8. C. this week with Dr and Mrs. Ray F Derrick. ^ Dr. and Mrs. * T. Glenn Mr. ami Mrs Dixon Quails of Chapel IUU spent the week end with Mr. and Mr*. B. ? Quails. Mrs. Cohen E. Watson of fleet wood and daughter, Wilms Lee, are visiting with Mrs. A. G. Wat son of Deep Gap. Mrs. W. M. Cook left this wook for Atlanta, Ga? to spend ten days with her daughter, Mrs. Eart f. Johnson and Mr. Johnsoa Miss Gienda Lawrence of Mars Hill CdUece la spending ten days with her pM*nt*. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawrence of Vilas. Mr. and Mrs. Orrtt SherrlU re turned home Thursday after spending three months hi Vera Beaeh, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Northttp announce the birth of a daughter, Joanna Noble, on March St at Watauga Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Austin of Ashtville spent the week end with Mrs. Edna Penlck and David Lew is. Mr. R. C. Winebarger visited Junday with Mn. Winebarger, who is a patient at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Mr. Lewis Farthing of Ports mouth, Va. will spend Easter with Mrs. Farthing . and children on Grand Boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. Houston Younce and Ronnie of Charlotte spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. How ard Younce of Mabel and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rush. Mrs. Ed Hodges, of Fresno, Ohio, former Watauga County resident, underwent surgery at Camel Hospital in Columbus, Ohio Thursday. Mr. H. Grady Farthing will re turn home Thursday from Raleifh, Where he attended committee meetings on stream pollution Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Tom and Mary Lawrence, stu dents at Mars Hill College, wUl spend their Easter vacation with their pfcrents, Dr. and Mrs. C. Ray Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith re turned home Stftiday from Wilm ington, where they attended the Azalea Festival and State Council meeting of Lions International. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gabriel, Sr. and Mrs. B. O. Goodson of Lin colnton (pent the wek end with Mr. and Mrs Steve Gabriel and Mr. Shirley Gabriel. Mis* Jane Rivers of Atlanta, Georgia will arrive Friday to spend the week end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rivers and Miss Rachel Rivers. Mrs. Frank Fayne and Mr*. James Councill attended the an* nual meeting of the Woman's Soc iety of Christian Service, States - vUt* district, in Newton Thursday. Mrs. A P. Van Dusen of Dela-. ware, Ohio will arrive Thursday for a ten-day visit with her broth er, Mr. Charles Lewis and Mrs. Lewis of Sherwood. r Mrs. Clara Shook and Mrs. Roy. Adams returned to their homes at Sherwood Thursday after under going treatment at Duke Hospital the first of last week. Mr. Hugh Hag* man and daugh ter, Teresa Lynn, of MoomvlUe visited Saturday with Mr. and Mr*. Henry Hagaman of Safaf Grove. Hiss Betty Brendall of Wake Forest College will arrive Friday to spend the Easter holiday* with her parents, Mr, And Mrs. Ray Brendall. Mrs. Don Hagaman entered Watauga Hospital Monday last week for treatment for multiple arm fractures received in a fall at her home in Beaver Dam township. Mrs. Rebecca Chamberlain and Mrs. H. Neal Blair, Sr. attended the western district meeting of the North Carotins Photographers As sociation in Charlotte Sunday af ternoon. Week end visiters with Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Miller and Mrs. Patsy Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Miller and children, Mickey, tin ny, Dixie, Johnny and Junior, of Rock Hill, 8. C. Mr*. J.' R. Melton. Mrs. J. C. Cline, Mrs. Frank Payne, Mrs James Councill and Mrs. Orady Farthing attended the dfctrfct workshop of the Woman's Mciety of Christian Service at MllWrt Creek Methodist Charchutendar. Mr. ind Mr* Roger Uitthcvn ?Ml children, Hardin, Marianna an* Jimmy, of Greensboro were wMk end visitor, with Mr*. R H. Hardin. Mr. Alice Hardin and Mr. aad Mr* Grady Farthing. ? Miss Pat Holiingsworth and MJm Nancy Holling. worth of Wake Fort* College will arrive Friday to visit a few day* with thf-ir parenti, the Hot. and Mr*. L 11 HoUinprworth. Dr. and Mr.. J. D. Rankin will leave Wednesday to visit a week with their daughter, Mr*. P. M. Rutherford aad Mr. Rutherford in Dallas, Texaa. They plan to fo by plane from Charlotte. t Mr. and Mn. R. E. Kolley, Mi?s Bonny laaaca, Catherine Kelley, Pam Hamby, and Mackie Hagaman attended the Ringllng Brothers, Barnum k Bailey Cirtus in Char lotte Sunday. Mr. R. Q. Cottier will arrive Fri day night to join his family who have been visiting for three weks with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Quails. They plan to return to their home in Richmond, Va. next week. Mr. Leroy Rogers, who is study* ing at the University Of Tennes see, Knoxville, Tennessee, spent the week end with Mrs. Rogers. Dr. Ed Christenberry and Dr. John GUliland, teachers at the University, were their guests. Mrs. Robert Wilkins, who was seriously injured in a fall. recent ly, returned to her home in Ashe ville Sunday after recuperating at the home of her mother, Mrs. W. R. Gragg. Mr. Wilkins came for a week end visit and accompanied her home. Mrs. W. M. Matheson spent last week with Dr. Matheson, who un derwent a second operation at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte last Monday. He Is reported to be making a rapid recovery and plans to return home soon. Mrs. Mathe son was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Basinger while in Charlotte. Mrs. Roy Johnson of Silver Springs, Maryland spent Sundajf, Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Cheek, Jr. of Charlotte joined them for the Liqiu Club hanquet at D?niel Boone Hotel Tuesday night, at which time Mr. Smith was honor ed as district governor, ll-B, of Lions International. Airman 2-c Gene Blackburn left Tuesday for McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, Kansas after visiting three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler. He spent last wetk with Mr. and Mrs. Rich* ard Hutehens in Dobaon, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Craven in Moore* villa and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cowles and Mary Frances in Statesville. Music And Art Group Gathers The Mafic and Art Department of the Worthwhile Woman'* Club met with Mr*. Bom Adami Thurs day evening, March 20. A very interesting business meeting was held. Mrs. Herman Wilcox report ed on the Art and Music District contest held in North Wilkesboro last week. The nominating commit tee reported also. The program for the evening was given by Mr*. Alverei on the life and musical background of Bart, highlighted by recordings of several of his compositions. Dessert was served by the host ess, aaaiated by Mr*. Alverei and Mrs Tieknor. joint hostesses BPW Hears Plan For Civic Area! Mrs. Constance Stall logs, chair man of the Park Committee, was guest speaker at the March meet ing of the Boom Business and Professional Women's Club. She discussed with the club the plana for a recreation center that have been propoaed by the Park Com mittee and have bean approved by the Town of 'Boone board of commissioners. Mrs. Stall tags displayed and ex plained some drawings of a swim ming 'pool and a building to Jm erected on the Horn in the Weet property for the Town of Beetle. A building hae been planned te house the Teen Canteen, a club room, and lockers to be used in WMMtm with the swimming peel ? Such a plan, Mrs. Stalling* arid, will meet the needs of many peo I pie in Boone, both young and eld, as wetl aa attract visitors to the '"its. Mto was brought dub by tin. Jean lllvers, m.0 of the club's ptfblie , teas Photo kf PatnMT'a studio MIM REBECCA BINGHAM Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bingham of Boone announce the engagement of their daughter, Rebecca King, to George ftaird Mast, Son ot Mr. and Mrs. David P. Mast of Sugar Grove. The wedding la planned for June 14. Woman's Club Has Gathering The Worthwhile Woman'* Club met Mirch 27 at 7:90 p. m., in it* regular monthly session, at the home of Mrs. Robert Davit, with aasociate hostesses, Mesdames Her man Eggers, George Greene, Car los De Lima, D. L. Crook, and Rom Adams. Thirty-five members were pres ent and special guests included Mrs. Martha Collier, of Richmond, Va., Mrs. David Mast, Misses Mar tha Noblitt and Joyce OUis of Appalachian College. Mrs. Herman Wilcox, president, presided over the meeting, Mrs. P. H. Vance conducted the de votionals. Mrs. D. L. Wilcox, chairman of the special club house fupd, gave a report. The fund continues to grow, she said. Mrs. B. W. S tailings gave a brief report of the recreation program for Boose . She is expected to give a full report at tbe next meeting. Mrs. Herman Wilcox reported on tbe district sewing contest in which she won second place. Mrs. Rom Adams, Mrs. Harold Tiehnar, and Mrs. Wilcox modeled their at tractive well made dream for the benefit of members and guests. Club members were reminded of the state convention of N. C. Club Women in Charlotte April 1M7, and urged to attend. ?It was announced a flower fair will be field in Winston-Salem Ap ril It, and that ithe Greensboro Home Beautiful Visitation will be April IS, from 1 jto S p. m. and April 17, from y i. m. to 8 p. m. Mr*. R. W. Watkins was in charge of the program, "What Doe* Phyiical Fitness Mean to You?" She presented two ASTC seniors, Mis* OUis and Mis* Noblett, who gave an informative and instruc tive program. Mia* Noblitt explained that phytical fitness to her means to be able to do what she ha* to do and have some energy left over to keep her organ* in good work ing^condition. She *ugge*ted and demon* tra ted daily exercises, *ay ing game* and iwimmlng help keep her phyflcally fit. Mis* Noblitt stressed the importance of aroua ing the interest of parents in thr physical fitness program which if necessary instruction for the well being of school children. She gave exercises she think* beneficial for adult* when requested by somt of the member* to de so. Mi** Ollia discussed physical fitness of present day children whc spend so much inactive time watch ing tv and other less strenuour activities required of children In home* with modern conveniences Miss OUis recalled that Precl dent Eisenhower had Called a con .ference to fipd oat about physical fitness of children. The results of the tacts were alarming, for ehU dren from t to 16 years old in the Unite<f State? failed while only seven-tenth* of the children failed in *ome of the other countries. During the social hour, angel food cake topped with strawber ries and cream were served with hot coffee by the hostesses. Cook-Norris Vows Exchanged Mr. i mi Mn. C. Dear. Cook an nounce Dm marriage of their daughter, Patrice Dean, to Frank Its Eori Nirtta, Jr. on October 20, lWft in Gaffney, South Carols. Mr* Norris i* ? aeoior at Ap paUchlan High School Mr. Norria, tke Ml of Mr. and Mn. T. Earl Norria, Sr., ie a Junior at Appala chian State Teacher* College Beaver D ZrxV. Club Meets JaLiu ' Mr*. Christine Kirby was hos tess (or the Beaver Dam Home Demonstration Club Thursday af ternoon. In the abeence of the president, Mrs. Dean Reese was In charge of the plotting and fave a devotional on "Cod's Beautiful wmkr ? V-' ' Mr*. Cecil Swift gave a project leader*! report on "March Egg Month", and Mr*. Jethro Wilson gave a report on Home Beauttfi cation. The demonstration on "Draper lea" was given by the home agent. Mrs ina Wilson Aid Mrs. Rus sell Davis were welcomed , as guests. . The April meeting will meet with Mrs. Dean Beese. Miss Delia Q. Sell of Akron. Ohio became the brMe of Mr. Harbin Meretz of Cleveland, Ohio, in a ceremony performed in the First Baptist Church of Cleveland February 20. Mrs. Moretz is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sell of Ak ron. Mr. Moretz is a son of Mrs. Harrison Moretz and the late Mr. Moretz of Boone. For the past two years he has resided in Cleveland, where he and Mrs. Moretz have establiahed their home. Mr. Moretz, Miss Sell Wed Engaged v HISS LOUISE MITCHELL Mr. and Mr*. Emory Mitchell of Zionville announce the engage ment Of their daughter, ^Loula* Jeanette Mitchell, of 2436 Mc Cllntock Road, Charlotte to Mr. Dale Landon Goad, 802 Sidney Avenue, Burliogton, a son of Mr. and Mra. John Henry Goad of Burlington. An early June wed ding is planned. MISS CAROLYN PRESNELL Mr. aad Mrs. Leroy Presnell of Lexington announce the engage ment of their daughter, Carolyn to Mr. Dale Moretz, son of Mr .and Mrs. Quentin Moretz of High Point. The wedding is planned for April 8. Mrs. Farthing Club Hostess Mrs. Ivan Farthing was hostess for the Bethel Home Demonstra tion Club meeting. Mrs. George JSdmistin, president, was in charge of the meeting which opened with Miss Rebecca Farthing singing a solo, accompanied by Miss Lou Lawrence. The devotional "God's Beauti ful World" was given by Mrs. Ivan Farthing. A project leader's report on "March Egg Month" was given by Mrs. Don Shell. r Plans were discussed for a Home Nursing Coarse to be taught by Mrs. David Farthing and Mrs. Ivan Farthing, beginning April 7. The demonstration on "Draper ies" was given by the home agent. Mrs. Alice Greer was a guest The hostess was assisted by ber daughter. The April meeting will be with Mrs. Baker Edmisten. RISE IN TRAVEL FORECAST American women, confirmed gadabouts, are making a "terrific impact" on the multi-million-dol lar travel industry, says Miss Frances Knight, chief of the Unit ed States Passport Office. Predicting a 20 per cent in crease this year over the record 868,904 passport applications pro cessed by her office in 1907, Mis* Knight said well over half the travelers will be women, with housewives in the majority. BUY YOUR from CAROLYN'S, where your patronage b appreci ated ? where they are AL WAYS FRESH? and where flowers are not just a ride* line. We will give your flowers the personal atten tion you would give them yourself. CORSAGES ? CUT FLOWERS ? POTTED PLANTS Artistic Arrangements ? Reasonable Prices CALL AM 4-8201 Authorized Telegraph Delivery Service Carolyn's Flower. Shoppe BUS STATION BLDG. BOONE, N. C. aving, Grading and IBulldozing CRAVEL FOR SALE. FREE ESTIMATES ' wn tit: SUGAR GROVE, N. C 7'"' j L jJjrT4 PHom Pud Brown, COWny 7-3700 ' .*?. I *>mm ,? fflhl For Norse Open Th. Watauga County Medical Auxiliary and the Boon} Msiness and Professional Women'j Club are ready to receive application* tor the second annual nursing scho larship for a Watauga county girl. Any girl interested in applying for the 1998 nursing scholarship should write to Mrs Kred Gragg. Appalachian High School, Boone, to aecurn application bianka. ? Ap plications for the scholarship must be completed and returned to the committee before May 1. -v Those serving on the scholarship Thursday ? Uwt Day JOHN WAYNE SOPHIA liOREN Legend Of The Lost Algo: CABTOON Friday?Bargain Day DOUBLE FEATURE Also: CARTOON Saturday ? 1 and 3 o'clock Jesse James' OUTLAW TREASURE with JOHN FORBES Also: comedy ? Cartoon Saturday Night? 7 and ? ? ?MMtwi.irr-toiivnM n mm Also: CARTOON Sunday- 4 and 8:45 Monday COMEDY ? CAETOON committee are Mrs. Fred Gran. Mia* Ruby Ahera, and Miss Helen Under down of BPW, <H?d Mr*. L. H. Owsley, Mra. L. D. Hagaman. and Mr*. Charlus Davfl^ J|UHN Medical Auxiliary. f V A ntember of the medical society aervee aa advisor to the commit "l^K NO STONE WmillNKD iM ? i Dakar, French West Africa There was confusion ia the dwelt town of Nouakchott recently when word arrived that French Over seas Minister Gerard Jncquet was coming to lay the cornerstone for a new public building. The reaaoc? There wm not a tingle stone In the neighborhood ? nothing but sand for mllea and mile*. An army jet plane waa prompt ly dispatched a couple of hundred miles, and came back in time with a suitable atone. Officials are firmly declaring that any more stones will be de livered by some cheaper means. April 6th at 2:00 p. m. . The Easter Morning service will! t? fallowed by dinner tod fellow cation. Everyone is iavtttd. Revival service* also begin on this data and will contiaw through Afrit 19- Services will 'be held each evening at 7:00 p. m Rev. Wallace DeLoach of Louis ville, Ky. Ijill be the preacher. This revival la being held ia co-f{ operation with other churchea in the Three Forks Association that are'haviug revival* at this time. Office and School Supplies Smith Printing Co. King at Appalachian V. L Moretz & Son 129 E. King St. Boone, N. C. At ADVWTttfD IN liOOK ? On* -Coat Work-Savr Paint Needs no smoothing oof . , ? no extra cover-up work . . , ?ort? drying Instanrtyl fealty odorless. Washable. Clean up fools with tap water. See the beautiful NALPLEX color* at our itore TODAYI Wide Selection of New WALLPAPERS AND FABRICS V -wa Superior Thoroughness Makos Clothos Look ?nd Foot Uko Now Again! fcl . Batter dini . ? . groomed to a "T." . . . That'll wm? how your family will be on Easter morn If you lodinf press! Come in and m u or eafl today.

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