Church Notices Lutheran Student Association at 6:30 r m. The May meeting of the Church Council will be held at 7:30 p. m Junior Choir moota Wednesday afternoon at 3 :tup Senior Choir rehearsal on Wedneaday evening at 7«0 with Mrs Walton Colo directing and Profeaaor Colo at the organ Come and Worship BOONS CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass, Legion Hut, first and second Sundays at 11:18, other SunJ.u. .a m.Am Confessions before all masses. Week day maaaes above the Boone Drug Store. Thursday, Friday, 6:30 a. m. Saturday, 8:00 a. m Thursday, 8:00 p. a.. Christian family meeting at home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brady] Wednesday, 8:00 p. m.. Maas and devotions, Boone Legion rUSBTTUUAN CHURCH J. K. Parker, Jr., pastor. Sunday achool at t:46 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. There la a nursery kept for small children during this service, with a nurse on duty. Westip'nater Fellowship at 5:43 p. m Circlet of the women of the church meet the first Monday of each mouth; general moating of the women of the church each third Monday. i RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Blowing Rock, N. C. Walter K. Keys, D. D„ minister Sunday: *:30 a. m.—Men's Bible Claw The Manse. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School la the Chapel. il:f0 a. m—Morning worahlp. 7:00 to 9:00 p. m.—Pioneer and Young People's aaaembly In the Chapel. Wednesday: 3:18 p. m.—Choir practlco la the Church. 7:30 p. m—Prayer meeting In the Chapel. Wedneaday evening 8:00 o'clock, Mass and Lenten devotiona LUTHERAN PARISH George W Sbuford, pastor HOLY TRINITY Sunday School 10:00 I m Service 11:00 a. m 2nd »sd 4th Sundays HOLY COimUNION i Sunday School 1:30 p. n. Th« Service, 2:80 p. ID BETHANY Sunday School. 10.00 a. m Service, 11:00 a. m. lit and 3rd Sundayt; 7:0* p. m, 4th Sunday. REVIVAL MEETING AT THREE PORKS CHVRCH * A revival meeting will start at Three Forks Baptist Church at Ashland, on Monday night, April 38 Everybody la Invited. The Jtev. Raymond Hendrix of Boone will do the preaching The Rev. Clenn South Is pastor. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sundays—8:»0 a. m — Morning prayer; Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays. 10:30 a. m.—Church school. S.-00 p. m.—Canterbury Club— AH Hl*|f faculty and Interested persons invited. Wednoedays—10:18 a. m—Holy Communions. 9:00 a. m.—Morning prayer dslly except Saturday. BOONE METHODIST CHVRCH E. H. Lowmafi, pastor. Dr. J. G. Huggin, Jr., will preach tonight (Wed.) Holy Week services continue. Holy Communion Thursday at 6:30 and 7:80 p. m. Good Friday service at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school—0:49. Morning worship—11:00. Methodist Youth Fellowship— 0:30. Choir rehearsal — Wednesday, 6:13. BLOWING ROCK FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH G. Carlton Cox, pastor. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Worship service at 11:00 a. m. Sunday evening service at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 8:00 p. m PREACHING 8EEVICES Preaching services will be held a^tacwti>M> Sunday, May II, at l:MWki«bunc«l by Rev. CouncfllMWo, one of the preachers. He statu that Rev. Gold Hicks, and perhaps others will take part in the services. WMU ScmIoim At (love (Ireek The annual meeting of the Wogtn'i Missionary l'n:on ul the Three forks Baptist Association trill be held at the Cew Crack Baptist Church Thursday. May X The meeting will begin promptly at 4:00 p ni and will eiase at * 00 p. in Supper will be served by the host church. Speakers (er the meeting will be Mrs Earl C. James. Regional Superintendent of Woman's Missionary Union, and Mrs A. L. Parker, Jr., State Representative. Also on tho program will be the Associations Missionary to Brazil, Mrs. Hobert SUndiey, Jr. All W. M. V. women in the association and others interested in WMU work are urged to come and hear the messages that will be brought. Posture Week To Be Noted Correct Posture Week will be obeerved Ha the United States Mar 1-7. This date hat been designated aa aucb by the Congress of the United States In North Carolina the North Carolina Chiropractic Aaaociation promote* the program through its Council on Posture ' Dr. i. B. Morris of Durham, who heads the Council states that educational material has been placed in public and private schools and that illustrated posture lectures and films have been made available for preaentation before the student bodies. The posture program will be climaxed during Correct Posture Week with the finals of the State wide Posture Contest to be held May 2nd in Asheville in connection with the annual Convention of the Association. The State winner in both boy and girl divisions will receive a $900.00 scholarship to the college of his or her choice. ATTEND8 HEALTH MEETING IN ASHEVILLE MONDAY Dr. Mary Michal was in Asheville Monday, where she attended the North Carolina Conference on Social Service. Dr. Michal also attended a meeting of the Mental Health Association, of whose Board of Directors she is a member. Nikita S. Krushchev, head of the Soviet Communists party, warned Poland against heeding the" blandishments of the West and in effect told the nationa of the West that East Europe was "off limita" as far as they were concerned. Baptists To Give To Hospital Mothers Day The forty-five Bgrtist churches of Watauga county Will joR North Carolina'! 3.238 other Baptist churches Sunday, liny 12. in contributes to the annual Mother s Day offering for Baptist Hospital at Wtaaton Salem. Through this offering, they will make it possible for their hopsital to continue serving thousands of men. women and children who are la need of hospitalization or medical care but do not haw the money to pay for it In 1906, Baptist Hospital gave more than fSOO.OOO worth of free eare to needy sick persons from •2 of North Carolina's 100 counties. This figure does not include the free doctor's car# received by these patients. The generosity of the coming Mother's Day offering will determine largely the amount of free cars that is possible this |rf§T. Hospital officials, report 61.139 visitits to the Out-Patient Depart ment in 19M. Operated for those who cannot afford the full cost of care, this department conducts clinics for many patients who do not require hospitalization and thus serves thousands who coulf* not be accommodated in the limited | space of the 450-bed institution, j However, many of these patient' 1 qeed to be admitted as in-patients j and the Mother's Day fund make j it possible to give them the hospital care they need. The slogan, "Honor Your Mo-j ther By Helping Another," is being I used In preparation for the offering. Through informing all Baptists of the work their hospital does for the needy sick and stressing the imoprtance of providing the funds for this work, Baptist leaders are laying the foundation for what they hope will be their denomination's most successful ! Baptist Hospital day. Pitts Infant Dies Thursday Roger Clifton Pitts, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe C. Pitts of Blowing Rock, died April 26 in Watauga Hospital. Graveside rites were conducted the same day at the Blowing Rock cemetery by the Re*. Alfred Pitts. Surviving in addition to the parents are two sisters, Wanda and Karen, both of the home. Late blight attacks both tomatoes and potatoes Marriage Licenses Thu Watauga County Register of Deeds office issued marriage licenses during the month of April to the following: Lloyd Joe Bentley and Shirley Dean Teague, both of Route 3, Boone; Billy Carson Byrd, Banner Elk and Lathania Gail Hughes. Roan Mountain. Tenn ; Arnel Winston Tuwnsend and Alma Ruth Mastin. both of Banner Elk; Earl Franklin Parlier and Norma Jean Phillips, both of Route 1, Boone; Henry Clay Hicks and Mary Eva Hicks, both of Rominger; Cleveland Shear Whittington and Beatrice West, both of Boone; Robert Lee Harmon, Bpech Creek and Mary Grace Winters, Banner Elk; Howard Taft Church, Jr., and Jackie Annis Winkler, both of Route 4, North Wilkesboro; Len B. Stokes, Vilks and Frankie Dean Oliver, Route 3, Boone. John Edward Jackson, Route 1, Boone and Dorothy Pauline Hodges, Route 3, Boone; George Warren Walls, Newark, New Jersey and Hanah Charlotte Burkett, Zionville; Talmadge Greer and Zellie Irene Greene, both of Deep Gap; Fred Arnett, Vilas and Virginia Ann Pennell. Route 3, Boone; Stewart Rhymer, Triplett and Joyce. Ann Miller, Route 1. Boone; James L. Davis, Kingsport, Tenn. and Nancy Jane Coley, Gate City, Va.; Gurney Gethro Canter and Dolly Rosalee Isenhour, both of Tamarack; Charles Vance Lowrance, SherriU's Ford and Dorothy Lee Shippley, Zionville. The launching of the first manmade satellite early next year was predicted by the head of the satellite project iiv the National Academy of Science. The artificial moon will be fired into space for its globe-circling journey from the east cost of Florida. Garden Time By M. E. GARDNER Visitors -are always improved one way or^fie other, when they pas* ihryugn your town or community They may not have time to (top and enjoy your friendliness and hospitality, but they do have { a chance to observe your hornet,! yards, streets and certain places j of interest which may have been called to their attention. They also see the trash dumps and wracked car lots. Many things can and should be accomplished by group action but, in my book, nothing can take the place of individual reaponaibUity. This is especially true as far as our immediate home aurroundings are concerned. Need we be re-1 minded of our obligations as home j owners and parents by: "Clean-up Weeks"; "Paint-up Weeks"; and such proddings? Could not we resolve, as individual citizens, to devote 82 weeks in the year to the improvement of our surroundings? 1 can think of no better medium of advertising North Carolina. I am not an idealist in this respect. It is just something I would like to see accomplished. Don't envy your neighbor's pretty lawn and well landscaped grounds! Get in competition with him. It will boost your own morale and please your neighbor no end. Don't have time? One of the busiest men 1 know has one of the most beautiful homes in our neighborhood and he does all the wort hifoMlf, with the assistance of an occasional helper. Sincu I began writing thin column I have been more observant aa 1 travel over the state A couple of weeks ago 1 passed through a small town which i have always admired. The home* are well kept, the main street lined with maples, and most of the yards well planted and maintained A few could stand a little help. While not too Sai. they detract from the others y comparison. Get in friendly competition with your neighbor. Timely reminders: Prune flowering shrubs after blooming Mow your lava often and never too close. Top dmi your grass with quickly available nitrogen often enough to promote growth and good green color. Side dress leafy vegetables with nitrogen to make them tender and succulent. Keep your sprayer or duster in good condition so that you can keep insects and diseases in check. DEMOCRAT AOS PAY Lawrence Goes To Va. Tourney Unit Hill — Thomas Richard Lawrence, son r Society, band and dramatics He is a freshman at the^iaptist Junior College. President Tito has emphasised that Yugoslavia would continue her independent course no matter what pressures Moscow or other Communist capitals might bring to bear upon her. Wilson Bros. & Vannoy PHONE AMherat 4-8334 PAINTING - EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR Floor Finishing and Roof Repair BUILT-UP ROOFS OR METAL ROOFS FREE ESTIMATES