Hundreds Join In Observance Dairy Month ln North Carolina Though out June literally hund reds o I persona in North Carolina will join handa in a common ef fort to call attention to thia atate'a booming dairy Industry ? from the dairy cow to the chilled carton of fresh milk left on your doorstep. To say that the North Carolina dairy induatry is big business and is Important to the state's ectnomy would be trite ? yet it la a fact that seldom gaina the attention of the average person on the street Suffice to aay that North Caiolina has some 58,000 individual farm families who are in the business of keeping cows to produce milk. The gross dairy farm into ire in this state climbed over the bil lion dollar mark in 1987. Just the cows on the state's dairy farms were valued at about $38.5 mil lion. ^ The average grade A dairyman in North Carolina with a 24-cow milking herd baa an estimated $27,000 invested in animals and dairy equipment alone. And there's the dairy manufac turing side of the picture. Dairy processing plants have an ap proximate average capital invest ment of $38 per quart of daily Real Estate If you have property you are In terested in selling, we would like very much to list it for you. We have a large list of out of the state, prospective buyers for prop erty in and around Boone. Some have already started to arrive. Our office now located 3 miles out of Boone, on Blowing Rock high way. On Parkway, 15 ? 1-acre lots. $380.00 and $800.00 per acre. 8 rooms, 223 acres, good house, plenty of water, one of the best lake sites, 14 mile off hard ' sur face road. 20 acres bottom land, good summer camp or club site. Timber in 18 years will pay for it Priced at $88.00 per acre. Apple orchard, 600 trees bearing 3,000 bushels a year. 6 room log house, packing house. $1,000.00 worth farm machinery, good lake site. Would also make good chic ken firm. Price $8,500.00. 100 nice building lots on Blowing, Rock Highway, leaa than 1 mile from new Boone Golf Course. On easy terms. , For sale or rent near Boone, one and two bedroom cottages. 186 acres, on Parkway. Good road leading off Parkway. High eleva tion. God lake site. Some young timber. Real building sites. Price only $78.00 per acre. S. L. Whitaker Real Estate Auction & Rental Co. PHONE All 4-8657 , 5-8-tfc mitnuL A pUnt Witt a"l,000-gal-i ha. at leot *140000 1 ^B^Tthy go to ?o much trouble U, Mil the dairy lnduIt^*^n H,, ?d Jiw ?? ***" Old Bony outdoea **? ar? month* ol alwndant dttrtion. to order to market thto above-normal and businessmen ol the Industry Eve long realued that "it W? *? advertise." And advertise they d? Atnni with the formal advertia jrus-. ?< ??" ? r? SU ? ? ? "yrMjgJsl into what la known a? ???" promotion." ' - ? | With school out ana not weatn er TJSOrt* June the indus try has for years been faced with , drop In milk consumption. The general public and the kida have had a tendency to turn from wholesome milk to not*T.w^lrf I km other iced drinks. Wa. and Other aspects Of. modern exist ence, has attracted tl? ^ntion of nutritionists, ested ln*U?e general public wel 1 '"go, many persons ?rom occupations are sttracted^to the I June Dairy Month promotion This year In North Carolina the soecial month-long observance will be "kicked off on the loca Evel by county June Dairy Month breakfasts. These afflrs are plan nedto create tatere*. The pre-, radio ?nd television will be inv - Ml and thus the story of nutritl ous, delicious milk and other dairy products will reach the general S That will be the of the statewide contest to ?el^ " - r-?rr jrss Er^rjrs preceded by county and area con te,u over the sUte, each a major production involving ???? *? sons. But the position of N. C. Dairy Princess is worth all the ?ork She is the official represen Ut?e of <mf the*?Ute'i moat important industries. This year the statewide- June Dairy Month promotion li ' hv Earle Edwards, N. C. State C?Uegt fPPtb?R eoach. su^*Ct vitleTchalrman U Bruce WlWte of Southern Dairies, Charlotte. Mrs Harry B. Caldwell ol Greens ?o,%E> of the SUte Grange Master, is chairman of *e_?? man'r division. Ed Bur?a. 6* College agricultural new* editor, ta sUte publicity chairman. I INDUSTRY FOR SOUTH The Army has announced that a multimillion dollar contract awarded to Western Electric Com pany for Nike-Hercules air de fense missiles would be performed at the company's plants at Char lotte, Winston-Salem and Greens boro, N. C. An earlier report said the work in the $47,965,640 con tract would be carried out at plants in Santa Monica, Calif., and Whippany, N. J. Theatre Fetes A. H. S. Seniors Members of the senior elan of Appalachian High School were honored on May 29, ai guests of the Appalachian Theater. Following s show at the theater, the group assembled on the grounds of Honl in the West, where' a picnic supper was served by the Worthwhile Woman! Club. Photograph* for the Woman's Club scrapbook were made by Mrs. Paul Weston. Club members who assisted In serving were Mrs. Glenn Andrews, Mrs. Herman Wilcox and Mrs. A. E. South. Sixty-five members of the 84 member clan, and Jack Groce, one of the class spoolers, attended the event > Birthday Dinner The family of A. Ci Mast sur prised him with a birthday dinner on Sunday, May 25th it his 'home at Sugar Grove. Sharing, the hon or was his granddaughter, Peggy Ann Keese of Kingsport Tenn., who has the same birthdate. Members of the family enjoying the occasion with Mr. Mast and Peggy were: Mrs. Mast, Mrs. Ed ward Mast, Alice, John and Jen nie Bell of Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Bay McKinny of Kannapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Farthing of Sugar Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Keese and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Edmisten and children, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Greer and children, all of Kingsport, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mast and Mrs. Bich ard Olsen of Vslle Crucis, Mrs. Inez Ellis of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Pearl Sherwood of Bristol, Va. Mabel Grange Meets Friday The Mabel Grange will meet at Mabel School June S at 7:30 p. m. All members are asked to be pre sent Keep farm tractors in good shape. They last longer that way. $10.00 YES A $10.00 CHECK to any member of BREMC who installs for th$ first time an electric Water System in MAY or JUNE BLUE RIDGE ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORP. 1 ' - ? i , '? Lv p . ? " ' ? ? . - S Greenes Feted At Cake Cutting Hin Edith Greene and Donald Elliott were honored at a cake cut* ting Friday night by Mr. and Mr*. James Beach at their home on Faculty Street They ware married Saturday May 31, at U noon In the Fint Baptist Church. The bride's table, covered with white net over pinkr was centered with an arrangement of white snap dragons and pink carnations. The three-tiered wedding cake was top ped with a miniature bride and groom. The same piink and white color scheme waa used throughout the home in beautiful arrange ments of peonies, weigela and spi res.# Mrs. Ralph Buchanan and Mrs. John Wellborn asaisted in the serving. , Recreational Program Starts The Boone recreation program will start its summer activities next Monday, June 9, under the direction of Coach Jack Qroce. Activities to be included in the program are Little Little League baseball, June 8-10; Little League basebsll, June 11-12; Pony Lesgue baseball, June IMS; and other activities for all group*. Organizational schedtUe: June S at 7:80 p. m. ? all people inter ested in sdult Softball will meet at the high school. Monday, June ? at 1:30 p. m? boys age 13-18 (Pony League); 2 p. m., boys 11-12 (Little League); 2:30 p. m., boys *-10 (Little Little League.) ' All of these meetings will be at the high school. Howell Rites Held Tuesday Funeral services for Samuel Al exander Howell, 77. of Route 1, Banner Elk, were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Mount Calvary Bap tist Church. * Mr. Howell .who died at his home June 2 is survived by his widow, Mrs. Stella Shook Howell; three sons, Fred snd Ed of Burns viile; Troy Howell of Newdale, and three sisters. Misses Maggie and Essie Howell snd Mrs. Bud Tolley, all of Burnsville. Officiating at the services were the Rev. Ira Hodges and the Rev. Roby Painter. Burial was in the church cemetery. News Oft Servicemen KBENU8TS IN NAVT Communication's T e c h a i cian second class Joseph Edwin Church. km of Mr. and lln. Coy N. Church of West King Street, Boone, has reenliited in the Unit ed States Navy. He was a former graduate of Mount Pleasant High School. According to Chief Bemice V. Collins, local Navy Recruiter, Church was transferred to the U. S. Naval Receiving Station, Nor folk, Virginia for further assign ment by the Bureau of Naval per sonnel. Sal 'i ?. v TRAINING IN FLORIDA A 3c llaraion E. MoreU. aon of Mr. and Krt J. A. Horetx, former Boom reeident, now living la Sanford, FT*., who recently com pleted 'basic training it Lackland AFB, Twcaa and advanced train ing at Sbeppard AFB, Taxai, la now In field training at MacDill Field, Tampa, Fla. His addreaa: A 8c Marion E. MoreU 306 Air Refuelling Squadron MacDill Air Force Baae Tampa, Fla. SKY-VU DRIVE-IN > THEATRE Wed. and Thtirs. June 4-5 DANA ANDREWS I LINDA DARNELL STERLING HAYDEN. ZERO HOUR! Friday and Saturday June 6>7 Sunday 8 Monday and Tuesday June 9-10 Gifts That Are SURE TO SCORE With Father On His Day ? Sunday, June 15 STAR BRAND Dress Shoes 5.95 to 16.95 STRAW HATS .... $1.98-84.95 BELTS $1.00? $2.00 Newest Styles in Leather or Elastic SOCKS 25c? $1.00 New Styles, Colors, Patterns PAJAMAS $2.95? $3.98 Beautiful Assortment of Colors and Patterns for Summer SWIM TRUNKS .. $1.98-$2.98 Finely Styled ? Expertly Tailored GET KIM A GOOP SUMMER SUIT $19.95 and Up 2 LARGE RACKS Summer Suits Linens - ? Dacrons Rayons ? ^Cortjs Longs ? Shorts ? Regulars Sizes 35 to 46 VERY SPECIAL At Only TIES A variety of fine fabric* in colon and patterns designed to please any $1.00 - $1.50 SLACKS Liftt weight materials for summer wear. An assortment of popular colors. ' $4.95 - $9.95 WINGS DRESS SHIRTS Summer comfort. White*, or col or* that blend naturally with any ?uit $2.95 & $3.95 WINGS SPORT SHIRTS ? Cool, comfortable tad correct. la many pattern*, fabric* and color*. Short iImvm, too. . $1.98 to $4.95 HUNT'S Department Store JT ?.w; . ,y. fjff ' ' KING STREET ^ ^ V: BOONE> N- C SWIFT REFUSAL OT RBj!? Canada and tke United Statee have authorial their point air de fenee farcaa to retaliate without governmental conaultation is the event of aa enemy attack 00 the North American continent, no agreement eoreri weapona A GOOD HIDEOUT ? 17H acres land, large trout stream running through property. Old livable house Including furniture. Price *3500. Terms. 6 miles from Boone. GOOD GOING SMALL BUSINESS for sale. Ideal for man and vile. 23 ACRES OF .WOODED LAND located la Valle Cruris section. Stream running thftmgh property. WOULD COST THREE TIMES OUR ASKING PRICE to rebuild this beautiful 4 bed room brick, two baths, carpeta wall to wall, very modern kitchen, spacious lot located i> on i of the best residential sections of town. This is not an ordi nary property. ^ NEW S BED ROOM HOUSE, small lot ?3?00. Terms. THREE ROOM HOUSE and lot $1,780. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bed room cottage-located en small lake 2 miles from Boone on new highway. THIS IS IT: S bed room cottage, 2 baths, large stone fireplace, completely furnished. Jtt acres of land, beautiful view of Grandfather Mountain. Located 5 miles from Boone and Blowing Rock. Good terms. NEW COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bed room house, bath, S acres land located 34 mile from the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is the best buy of its kind. Terms. Immediate possession. GOT TIME TO TINKER? ? This property needs some tinkering on. 31 acres of wooded land, good water supply, ideal for summer cottages. Old time house can be repaired. Price *000. GOOD 2 BED ROOM HOUSE, carport located cloee to schools, good VA loan that can be assumed. Own thla house and pay for Just like rent THREE BED ROOM STONE HOUSE with beautiful lot Vary i mall down payment, balance $60.00 per month. LARGE COMMERCIAL BUILDING suitable for produce, build ing supply, or any other type of business requiring parking facilitlei. Term*. WATAUGA FROZEN FOOD BUILDING? Ideal for meat packing or produce business. Can be bought for H of original coat Terms, , 20 ACRES OF FARM LAND that includes 6 acre* of best bottom land In county. Good two bed room house, plastered walla, furnace, fireplace, full basement. New highway going through property. 2 BED ROOM GARAGE" APARTMENT, nice lot, furnace. Price $7,S00. Small down payment NO ROOM FOR ARGUMENT BUT PLENTY FOR LIVING? You wont argue over the value of this 3-bed room house, bath, hot water, 2 acres land, with stream running through, s small work shop, located just off highway >21 between Boone and Blowing Bock. Ideal for summer home or permanent home. MAKE IT A TWO FAMILY and you will have additional income to make your payments? Thia large stone house located Just 1-4 mile west of Boone on Highway 421. Good financing. DONT FENCE ME IN? Youll never feel tented in In this roomy t bedroom house, 0-10 acre lot, heat in every room. a Located Just one mile west of Boone. BUY A PLACE that's in the path of rising values. Large S bedroom house, full basement, heat and 1 acre of land, lo cated in Perkinayille. Would be intereated in trading for good farm. NOT TOO FANCY, but a real buy ? Located on Beaver Dam oa bard surfaced road. 16 acres, 6 room house, 6-10 tobacco base. Price H>00. Will trade for something in town. i BIG FAMILY? Then you'll want to look at, this 5 bedroom bourse, large living room, den, enclosed porch, carpets wall to wall, full basement, S full hatha, garage, located in center of town near school and stores. Good financing. I HIGHLAND AVENUE: S bed room house, basement, large family room, beautiful lot, a picture window with something to really lfpk at Small down payment THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE between land and ? farm. Hare la a real farm comprising 88 acres, 40 aerea of bottom land, large feeding marn, silo full of feed, dairy ban, 14 head of cattle, 4 bedroom boose, bath, good location near schools. Good terms. 30 ACRES Of CLEAN, FRESH COUNTRY LIVING. New > bedroom nrick house, all fodern conveniences, located at Homing er. 0 KIDS WANTED! They'll be Appy In this 4 bed room brick house, a baths, full basement. 01 loan can ba A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH A little finishing awl painting on yoor week ends and you'll hare a baeutiful Ranch type home located at Rutherwood. Hake ma an otter. TWO HOMES ON ONE LOT. With this little house in rear yo? will have additional income to pay for this comfortable spacious S bed room feouee, a acres land just out of city limits. Would consider a trade in. Will consider any off*. | 5 ACRES LANl^stream running through property good piece. Good site for lake on good road. Price $1800. NEW 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, very modernistic, cathedral ceiling, fall basement, located in new development sen NEW J BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, large lot Beautiful view. Price $8,800. ? List Your Property with Us for a Quick Sale HAVE DEMAND FOR SMALL BUSINESS ? ALSO V0BFAB1B COE INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY ? BOONE, N. C. ? 817 MAIN

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