m ersona JEAN )Cid/ Jtfctivities tffic• Telephone AMherwt 4-3612 Local Affairs Miss Sadie VanDyke of Burlington was • *»k end guest of Mrs J. W. Jones Mr. Joe Hardin of White Plains, N. Y. it visiting bis family on Howard's Creek Road. Mrs. Thelma Hart of Vera Brtch, Florida, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Winkler last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ellis visited in Davidson County last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Snyder of Mt. Airy, were guests of the Jerry Coes over the week end. Mr. an0 Mrs. Jack Neal of Lexington spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grow Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Owsley attended the 8th District Medical meeting in High Point Wednesday. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cratis Williams the past week end were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crlssman and son, Tony, of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Bray of Danville, Virginia, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dougherty. Pvt. Owen Greer of Sumpter, 8. C. and Mrs. Greer spent Sunday with Mr. Greer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greer. Mr. J. A. Mullins spent the week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mullins at Grundy, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Minton and granddaughter, Kathy Blevins, of North Wilkesboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Wilson on Sunday. Mrs. E. L. Ray haa returned from a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Randall. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Luttrell spent Sunday is Avery county visiting in Pineola and Montezuma. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jenkins of North Wilkesboro spent the week end with Major and Mrs. J.. H. Thomas. Mrs. R. E. Agle and sons, BUI and Richard spent last week end with Mrs. Agle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eury in Bessemer City. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stakis visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stakis in Asheville over'the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Edmisten will leave Friday, November 1, to spent the winter in Winter Park, Fla. Miss Joann Aldridge and Hiss Pat Aldridge of Chapel Hill spent the week end with their parents, Major and Mrs. Carlos DeLima. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Auton of Baltimore, Md. were week end visitors with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Houck. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilfong and children of Charlotte visited Mr. Finley Hodge* and Mrs. Barkett Younce the past week end. / Mr. and Mrs. Paul DuPre and son John of Sylva spent the week end with Mrs. DuPre's mother, Mrs. M. P. Critcher. Mrs. Dorothy Hodge* and tons, and Mils Reatha Greer of Statesville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. Clay Greene. Mr. and Mr*. Mack Edwards of Sparta and Mrs. Jimmie Jones and two children of Sparta visited Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brawn Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. C. T. Dixon of State*ville spent Sunday la Boone as guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Quails. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mast of Sugar Grove will leave the first of November to spend the winter at Vera Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mr*, J. C. McConnoll spent the »wk end with their ton and family, Mr. and Mr*. Bob McConnell in AthwUe. Mr. and Mr*. Ted fUganun and Teddy vliited over the week end with Mr. and Mr*. L. B. Braiwell in Monroe. Mr. Bin Carrey of Wiiwton Salem apent the week ead with hi* mother, Mr*. CoMtonee 0«r*ey [< Mr*. Lw Greeae and dMfbter, Deborah, left Sunday to Join Mr. Greene. Mm i* teaching In Statoa Mr. and Mr*. Jo* Shoemaker of Sherwood, vtalted In Charlotte laat week with Mr ANtffctor, Kit. Connie Lent, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Spencer Robbing of Blowing Rack, who has been quite 111, is reported at being improved. '.fe.HJ .Vijf', lira. Hay Swift of Reese haa been visiting with her daughter and har husband. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H FoM of Live Oak, Florida. \ Douglas Henson. who ia a senior at North Carolina SUte College. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrt L. A. Henson Mrs. W. Stallings's mother, Mrs A. H. Shouns of Neva. Tenneasee, it visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrt. B. W. Stallings. Mrs. Hugh A. Dobbin of Happy Valley and daughter, Mrs. Edwin Moore of Atlanta. Georgia, spent last Thursday with Mrs. Lillian Hopkins. Mr. and Mrt. Wilson Norris visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Withrow and children Jerry, Robin and Hollis, in Ellenboro over the weekend. Mrs. W. U. Randall, Sr. and Mrs. T. R. Cain of Falcon were recent visitor* with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ray at their home on Locust Street. Mr. and Mrs. i. R. Smith (the former Mis* Nancy Mull ins of Boone) of Charlotte, anounce the birth of • *on at Presbyterian Hospital on October 17th. Miss Sallie Ray is a patient at Watauga Hospital where she was taken last Wednesday after fracturing her hip. Miss Ray slipped OB a concrete sidewalk in Boow Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ron. of Morganton spent the week end in Boone with (heir son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr*. Bill Ro**, Jr. Mr. J. H. Winkler of Blowing Rock, and Hi» Grace Reld of Aaheville attended the funeral ol Mr. Tom Winkler in Culpepper, Va. Monday afternoon. o M*. rod Mr*. L. B. Hunter of Charleston, W. Va , returned home last Tuesday after visiting for a few daya with Mr. and Mr*. W. M. Cook. * Dr. and Mr*. Wayne Richardaon and ton David, have returned from a visit la»t week end with Mr*. Richardson'* sister, Mr*. C. C. Hudson and family in Hagentowa, Md. over the week end. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winkler during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Clint Landis of Marion, Mr. and Mr*. Robert William* ot Morganton, Rev. and Mr*. J. P. Daris of Mocksville, Mr*. Charles Lane of Morganton, mother of Mrs. Winkler, Miss Louiae Lane, hef slater, and Dickie Lane, all of Morganton. Guests of Mr *nd Mrs. C. H. Hendrix over the week end were their son and his wife. Mr and Mr*. Jack Hendrix. and their granddaughter, Nancy Alice, of Knoxvtile. Tena. Mr. J. J. Greer Is visiting hi* •on and family, Mr. and Mr*. P. W Greer at Old Fort. Mr. Greer live* with hi* »on and daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greer, in Boone. Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Greer visited reoently with Hi. and Mr*. Oscar Moore and Mr*. Roae Baker In St. Paul. Virginia, and Mr. and Mr*. Sherman Burke at King*port, Tennessee. Visiting Mr. and Mr*. Cart Filler over Homecoming week end were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Deatoa and son, Danny, of Winston-Salem, and Mr. J. R. Hamilton of Mt | Airy. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. Holshouser of Boone and Mr. and Mn Howard Holshotuer of Blowing Rock have returned from a weeks visit In New York and New England HUt** Guests last week end of Mrs. Lillian Hopkins were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spavin of New tfork. Mr. Spavin is a former student of Appalachian State Teachers College. Mrs. Blna Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mast in Kingsport, Tenn. last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Bumgarner and daughter, Jean, of North" Wilkesboro, visited Mrs. Graham on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. V. J. Honeycutt and children. Jewel Land and Jerome III. of Virginia Beach, visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodges, at Sands last week. Mr*. George Burgess and ion, Mike, of We*t Jeffer*on viiited Mr. and Mr*. Crater Marih last week end. Also visiting Mr. and Mr* Marsh were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Houck of Charlotte. Rev. Paul Phippe of West Jefferson and Rev. Mr. Shoe make of Virginia, who are holding • revival at ZionviBe, were dinner gueets of Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Wilson in Boone on Sunday. Mr*. Myrtle Buchanan and Mr. Ronda Buchanan spent the week end in Greenville, Tenn., where they visited Mrs. Buchanan's sister, Mrs. Harry Gillespie, who is • patient in Takoma Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fraley of Live Oak, Florida announce the birth ef a daughter, Maria Ann on October 1st Mrs. Fraley is the former Misa Janice Ray Swift of Reese. Mr. and Mr*. Vance Henson and children, Breada. Kenny and Skippy, have returned to Wllmington after spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Henson and Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hollar. tin. E. R, Mikeal of Todd toft last week for Charlotte to spend the winter with her children, Mr. and lira L. E. Mike<\l. Mr and Mrs E. R Mikeal, Jr., Mr and Mrs. Scott Mlkoal and her daughter. Mm. David Knight and family. Mr. and Mn. J. H. CouncUl spent the week end in Klkin visif ing Mr and Mrf. Ralph Howlnnd. Mr. Fred Councill of Atlanta. Georgia, spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. B. J. Councill In Boone. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norris were Mr. and Mrs. Commie Hayes and children, Danny, Sharon and David of North Wilkesboro, and Mrs. Frank Robertson and children. David. Nancy and Joe of Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robbins of Portsmouth, Virginia, and their granddaughter, Regina Ann Landon, are spending the week with their aunt's. Miss Leila Ray and Miss Sallle Ray, at the Ray home afVerkinsville. Mr. and Mra.~D. L. Wilcox visited in Charlotte over the week end with their daughters, Mrs Edward Stroup and Mr. Stroup, their rhildrea. Mack and Lee, and Mr*. Julian Rasas, Mr. Ragan and their daughter, Valerie. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Hunter of Brevard, Mr. and Mri. Moir Ayeri of Greensboro and Dr. and Mrs. a G. Taylor of North Wilkeaboro were visitors over the week end with Dr. and Mri. Graydon Eggers. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mast on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Tyre Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie 'Somen and daughter, Sandra, Miss Carole Swain and Miss Evelyn Soihers of Cycle, N. C. Mrs. Casey remained with the Masts for several days. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Brown last Saturday were' Miss Naomi Elliott of Blowing Rock and Miss Kay Bradley of Kings Mountain. Also visiting in the Brown home last week were Mr. Fred Hudson and Vernon and Mr. Dean EUiett of Black Mountain. Visiting Mrs. Edward B. Mast and attending the Homecoming at ASTC over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doty aad son of Jackaonville, N1 C., Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKinney of Kannapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mast and son of Kingsport, Tennessee. Miss Peggy Teague of Reidsville and Miaaes Carol Kennedy, Ella Ruth Hampton and Billye Jones of Piney Creek ipeot the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ruaaell Teague and attended Homecoming at Appalachian State Teacher! College. Or. and Mrs. R. H. Harmon are leaving Wednesday for Charleston, 8. C. where they will attend a convention of the Southeastern Allergy Association. Dr. Harmon has recently been invited to membership la the Aaaoeiation. They expect to be in Charleston the remainder of the week. Mr. Fred Anthony and Mr. Edward Anthony of Kings Mountain were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Hodges during the past week and. Also guests In the Hodgea home over the week end were Mr. Arnold Leigh of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartley of Bristol, Tennessee, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Dover of Ki^s Mountain. Mr. and Mm. Jim id returned to their home at Valle Crucia Sunday after vutting a month with their sons. Mr. Don Byrd and Mr. Bob Byrd In Imak. Wwhington, and Mr. Clay Byrd at Rock bland. Washington. Mr. and Mra. W. R Winkler spent Sunday in Mt. Airy with their daughter*. Mm. Sam Moir, Mr. Meir and two eons, Mike and Ronnie, and Mm. Roy Smith. Mr Smith and aon, Lynn, of Oxford. Mr. and Mn. Smith met their parents at the ' home of Mr. and Mr*. Moir for a viait Mra. John Greer, who hat been a patient at Charlotte Memorial Hoapital for the paat four weeks returned to her home laat Thursday. where she ia still confined to hec bed, although improved. Her daughter-in-law, Mr*. Earl Greer of Albemarle accompanied Mr*. Greer home and Waited until Sunday, when she returned to her home. Mn. J. L. Goodnight left the put week to spend the winter with her children. She will vUit het son*, Mr. Howard Goodnight and family in Gaatonia, Mr. and Mn. Neil Goodnight in Charlotte, Mr. and Mr>. Olin Goodnight in New' ton, her daughter* and families, Rev. and Mrs G. E. White at Corneliua, and Mr. and Mrs Char let Berry at Drexal, and her filter, Mr». D. P. Hartsoe and Mr. Hart' soe at Lincolnton. Mr. and Mra. Clyde Mast had ai dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Greer and children of Kingtport, Tenn., Mrs. Edward B. Mast, Alice and Jennie Belli of Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Melvii Doty and (on of Jacksonville, N. C.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKinney of Kannapolls, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Mast and son of Kingsport, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Farthing of Boone. Visitors with Mr«. A. L. Cool over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Wendal T. Wilson and child ren, Billy, Mary Frances, and Viv ian Lee, of Athens, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pox of Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Moore of Winston Salem, Mr. and Mrs Lawreno Spaven of Rochester, N. Y., Mr and Mrs. Norman Pickett of Ant werp, N. Y., Mr. George McRorU and Mr. Richard Roberaon ol Robersonville, N. C, Gardeneretts Hold Dinner Meeting The Gardeneretts held theii October dinner meeting at the Daniel Boone Hotel with Mrs. Ro bert Congleton hoatess. Gueal speaker was Mrs. Mae Miller Gueata were Mrs Robert Tewa. ol Boone, and Mrs C. M. Abernathj of Lenoir. Woman's Club Meeting Held The Worthwhile Woman* Club held the regular monthly general meeting October M ia the home of Mrs. W. C. Greer. The prexMeM, Mr*. Herman W Ilea*, called Uw meeting to order. Thirty-two member* were preaent. The meeting wa< opened by the reading of ttw dub collect. Mr*. P. H. Vance, chairman of the religion* of the world department, led ia prayer. ' During the buiineu MMioa the work of the empty (tricking committee wa* diaeuMod. Club ehalrman of national defense reported that the town official* have painted the air marker for Boone on the roof of the tobacco warehouse near the bu* itatlon, with letters ten feet high which should easily be *een by plane* palling over the town. The welfare report was given with request* (or help by club members A rummake tale wai announced to raise a fund to be used to buy a musical instrument (or a local high school child. Plans (or community building were discussed and good reports were given on succeaa(ul individual projects to increase the building (und. It was voted that individual projects should be (lnished by th« January meeting. The flower show committee wai appointed (or 1888, and a nominating committee to select club o(fl cers (or next year. A "thank you" letter (rom Germany (or a "CARE" package wai read by the secretary, Mrs. A. E South. Mrs. B. W. Stallings ex pressed thanks to the club (or at individually signed "get well' card while la the hospital recently Appreciation was expressed t< Miss Jetfcoat (or her club radit program. Hn Herman Wilcox announcec there will be a general federatioi of women'j dub* sewing contes which will eloae next year on Ma; 1. Club members will be require* to make their own dress and mode it in local contest, followed bj winners modeling in a district ant state contest with privilege of win ner sending her dress to the gen eral federation. Some have ex pressed • desire to enter the con test. Mrs. R. C. Winebarger reports on the district meeting at Sparts October 15. The Boone club was 01 the honor roll again. Others at tending the district meeting were Mesdames Herman Wileox, J. C Goodnight, John Houck, D. L. Wil cox. Glen Andrews, W. R. Richard son and George C. Greene. All were reminded of the ban quet to be held December 12 li cooperation with the Chamber o Commerce. There was an auctioi of various articles brought by foui members to pay en the club fllini cabinet. Uore articles will be sole at future meetings. Mrs. John Houck, program chair mah, gave a very interesting pro gram on folk lore music, inter spersing her talk with the singini of a number of ballads and foil songs. The hostesses, Mesdames Gordoi A Message frees HOME FINANCE CO. 414 W. Klag St, Bweae, >1. C. BEWARE THE DARKNESS! 3 out of 5 deathi from automobile accidents occur at night.. BEWARE THE HOURS BETWEEN 4 and 8 P. M.! Automobile accidents are DOUBLE In number between these hoars. I To be safe, be TWICE as careful! ' Winkler. B. W. »U!liii«). Mae Mill 1 «r. W. H. HarUog, Kulph lirm | and Min Cora Jeffcoat. served i chiffon pumpkin urts with peaks : of whipped cream, eandiea, and hot ' spiced apple Juice Linda Wey BPW Girl Of Month Midi Linda Wey. a wnior at! Appalachian High School, and her I mother, Mrs Herbert Wey, were [ gueata of the Boone Buaineaa and Professions! Women's Club on Tuesday, October ttLinda was (elected by the Student Council to be the first of the 1067-08 Business Girls of the | 1 Month. Selection is baaed on qualities of service, leadership, character, a high scholastic aver age, and plans to enter a business or profession. Having been active in extra-curricular activities for several years, Linda has had experiences in several phases of the high school program. This year she is vice-prealdent of the Student Council, a member of the school paper staff, homecoming queen, a member of the band, a majorette, and a member of the National Honor Society. After graduation, Linda will enter North Carolina State College to major in math and science. A senior girl from Appalachian High School is honored each month by the Business and Professional Women's Club. At the end of the year the Student Council selects one of the eight girls to be Business Girl of the Year, and the club presents her % trophy bearing her title. The program for the evening was presented by the Legislative Committee, with Maude Carroll, chairman, Earlene Pritchett, and Isabel Jones discussing various phases of the legislative program. The three topics discussed by the committee were the legislative program favoring wbmen sponsored by the National Business and Professional Women's Club, the status of women in several statea as providedb y legislature, and the revision of the local club bylaws. Records tales (re seen for pho' nographs and record Industry. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES CASH REGISTERS RENTALS — REPAIRS SALES Smith Printing Co. Boone, N. C. Traffic Deaths 1 Rakish -Tt* Motor Vehicle* Department'* summary «l traffic death! through 10 00 a. m Octobar M: ' £| Killed this year: Killed to date laat ; FORMAL WEDDING? Rent formal wear for all occasions! i mar'*; "•••;•;• M k> Mr utocHow of nowf? •lyt*' titnuM. All in Ml* dmri and pranmd, ftmH »«p«f1ty (or Moiimwn good tooli and comfort You'll bo wrpritod ol tfw low prlcot Anil -* ..1*L >L. . 1 K®""* wfTft inf VXCCI* Un» lorvtw. CAUDILLS INCORPORATED Itl E. King — Booae, N. C. | ■

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