,^n>e Folk Dancing Club met October 1, with Mr. L. U. Zim merman as sponsor, and elected the following officers: President, Hill Greene; secretary and tree ?urer, Shirley Hampton; reporter, Harold Edmisten. CkMH b Kefnlattea The faculty of Appalachian High School has anounced a change in k school policy that has become p| ? matter at growing concern for the faculty, for students, and for parents. A study of participation In school activities was made by t committee of faculty members, and changes recommended by the Committee were approved by the entire faculty. An announcement toncerning the change was made fey Dr. Blanton in assembly on Friday. In the past, a student who re ceived a failure notice at the end ?f four and one-half weeks or a failure on his report card at the *nd of nine weeks was declared ineligible for participation in ma jor school activities. Under the revised program, the fsllure no tice will serve as a warning to Ike student and hie parents; he wffl become ineligible only if he fails ?t the end of the alne weekj grad fcig period. The student who is 4>en suspended from participation may become eligible again after lour and one-half weeks if he is pau'ng all his courses. Students will not be declared in eligible for thoee activities which ?re directly related to courses for which credit toward graduation is given; these include agriculture, hand, chorus, and several others. Activities for such groups must be scheduled in advance, with all atudenta involved to be responsi ble for making up their other classwork in advance. Changes in the policy were made, not to lower academic Standards, but to give encourage ?mat to students who can succeed Id come it?u of school lifo. An other purpose for the change It to bring about a bettor owning n lationahip between the tadividarf ?Meat Mi hi* tlaecrvom teacher. i Meaibers of Ike faHltjr have ?? framed a deekv to work am* closely with an stodeuta in an ef fort to raise the standard* at achoiarahip. Special effort! are al ready being made to help students who are failing courier Parents are asked to support the school'! program by encouraging student* to make better uhi of bome-stwdy time. ? Testing Program A* a part of the county -wide educational testing program start ed this year, tests have been give* to all students in the high school. Standardised English tests have been given in all grades. EnglM teachers have discuned the teat results, and every studeat has been able to see, from his test ?cores, his actual giade level la English. Such teetteg at the be ginning of the year prwvtde* a baa 11 for laipiovtiaoat aad com panion la the year's work. ?tartat ability tests, givea also to all high school students, of* used by teachers only for studying the individual pupil and his learn ing abilities. Scares on these tests sre not dimmed with itudenta. The number ot Audents teatod thin fall Is double the number tested under the regular testing program of the high school. In the past, tests Aave been given during alternate ywars. An increased number of toots makes it posaibl* for the teacher to keep a closer chock oa progress made by stu dents from year to year. Britain and U. 8. extend Pul bright plan. Boeing jetliner gets landing right! in Paris. Li$t Your Property with I It for ? Quick Sal* have demand rot small business ? also foe n COE INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY Did AM 4-8256 217 Main Street GOOD 3 BED ROOlf BRICK BOUSE? large lot located just outside of city limits ia m? development G. I. loan can be assumed requires down payment of $3000. Immediate possession. GOOD 3 BED ROOM HOUSE, bath, large lot located on High way 1M in Perktaeville. Sale price $7000. 31 ACRES ? 4 room house, good outbuildings on top ef B1W Ridge. Price $4000.00. 55 ACRE FARM? Good old house, fish pond. Price $8000. Located near GOOD 2 BED ROOM HOUSE, den, latge living room with fire place. Carport. G. L loan can be assumed. $1800 dowa. GOOD 2 BED ROOM ROUSE, laige lot, located Perklaavllle. Good GOOD 2 BED ROOM HOUSE, let, located on Gram Street, Price ia right. GOOD 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, large lot located near Oak Grave Church. Price $8800.00 FHA loan available. DUPLEX APARTMENT? New rented. Located en Faculty Street near college campus. Completely furnished. $8800.80. SMALL FARM? Remodeled two bed room house, bath, com pletely furnished. 1$ acres with 2-3 cleared land located on good road about 9 miles from Boone. 1-3 down. NICE RESIDENTIAL LOT? Appalachian Helghta. $2,200. GOOD 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, basement, large wooded lot. Just out of city limita near new Golf Course. GOOD 4 ROOM HOUSE, bath, heat, about 1 acre lot. City water. Price $7800. 80 ACRES LAND? WUl graze 29 head cattle, new barn, over 300,000 feet marketable timber. Small down payment Joins Blue Ridge Parkway. GENTLEMEN'S FARM New 3 bed room brick house, ltt bath, hot water heat, full baaement, diahwaahar, new ban, chicken house, 13 acrea at laad located 5 miles firasa Beoae. G. L loan can be assumed. WOODED LOTS of any size, plenty of good water. GOOD GOING BUSINESS for sale. Ideal for huaband and wife. 4 BED ROOM BRICK HOUSE? beet location, carpets wall to wall. 3 BED ROOM STONE HOUSE, laivs lot. Goad "?-g LARGE COMMERCIAL BUILDING for aale. Good Parking WATAUGA FROZEN FOOD BUILDING-^ steal! TWO FAMILY STONE HOUSE? Large let Claw ia. 18 ACRES, bouae, tobacco baae. Price $4800. WUl trade for other property. 8 BED ROOM HOUSE, bsMement, good financing. 8 BED ROOM HOUSE? % hatha, near schools. Ideal for afart menta. Good financing. GOOD INVESTMENT? 2 acrea land, large 3 bed rocfel house, S bed room cottage. City water. Good financing. F. H. A. Conventional Loans bH&| Loans 3? Yean WW 25 Yn. at 5%% Health Dept. ffews Dr. Martin P. Hines, Cbtef, Vet erinary Public Health Section, N. C Stale Board of HeeWi waa ap point id recently to the twelve member advisory committee of the American Medical Aaaociation'a Council pa Sural Health. Dr . Hin es will repreaMrt the American Veterinary Medieal Aaaaeution oa the Adviaory Committee. Other organizations represented are the Farm Bureau, National Grange, Farm Foundation, U. 8. Agricul tural Extenaion Service, Auxiliary of A. M. A., the Prairie Farmer and the Farm Journal. The com mittee and council met recently in CMaapa to make plana for the 14th National Conference on Rural Bert* to he held in Wichita, Kan aaa, March 5-7. Staff Conference A staff conference of all Dis trict Health pepartment person nel will be bald in Jefferaon at the Ashe Coamty Health Center, this The raday, October 16. Both the Sparta and Booae officea will be closed that day. In the after noon Mr. Paul English and Mr. chartoa B. Burke, representatives fro* 1 fee Oiatrict Social Security Offiea, wM meat with the staff to diacuaa the social security pro gram. An invitation has been ex tended to personnel from other departmental offices to attend the conference. Orthopedic CMaie The Orthopedic Clinic will be held this month at the Health beater in Boone from 8:00 a. m. through noon on Friday. October 17. Dr. O. S. Gaul of Charlotte will be the attending physician. Dr. Miefca! Attending Health Director Conference Dr. Mary B. H. Michal, District Health Director is attending a conference in Chariottsville, Vir ginia Wednesday, October 19, on the control of Staphylococcus In fection. This ia a real problem to day becauae this organiam is raaiatent to our new antibiotic medicine. Dr. Michal will be in phapai Hill at the Institute of Government for a meeting of health directors for a discussion of admialatrative problems on October 17 and 16. 4-H Groups To Attend Fair Watauga County 4-H Club mem ber* will participate in programs at tke North Carolina State Fair this week. It was announced by the county agent's office this week. Lea Warren, state winner in sheep shearing, will put on a shear ing demonstration Thursday after noon from i:M to 8:30 p. m. Clifford Farthing, Ronald Swift, and Junior Wlnebarger will com pete In the Junior Tobacco Show Friday. The boys will be accompanied te Raleigh by W.C. Richardson awl Marvin Hutchins, assistant county agents. ON LUNAR VEHICLES The United States has agreed to conform to recommendations de signed to avoid contaminating the moon and other celestial bodies. To this end it is planned to sterilise projected moon-proble vehicles and aim them to avoid impact on the moon. Gall He and SAVE PAUL W. YOUNCE Sale* Representative FREE ESTIMATES AND INFORMATION ON: it APPLIANCES * PLUMBING, BEATING * IRRIGATION ifi FLOORCO VERING if TELEVISION it FARM EQUIPMENT SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Phone Day AM 4-8378 Home AM 4-8860 BOONE, N. C. Iiegiou Ladies Entertained By Mrs. Norris The American Legion Auxili-, ] ?rr. Watiuga I'oit Unit 130 met ?t the kone of Mrs Tray Norm Friday evening October 10th at I t 0 o'clock. The Meeting Baa calM to order 1 by the president, Mri. Lionel Ward. Prayer was led by the chaplain. The National Anthem was sung and the preamble to the constitution repeated by tne group. ' The president reported that the membership quota has been met. Mrs. L. E. Wilson was wel comed as a new member. Plans were made to attend the fifth area meeting which will be held in Morganton Friday, Oct ober 17th at 10 a. m. The program chairman, Mrs. J. W. Norris gave a very interesting discussion on constitution and by laws. After the meeting adjorned delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Hettie Hodges. The next meeting will be a covered dish supper held with the Legionaires at the Legion Hut November 11th at 7:30 o'clock, celebrating Veterans' Day. AIRLINER RESERVE CUT The Government plans a sharp reduction in the next two years in the number of commercial air liners and cargo plane* in its re serve air fleet, which would be mobilized in the event of war. It is planned to reduce the re serve fleet in the 1900 fiscal year, which begins next July 1, to 237 planes. There are 309 planes in the fleet now. In the fiscal year, 1961, the Gov ernment tentatively plans a furth er cut to 179 planes. CARD OF THANKS The family of Graydon Harmon acknowledges with grateful ap preciation your kind expressions of fympathy. ? Pearl Harmon and children. Ashe Sponsors Rail Excursion Waft Jeffenou.? PlaMs ?re an fer ww; for Athc county to spoa lor an exmrohm by traia from West Jefferson to Bristol, Tenn , Sunday, October 19, for the bene lit of the county's two consolidated tugh schools, Ashe Central and Baaver Creek. Tentative plans call for the train to leave Weat Jefferson arouad I a. m for Brtetol. arriviag there about 12.30 p. m , with * 30-min ute (top before returning to West Jefferson. The trip is expected to end here around 4.30 p. m. These hours have been set so that visitors who want to corns from elsewhere to Make the trip may 4o so. The Abingdon branch of the C ECU B DEM LE' ; TheTen Commandments CHMLTON ?W umi HE5TON ? BRYNNtR- BAXTER EDWARD C. * YVOmit R0BIN50N' DECARIO ??* PAGET x?k DEREK ONE FULL WEEK OCT. 15 - 21 EACH NIGHT AT 7 MATINEE Sat. & Sun. at 1:30 P. M. CENTER THEATRE BANNER ELK, N. C. Norfolk and Western u one of the highest track* te emtwn America There ar* over '100 bridges on the 63-mile stretch and some of the ?net colorful scenery in the m including the famous White Top M Mints ia, BaffaW Creek, Big Horse and Little Horse Creek, Greene Cov?, Taylor's Valley and th? Hftirtfiit Hiver an ill on the trip. Autumn leaves are expected to be at their best at this season. Then will be regular cars and ?pan goadoias for those who want man of the outdoors. Passengers are invited to bring cameras and musical instruments. ra?n or THAMES We ?Uh to extend our rineere appreciation to our frienda for their many kindnesses showp us in our bereavement.?'Mn. Claud Todd, Bill and Mike; Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Gragg; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Todd. LJfliSi ? DAYS! T hursday - Friday - Saturday Hundreds of Items OF REGULAR, GUARANTEED REXALL MERCHANDISE ON SALE! BOONE DRUG COMPANY The REXALL Store King Street Boone, N. C. M # - ?" ? v. . Y WW SNrr OtCK ? ?PO?T FU*T MM (town Km . . . i.lriakta K il|?M Ktn cast la rm flrMvUl prm wn ANNOUNCING THE 'SO PLYMOUTH * that brings you new beauty. . . new features. . . and new FURY models at a new tow price! TtU EHWr m? Itn ?at matt the 19 Ftymoutti tkt mint arkk wofM to (it to to out of. Front M?tJ swing with you. Standard on Sport Fury; optional on savtral other models. A Plymouth exclusive to tlx tow-price field I TCI WDM ?UK ?s mw Mirror Mitic r??rvit?r airrcr* ?l?c troniolly dims dial* from th? c?rs behind. Also new tlx cour teous Automatic tun Ctanfor*. HO KT INSTANT REM* tf finger tip touch with new Pmh Mta Heating and Ventilation Controls. Ho waiting for warmth on time trosty meminy. Yeo fet warm ok within 30 mcm4>! Team with HymoutH't mack Pmh-Swttoa Drive ? . The tattoos an now grouped conveniently in I new Matter Control Cantor. o o MCE witti PtyMMtk's adraocad de sign New Golden Cawpandu 395 Cm f hm * . Othtr '5S pmmt tpMom incMi fur* V-100 and PowerFlea engines Today's best buy... tomorrow's best trade

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