'ersona IB* ention—o^ocia ctwitiem JEAN U RIVERS, Editor - Home Telephone AMherct 4-3380 - Office Telephone AMhemt *-3#ll KlI M ■■.Wfe WIS -rW ~. C. Mr John T*tum, who has been working in Detroit, Michigan sight yea*. I* spending two week* irith his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. L. t. Tatum Mr. Tatum will leave September 17 te enter the Univer. rity of North Carolina Mr. Robert A- Foe. who is coaching at North Marion High School in Reddick, Florida, spent the wwk end with lira. Poe and Mir. and Mrs. Jack Gragg Mr. and Mrs. Nail Goodnight and children, Kattiy. Jack and Sarah, of Charlotte spent the week end visiting with Mrs. J. L Goodnight. Mrs. H. M. Tharrington. son and daughter, of Macon, N. C., are riaiting Mr*. Tharrington'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moody •t Globe. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bolick of Hudson and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Bolick. Jr.. of Columbia. S. C„ visited last week end with Mrs. T. E. Moretz and Miss Maggie Moretz. Mr. David MoreU and David, Jr.. of Cleveland. Ohio visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Lyons, Mrs. T. M. Moretz and Miss Maggie Moretz. Mr. and Mrs. James Norris. Judy and Carol and Mrs. J. F. Norris of Charlotte visited with relatives in Boone over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Willetts of Winston-Salem and Mr- and Mrs. Don Dotson of Sparta spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. David Norris. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Greene, Dennis and Guy of Burlington ware guests with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greene Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Houck were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Dixon of Philadelphia, Pa., at the Healing Springs Hotel Wednesday evening. Mr. Roscoe Brown of Vilas has accepted a teaching position at the Gaatonia Junior High School. Mr. and Mrs. Brown moved to their new home in Gastonia last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Eroeaton spent laat week in Greenwood, S. C , visiting Mr. Gus Erneston, who underwent surgery at Self Memorial Hoapital, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leak of Knoxville, Tennessee and Mr. Fred Couocill of Atlanta, Georgia were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James H. Councill and Mrs. B. J. Councill. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Howell and sons, Clarke and Larry, left Sunday for their home in Detroit after vacationing three weeks with Mrs, E. T. Miller and other relativea in this vicinity. Miss Jane Rivers, who has completed her work at Transylvania Music Camp In Brevard, arrived Friday to visit a few days with her *p*rents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rivers. Dr. and Mrs. I. W. Carpenter, Jr. and children, Kim and Ruth Ann, returned home Saturday from a week's visit with Mrs. Carpenter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Smith, in Indlannapolls, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Leith, Mary Charles and Martin, have returned to Winston-Salem after spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Howell and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cannon of Vilas. Visitors during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gragg and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pot were Mrs. S. L. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Myers of Winston-Salem, Mr and Mrs. F. A. White and Mr. Flake White of SUtesviDe. Dr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds, Bob and Marjorie, returned home Sunday from Middletown, Ind. after visiting a week with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe McKee. Bob spent the summer with hi* grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. McKee. Mr. Lawton Grogan and Mr. Carl Grognn of Zionville have returned home after spending last week visiting relatives in Lynchburg, Virginia. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bumgarner in Forest. Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Petrey and sons, Douglas, Winston, and Morgan, spent last week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petrey in Jellico, Tennessee They alao toured the Cumberland Falls State Park in Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward and Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wonliam of Sevelrvllle, and Gatlingburg, Tenn. were week end guest* of Mrs. Ward's and Mrs. Worsham's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ragan of Todd. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Norris. Garry, Roger, and Mariheth of Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kerr, Donna and Larry of SaHnbuxy spent the weak end with relatives In Boone Mr. E. r Mast, of Portland, On*«a, is spending son* time with relative* and friends In the county. Mr. Mast, a native of the Hominger neighborhood, and a retired Uuriwrman, fr^been « 7m Mini Joan Moretz Is Bride Mr. Davis MRS. BOBBY RAY DAVIS Miss Joan MoreU became the bride of Bobby Ray Davit in a very impressive candle light service at South Fork Baptist Church, Todd, at six o'clock August 17th. Dr. John G. Barden of Boone performed the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. MoreU of Todd. The groom is the son of Mr. Harvey Davis, and the late Mrs. Davis of Elkins, West Virginia. The wedding music was provid Mr. and Mrs. James Grigg returned Sunday to their home in Clarksville, Georgia after visiting a week with Mrs. E. T. Miller and other relatives here. Week end guests at the home of Mrs. Ed Bingham were Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Leonard of High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Colvln T. Leonard of Greensboro and Mr. and Mri. H. M. Willard of Winston-Salem. ' Visitors In the home of Mr. and Mi*. D. W. Cook over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. A C. Farthing of Stateavtlle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartley and Jane of Bristol and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cook and Gregory of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. David Horton left last Monday for Oxark, Alabama to join her husband after visiting six weeks with her mother, Mrs. Paul Walsh, of Sherwood. Lt. Horton, who Is stationed at Camp Rucker, recently underwent surgery at Camp Rucker Hospital Dr. and Mrs. J. J. VanNoppen, and children, Mary, Ann, and Jack, have returned, after (pending two weeks in New York, and Washington, D. C. While away they visited such historical points as Gettysburg. Jamestown and Williamsburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hicks of Fresno, Ohio were visitors in the community last week. Mr. Hicks' •on, Mr. Forest Hicks, s professional, prize-winning cheesemaker, sent the Democrat publisher a wedge of excellent Swiss cheese which he had made. The Cheese la delioious and is appreciated. Mrs. Joe Mast and son, Joe, Jr., have joined Mr. Mast in Klngsport, Tennessee where he 1* with The Kingsport Press. Mrs. Mast will teach there in the city schools. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tugman. "Mrs. Joan Talbert and Mrs. Bina Graham visited with them last Sunday. Lt. Pat Mast has returned to Edgewood, Maryland, where he is serving in the legal division of the army chemical center, after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave P. Mast. Mrs. Mast remainded here and will Join her husband in Winston-Salem where they plan to live after his discharge from the army September 1S.|,| Visitors in the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Cook during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. T. t. Teeter, Billic Ann and Michael and Mrs. Zeb Teeter of Hickory; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neely of Charlotte; and Mrs. M. L. Croom and children. M. L.. Jr.. Walter, Albert and Delia. Delia will enter the fall term at Appalachian State Teachers College Dr. and Mrs. Ed Beaty and children, Helen and Charles, of •ad Mr*. Charles Adam* of Colum Ma. South Carolina are spending two weeks rtsiUng in Watauw ed by Mrt John G. Barden of Boone, organist, and Mrs. Ruby Graul of Baltimore, Md., soloist. Mrs. Graul sang "0 Promise Me", "Because", "The Wedding Prayer", and "Wedding Benediction." The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a gown of embroidered organdy, with scalloped neckline and shirred cap sleeves. The three tiered skirt extended into a chapel train. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a tiera, encrusted with seed pearls. She carried a cascade .bouquet of gladioli and carnations. She wore a pearl bracelet, a gift of the groom. Mrs. Frank Wells of Hickory was her sister's matron of honor. She wore a mint green ballerina length gown of nylon over net, with picture hat and matching shoes. She carried a bouquet of rubrum lillie tied with pink satin ribbon. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Terry Hart, the bride's aister, and Mrs. Jerry Davis, sister in law of the groom, both from Baltimore, Md. Their gowns were identical to the hon0r attendant, eacept pink in color pKtuw hats and mm- rhetr bou queu wen rutoum .iUu*. 1=^H5 SS.'Si'S S*^w" and orchid aatln bows. I Mr. Ilowvd Stanley of Balti more, Md.. brother-* low of the (room. was best ' ' Ushers were Lynn th* hridf', brother, Fr*nk Well" of j Hickory, and Terty Hart of Baltr nunc. Md. brother-in-law of the I bride. > The bride1* mother wore a street length dress of heavenly blue voU, with beige accessories and * pink rosebud corsage. The groom attended Taggerts Valley High School. Elklni. Wert Virginia before entering the armed forces, in which he served five years He finished his education while in service. He is now employed at Martin's Aircraft Corp., Baltimore. Md. The bride finUhed Elkland High School. Todd, and Baltimore Institute, Baltimore, Md. She is also employed at Martin's Corp. FoUowing the ceremony the bride's parents entertained with a reception at their home. Assisting with the reception were Mrs. Gene Smith, Mrs Ssmuel MoreU, Mrs Dale Moreti, aunts of the bride, Miss Barbara Morett, the bride s counsin, Miss Ruby Trlvette. and Mrs. Ivan Hart. For travel the bride and groom wore matching blue cotton cord suits. The bride wore white accessories, and a corsage of white carnations. After a wedding trip up the Shanandoah Valley, the couple will spend a week at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Cormany. aunt and uncle of the bride, at Winchester, Va After September 3rd, they will be at home at 832 Brunswick Road, Baltimore, Md. , , . Out of town guests Include: From Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Gid Des Rocher. From Maryland. Mr. Salvatore G. Giordano. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johanas and daughters, Beth an Robin, Mrs. Ivan Hart, Mr "ow" ard Stanley, Mr. Robert Wilwn, Mrs Julia Graul, Mr. and Mrs. i Louis B. Graul, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ghormley and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Bell, and Mrs. Ella Blackburn. From Virginia, Mrs. ***** Ghormley H, and son, Robert III. and Mrs. Bertrand Winkler. From Oklahoma. Mrs. James Fulton Williams and daughter. J**. t ^ From Raleigh. Mn. Hugo 1*1 at and daughter Ll|T»oin Greensboro. Mr. and Mm. J oh* Woodard.;? From Statosvlll*. Mr Edwin Hunter. from Catawba£,Mr. «nd Mrs Otne Smith From Newton, Mr. and Mr*. G. Andrew Sigmon sn