QPifiHI JiNiiiiw VNE «, 1MT *C. lay of racles I dial les of equip OLKS MPANY tr that very i idvery with L d to ims. oofcan with of »ho nces * the • * wd pvirm I 9 *• rth Carolina' Legislative Summary Andy Griffith was only a face in the crowd aa the General Assembly turbulently moved toward adjournment this week. Although be and Hiss North Carolina appeared before both houses Friday, legislators were busy with their ABC's and hardly paid them notice. The House went on a two-a-day schedule from Wednesday through Friday and reduced its backlog of bill* considerably, while the Senate was able to clear Its calendars completely by stretching out its morning sessions to midafteraooa. Unfortunately (from the standpoint of those seeking adjournment), some of the benefits of this speed were cancelled out by the introduction of 129 new bills. Predictions as to the adjournment date were being hedged as the week ended, because SenateHouse conflict on the provisions of the Revenue Bill left the situation uncertain. At best, action on the bill could not be completed until Thursday, and any further dispute would put off passage until the following week. (Meanwhile rumor had it that the important Appropriations Act would not be put into final form until passage of the Revenue measure. There were relatively few important bill introductions during the week, as legislative attention was turned to thoae which had been submitted earlier. Altogether, 189 bills were ratified, ■ were finally killed The hig money bills held the center of the stage throughout the week. The Governor's proposals in the Revenue Bill for revising the corporate tax allocation formula so as to he more attractive to new industry apparently were saf*. with the Senate-Houke controversy swirling around lesser provisions granting relief to particular groups of taxpayers. Following ratification of the administration bill for a $10 million capital improvements bond issue (designed to release funds for salary increases), bills were submitted to appropriate any unanticipated surplus during the next year so as to preclude unnecessary issuance Of the bonds. The House received another measure from the Board of Higher Education, authorizing the state's colleges to issue revenue bonds for financing dormitories; it supplements an earlier bill creating a revolving fund for construction «f such facilities 1? Cue cess of the gradual approach to state government reorganisation (reflected in the higt sate u! approval of Reorganization Commission bills this session and in 1MB) led to introduction of HR 1970. creating a successor Commission. This week Commission bills to improve coordination among state personnel agencies and local governments and among agencies in the field of building regulation were ratified; Its measure regulating occupational. licensing boards cleared the Senate; and bills to revamp the Building Code Council, clarify the State Personnel Director's powers; and create a Legislative Research Committee were reported favorably. Legislative action has been completed en 8R 372, creating a commission to recommend changes in the State Constitution, and HR 974, creating a cancer study commission. New bills propose creation of commissions to study (a) the need for a uniform may low lor the stats, (b) the problem of uninsured motorists, and (e) the proper adoration of functions between the city and county of Dur CONCRETE BLOCKS STEAM CURED — LABORATORY TESTED BOONE PLANT, TELEPHONE AMherst 4-3618 MAYMEAD BLOCK CO. BOONE N- C. SHOUNS, TENN. HB 969, regulating deposits of unused state funds, was amended on third reading in the House to permit deposit in banks of the state having a ratio of loana to total deposits of 39% (instead of 50%) or more . . . After one experience with a February convening date, HB 1365 would convene the legislature in mid-January. Motor Vehicles Progress of the compulsory li 1. FREE - CASH - FREE Absolute Auction JUNE 6th at 1 P. M. 50 ACRES Subdivided into building lots and small farm tracts LOCATED 2 Miles West of Boone '' f Just off new by-pass on Laurel Fork Road KNOWN AS L. M. TRIVETTE FARM If you are interested in a good investment or a summer home site on hard top road with plenty of water, be with w on day of sale, ai this property is being sold to settle the estate of Mrs. Jessie Trivetfe and will be sold regardless of price. Terms: One-Third Down BALANCE IN THREE EQUAL PAYMENTS Die 1, 2, S, Years After Date • SELLING AGENTS i COE INSURANCE & REALTY CO. • I AUCTIONEERS: ' A. A. Furr & Sons Auction Co. ALBEMARLE, N. C ability inaursnqc bill through the General Ais«mb» has resembled the Perils of Paulina. In this week's installment, it apparently its way to suoces* (when passed on second reading by the Senate), but was abruptly left cliff-hanging when an amendment added appropriations for Hs administration (which necessitated to the Appropriations ). la ths closing rash, friend and foe alike predicted it would never aiaks its my back So the Qaor. With the unsatisfied neat fund bill similarly lockad in coauaittee, it appears aunlikely that problems created by the uninsured negligent motorist will be solved in 1867. The proposal for • study commission reflects this prospect. The sins of the fathers apparently extend alao to their nephews. HB 1177 was submitted Monday atght. proposing creation of a voluntary vehicle inspection system generally similar to the mandatory system defeated earlier By dint of apeedy action by its proponents, it reached the House floor Friday—just in time for its own funeral. Other bills killed during tie week would have (a) plugged a loophole by making the plea of nolo contendere the equi valent of a conviction for purpoaes of drivers' license suspension, and (h) provided for regulation and suspension of drivers' licenses of persons subject to convulsive seizures . . . The two houses agreed to a conference committee report on the motor vehicle equipment bill, which restored the authority of the Motor Vehicles Commissioner to establish standards and approve safety belts . Both houses have also passrd the bill authorizing creation of com t rolled-access highways. Local Government Althoogh most at its legislation for local governments has taken the form of bills affecting only particular counties and municipa lilies (1042 of the 1886 introductions/ thus far), the General Assembly has received and enacted a greater than usual number of statewide bills in this area. This weak it received (!) 'a slightly modi tied version of the bill creating a new statewide firemen's pension fond, (2) a bill authorizing discontinuance of county TB hos Farms Being Cheeked By Representatives ASC Checking of farms in Watauga county to determine compliance wi{h acreage allotments and soil bank agreements and contracts is now under way. H was enounced this week by Bwight Cable, Chairman of the Watauga ASC Committee Virtually all farms must he visited by a representative of the ASC county office tsPmake either an accurate measurement or an estimate of crop acreages. ASC performance reporters will work singly since form operators are expected to assist in any necessary acreage measuring. Mr. Cable stated that whast acreage determinations have already been completed but that the of measuring other crop acreages is yet to he dona. Because marketing quotes are in affect, the acreage of tobacco, cottea, vand peanuts on each form most be eieaefwod, the chairman stated. The corn acreage amst ho measured aa all hnn vrheso operators wish to comply with their to qualify for prtee atreftfc must tUo rp spy form in tfcc which Supports Thi# he measured op commercial •creage of plaoed in the Aareage which is participating in servation Reserve. All Acreage IWSrrVr u Ivil niUvt Dt ifiruNumi. ha Mid. and mj former partlcipat iag in both the Acreage Reserve and the Cwacsvathw Reserve ha in full cansM—rs for i The tow in big K* of ON* WI8K MAM Pa—A KMMWht the sight of one lone, ear o« the premises ed for business aa gating, be found a note under windshield of the car. vfcieh re "I m drunk. 1 da MA drive. I parked it here. ^ it coats, "I'll pay." The named was signed to it. pitals, and (S) a bill prohibiting local taxation of most forms of lritangible property#(but authorizing taxation of certain leases by tax-exempt persons or agencies, when the purpose of the lease Is private gain). 0 Miscellaneous The effort to revive horse and dog-racihg hi the state was stabled by a House committee Attempts to regulate nopar banks, first by prohibiting .the practice except by smali banks and then by requiring them to proclaim their nonpar status on their checks, met similsr fates ... As an outgrowth of the minimum wage controversy, the Senate changed its rules to permit any Senator to move for withdrawal of a bill from committee after 10 days of inaction; nothing further has hsppened in the House. . . . Another bill increasing solicitors' salaries (but not cutting off private praotice of law) was submitted; it fixes salaries at $7936 and expense allowances at $2000 . . . Senators who charge that wildfowl flock like geese to hear themselves on recordings have submitted a request that the federal Wthfllfe Service outlaw electronic calling devices (after failure of a blH prohibiting the practioe). Arriving Friday Truckload of „ ANTIQUES GOOD ASSORTMENT - COME AND SEE THEM? DINETTE SPECIAL Regular $129.95 Dinette Sets $109.95 Regular $99.30 Dinette Sete ..... ..r........ $<17.50 Regular*$69.50 Dinette Sets $55.00 NEW and USED Furniture-Appliances IAWN FURNITURE - LAWN MOWERS COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND - NO OBLIGATION BURGESS ANTIQUE SHOP VAUGHN ROTEN, Mgr. W. King St. Bocae, N. C only 200 calories per serving! SUMMER MEAL FOR MODERNS COOL, COMPLETE. SERVES 6! Summer meal that everyone loves— / even the cook. Just serve tasty COOLIME SALAD, made with Sealteot Cottage Cheeee and Seal test / Buttermilk ... And serve It with SeaJteet Skim Milk. You'll be giving your family a wealth of summer health vitamins and minerals in a wonderfully satisfying, but not fattening, modern meal. The perfect cool-kitchen mat, too. Enjoy doKoloua Soaitest Dairy Products all summei long. From your store or SeaUoot milkman. "7T"ir BUTTERMILK! BCjlTAOl jtlEESE