Watauga methodist circuit The regular service* will be held on Mm Watauga Circuit by Mtaa Oeraldine Surratt, deaconneu^and her brother, the Rev. Ralph Sur ra tt. Service! will be held at Ma bel on the second and fourth Sun day* by Mr. Sun-aft, and at Hen ion Chapel on the (ame Sunday* W Mia* Surratt On the first and third Sundayi Mr. Surratt will preach at Liberty and Piney Grove, and Mia* Surratt will preach at Valle Crucia. BOONE CATHOLIC CHURCH No Sunday maaaea at Boom during the lummer. 'Maaaea abote Boone Drug Cb. Thuriday and Yrlday at 8:30 I. m. Saturday at 8 a. m. * «**» «• fi open 0*|lf rannnuiH carves J. K. Psrker, Jr., paater. Sunday school at 9:4# a. m. Moraine worship at 11:40 a. m. There la a nursery kept (or •mall children during this service, with • nuraa on doty. Weatmluster Fellowship at 9:4S 9- ». Circles of the women of the church meet the first Monday of etch month; general meeting of the women of the church each third Monday. BLOWING BOCK FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 0. Carlton Cox, pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Worship senrioe at 11:00 a. m. Sunday evening aervlaa at t:00 pi m. » Prayer meeting Wednesday at MO p. m. Choir rehearsal Wednesday at >:00 p m. church op ciaati ! * / Sunday: Bible study 10:00 a. m ; Worship, 11:00 a. m.; Evening worship, p. m. rtu<,y. 7;*> P U. 8. BCD CARPET The Waited States Government now owns h red cjypet to be used for rolling-out purpose^ wfceaeve* foreign dignitaries visit la Wsah ington. The new cirpet was u*eH for the first time upon th« arrival of PrAne Minister of Japan, No buauke Kishi, in Wsshlngton. Methodist District Meeting Ir Set Wilkcobera District; MethodU« Church Alld ih# annual imitilll rv i. »ZLa held JVP-mS*** £tfc| <* 0M . «rfM W IktUdM Church Sunday afternoon. July 14, at HO o'clock. The fU-» O. 1 SUflord, superintendent of the dis trict, will preside. Among those expected to attend frota the twenty-nix pastoral char-, tet sre the district stewards, church lay-leader*. delegates to the last di»trut conference, chair men of the commlaaiMu on edoca cburch, the charge treasurer, pres ident! of the Woman's Society of Christian Service and members of the district mission aoclety, Meth odist men, a»4 pastors. The Rev. W. 1. Huneycutt. pas tor of Hswthorne Lane Methodist Church in Charlotte, will he the main speaker Mr. Huneycutt was formerly district auperiatamdeat of the Waynesville district. Arrangements have been made for the group to have supper to gether immediately following the meeting which will adjourn about 3:30 o'clock. VFW Auxiliary Meet Tonight The Ladles Auxiliary to Wata u(a Mountaineer Poet 7031, Vet eran! of Foreign War*, will meet Thursday, July 11 at 8:00 p. m. at the Poat Home to make final plana for a fried chicken nipper to be held Saturday, July IS at I7D0 p. m Ticketa are now on aate at the Pact Home at fl.00 each. | Aa a part of their community service and civil defense pro tram t the Auxiliary will place without eharfe several copies of "Survival", a Civil Defense hand book, Ik public places in Boone. "Survival" gives the complete pattern for Civil Defense aa aet up by the United State* Govern ment office of Civil Defence. It give* definite Inatructlona to be followed before, daring and after an atomic attack. Thaae book* are being placed In Boone a* a com munity service with the hope of aavlng live* If and when an atomic attack should occur. CONSUME* PRICES Consumer price* reached a new high In May (or the ninth con secutive month, with riaing food priee* a aaajor factor in the in crease. The upward trend, com bined with a downward trend in the number of hour* worked a week ted to another email drop la factory worker*' purchasing pow er. The Bureau of Labor Statistics' oonedmer price Index Mae O.J par cent In May -to 11M. This was J.6 per Hat higher than In May, i860. Bishop Noth Of Saxony Speaks At Holy Trinity Bi.hop Gottfried N»th of the Lutheran Church of Kaxony, Eait Germany. emph!>aizrd the common Uoa of Jim Christ binding ta |other ill peopie and all cfcarehet in a abort greeting to • congrega tion at Holy Triuity Lutheran Church at Doe* Gap Sunday To lay that "everything to different" to hie area from Iter* would bo true, even though there to aa much that to the tame for all peoplaa. Biahop Noth to one of a group | Of Luthern churchmen talcing port In a Southern Regional Theologic al Conference at Lutheridge near Aahevilla thia week The party worshipped at the Deep Gap church in thetr journey by aulo —'-le from another airailar con ice In Pennsylvania to Aahe» Dr. S. P. llebart of Australia. Dr. and Mrs. Ernst Kinder of Wet Germany, and Dr. Haas H. Welaagerber of Switzerland were the other foreign members of the party. Br. and Mrs. Charles F Carroll of New York and Dr. Ha gen Staack of Pennsylvania ac companied the (roup which was joined in this area by Dr. F. L. : Conrad, president of the North ' Carolina Lutheran Synod and his 1 wile. The distinguished visitors join ed in the Holy Communion of the Lord's Supper shared by a Fel lowship Service of the three churches of the Boone-Wataufa Lutheran Pariah of which Rev. George W. Shuford is pastor. FoJ ' lowing the aervice, the people of 1 Holy Trinity Church. Holy Com munion Church, and Bethany I Church participated in a "dinner on the grounds." 1 The visiting churchmen are in ' this couwtry (or the 107 Aaaemb | ly of the Lutheran World Federa | tion, composed of more than forty 1 million Lutherans from all over the world, which will be held In i Minneapolis later this summer. A series of regional conferences are being held in various parts of the country prior to the Assembly. Bishop Hanns Lllje will join : the group at the Asheville confer {ence, which concludes with a rally at Hickory Thursday night. VETS BONUSES Between 1946 and IBM, the forty-eight state* spent •8.129 000,000,000 on veteran*' programs and of thi*. >2,444,000,000 waa for , bonmaa. according to the Tax Foundation, Inc. The Federal | Government, in the same period, spent 143,000,000,000 on programs ' aimed at rehabilitating and read justing veterans. It alao guaran teed veterans' loan* of $31,000, 1000,000 for homes, farms and busi nesses. ,.. _ , PEDESTRIAN DEATHS In a year when automobile fa talities reached a new high, 7,980 padactriaaa lost their Uvea, 60 (fewer than the previous records set In 1984 and 1M3, respectively. _L_ fc : : *1 Rev. Mr. Jone* To Be Speaker The Re*. James A. Jones, D. D., will be the guest speaker at the Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church of Blowing Rock next Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. for a number of years Dr. Jones was paator of the Myers Park Presbyterian Church of Charlotte. Recently he accepted the presidency of Union Theolo gical Seminary of Richmond, Vir ginia. A native North Carolinian. Dr. Jones is an outstanding lead er in all phases of the work of the Southern Presbyterian Church. While in Blowing Rock. Dr. and Mra. Jones will be guests of Mr. David Ovens at his summer home, "Pineacres". On the second Sunday of August Grandfather Home Day will be ob served in the Rumple Memorial Church under the sponsorship of Mr. Ovens, Nationally known and loved artists of the musical world will sing the old songs that we all know aad love. Oa the thirty-eighth anniver sary of Grandfather Heme Day last year the collection mounted to more than $13,000. A larger sum Is eipected this year. On the third Sunday of August, the 18th, the Honorable Luther {lodges. Governor of North Caro lina. will be the guest speaker In the Rumple Memorial Presbyter ian Church. This service will hon or all visiting Rotarians in the area. A special invitation will be given to the members of all the Rotary Clubs in surrounding cities aad towns. Governor and Mrs. Hodges will be guests of Mayview Manor while in Blowing Rock. Poultry meat production was up 14 per cent for the first quar ter of 1997 while the prices re ceived by farmers was down about 13 per cent. I Give Your Home j| A Raincoat Tight uMimtwi ari • good coat of paint uaod to be consid ered Ac best protection again*! weather damage to wood wed in buildings But theae frequently prove inadequate, as anyon* knows wh* baa atruggled with problema of hliatered paint and rotting wood on the exterior of his houae. Now an extra "rain coat" la available. It'a a water repellent wood preaervative. Thia preaervative, according to L E. Tuckwiller, Watauga county agent, it pentacblorophenol, often re/erred to siaaply aa ' penta." Thia can be purchased under vari ous trade names, already mixed in a water repellent aolution, or aa a concentrate to be mixed ac cording to directions given on the label. Tests carried out show that wood siding readily absorbs mois ture when it is subjected to a driving rain Or water running down over it. Due to capillary ac tion—the tendency of a liquid in contact with a solid to flow up ward—raindrops actually climb ap under the aiding. On * newly painted house • paint film may stop this action, but the slightest crevice permits the joints to sook up water like a sponge. When this happens paint blisters or, as the water drips out the same way it entered, it leaves streaky stains from wood, build* ing paper or rasty nails. In replacing rotted siding, soak or dip the new wood in a penta solution, suggests Mr. Tuckwiller. Or If boards are sound and the house simply needs repainting, scrape and sand Mistered areaa. Then, before new point la applied, brush a penta', water-repellent preaervative into overlap Joints and butt ends. Joints on door and window trims and house corners should be treated too, especially where old paint haa loosened. Ex cess penta that runs down over the paint should be wiped off with a cloth dampened with paint thinner. Allow the penta to dry thoroughly before the house is uk your contractor about the! pixmbilHy vf obUiiim trtatrd, B^j5SXSt6R,2! pentaohlorophcnol Lite added to the wood and repa* kills «avt-d, justify the expmm of treatment, I ■ay ■ Mr. TuekwiDer. TBI XJ m The ill-fated Bell Xi rocket plane set an altitude mark of !*, 300 feet or almost twenty-four miles, according ta the Atr Perce. Capt. Mil burn Apt, pilot at the X-Z was killed when the plane went out at eetttral and crashed last Sept. 27. LVt iNkvftANCB tor the Crat halt ol 1987, pur •f ww kfe iMmit total ed $33.ooo.o<*<.uo0, thirty pi* cent aJMv* the 1PM period, according to the loatitute of Life Inwrance. Rulane Gas Service ts ECONOMICAL! ™ _ F . • — Remember — mwanf! PARKWAY RULANK OAS SERVICE [ 4-3054 S. L. Whitaker Real Estate Co. Real Estate For Sale (1) SO* ACRES TIMBER LAND, covered in young timber. 23.000 ft taw timber an good road. Per acre $22.00. Of) 99 ACRES GOOD WT LAM), water. Price $15.00 per acre. (3) 130 ACRES, 6 room bouse with bath, $2000.00 worth of saw timber, trout atream on good road. Price $6,800.00 (4) NEW FOUR ROOM HOUSE not «a!te finished. 1$ acres land, water, on good road. $3,200.00. (5) 6 ACRES, 4 room cabin, $$50.00. (•) 12 ACRES NEAR BOONE on hard Surface road. $2,500 00 (7) 100 ACRES, $1,000 00 worth of poplar saw timber, 4 room house, sprinf, fruit trees. $3,250.00. (8) 60 ACRES $ MILES OUT OF BOONE on Blowing Rock road. Cut into ty acres and up. This is the Finley Shore tract of land. Easy terms. We have lots of out of town buyers that are interested in buying property in this section of North Carolina. This summer we need lots more listing. We would b* very happy if you would call, write, or come to see us. S. L. Whitaker Real Estate' Co. OFFICE IN BOONE >4 MILE OUT OF TOWN ON BLOWING ROCK HIGHWAY—TELEPHONE AM 4-8651 Nerth Wllkembore Office Telephone 1424, Bos 56$ Aaaaciated with Offices fat Winston-Salem and Miami, Fla.