Forsyth County Leaders Tour Watauga And Like This Region A delegation of mm 49 buaineatt «nd agricultural 1 eaten of WinAon-Saiem and Kwiyth county ri» u.-d Watauga tounty loot Wednesday «nd w< taken on a |i»«w> ally-conducted tow at point* of fcterest by L. E ^nckwiller, Bounty agent, Stanley A. Hurl), Chamber of Commerce manager. Aid Other county traders The groa* *1*0 visited Grandfather Mountain,, wh^re they were *elooBMi fay owner Hugh Wort an, •nd took a ride on Grover Robfans' "TweeUie" train on the return trip. ' It wm one of a aerie* of visit! the rwiyta people are planning to acqutnt them with their neigh lorinc counties. The Greyhound busload at Fortgrth countians was met by a WaA ' **3 A. 1 I.' —:"n—hrr-l r tanga delegation at Deep flap and kronght 1« Boone, where they Via ited the two industrial plants, In inn^l mi thadeMlM, Inc. '"The party, some traveling la automobile!. Own proceeded to Cove Creek, where they were «erved a tasty Aunek by the Cove Creek Development Club with President Jerry Adam! a> boat The t