W. LUES'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday servlcea at #:80 a. m. Holy Communion flnt and third Sundays; Church School at 10*0; Holy at }0:18 a. m. Church open daily TODD METHODIST CIRCUIT Wayne W. Woodward. Pastor BLACKBURN'S CHAPEL, MM Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Worship servlcea? 11:00 a. m. First Sunday; 8:00 p. m. Third Sunday SHVLL8 MILLS ASSEMBLY ? OP OOD Rev. James Kally, pastor. Sunday? Sunday School 10:00; worship 11:00; evening service 7:80. Wadneaday ? Prayer meeting 7:80. Saturday? Youth aervice 7:80. ?LOWING BOCK PIBST BAPTIST CMUBCH O. Carlton Cos, pastor. Sunday School? 10.00 a. m. Worship aerrice ? 11:00 a. m. Sunday evening antics 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday ? 7:10 p. m. Choir rehearsal Wadneaday ? 8:00 p. m. PBESBTTEB1AN CHURCH J. K. Parker, Jr, pastor. Moraine worship? 11:00 a. m. A nursery ia kept (or small chil dren during this service, with a Westminster Fellowship ? 8:48 B- ?? Circles of the Women of the Chuich meet the first Monday of each BMth; g third Monday. Friday,. . 4 mUu. . . jpatttaft' Of the Weatern North Carolina Conference Hlnlatera, laymen and women from 1,100 cburchea In th? west ern half of the State will asaemble at Ovena Auditorium to launch a $3,000,000 campaign lot Chriatian Higher Education. Chief ipeaktn will be Milbura P. Akeri of Chicago and Blahop Marvin A. Franklin of Jackson, Mias. Hopewell Will Hold Bazaar % The Woman'a Society of Chriat ian Service of the Hopewell Meth lodiat Church will iponaor a ba 'aaar at the DarU Furniture Store on September 19th beginning at 8 o'clock. The public la invited to attend. Fanner* who dont normally fertilise their cropa adequately should take a good look at their altuatioa; try to determine how much yielda could be increaaed through proper fertilisation. New State Morle Now Available The new Variety Vacatirinland movie, which wan widely shown to television sod many other audi ences M a feature ot "Sec North Carolina Month". U now available for distribution throughout the State, and may be obtained free of charge from the State Advert tiaing Division. Department of Cnweervatlon and Development, Raleigh. The 16 mm film In foil color runs 14H minutes H la aa all North Carolina production Hugh Morton directed production and Mid much of the photography, covering the SUte from the Croat Smokies to the coast; the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra did the background music, and Doab le S Studio of Charlotte handled technical production. New Enlistees In Marine Corps Tor his own take, It U import ant to find a Marine'* mettle ear ly hi hi* career. That la Marine boot training la tough, bringing out the beat In every recruit. Marine Ted). Sgt. BUI Olhrer, lofcal recruiter who work* out of the Boone poatofflce every Wed nesday morning told this to some of the local youths last month. Two of them. James H. Hollars ?nd Curtis R. Balrd, decided they could take anything the Marines *ould dish out They enlisted and it* now at Parrls bland. South Carolina going through recruit 'raining. Young Balrd Is the son of Mr. ind Mrs. Robert T. Baird of Blow ng Rock and la a graduate of Blowing Rock High School. Young Hollars Is the son of Mrs. Earlean Hollars of Blowing Rock and also attended Blowing Rock High School. Both boys enlisted for. four year*. GETTING I N THE ACT Detroit, Mich. ? Ten-year-old Desmond McDuffee had aa argu ment with hia widowed mother and decided to return to bla form er home In Memphli, Tenn. Deamond got out his mother's car and left. Two miles from home, fourteen damaged parked cara, one flattened fence and one equally flattened beck porch later, police fluahed him out of hiding under a nearby pile of cartona only to be told by Deamond: "I aint talk ing. I'm taking the Fifth Amend ment." TESTS COMPLETED The Atomic Energy Commission recently announced that It haa completed its nuclear weapons testa at Johnaton bland In the mid-Pacific and the area la being opened to ship and plane traffic. BABY EEEE h**W?, 9mm 1-LB. PKG. Salisbury Bacon - 65c Beef Liver, 3 ibs.$t.OO rvinrv BEEF ROAST, lb. 47c HALF GALLON FLOOR WAX SIMONIZf ? ? ? $1.35 CRISCO - 3-lb. can 93t ' ' GOLDEN CUP COFFEE - 3 lbs. $2.15 LARGE HEAD LETTUCE ? ? 2 for 39c GOLDEN RIPE vjTN BANANAS - - lb. 15c CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING AND PACKAGING lor your home freeser done by appointment FREE DELIVERY -S OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK J CITY MEAT MARKET & GROCERY JONES HOLLAR, Owtur AM 44491 BOONE, N. C. Two Sunday Services Planned By BaptistsP Palter L. H. Hoiiingsworth re ported virtually an overflow crowd In the morning worship wnrte* In th? Pint Baptist Church km. la view c< the fact that upperdas* ibm had not arrived oi the ASTC plus the expectation oi large numbers o I local people, the Deacooa and other church lead en. in emergency sessions Sun day afternoon quickly came to the conclusion that two worship ser vices would In an likelihood be |a nn^inmiis ^11 mLa ncvfuiry to ?ccoromoQaie iu woo wanted to attend. Therefore, be ginning neat Sunday, Septerabti 14, there will be two regular morning worship services, one e I these will begin at 8:30 to be fol lowed by Sunday School at 0:40 and the second worship service at 10:88. These will be Identical wor ship services ? the choir will sing the same anthems and the minister bring the same sermon, etc. Appalachian's enrollment will break all records this year and, as always, the largest number of stu dents will be Baptists. Last year of approximately 1000 students more than 1300 were Baptists. It is expected that this year's stu dent body will have even more Baptists In It. While no check has been made, it appears now that well over half the incoming fresh men class are Baptist young peo ple. The local church makes every effort in its total program to ap peal to and minister to the needs of these young people. Hie above plans are simply one more effort In that direction. The remaining part of the Sun day program for the Baptist church here will include Training Union activities for all ages at f:18 p. m., followed by a regular worship service at 7: SO every Sun day night. Students and general public alike are urged to make their own choices, according to convenience and inclination, as to which of the two morning wor ship services they attend, while a cordial welcome is extended to all for all the other activities offered by the church. BROADER AID PLAN President Eisenhower has pro posed a major new move to strengthen the financial backing (or world trade and world econom ic development. The President has instructed Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury, to support an in crease in contributions, Including dollar contributions, to the Inter national Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter national Monetary Fund. Continuing Israeli need for economic aid predicted. Trees Should Be Cut When Kipe To# often trees are cut when they are making their moat rapid increase in value. 3 Sometimes this is justified by high market prices or by the owner's need for cash, says R. S. Douglass, forestry specialist for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service. "Frequently, however, the own er takes a real loss by cutting the trees too soon," Douglass added "Often a pine that is cut for pulp wood or small sawlogs would have doubled its value in 10 years." Douglass also points out that selective cutting brings in cash returns every few years, keeps the forest growing at top speed, and allows larger harvest when markets are especially gopd. The owner may find it difficult at first to determine which trees are ready for cutting. But with help from a forester and a little practice he can soon do a good Job. "The timber owner should re gard his timber as a crop to har vest frequently," Douglass said. "By selective cutting he can har vest high-value sawlogs every five to 10 years and at the same time keep fast growing young trees to replace those cut." WILD MDE Chimney Rock, N. C. ? The auto iwerved out of control off U. S. 74, plunged down a 100-foot em bankment, overturned twice and plopped upright in a shallow sec tion of the rock Broad River. Investigating officers found the lone occupant, M-year-old Bram lett Alvin Ballard, sitting upright, behind the wheel in, neck-bigh water. Injuries: a bruised fore head Robert Wall Rites Ape Held Mr p-' * tt WJl i ? ? - -i .J ?i ? nu>w? o. tthii, nimnni ui Hrt. Pnrl C. Wall (nee Wagner) al Church vUle, died Tuesday morning, August 26, at Harford Memorial Hospital. H? ni bora April 2, 1*96 in Watuug* County, a ?on of Mack Wall and Floy Mil ler Wall. , t The deceased, a veteran of World War t was retired from the Aberdeen Proving Ground, where be worked u an assembler. Besides his wife be is survived by I IN, Mr Ma?ik W. Wall; two daughter*, Hill Elizabeth Wall and lira. Elmer Jackson; a sister, Mr* Virjunia Grubba; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the Tarring PMaeral Home. Aberdeen, wrth burial in Oak Grave Baptist Chare b. cemetery. / Properly operated, the poultry industry is one of tbo -most ef ficient of all farm enterprises. M//< High Swimfimg Briif GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN "C&vrfinn j "ri 5e?i*< rtC'i\, ' v Malajra reveal* policy of paying rebel* to quit. French Minialari map counter attack on terrorists IwlWwW KEROSENE FUEL OIL Colvard,lnc "Wear the Bert For Lea' BOONE'S EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR STAR BRAND SHOES For the Entire Family and POLL PARROT Shoes for Children HUNTS DEPT. STORE PAUL W. YOUNCE Sales Representative FREE ESTIMATES AND INFORMATION ON: if APPLIANCES if PLUMBING, HEATING , ? IRRIGATION if FLOORCOVERING ? TELEVISION ? FARM EQUIPMENT SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Phone Day AM 4-8378 Home AM 4-8860 rfin 'i' SEARS BOONE, N. C. tiria * la tkc . QiuuL The Quadrangle at' th?r University of Pennsyl vania . . . here live hundred* of freshmen from towns and cities all over America. For many it is their Ant great venture into the world of responsi bility and temptation. It is a crucial year . . . and they live it in a community all their own, sur rounded by the teeming millions of a great city! An important part of their life is the Christian Association, augmenting the programs of the campus churches. There are wholesome social ac tivities, challenging discussion groups, services of worship, opportunities for community service. H^re, as on almost every college campus, the Church is on the job. Its specially-trained leaders are guiding our sons and daughters in their adjust ment to college life and the complicated world of opportunity and danger. Are you helping the Church in its far-reaching ministry? Are you providing the religious home Ufa and church-centered spiritual training that a boy and girl need BEFORE THEY GO OUT INTO THE WORLDT C?fgri?ki 1W, Ktiittr AJv. Smitf, gum Kry, /#. THt'??1UR4H FOR ALL . . . all pc m tne church The OmkIi it the greatest factor Ml Mli (*r A* bmldinf of character nd fpiritual vatuet. Without a ttrong Church, ?either dnmxitfjr mot civiliratioft caa aarvive. Tharn arc four tound reaiona why every ptnaa should attend wrvicet ppfularlf and l?pparl A* Ch?r?h. They are: (I) For hi* own take. (2) For hit cMfdroo't take, (j) for #ie take of hit of tho Cfcutah Hatlf, which need* hia Moral and Material support. Pl?n to t* to ch wilt refuiarly and read your Bible daUy. Published Weekly in the Interest of the Churches of Boone and Watauga County by the Following : WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. PMlea, Maytag Appliances BaUdiaf Materials, Myers Pumps COK INSURANCE AGENCY AO lists Iasarsaee DepnUli teal Estate Serrlce FARMERS HARDWARE ft SUPPLY CO. Evatytfclaf la SMITH EVS STORE Dry Ossis, CMliac. Shoes. Groceries Men Cale la CiaanHia CAROUNA PHARMACY A Cimflite Drag 8er*fc?>'' REINS-STURDIVANT FUNERAL HOME Mai All MM ?* Anhnlim Service NEW RIVER LIGHT & POWER CO. TRAILWAY LAUNDRY, INC. Km* Bnm ? Dial AMkent 44415 TODD * HI COINS ESSO SERVICE r M4 - Bran RilUa W? THE NORTHWESTERN BANK A CM BMk Servinc ? Gm< Coaaty BOONE TRAIL RESTAURANT Mr> Owner ? Atria treat rwMlkc -A (M Ran T? Ear