York (Continued from page (our) house and fees—and have his rural haven too. Harry Orossman, local attorney and friend, just sent one of his clever birth announcements—for his third daughter, t replied with the old gag: "Congratulations on the baby girl. If you want a boy, call Western Union." Although I feel sure Harry must have had thoughts in the masculine directton, he was undaunted, like the Army colonel I once knew who when asked when his daughter was born if he would not hate liked to have a boy snapped, "Sure. But a girl's better!" Colonel Henry T. Blair, lecal socialite and native of North Carolina, may be said to be a cosmopolitan character. He haa visited 89 countries in all partf of the world except the Arctic regions. Hetis as much at home with the elite of England and France as he is In the nightclub set here, and has • number of scrapbooks with autographs which read like a world-wide social register. Trout Fishermen Given Break Trout fiifc lag "priats" art getting » it mam to themselves in tJU mountains of Western North Carolina. A section ll the NanUhala River'i head water* in the Standing Indian Wildlife Management Area has been reserved officially for fly fishermen by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. The refuge ta near Fran* Un, reached by U. a. 04-25441. Heretofore the regalatiens have permitted the tue of such artificial iurwi aa spinners, popper*, and flatfish in the stream But no more, aay* J. Harry Cornell, chief of the Wildlife Commission's fish division. Luna bow are limited to wet or diy flies. "We hope to give the fly fishermen a chance to use their lure* without having to compete with other type* of artificial belts," added Cornell. The trout lesion in the Stand ing Area, And Is other operative w.14111. MNM MM "vi public waUr* e<*< North Carolina, open* April f *£&£! days, and Saturdays in nMt at Letter To Editor in our home. It teM not alcoholic bavcrafM ad* aurc appreciate that ! REAL ESTATE 88—VILAS—IS acre* level land, good 8-room home, all Mt buildings, good rosd, HO tobacco baae, priced to aalL 89—BEAVSR DAM—20 acre farm with 6 room dwelling. Creek near house, 8-10 tobacco base, all oat buildings. 8pedal (4800. 22—APPALACHIAN STREET—1 rooms, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, stone bouse, close la — -a.—.—«... 87889 97—DEERFIELD ROAD—18 acres highly Improved farm land, 8 room framed dwelling with bath, new barn and trad* A dairy,- good road. 80—HARDIN PARK—8 room framed dwelling, bath, lot 100 % 200, pivtd street .$0389 26—PERKIN8VILLI—5 room framed dwelling, bath, deep wall, 'garage, large lot — — WW* 9—BLOWfrjG ROCK ROAD—10 twenty-five foot lots from street to street deep, all for ......._ $S7W 41—GREEN VALLEY—18 acres rolling land, some timber, deep well, f room block bouse DM 48—CALDWELL COUNTY—Near Lenoir, 4 rooms, basement, good lot located near church and school ..i......... ISAM 5—RUTHERWOOD—8 rooms, bath down, 2 rooms and bath up, baths not completed, 3V4 acres nice rolling land on paved 8—DECK HILL ROAD—4 rooms, bath, full size basement, large scenic lot — —>888# 8—STATE FARM ROAD—Framed dwelling, bath, city water, large lot .1 —WW 19—RAY HILL—Dwelling, S bedrooms, stoker heat, oak floora, very large lot, garden. 48—NEAR BOONE—88 Vi acres fronting new highway 1000 feet Many springa, 2 creeks. 81—ISAACS BRANCH—18 acres pasture and crop land, 8-10 tobacco base, barn — - 12198 90—WOODLAND DRIVE—Brick dwelling, 3 bedrooms, oak floors, plastered walls, full size basement, oil furnace, nice . lot on pasaiLstreeC aj*. 1. ' 82—NICE 8 ROOM DWELUNG near Cove Creek school, very large lot on highway $7289 10—GOOD S BEDROOM FRAMED DWELLING on Grand Bool*vard, garage, large lot. Special. 50—19 ACRES LAND and 3 bedroom framed dwelling, fish pond, on paved road 14898 A—BROWN'S RESTAURANT just west of Boone on Highway 421. A good place to eat, well advertised. Large lot 300 foot frontage on highway 421. Sells cheap. HOME REALTY CO. H. GRADY FARTHING WATT ■. GRAGG TELEPHONE AM 4-2891 — BOONE, N. C. SAVINGS AND LOAN BUILDING AT AUCTION SMPSi DR. FRED M. DUCKWALl A 380 ACRE FARM LOCATED IN THE TRI-CITIES AREA — NEAR TRI-CITY AIR* . PORT, HOLSTON INSTITUTE COMMUNITY, SULLIVAN COUNTY, TENN. ONLY ONE MILE FROM BEAUTIFUL BOONE LAKE Thii Is One of SulUvan County's Finest Grade A Dairy Farms and Stock and Grain Farms ALSO Il» HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE, ALL DAIRY EQUIPMENT AND TWO CAR loads of Arming machinery A COMPLETE DISPBR8AL OF LAND—CATTLE—AND EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 6 - Bale conducted by the authority ul under the supervision sf the (Miecilm of the estate of the late Dr. Fred M. Dock wall—Mr. Baas of the rtrat Natleaal Bank af Kiagsport sad Mr. 6Mns aad Mr. Werth, also of Kin (sport. 380 ACRES OF GREEN, FLOWING, FERTILE LAND SUBDIVIDED IN 8 SEPARATE TRACTS Every sere of this land has been limed, fertilised, phosphated sad tons sf litter have Waa spread aver It msay times. It is la a high stats af fartUlty producing the (raatast aaaher of gallaaa af par sere sad the (fastest aamher af paoadsaf beef at the lowest cast. THE DAIRY is a big money maker, a real operating plant, s going paying business. The aet profit month after all Ubor coats aad operatiag eiprases were paid was H3M.M. will be Increased when the 24 betters freshen and are sdded to the hard. This monthly praflt la bsiag realised notwithstanding the dairy la being eperated by all hired help. A would cat the espenee and Increase the profits. THIS FARM 18 LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE TRI-CITY AREA—This Is the Meat favored area la Upper East Teaneosee. It Is sarrounded by fear bustling cities growing In every direction snd rapidly flowing Into this area. A sBarter million people live within a few aiUaa af this farm —this assures sny est making an Invaatment In this land that It will bs safe aad anra aad la the future will l>rrcm tn vilie. TODAY AND TOMORROW YOU GET THE PAT-OFF ON YESTERDAY'S PLANNING AND INTENSE DEVELOPMENT. DR. DUCKWALL SPENT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN IMPROVING THIS FARM AND NOW YOU ARE TO GET THE RENEF1T OF ALL OF THIS. This farm Is Improved with a 7-raem farm hams w Ith bath, two other large baasas, throe tawat bouses, 20 stsachlaa grade A dairy barn, a very I arge aad sabstsatlsl hsy snd aattla bam, ass af the best; twa large laaflag shads, two large caaerete silos, aaae better; ether r™ DAIRY HERD—12 dairy cows. Ha [steins sad Guernseys, 24 springer beiferm, sad Inly; U head af yaariiaga and ealvea. Maay sf these cattle sre artificially brad; gaad Mead FARM MACHINERY—Few tractors, hay baOer, earn pMfeer, drill, rata ■ad msay other pieces, iv .. Balance 1, t and 3 YesFS; Term»ofl.»n