BABY BLUB w?*h and wear ?ulu, alio dark color*, 79 per <*nt d#c" ron, 25 per cent cotton, *24.95. CHURCH'S, INC., W. Kin# St, Boom. LOCATED in front of Cove Creek Elementary School, U?ed clothing and email piece* furniture and shoe* and tire*. Very cheap. Come see Open all week except Monday and Sunday Mr*. p?o1 Weteh, Manager. ^ NOTICE, YOU NO MEN, WOMEN TOO, INTERESTED IN LEARN; 1NG BASIC ELECTRONICS CON TACT STEPHENS ELECTRON ICS CO. IN BOONE FOR FULL DETAILS CALL AM *-*552 Ic WANT TO MAKE $15 TO $25 IN A DAY? Many are doing it Plea* ant work for man or woman. No experience needed. Spere or full time. Will teach and Unance you. Write McNes* Co., Dept. C. Can dler Bldg., Baltimore, 2, Md. 6-5-2p FOR RENT? One 5- room house with bath, just out of town on State Farm Road. Call AM 4-380* or see Walter Bumgarner. lp A PAY DAY EVERY WEEK WITH AVON'S weekly earning opportunity. You can earn $200 to $3.00 per hour serving an es tablished Avon territory. Write Mrs. Mable L Gore, Bo* 13, Hickory, N. C. gS2c FOR RENT? 4- room garage apart ment with bath. Prefer couple. Will be furnished. Located on Bamboo Road. Call AM 4-8804. 5-1-Sc BREED YOUR COWS artificially to the top bull* in the nation. Frozen semen is available in all major dairy and beef greeds. Call Milton S. Moreti at AM 4-3325. 5-1-tfc FOR SALE ? Clean, modern, used Mobile Home. Call PLaza 8-1178, Lenoir, N. C. ^ MEN'S SUITS? Wash and wear Dacron blends, all wools, $24.95 to $34.95. CHURCH'S, INC., W. King St., Boone. lc BREED YOUR COWS artificially to the top bull* in the n*tio?. Frozen semen is available In all major dairy and beef breeds. Call Milton S. Moreti at AM 4-3147 or 1-3061. 5-1-tfc SALESMAN WANTED ? Do you want a good, profitable and perm anent business of your own to Watauga County? .Write R*w" leigh-r Dept. NCE-18M?? Richmond, Va. v BOYS' SUMMER WEIGHT sport coat* size* 4 to 20. iLbeee price* you will like. CHURCH'S, INC., W. King St., Boone. lc WELL DRILLING promptly dope. Latest and moct modern equip ment. Experienced driller*. J. Wayne Gragg, 602 Green Street. Phone AMhertt 4-3657, N. C. . ' 9-lfrtfc Lombard chainsaws ? Sale* and service. COVE CREEK STORK, Sugar Grove, N. C. 8-8-tfc BOmElITB CHAINSAWS Sale*. service and repair*. CO VE CRMt STORE, Sugar Grove. N. C. 8-8-ttc Seasonal and All Oeeaflion Napkins Smith Printing' Co. King at Appalachian I | Dr. J. Ella Hardin OSTEOPATHY PHYSIO-THERAPY DIET 795-B, East King St Boone, N. C. AIM 4-1377 MEN'S AND BOYS' nylen jackets, j assorted sixes and colors, wash able. CHURCH'S, INC., W. King St.. Boone. lc FOR SALE ? Big Boy tomato, snaps, sgeratum, scarlet sage, etc. Dee Iliillips, Sugar Grove. CQ 7-2186 8-5- Jp WANTED ? PIANO for church use. Write "Piano" Box 3S3, Boone, stating nuke, sixe and price 8-5-tfc FOR SALE ? Several used vacuum cleaners cheap. Also new Rexalr Cleaners. Free demonstrations. Call All 4-3938 or write James Dotson, 306 Oak Street, Boone, N. C. , 8-15-12p HELP WANTED for Rawleigh business in Watauga County. Seal opportunity. No experience need ed to start. Write Rawltigh's Dept NC F- 180-0, Richmond, Va. 6-4-4p RESPONSIBLE PERSON male or female, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vending machines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references and 8800 working cap ital necessary. 7 to 12 hours week ly nets to $300 monthly. Possibil ity full time work. For local in terview give full particulars phone Write P. O. Box 4872, Dallas, ?, Texas. t lp FOR RENT^-4 room apartment furnished. Electric Stove, refrig erator, etc. Mrs. Harold C. Wat son, 407 Howard Street, Boone, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? Two lots fronting on highway 194 or would sell 10 or 15 acres. See Tom Shook or call CO 7-2337 after 8 p. m. Saturday, lp LAWN MOWERS repaired and precision ground. Guaranteed to clip a hair. SAW SHARPENING by machine. Will buy used push type or motor mowers. V. L. Payne, GENERAL REPAIR It BLACKSMITH SHOP, located back of bus station. Bring this ad and save 50c. 5-2Mp MEN'S WHITE wash and wear dress shirts. Unbelievable but true? 12.98. CHURCH'S, INC., W. King i St, Boom. lc XAflu Having trouble getting grass to grow in the shade? We have a new type grass which works wonders far shady lawns. WATAUGA FCX SER VICE, S. Water St., Boone. lc FOR SALE ? We have just pur chased the entire stock of another piano dealer. Stock consists of both new and used piano*. Lowest prices we have had in several years. SPECIAL ? 1 new Baldwin- Acro sonic at $300 off list price. Also one need Wot Knobe, only 50 in ches high. Special at $195.00. See these Mid many others at GAR WOOD PIANO CO., WUkesboro, N. C., Phone 1112, WUkesboro, N. C. 5- 22 -3c SEE US FOR bee supplies. Cove Creek Store, Sugar Grave, N. C. 5-1-tfc FLOWER PLANTS by the hand reds! Petunias, snapdragons, ger aniums, and outdoor-type chry santhemums. Also tomato aad cabbage plants. Save on plants at your WATAUGA FCX SERVICE, 8. Water St., Boone. lc USED AND NEW MOBILE HOMES SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK Three (3) Used Coaches with bath* Abo Several Good Used Cart from *100.0* and up Wayne Johnson Motors 231 Ea*t Harper Ave. LENOIK, It. C. MOBILE HOMES J BIG CLEAN-UP SALE NOW ON pHyES' .< . .'if, '*%?&<.% .' , ' yt,'.' , > i j,'i * ? . . ..g ! ? 4 Special Reduced Prices * Extra Liberal Trades for Furniture, BoaU, Auto*, Vted Coachei ' ? ' X ? 4:' \ ?? ' German Mobile Hopies N. MAIN ST. EXT. - GRANITE FALLS, N. C. B KMf ?a WE HAVE TO*ACC? PLANUS ??w raady to transplant. No Jt variety. WiR T Caanon, Washing ten College, Ten*. - jc FOR RENT? House, unfurnished, will be paiqted (or tenant. Coua i cUl Realty Co., AMherst 4-8070. 1c | LOST? Lady's red handbag, Friday night May 23 in Boom. Finder may keep money and return per sonal itenu. Kathleen Maathey, 210 | Seward A*?., Bristol, Va. Ijp FOB RENT ? 6-reom house with bath, garage, and garden, 1% 1 miles -from Boone. Call Oeorge A Wilson, AH 4-3582. f-'/jf lp FOR SALE ? Modern 8-room houae on 78 x 180 lot at go?d Boone location. Economical oil - furnace, carport, two Urge shad* trees in front yard. Ideal for summer or year-round home. 4H per cent G. I. loan can be assumed after small down payment. Call AM 4 3808. 6-5-tfc FOR SALE ? 10 nice building lots just out of Boone on Blowing Rock road adjoining new golf courae property, a bargain at $2, 900. C. J. Carroll, Route 1, Ruth erwood. 8-5-3c FOR BALE ? 30 nice building lota at Deep Gap, total of 10 or 12 acres with 10,000 or mere white pine. A bargain at 9100 per lot. C. J. Carroll, Route 1, Ruther wood. 6-3-3c WANTED to rent furnished small, cool apartment or room close ID for summer by lady in summer school. Write P. O. Box 303, Boone, N. C., at once. lp WANTED ? A rent furnished small houae or 2 bedroom apart ment for summer. 2 ladies and 2 children, ages 2'4 and six, while attending summer school. Write P. O. Box 303, Boone, N. C. at once. lp FOR SALE ? Used refrigerator*, used electric range*, used washing machines. Guaranteed good me clumical condition. Edmisten Fur niture Co. 5-29-8C FOR RENT? Furnshed apartment, 812 Faculty Street, Telephone AH 4-3084. 5-29-2P FOR SALEk? Used Westinghouse Laundromat. Like new. Guaran teed perfect mechanical condition. Priced to sell. Edmisten Furni ture Co. lc 3 ROOM FURNISHED APART ment for rent. Call AH 4-3721, or AM 4-8486. 5-28, tfc FLUMPING, repairing, septie tanks built. L. C. Moretz, Route S, Box 84. Boone, N. C. Call AM 4 FOR SALE? 38 acre* of land in Alexander County on Highway No. 18 two miles from Taylors ville on the Charlotte Highway known a* the County Home Pro perty. The land has 13? feet highway frontage. Would be nice i business or residential section. Has a deep drilled well pumping 33 gallons of water per minute. 39 acres clear and 3 acres in tim ber with a nice stream. This land can 'be bought for $300.00 an acre. Write Mattie Gentry, Route 0, Lenoir, North Carolina. Phone PLaza 4-8878. 5-22-3C FOR RENT? Two room or three room furnished apartments. Close in. Apply at Western Auto As sociate Store. 9-22-tfc SINGER SALES and SERVICE. Sewing machines, vacuum clean ers, repairs, used machines, all prices. Write or call day or night. Kemp Ferguson, 308 East Harper Avenue, Lenoir, N. C. PL 4-0442 or 4-8023. 5-22-9p FOR RENT ? Three-room furnish ed apartment. Queen Apartments, AM 4-3963. 4-10-tfc TOBACCO PLANTS will M ready to pull from May 20 to 29th. Win Miller, Zionville, N. C. 9-19-4p BUY "COUNTRY PRIDE" EGGS for guaranteed freshness and quality. Produced locally, sold at leading grocery stores. WATA UGA *CJ SERVICE, g. Water St., Boone. ^ lc MEN'S IVY LEAGUE pant* In wash and wear and Dan River baby eords. lights and darks, $4.90 and CHURCH'S, .INC. Vi King St., Boone. lc LAWN MOWERS? Wo have ~a wide selection, including riding type power mowers as well as lower priced rotary-type mowers. WATAUGA rCX SERVICE, S. Water St, Boone. le SHOEMAKE AND COUNCIL ? Sinclair beating oils, and all other Sinclair Products. Serving Wata ngaand Ash* counties. Day phone 440741/ night 4-3921 'at 4-3208. Septic Tank Cleaning Prieea reasonable, work gwura* teed. Sanitary Septie Talk Ser vice. Pkoaa Warren Greene, AM herst 44201, Route 2, Boone, N. C. WE BUY, OIL OR TRADE a mj thin* anywhere, aaytlae. MAR Furniture Co., Yilaa. N. C. Wtfc 8289. 9-29-2p 141-tfc FOR RENT ? 9-room house, un furnished Appalachtaa St C?# AM 4-M1A ?. .-ji 1 J ft FOR SALE-fciaS; IifternaUenal Mi -ton panel -truck See M&rvto Russell. j . le FOR "ITmiltiiHini f tar nished. CounoiU Realty Co . AM horst 4-8070. . . lc FOR SALE? 1894 Plymouth, cxtr* clean. Would take livestock or real estate in trade. CeoneiU Realty Company, AMfcerst 4-897* lc 'fathers DAY is comiHK Up. Let's don't format Pop. Shirt*, pants, spurt coats, suits, and shot* will always wort CHURCH'S. INC., W.. King St.. Boone. lc FOR SALE ? 50 am graas and track farm in Bamboo taction, quarter mile from Parkway. Good 8-room house with bath, good "out buildings Wall wa tared, water in house. Two good orchards, vine yard. Mrs. K. i Cook, Boats 1, Blowing Rock, N. C. Phone AM 4 8893. ' ?4-t? FURNISHED bedrooms for rent. CaU Mrs. I. L. Room, AMfaerst 4 8440. le FOR SALE? SAND AND GRA VEL, also DRAIN TILE, 4", 10c ft.; 0". 18c ft. Alson ditching and grading. J. W. Hampton, AM 4 8380, Deep Gap, N. C. 10-lTtfc FOR RENT ? 2 bedroom home, recently remodeled. Modern con veniences. Rent reasonable. SOT Queen Street. Price $40. Would consider furnishing. Call or write Mrs. W. M. Deal, Granite Falls, N. C. Phone EXport 6-4424. ? lc FOR SALE ? 3 Guernsey milk cows. Chas. Wilkinson, ZionvUle, N. C. ip ANNOUNCING the opening of RUSSELL'S ANTIQUES, Sunset Drive, Blowing Rock. 6-BSc FOR RENT ? Rooms and apart ments. Call AM 4-39B2. 6-9-2* EXPRESSION OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere ap preciation to the Boone Fire De partment and all my friends and neighbors who were so helpful when my house caught fire Satur day. Thank you very, very much. MRS. EDNA BRITTAIN. le LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES k-s? COMMISSION Docket No. P-M, Sub 103 ? Pay poMl of Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company to extend base rate area* in certain BK exchange* lit order to eliminate #r reduce mileage charges and to reclassify exchanges into proper rate group* as of present or tn the future when the number *f station* in the local service area increase* or Jeer***** to the poiat where the exchange* aawe* into a different rate group ia order to reflect current telephone develop ment and to eliminate inequities and discrimination. The effect ef this proposal on any individual can be determined by calling yoar local busine** office. The above captioned matter has been set for hearing by the North Carolina Utilities Commiiiion la the Hearing Room of the Comtnfe ston. State Library Bonding, R? leigh. North Carolina, on Wednes day, June 29, 1998, at 10:00 o'clock A M. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 5-20-lc Merchandise made in U. S. is a hit ia Milan. Pleistocene age bone* come to light ia Pern. R D HODGES?* kebos:ne---fjp on ESSO DEALER. raw* i ' . ? ? Aft Honored At Dinner Mr. Kufcn P. Trivette of FUi* i?8er was giiyen I birthday dinuar ?t hi* home Sunday by his eons and, daughters and other done re lative*. Thorn present were Mr. George Trivette and G. C. TMvttte at Boone, the Rev. and Mrs. Victor Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Watauga County. North Carolina, made in the special proceedings entitled. In the Matter erf S. C. Eg Guardian competent. Efgew, of Prams Miller, In , the undersigned Ku?rd ian will on the 28th day of June, 1M4 at twelTC o'clock (12 00) noon at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder frr cash the merchantable timber located and growing on that certain tract of land lying and being in New River Township, Watauga County, North Carolina, and more part icularly described a* follows: BEGINNING on a cucumber, to X t. Miller and J. McCoy Miller and runs (heare with J. J. Miller line; north 68H degrees 2t poles to a sugar tree; thence north 1 degree east t Miss to a sugar tree; thence north 4ft degrees west 2B\ poles to a sugar tree, corner to Frances Miller, thence north 27 degrees east 98 polen to a hickory: thence north ? degrees oast 11 poles to a stake; thence oast 19Vi poles to a stake; thence south $ decree west 97H poles to the BE GINNING. containing 15* acres, more or less. This the 27th day of May, 1098. S. C. EGGERS, Guardian B5~4c-e NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WATAUGA IN THE MATTER OF THE REMOVAL AFTER ABANDON MENT OF UNKNOWN CEMETERY Notice Is hereby given to the unknown relatives of all persons whose names and identities are unknown buried in the Unknown Cemetery on the property of Unit ed States Pat* Service, being lo cated on U. S. Highway 321 ex tending across the property of said United States Fin Service, that on the 21st day of May, 1996, the Board of Coanty Commission ers, of Watauga Couaty declared said cemetery to be an abandoned cemetery and authorized the re moval of the graves located there to to a suitable plot to som* other cemetery, by the North Carolina State Highway Commission, under the supervision of said Board of County Commissioners and the County Health Officer of Watauga County. Yon are further notified that the removal of said graves will be began immediately after this notice has been published for thirty days in this newspaper, and you will take further notice that you are required to appear and show cause, if any you have, to the undersigned withia laid thirty days why the graves should not be removed as hereinabove set COMMISSIONERS OF WATAUGA COUNTY S. B. GREENE. RMAN ? 8-29 4c SKIN ITCH HOW TO RELIEVi IT. IN JUST 15 MINUTIS, II Mi pleased, rmm ?? back at any draa Mm. ITCH-ME-NOT dsadeas Itch end burning la BlmrtMi kills terms, fund aa caatact. Wonderful far ec naa, feet Itch, Haffwom, Insect bite*, surface rashes. Tedey at (Dealer's Name). BOONE, DRUG CO. Trivette ami Gary *1 Concord; Ml. and Mm. Me Warren, Albert and Helen, at Saner Grove; Mrs, Ruby Pretrial!. J* Ami and J. C., M* and Mr*. Raymond Trivette u< Marlyn of Booaei tad Amer Ren. inger of Remlnger. Mr. Trtvette ia TS yearn old, aad he ha* lived alone since tlM death of hia wife May It, 1MT. NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by virtue ?f the pow er of sale contained In three ee* tain deeds of trust executed by T. I. Ballard and wife, Mary Shep itWfloiahouaer * 15th ~6 t?tn iraaied dwelling. 4 a ?**? roll ? **0 WWUvtl WIM| tltj WRIvi f a UVU ? 87? CLOSE IN? 4-room cottage, water in houie, no bath, 2 acre* very fertile land on good road, many apple and cherry tree*, creek. *8,500. 37? BRUSHY FORK? 3 bedroom Mock dwelling, bath, basement, fully insulated. Attached garage, floor furnace, deep well, 2 acre* land with large fish pond teeming full of fish $11,900. DRIVE BY POPLAR DRIVE and aee the new ranch type dwell ing Hearing completion. 21? BLOWING ROCK ROAD? ? room cottage with 3 bedrooms, bath, fireplace with heatilator. Nine acre* land near new golf course. Good road and creek. 42? E. PEHXINSVILLE ? 6 room dwelling, bath, basement, 5 acres near level land. 60 ? WOODLAND DRIVE? Brick dewUing, 3 bedrooms, full base- ' merit, 2 bath rooms, nice level lot 34 ? WEST BOONE? Good 2 bedroom dwelling, bath, ?U heat. About S acres fertile land. *8,000. 38? GRASS LAND ? 200 acres term abort 100 acre* practically level. 129 acres hi grau, balance in timber, some food saw timber. $100 per acre. 64? CHESTNUT GROVE? 2 room cottage, 3 acre* good land, trout stream. $2?00. NEW? 2 bedroom cottage one mile south of Boone on the Blowing Rock road. Bath, fireplace, hot water, living room 16x24, large back porch? $6,000. 23? COVE CREEK-Good 8-room brick dwelling, 4 bedroom*, 2 complete bathrooms, full sised basement, 1 acre lot, fronting ?on highway 421 near Cove Creek schoola. 6?? PERKINSVILLE-h about 1 aft* vacant lot am paved road. 7? OAK GROVE? 2 acre building lot, large shade trees. ??? GREEN VALLEY?* toon block house, bath, X7H km, located vary close to graded school " $7,000. tt? NEAR BLOWING ROCK ON 821? S room house with beth le located on food road. 2 acrU land with trout stream. 15? BLOWING ROCK WAD-2 bedroom cottage, firs place, hat