G^ersonal Tfftention—Socialctivities JEAN U RIVIRS, Editor — Home Telephone AMhersf 4-3889 — Office Telephone Aliherat 4-3611 Local Affairs Mrs. Mary Brown and Pat spent the week end in Statetvllle with Mr. and Mr». A. C. Farthing Mr. and Mrs. James H. Council! spent Wednesday and Thursday in Raleigh transacting business Mrs. K £. Agle and Bob Agle, Jr. are visiting with Mrs. E. H. Agle in Greensboro this week Ming Molly Agle left Tuesday to visit her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eury in Bessemer City. Mr. and Mr* Sam Hubbard of Asheville spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Jim Dotson. Col. and Mrs. Dallas P. Knowle of Winter Park, Florida, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ellis last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J E. Holshouser visited Thursday with their son Jim, who is a patient at Duke Hospital. Mr .and Mrs. Alfred Adams, who have been in Elliston, Va., for the past year, have returned to their home on Route 3. Dr. and Mrs. Roy M. Brown of Chapel Hill spent last week at their summer home, Boofie Route 1. Mrs. C. B. Angel U spending three months visiting in Raleigh. Barnwell, S. C., Macon, Ga., and Plant City, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rollins of Spindale were week end visitors with Mrs. Rollins' mother, Mrs. Lena Geer. Dr and Mrs. Robert Whitener and son, Donald, of Chapel Hill are visiting Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Whitener this week. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Robbins and Alice Marie and Mrs. Robert Miller of Plneola visited Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cook Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Winkler spent Sunday with Mrs. J. R. Hagaman in Patterson and Mrs. Callie Seehorn in Lenoir. Mr. Neil Hartley of New York City returned home Sunday after visiting several days with his mother, Mrs. Pearl S. Hartley. Miss Peggy Teague spent the week end with Misses Ella Ruth Hampton and Carrol Kennedy of Piney Creek, N. C. Mr and Mrs. Johnny Barnett announce the birth of a daughter, Valerie Sue, on May 30, at Watauga Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Collier, Dan and Cathy of Riehmond, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Quails of Chapel Hill spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed S. Quails. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilson and Brenda returned Monday from a vacation at Daytona Beach and Sanford, Florida. Dr. and Mrs. W M Matheson, Bill, Barbara and Robert returned home Sunday after vacationing at Clearwater and New Smyrna Beach, Florida, for eleven days Mrs. Paul Bteck and son, Gill Paul, of Winston-Salem and Mrs. Bob Suddreth of Lenoir were week end visitors with ' their grandmother, Mrs. A. W. Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Richardson and David left Saturday for Memphis, Tenn. to visit with Mr. and Mrs. James T. Thompson, former residents of Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Cresent of Sugar Grove announce the birth of a daughter. Denise Lucille. on June 1 at Watauga Hospital. Susan, Jack, Melanie, and Charles Gibson returned to their home in Greensboro last week after spending three weeks with Mrs. Ann Hardin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hansford Miller and family, Mr*. Georee Miller and Nell spent the week end In Big Stone Gap, Virginia, visiting relatives. M. L. Warren. Jr., of Cleveland Ohio, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Warren. Sr., of Zionville. during the Memorial Day holiday. Mrs Lucfflp Nlrtten, Miss Cl«ra Lane*. Mrs E. L. Austin and Miss Connie Home of Monroe were the dinner euests of Miss Helen Underdown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J. N. Alexander and Ions, David and Neil, of Win ston-lalem spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. W. Alexander, and they attended' Mr. Smith Hagaman's funeral. Mrs. Edward B. Mast and daughters Alice and Jinny Belle hare Just returned from a week's visit with another daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Metvin Dots and family In Jacksonville, N. C. Superintendent and Mra. D. L Smith of Greensboro were among the out-of-town viaitors attending the funeral aervice of Dr. B. B Dougherty. Later they .visited With De%n and Mrs J. D. RanhfijL Mra. Palmer BUfr and children. Palmer, Jr., Sharon and Susan, will leave Sunday to visit two weeks with Mrs Blair's mother. Mrs. A. R. Rives In Sanford. They also plan to visit with Mr. and Mrs John Davis in Mmataia, N. i JfcS • j i ' J A MISS JIMMIE LOU CULLER Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Culler, of Boone, aanounce the engagement of their granddaughter, Jimmie Lou Culler, to Mr. Jim Hodges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Hodges of Lenoir. The wedding will be an event of the fall. Mr«. T. W. Lipscomb and daughter, Merlyn, and Mr». Mildred Arthur of Spartanburg, S. C.. were week end guests of Mr. and Mr*. H. Neal Blair. Mrs. Lipscomb and Mn. Blair are *i*ter*. Mrs. Pete Brault, Den.se and Keith of St. Cloud, Florida were visitors of Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bodenhamer, and other relatives In Boone during the past two weeks. Mr and Mrs. Sam McCollum and daughter, Regina, of Reidr ville and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Blair, Jr. and Linda of Greensboro were recant visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Neal Blsif r Mr and Mrs. Joe Minor, Joe. Phil and Jan art vac.tionlng ten days in Rich Square, N. C. *Ufc, Mrs. Minor's aunt. *1" I*™ Spivey and other relatives in that vicinity. , . Mrs Roy Smith and son Lyn of Oxford, Mrs Sam Molr and son Ron of Mt. Airy and Mrs Emma Moore of Boone are *P*ndllJ* week with Mr and Mrs. W. R. WMr'eand Mrs. Nicholas Erneston and family spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Don-; aid in Lexington, Va. Erneston remained with her | grandparents for a visitMrs. Bina Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carroll and Mrs^ S. B. Hayes returned to their homes Sunday after visiting a few days with relatives in Coshocton, Ohio. • » Miss Laura Holshotfaer and Mr Johnny Mast left Friday to spend , few days at WrighUville Beach and Eliiabetown. They are the guests of Miss Nancy Summerland of Eliiabetown. Mr. and Mri. J. C. Creed, Jack, 1 Jilda and Tommy, and Mrs. I. i* Walters of Knoxville, Tenn returned here Thursday from a week s vacation at Myrtle Beach Mrs. Walter* returned home Saturday after visiting two Wedcs with the Creeds. Mrs S F. Horton has returned to her home at Suttr Grove far the summer Mr. Horton will Join her Julv 1 when his ^slgnatona' Superintendent ci toe Jeftoroon Schools in South Carolina goea Into effect. __ Miss Arlene Wast of Kannapolis arrived home Mdav to J"*1"* * month with her mother, Mr* Edward B. Mast and make final orenarations for her wedding June *)th to Mr Ray MeRUmey at Kannapolis. _ Representative H. 0. da, accompanied bv who wttl remain there untl this vision of the Legislature I* »d-1 ,0|»"and Mrs W. L Holahmiee* Ir„ BUL letov. and 4rHntftoi*yir«rlni» TTT v visitors 3th Mrs W L Holsbou^ t. Mr. aM Mr* Sr** *nrt» In ninwlne Rock and other relative* ta Km—i aid B»"«er EJ* Miss «ve1v* Withes* h»« e<^ -Med h- ^ M JHe C«H**e of the W-tve-'tv of North Carolina «ie I* <mendln* (Mi wiA wltt ^ wfc <nd Mr*. Gardner D. Watfceeon. end brother Lynn at Vila*, before returning to Greeneboro for Mrs. Claude Norris of Stuart, Virginia, arrived Saturday to h«r home at Sands to spend the summer. Mrs. Muriel H. Glenn and Miss Margaret Glenn spent last week in Detroit visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith recently returned from a week's visit in Cresent City, Florida. On their return they stoped by Greenville, S. C. to see their new grandson, James Bard King, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. King, Jr. James Bard King was borft May 14. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Whitener spent the week end in Chapel Hllf where they attended Dr. Whitener's class reunion at the University of North Carolina. On their return, they visited with Mrs. Whiteness brothers, Drs. J. W., G. W., and E. Carr Choate, In Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. L. C Cheek, Jr. of Charlotte, Dr. Roy Johnson of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. James H. King, Jr. and soas, Lee, Len and Jimmie, of Greenville, South Carolina spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith, Mrs. Roy Johnson and Don, Randy and Beth. Mrs. R. E. Cogswell returned home Monday after visiting a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finis Wagner. Mrs. Cogswell attended her class reunion and Centennial celebration at Queens College In Charlotte Friday and Saturday. The Centennial message was given by C. W. Gilchrist. Mr. Cal Bumgarner of Newberg, Oregon, and Mrs. C. C. Chureh of North Wilkesboro have been visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bumgarner of Boone since last Wednesday. Mr. Cal Bumgarner has been gone from North Carolina 4? years and this is his first visit here since that time. His wife, the former Miss Blanche Greene, passed away in March, 1957. Mrs D. L. Wilcox and Mrs. H. W. Wilcox are attending the 60 annual convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs at the Blltmore Hotel and Wuntftml Auditorium in Ashevilte this week. Mrs. H. W. Wilcox, president of the Worthwhile Woman's Club, is a delegate and other members of the local club plan to attend some of the meetings. Mr. and Mrs. J»me« R Mast lefl last Wednesdsv for Ralef«h. Mantea, Nat's Read, and Morehead CHt. They reached Wilmington on Satnrday. where we?* Joined bv Mr. and Mrs. Colon Nlfnn* and daughter Pebkle. of WinstonSalem. The Nifoncs and Masts will mwnd tw» wertr at wrwrwnif Beach, returning home Saturday or Sunday. Wortonn*Are q. 1ft S. fL Ifr and Mn 8. F. Horton were honored at i hmriiran by the member* of the Jefferaon faculty tw FrtUf. May 31. Tier-wire Jh» tented «tth a lovely floor limp and other gtfta -1 Mrs. Fearie F. Horton. teacher ti the adult «MHetT( claaa of the Jefferaon Baptiat Church waa MoMed at 4 0oih| «#ay party and preaented with a beautiful allver tnr a> Tlwifmay of KM «wk Miss Perry Weds Mr. John R. Hagamati MRS. JOHN R. HAGAMAN The First Baptist church in Granite Falls was the scene of a wedding Thursday afternoon at 9:30 o'clock, when Miss Norma Jean Perry became the bride of John R. Hagaman of Zionville. She i> the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dorrell Perry of Granite Falls. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. John S. Hagaman of Zionville, and the late Mr. Hagaman. The Rev. Paul E. Bruce, pastor of the bride, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. Mn. Bill Deal of Granite Falls, rendered t program of wedding music. Soloist was Mis* Azalee Wilaon of Zionville. The bride given in marriage by Bride-Elect Is Honored Mis* Arlen !• Matt, June 30, bride-elect of Ray McKinney wu the inspiration of the dessert bridge party held Thursday night, May 16, at the Rowan Dairy Bar, Kannapolis Hostesses were Miss Mary Ann Wall and Miss Flora Burns, both of whom will be attendants in the wedding. Miss Hast, daughter of Mr*. Edward B. Mast of Boone and the late Mr. Mast it a librarian in the Kannapolis school system. The two hostesses are employed in the Kannapolis elementary school system. Miss Wall is from Wadesboro and Miss Burns b from Ridtburg, S. C. For the hospitality, Miss Malt choae a pink and white party frock and white accessories. Her gifts from the hostess included a white Carnation corsage and silver in her chosen pattern. Refreshments at the beginning of the party were ice cream molted in the shape of miniature brides and bride-eroom*, greet) and white bridal cake, nuts, and mints. Between progressions potato chips and cokes were served. Miss Florence Lute was high scorer and Mrs. Fred Chapman scored second high. Others attending were Mr*. Mast, mother of the bride-elect. Miss Irene Rumple, Mrs. B. It. Phillies. Mrs. Chorlo* Payne, Mrs. W W Hart sell. Miss Addle Ree Myers snd Miss Nancy Bollinget. Present were Miss Flor* Burnt. Mis* Florence Lutz, Mrs. Richard Bingham. Mrs. Ruth KKterlinC Mrs Max Price snd Mls« Marian Kelly. DiMer Party i _ Ttw administration forte of Kannanolf* City Schools honored Miss Mast, bride-elect, at * dinner party it Lake Lynn Lodge. Co4cord, Tuesday, May 28. Slimmer flower* were used III I i a * s II i ns offsriiioni. Seafood dinners were served. Mia* Mast choae for this occasion a pink brocade sheath dre* with matching accessories to which she added He hostesses Corsage of white carnations The group presanird the hoitoree with • beautiful silver salad trayThose present were Mis* trent Rumple. Mrs B H Phillip*. MM Dallas Campbell. Mr*. Fred Chap man, Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Bullock, MP. BMWV.V. RartatH, her father, wore * white gown of net over satin, fashioned with three-quarter length sleeves. She carried a white Bible topped with an orchid tied with satin streamers. Her only ornament was a strand of pearls, a gift from her mother. Hiss Linda Perry, was her sisters maid of honor. She carried a bouquet of pink and white roses tied with pink satin ribbon. Jim La 11 of Valdese, was best man. Ushers were Larry Estes and Haxie Williams. Mrs. Perry, mother of the bride, wore a navy blue dress with white accessories. :rw i»». The bridegroom's mother wore a pink dresa with blue accessories. Both had white carnation corsages. The bride is a graduate of Granite Falls High School and Clevenger College, in Hickory. She is now employed as secretary at Fashion Furniture Company in Hickory. The bridegroom is a graduate of Cove Creek High School. He was discharged from the Army in December after having served two years. He is now employed at Abernethy Chevrolet Company in Hickory. After a brief wedding trip through Western North Carolina the couple will make their home with the bride's parents In Granite Falls tor the present. \ Parties Given For Newlywetln Min Beth Eggers and Mr. Jerry HU1, who were married Sunday, May 20, were honored by Mrs. W. R Winkler and Mn. James Winkler who gave a bullet supper to the wedding ruhearsal on Saturday, May 38. Lovely arrangement* of paste) | llowers decorated the serving | table and other rooms in the j home Thii ty-two guests attended the j party at the home ol Mn. James i Winkler Cake Cndlng Mrs Constance Stalling*, Mrs ! C. Ray Lawrence and Mrs. L. H. j Hollingsworth gave the cake cut-! ting lor Miss Eggers and Mr. Hill I at the Hollingsworth home Satur- j day evening. May 25. The home was decorated with j white peonies and pink rhododen-1 dron. The bride's table, done in ! green and white, was covered with a white Irish linen Door-length cloth. An arrangement ol peonies and white spice dianthus Hanked by white twisted candles centered the table. The all-white wedding cake decorated with rose buds and wedding bells was set on a wreath ol lily ol the valley leaves. Seventy-live guests enjoyed the occasion. Luncheon Mrs. John Eggers ol Greensboro, Mrs. A. L. Eggers ol Glen Alpine and Mrs. Graydon Eggers were hostesses when Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hill, the bridal party and out-ol-town guests were entertained at a luncheon on Sunday. May 26, at the Mountaineer Room. The bride's table was centered with an arrangement ol white roses and peonies, and the other table was centered with mixed pastel flowers. Place cards decorated with small gold wedding bells were used. Covers were laid tor sixty guests. Miss Brown. Mr. Quails Married Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar Brown Jr. of Boone and Fayetteville announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia Orlando, to Mr. Dixon Lee Quails, son of Mr. and Mra. Ed S. Quails of Boone. They were married at the University Methodist Church in Chapel Hill on Friday, November 23, 1986. Mrs. Quails is a 1986 graduate of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. During the past year she has been employed by the Burlington City Schools in Burlington, N. C. Mr. Quails is a 1990 graduate of the University of North Carolina, where he was a member of the Beta Theta Pi social fraternity. He is presently a third year student in the School of Dentistry of the University of North Carolina and is a member of the Psi Omega professional fraternity. They will soon make their home at 116 Purefoy Road in Chapel Hill, where they will remain until Mr. Quails completes his work at the University. The Appalachian Senior High and Elementary School* unnounce another Summer Band Program tuning June 17th. Under the direction of Mr. S. Perry Watson. Director of Band*, the band chute* will have many varied feature* which will appeal to student* and their parent* alike. Now is the beat time for beginning students to take up the study of an insrument. The regular school schedule doe* not have ample time for inatruetlng beginners. This time can be offered during the vacation period. More Individual attention can be secured a* more time is allowed per class. There will be a great deal of outside help in connection with the Band Camp Instruction Staff from Valle Crucis and there is more concentrated study of an instrument. Mr. Watson and his staff will offer also a detailed Intermediate Band Course for those who havfc been playing a band instrument and desire further advancement. This is aimed at those boys and girls who need additional study and desire individual help and attention. A* stated above, band will begin on Monday morning, June 17 at 0:30 in the Elementary School band room, and will include full band experience, group itudy, individual attention, supervised practice and Strobocom instruction. Mr. Watson and a staff of four band directors will be on hand to instruct and all interested student* and parents are cordially invited to attend. Parkway Bids To Be Opened Waynesville, May 30— Bids on the construction of a 6.2-mile link of the Blue Ridge Parkway near here will be opened June 20, Parkway headquarters at Roanoke. Va., announced today. The new section win run westward from Balsam toward Soco Gap. Headquarters said the work on the new link would not be completed before the 1998 travel season opens. Masonic Meeting There will be a stated communication of Watauga Lodge No. >03. A. F. It A. M. at the Masonic Rail Friday evening at 7 o'clock. There will be work in the second degree. President Eisenhower set a bedrock flg«re of $3,860,000,000 for foreign aid, telling Congress that it would endanger the peace to cut below it. Miss Gowlea, Mr. McNeil Marry Mix Peart Cowles, Watauga county teacher, and Mr Fred McNeil, attorney from Chester. Pa., were married Friday, May 111 by Dean J. D. Rankin in the Rankin home. Both were former students <tf Appalachian State Teacher* College Honored At Shower Party Miss Joan Rosenbalm, brideelect of Keith Van Dyke, was honored Mav 29 by a miscellaneous shower given at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Roy Hayden pf Bristol, Virginia. Co-hOstesses were Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. Ivan Hayden. A color scheme of green ind white was used throughout the shower. The table, covered by an ivory lace table Sloth, was centered by a green and white umbrella, trimmed with white wedding bells and ribbon, wilder which the gifts were placed. Refreshments of green punch, cake, frosted in green and white, nuts, and mints were served after which the bride-elect opened the gifts. Boone Dancers To Appear In Hickory Two young dancers from Boone will take leading roles in Louis Nunnery's production of" "The Sleeping Beauty" Thursday night in Hickory. Miss Mollie Agle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Agle. will dance the part of the Princess. A pupil of Nancy F. Cook of Boone, she will appear as guest artist in Hickory. Her partner will be Gilbert Pendergrass, a member »f the New South Dance Theatre, which recently appeared in Boone. Mr. Pendergrass Is also a dancer in "Unto These Hills." Bob Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cook and a pupil of Mrs. Cook and Mr. Nunnery, will have as his partner Miss Lee Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mra. F. G. Harper Jr. of Hickory and Blowing Rock. | The performance will be held at I the Hickory Municipal Auditorium at 8:19. If Congress approval, the United States will pay about 40 per cent of the coat of the United Nations' peace keeping force In the Middle East.

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