Church Notices PKK8BT TEB1AN CHURCH Blowing Rock Walter K. Key*, D. D, ? Suo<Uy: ? 30 a. m.-UM-i Bible Cl?*, in Om Num. 10:00 (. m. ? Sunda/ School tB the Chapel. 11:00 a. m.? Mornlnf vorahlp. ?:90 U> *00 P- BL? Pioneer and Younf People'* aaeembly la the (. hap< L ' " ~ Wednesday: 1:19 p. in.? Choir practice la the Church. 7:90 p. m.? Prayer meettnf ta the Chapel CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday: Bible Study? 10:00 a. m. Worship 11:00 a. m. and 7:J0 p. m. Thursday: Bible study? 7:90 p. m. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday services at 0:30 a. m. Holy Communion first and third Sundays; Church School at 1040; Holy Communion each Wednesday at 10:18 a. m. Church open daily. TODD METHODIST CIRCUIT Wayne W. Woodward. Paster BLACKBURN'S CHAPEL, TMd ' Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Worship services? 11:00 a. m. i First Sunday; 8:00 p. m. Third i Sunday SHULLS MILLS ASSEMBLY I OP GOD Rev. James Kelly, pastor. Sunday? Sunday School 10:00; worship 11:00; evenlftf service 7 30 ^ Wednesday ? Prayer meeting < 7:80. I Saturday? Youth service 7:80. BLOWING ROCK PIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 0. Carlton Cos, paator. Sunday School? 10:00 a. m. Worahlp eervice? 11:00 a. m. Sunday evening aervtce? 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wedneaday ? 7:30 p. m. Choir reheanal Wedneaday ? 8:00 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. K. Parker, Jr., peator. Sunday Sckool? 0:40 a. m. Horning worship ? 11:00 a. m. A nursery la kapt (or tmall chil dren during thla eervice, with a nuraa an duty. Weetmlaater Fellowahlp ? 5:40 ?? ? Circlet of the Women of the Chuich meet the firat Monday of each month; general meeting each third Monday. HOPEWELL METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School? 10 a. m. Worahlp Service* 11:00 a. m. Second Sunday; 8:00 p. m. Fourth Sunday. ST. MART'S OF THE HILLS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Blowing Rock. The Rev. John S. Mc Duffle. Sunday tervice, Holy Commun ion? 8 00 a. m. ^ Church School? 10:00 a. m. Morning Prayer? 11:10 a. m. aervicej each Thunday at 10 o'< GRACrXUTHERAN CHURCH E. F. TtnIbu, Mm Sunday School at 10:00 a. m Mr*. Wad* Cottey and Mr. C?rl Smith Superintendents Worship at 11:00 a. m. Youth 8und*y S?rmoo topic: "Youth On The Go," The Luthfr League will ghrc ?{ "Youth Program" at 0:00 p. m. and Lutheran Student Afwli tion are special Junior Choir meeti Wednesday at 4:00 p. m. Senior Choir rehearsal on Wed nesday evening at 700 with Mrs. Walton Cole directing and Pro faisor Cole at the organ. Come and worahip. Go and serve. CATHOLIC CHURCH Epiphany Church, Blowing Rock. Sunday mass 9 and *11 a. m. Confessions Saturday 7 to 8 p. m. BOONE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP First and third Sundays. 7:30 p. ra? at 223 Orchard Street. (Turn off Orchard Street at No. 208 and go to end of driveway.) WMU Meeting To Be Held The Three Fork s Association WMU Leadership Conference and inspirational meeting will be held at the Oak Grove Baptist Church Thunday evening of thli week from 7,00 to 9:00. Kin Elizabeth Campbell, As soc ional Missionary In Caldwell county will be the speaker for the closing period, bringing ? mission message. All WMU memberi are urged to attend and everyone ii invited to hear the iniplrational message by Miss Campbell. LARGE FRUIT CROP SEEN The largest apple crop since IMP and the largest peach crop lince 19*7 are expected by the Agriculture Department this year. The commercial apple crop Is expected to total 116,000,000 bush els, 6 per cent larger than the I9S7 crop. The increase la mostly in the Eastern states, with espec ially large crops In New York and Virginia. The 1906 peach crop is estlmat (ft . 7*500100 bushels, 21 per JWttUrfer than last year's. The department said crops are larger this year In all but ? few com mercial peach states. Stocks in London improve quiet ly; tin issues up. Survey finds signs of a business upturn. Watauga Hospital Pitlnti I? Watauga Hospital, Inc., ?#pt. 0 through Sept Ifl ? ? Mrs Alice Myers Moretz, Mr*. Man Elizabeth , Carroll, Mrs. Maud* Rutk Taylor, Tommy Com ette. J. A. Cooke, Miss Phyllis Watson, Mrs. Hazel B. Farthing, Miss Josna Lunsford, Mrs. Irene Pointlotter, Mis* Joyce Ana Mor etz, Max S. Norris, Mrs. Joseph ine Greene, Miss Pauline Mc Ghee, Mrs. Ada Moretz Howell, Mrs. Vtefte Osborne. James Da vld Day, Ms. Emma Hensoa, Mrs. Beulah Carolyn Watson. Mrs. Zillie JeWell Watson, Master Thomas Russell Pease. Master Gary Lee Parsons, Mrs. Kate Dou tae Stanbery, Master Russell Ray mond Shook, Mre. Mary Louise Reese, Charles Ford Henson, Ernest Gray, Mrs. Peggy Irene Norris, Master Shermsn Allen Greene, Charles Cosener, Jr. BMhe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winebsr ger. Baby Bay, HO. Mr. aad Mrs. Shoilie Watson. Baby Girt. ?10 Mr. and Mrs. David Bingham, Baby Boy, HI Mr. aad Mn. Toaamy Dollar, Baby Oirl, #-12 Mr. and Mrs Robert Kincaid, Baby Girl, ?11 Club To Sell Fruit Cokes The Buxiusi and Professional Women's Club, and the Medical Auxiliary will be selling the Old Fashion Claxton Fruit Cakes again this year to raise money (or the icholarshi pgjven by the two group* to a girl Interested in studying nursing. If you ar? interested in getting any' of the fr^it cakes, you may get in touch with any BPW mem ber, or a member of the Medical Auxiliary, or you may call AM 4 3878 if you wish to place an order. Washington ? Old Glory will boast another star next year to represent America's newest and biggest state, Alaska. The placing of the star, how ever, has yet to be officially de cided. News Of MCove Creek Elementary School Pint sad Baoead Gn4 n Kkk TwMMt : J'- ,1.1 Lxt year** tint and second grade* at Cove Creak ichool went for a ride on Twee tile and a picnic at Hora in the Weat en September 2. The children and their teacher* had worked to earn the money to f last *priag but the track warat completed before aefcaol ended for the year. Many of the children had never been on the train before and it waa quite an experience for them. Mr*, Qaeea's Pint and Second Grade* We have thirty children ia our room thi* year. We have IS fint trader* and IS second graders. We had a college itudent help ing our .teacher for the fint two week* of ichool She was Mr*. Barbara Gibb* from Appalachian State Teachen College and Glen Alpine. We loved her very much and we were very lorry when ihe had to (tart back to college. The first grades have started playing ia the rhythm band and we are enjoying it very much. First Grade We have started on a new ad venture. School! We are an ex cited about going to wheol. There are nine bey* and 20 girt* in our room. We are learning to play with each other, and are happy to meet new friend*. Some of u* have been reading in book*, have learned to write our name*, and aing new *ong*. Going to the lunchroom was something new to many of us, but we all enjoy meal time. Mrs. KUiiea'j Fearth Grade Wf have IS boys and >9 girls in our room. Janice Fox i* a new student. We are glad to have her. She came from Valle Crucis School. Jsnice visited her aunt *p4| uncle in Nakoma, Kansas, recently. Frances Redwine visited her grandfather la Sballotte. Betty Shull and Barbara Haga man spent a week at Camp TaPa Go this summer. "Those celebrating birthdays this month are Billy Comb*, Dennis Ho mincer, Betty Shull, and Sharon Harmon. , r JL' Fifth Ml Htth GrMln > 1 "I Our dan, which - is a combina tion grade pf (if* and *Mh grad era, la conducting a study of the micreseope in tdeoMi.. We have looked at several interesting item* under the mieroecopc ami we have found thf obscrvstioni very inter tiling. In social studies the fifth grade is conducting a trip throu?h the United SUtes. By the end of the school year, the class will have visited each state in the Union and will know a number of facts about each one, along with habits, cus toms, and the economic status of the people of each area. The sixth grade is busy pre paring s bulletin board depicting the age of missiles which should prove to be interesting and en joyable to see. This interesting project helps us in science and possibly history. As an overall picture of our claas we are busy learning and search ing for more knowledge in order that we might be better eitiaem. SUSPENSION TOO LATB Columbia, S. C. ? In a program to diacourage reckless driving, South Carolina suspends the lie ease* of frequent traffic violators The State Highway Department recently dispatched a patrolman to the hone of a truck driver to notify him of suspension. The pat rolman found a funeral wreath 00 the door. The driver was killed ia a traffic accident the day be fore. Carrier Corp, raises earnings in third quarter. mjmrnemm KEROSENE FUEL OIL Colvard, Inc. r. O. Box Ml BOONE, N. C Day ftanto r WAREHOUSE ? TelephoM illMnt UNI NIGHT SOVICB BILL BBOWN CABELL GRAGG TriUkHl AMhant MM T?l??h? I AMkmt 44144 raby Salisbury Bacon ? 65c Beef Liver, 3 ibs $1.00 BEEE HALF GALLON FLOOR WAX SIMONIZE ? ? -$1.35 CRISCO - 3-lb. can 93c GOLDEN CUP COFFEE - 3 lbs. $2.15 GREEN CABBAGE - 3 lbs. 10c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS - - fc. 15c CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING AND PACKAGING ? ? is ir for your home freeser done by appointment^ FREE DELIVERY - OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK CITY MEAT MARKET & GROCERY JONES HOLLAR, Owner AM 4-8491 1 BOONE, N. C. i j i?48 through 1*7. But the agcney uid that Unit ed State* oUi ml* icsL the large ?cale awiatance haa accomplished - - the mala aim m far aa bolstefifcg Formosa's defenses and economy in the face of a utnmu bqbu1& ticm. ? - - - ? k r?*. ttui aMnu ? potatoes. Conc>?t? ?n prevent * twrn ytrd mwt problem. Year Old . . . * But Growing Fast ! ? Yes, We're Celebrating Our First Anniversary Of Serving the People of Watauga County With Low Coot AtTO FINANCING When Buying a New or Used Car, Ask Your Dealer.To Explain - the HOME FINANCE PLAN Your Local - 1 Home Finance Co. 414 W. King St. * Boone, N. C. ' AM 4-8817 ONE OF 83 LOCAL BRANCHES OPERATING IN SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES THE tlUHSI TEACHER I A ' ' ,."A v , ' .. _ , p - , r-.' . ? < "* . That rrirl at the blackboard i* Ellen Blake. Sha ia a sixth rrade student at Falrview Heights School, and ah* has just written my name. I m the new teacher ? Mary Thomas. Being a teacher is a big job. Each Sunday I lay a special prayer for guidance in my work. But I am well awar* that the taak of training these children for good citizenship is one I cant possibly accom plish alone. Thia i* a wonderful age, but it ia often terrify ing. There are so many diversions, so many activi ties and so much knowledge that seem apart from the Church. And yet God created everything, and God's love is universal. Today's children need help that only the Greatest Teacher of all can give them. They need the teachings of the Church, and a Arm basis of Faith. I'm gratiAad when I tee i? many of my student* at church with their parent*. The Church needs all: all ne?4 th* Church. JtiM * - ? r. v r ? F ^ " *?' Wl. fw*W|, ? ? THC CHURCH FOR ALL . . . all r or T^e church TV C1i?rtfi ? 4* (rrafctl bclw m *m(i fmr 4kt building of ckwadtr 1*4 good cilitcnKip. It m 4 iIorU?M ?f tpintntl ??!??. Wi*Mt a strong Church. Published Weekly in the fntereU of the Churches of Boone and Watauga County by the Followingi WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. rule*, Maytac Applbarc* Baildlag Materials, Myeii COE INSURANCE AGENCY FARMERS HARDWARE * SUPPLY CO. - . ? 1 m 3 ? SMITH BY" S STORE mW, CWtUac, gfcaaa, Graccrfet ttaa , v: : ? "rsaszEiSi? & PJW 1 * REINS-STURDIVANT FUNERAL HOME Dtol All 4-6SM ? Amkalaacc Scrrlce NEW RIVER LIGHT * POWER CO. TRAILWAY LAUNDRY, INC. . Ea<t 1mm ? Dial AMhcnt 4441S TODD ft H1COINS E$SO SERVICE Jm ToM ? bio UniM WmMh. CrtMta*. TV? mi BatterlM THE NORTHWESTERN RANE A Gm4 BUk Scrvtag a Gm4 Cauty 1' BOONE TRAIL RESTAURANT L REST/ ? Aarj*

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