four jrean of high achool English, American and World Hiatories, Bi ology and Chemistry, Algebra I 4 II, Plane Geometry, General Hath, MM OewMtry, Spaniah 1 * II, Latin I k II, and French I and II. About oaa-half of tfc* cumpcra are takinf typing. Mra. Helen Hahn of HUdarbraB If the auperviaor for freahman and aophomore Engliah and the tw|« Of Frendh Mra. L. A. Kirk. Atb «i, Georgia, ia the auperviaor in the field of acience. Manuel Lorenzo, • native Cuban and « teacher at Lenoir High School, ia teaching Spaniah and aupervlaing the typing instruction. Mra. Helen 0. Moore, of Roee borough, la auperviaor of Junior and senior Engliah and teacher of latin. Mra. Norman Ouellette, Banner Elk, ia aaaiating in the Reading program and directing the aecreational program for girls. Miaa Doria Vance, Aaheville, and I teacher in Eaat Mecklenburg igh School, ia supervisor of math ematics and teaching aolld Geo metry. Rex Whittington, North WUkes boro, la supervisor of social stu dies and direotor of recreation for hoys. Mrs. Crew is manager of in formal recreation and the Snaek Bar at the Student Center. Dr. Crew, principal of the Ap palachian High School in Boom, «nd director of Um aa|, aa ■ member of the aUff lor Appalacfc iao State Tecahar* College, it <1* Meting the graduate Ktudy pro gnm [of Um teTtKM ^ The Leea-MeBaa JHitl* HmI flttlktra'hooi |»d AptlllcfabD •tot* Teach en Callage. The pro gram operate* for afcht weeks. The wcocd wui begin on Jaly 23. High School credit, earned at the camp are acceptable by all the high »chool» 1b North Carol 1m •laoe the froaran if awmod by the State Deaprtmont. Swimming leuom Given At Blowing Rock Pool Monday am) Thuraday: Free awimming laauoiw for tboac uader If yean of age. 10 a. w . to 1 p m. Tucaday and Wedneaday. Friday: Frae tennia leaaona from 10 to 12 "^Snraday and Saturday: Free •quare danaa iaaaona from 7 to 8 p. m; paid aquare dance from •JO to 11:30 p. m. In the recre ation bp tiding. Wednesday and Friday; Pony League Bate ball game with Valle Cracla at 4:00 p. m. Wed. With Boone at Boone Friday. Thuraday: Oirla' toft tali game with Cora Creek at I p. m. Midget baaabali game with Cove Creek boy« at S:S0 p. m. Monday and Wadaeaday: Pre teen canteen from 6:90 to • p. m. (dancing, game*, arta and erafta, ate.) Tuaaday and Fridayi: Teen can teen from 7 to 11 p. m. (dancing, gamea, touranment play, etc. Pool Hour*: Morning: 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.; children 12-28 centa; adulta 80 ceota. Afternoon and evening: 2 p. m. to • p. m.; 7:00 p. m. to 10:00 p. m.i children 38 eenta; adulta 80 centa. .... .. " Efficient planning la the key to aucceaaful farming. * n'j j " Counrill Realty Co. MS B. Howard StrMt — Phono AM 44970 or 4-I2M 8 DESIRABLE LOTS with good view, 100 foot front each lot on paved ilreet. Your choiee $1,100 each. 1—Extra niea three bedroom houaa located In one of the beat sections of Boone on a very largo lot with traca and a atream In the back of lot 2—Five room frame houae, wall located with ISO foot of front age. All for feSOO. S—Forty acrea of land—aoaa (raxing and aome timber—located at Foecoe. $106 00 par acre. About half can be cultivated. 4—>Thrae bedroom frame houae located very near college. Thli houae la Insulated and baa atorm windows. It hat eteam heat oil fired fumaea. Moat oaooomloal houae to heat I know of. Can have 176 foot frontage. »—Small farm with ate room cedar all ingle houae with modern convenience!. Alao bam and other outbuildiaga. Several apringa on place and fronting on Meat Camp Creek. Lake could bo constructed eaaily. •-FORTY-SEVEN LOTS IN CITY LIMITS OF BOONE— $133 00 to $300.00 each. Com look at them and take your pick. ' FOR RENT —Watauga Motor Market Improvement! can bo arranged. Oome aee theae and other outataadlng real aetata buys. No high preseure—you will aell yourself on theae valuea. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF Reins-Sturdivant Mutual Burial Association, Inc. TELEPHONE DIAL AMkmt 4-MM .A ZVCeat Fee b Charged V»w Mata* After Which The Feltowta* Dim Art la Effect: Jrs % ass Ten to Thirty Yean M LM W.O# Thirty to Fifty Ye«rt — .M IM t—.H Fifty to Sixty-Five Yttra IJM AM M M 1 KSI'il Summer Hand To Give Concert | At College Tuee. The Appalachian School Camp Summer Band will give iU only nnciirt this coining July ltKh an the fiat An* Um* fw program Vi)l lit In connection with the College Summer Band Concert arriaa. The band will peesect tour ■HactkMu under the direction at the four member* of the *taff "Activity March" will be directed by Mr. Ja-sk Kinaady, hpMtaNMtW at North Charloaton. S. C.; "The Roeary" will bo directed by Miaa Martha ThoaunaaMMi. band direc tor at Rutborfordtoa; "Skip To My Lou" will be directed by Mr. Paul Simpton, bandmaater at Dal laa and kittle Suite For Band" will be directed by Mr. J. Perry Wataon, band camp co-ordinator. and bandmaater at Boone Student* in the camp coma from Shelby, DeoatdP, Qa„ Candor. Dreael, MooraavUla, Stateaville, Lenoir, and Boone. Sewing Center Ideas Given If you'r« planning. to make clothes for tyring and summer, it's a good idea to tako the tine to arrange your sewing (eater for comfortable, convenient work. How fast ami eaay your work goea may depend on the height of the cutting aad sewing tables you use aad the comfort Of the chair you sit ia. Twenty-four homemakcrs in Pennsylvania tried an experiment and helped ia laboratory testa of sewiag equipment. They found that cutting table* about 36 inches high and not leaa than 60 inches long made their work easier. Of course, the height oi the table or cutting board should be adjusted to suit the woman who will be us ing it A sewing machine table 40 inches long and 28 inches high with a chair 10 inches high suited-most workers. They bit having the machine needle 7 inches from the front edge of a table at least 19 inches wide added to sewing con venience. In the Pennsylvania Experiment Station study, moat of the women liked the U-shaped arrangement of sewing equipment. The most popu lar arrangement had an ironing board at sitting height at worker's left fa she faced the ma| chine (or to the right if the was left-handed) and a low table on the other tide for tools and par tUlly finished work. Tri-Couuty League Goes Into Close Race For Lead >j A very eloae race k being waged for the Om Hut la the Tri-Coun ty Baaeball League. «e.h of the lint four Ifinu suffered a lou wMch dropped thean down In the standings and put each team with in striking distance of firat pine*. IfUll Bat., July &—Banbao S, Boone 9, Lenoir », Foacoe 2; Mabel «, *M. Pleaaant 1; Lansing at We*t Jefferson not reported; Miller* Creek, open date. Sun., July 7—Lenoir at 1 aiming, net reported; Boone 8. Mabel 1; Bamboo I. Foacoe 2; Mt Pleasant », Miller. Creek 0; We.t Jefferaon, opea data. Schedule Sat., July IS—Bow* at Mt. Pleaaant, West Jefferson at Bam boo, Mahal at Lansing (8:00 p. m), Miller* Creek at Lenoir. F<* eoe, open date. Sunday, July 14— Lenoir at Weat Jefferson, Mt. Pleaaant at Foacoe, Bamboo at Lansing. Mil ler* Creek at Boone, Mabel, open date. Standing* were not available at press time. Timber Owner Easily Cheated The buyer who offer* you the most money for your timber may not alwaya be the beat one to sell to, according to R. 6. Douglass, forestry specialist for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service. He points out several reasona why this may be true: If the buyer destroys • large amount of young tree* he may se verely damage and reduce the amount of merchantable timber you will have in the future. When timber ia paid for on the basii of timber actually cut, a dis honest buyer can often gain by not reporting all that is cut. Careleaaneas with fire by the cutting crew can completely de stroy the next crop of timber. Tree* cut below the minimum size can be collected for, but usu ally at only about actual market value. The value of theae smaller trees to the owner ia much more than this, when considered In terms of future growth. Douglass says this can all be summarized in these words, "Know your buyer." * \ " 2 Farm-Home Week To J Draw2,000Club W omen North Caroiiu State Collage and Um M. C. Agricultural B*tan siaa Srrviea will play Mat* to mart than 1060 home demonst ra tio® dub women at this year's Farm-Home Weak, August 8 through S on the campus of the college. It waa announced by Ruth Curraat, state hone dernonstra tlon agent. The waab'i activities will be«ta Monday afternoon with registra tion In the William Neal Reynolds Coliseum and an evening program at 1-M p. m. The four-day meet if designed primarily for women this year rather than the combined program for men and women which has been followed in past years. Approximately 13 different classes on various subjects of In terest to North Carolina's home { demonstration club women will be j taught by outstanding Instructors to be announced at a later date. Some ot the classes will be of such subjects as: trends in home decorating, modernizing old pic ture frames, wildlife on the farm, braided rugs, farm pond and wat er aafety, you and your clothes, keeping plants healthy, supple menting the electric range, what's new in home lighting, children and money, parliamentary proce dure, outdoor cookery, and foods j for wedding and anniversary re- j ceptlons. Special activities such as a fashion show and a talent show will be features of the week, in addition to Thursday's activities as part of the annual meeting of the State Federation of Home Demonstration clubs. Election and j of officers for 1M* Will b» held on Fade ration Day. For further Information retard ing Firm-Home Week, contact danonrtratiaa BIPARTISAN' CUT Senator Lyndon B. Johnxon, Senate Democratic leader, recent ly stated that Congress is cutting President Eisenhower's budget in a "bipartisan" way and he hopes the Administration doesn't inject politics Into the matter. FINDS OLD (HECKS San Pr«aci«e« — More than twenty yean ago. a resident at San Francisco bought «3S0 worth Itf American Eapreaa Traveler* cheeks. For tome reason, which even be cannot recall, be pot them into a cookie Jar In his honte and the Jar later disappeared Recent excavating crews, tearing down house found the Jar and Travelers Cheek* still intact, bur ied between the W*1U American Kxprew prumjrtly r*dcciae<' the ebeck>. Or. Edwin 0. Neum, former chairman at the Preaident'a Coun cil of Economic Adviaert. Mid a "built-in inflationary nMchanuoi" had been developed between boat mm and labor since the war. DEMOCRAT ADS PAY LEE and ROBBINS • Third Anniversary Sale IN GREAT PROGRESS Every Item in the Store Reduced for Tremendous Savings To You ■ Savings Up To 40% On the Largest Stock of Quality Clothing and Accessories Ever Offered by Lee and Robbins at Such Great Savings Follow the Crowds and Stretch Your Dollar by Shopping at Lee & Robbins Men's Fashion Shop SHOP IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT LEE AND ROBBINS MEN'S FASHION SHOP 100 North Main Street Lenoir, N. C »

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