? ? , , , News Of The Grades At Cove' Creek School Pint Grade Nm - Our first grade has enjoyed studying and hearing all about the Pilgrims and why they camr* to America. We learned why we have Thanksgiving, and each of us made a long list of things we are thank ful for. Our teacher showed usi some pictures she bad taken while .on a visit to Plymouth, Ma?i We saw a picture of the rock on which the Pilgrims land ed Recent visitors in our room were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pre*, nell, Kathy's parents, Mrs. Lauiae Baird, Gerald's mother, Mrs. Aud rey Roaiinger, Billy's mother, and Mr. Paul Araette, Hilda Ana's I father. We are always glad to see our parents come to see us. Mrs. Edmisten, our county sup ervisor. visited us last week. Connie Vines spent the week end in Spruce Pine with her cou sin. Second Grade News We are working on our P. T. A. membership and hope to have ail of our parents join. Mrs. Wilson Hodges and Mrs. Elmo Hicks visited in our room recently. Elizabeth Ann Baker was the guest of her grandomther in New port, Tennessee over the Thanks giving holidays. Third Grade News We enjoyed licking the frost off the pumpkin, the gravy off the turkey and eyeing the fodder in the shock for Thanksgiving time. Some of us went over the river and through the woods to Grand mother's house and the good things that only a grandmommy can make. One of our classmates. Earl Ed misten, Jr. left last week for Ger many. We gave him a class party. We miss Earl and hop* he will like his new home. On Tuesday, Hensel Matheson's mother gave a surprise party for our room. Third and Fourth Grade News We were happy to have Wanda'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Presnell, visit our room the day before Thanksgiving. Brenda Snyder visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dock Isaacs, over the holidays. Glenda Harmon ate Thanksgiv ing dinner with her grandparents, < Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harmon. Sheila Harmon enjoyed spend iag Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagaman. Children having birthdays this month are Brenda Snyder, Patty Brown. Sheila Harmon, lister Matheson, and Rebecca Hagaaan. We are busy decorating our ^oom lor Christinas. Kathleen Gleen made all the delations (or one bulletin board. , < We are enjoying the story of Santa Claus In Santa l*ad by Dr. Harold W. Trott. Sixth Grade News We all enjoyed our Thanksgiv ing holidays and now we plan to work very hard so that Santa will b? extra pice to us. Mrs. Edmisten visited us Wed nesday and made pictures el eur medieval castle. We made It out of oatmeal and other cereal boxes and covered it with a paste made ol flour, salt, watar and gray powder paint. The surrounding moat is made of clay. Tommy Trivette did an excellent job mak ing the draw bridge. Greer Harmon, Nancy Shull, Carolyn Townsent and David Hay es celebrated birthdays recently. Twq Faculty Members At Columbia Meet Mm. Kathryn C. Tully and Orui R. Sutton of Appalachian But* Teachers Collage, Boone, were among 400 business educators who attended the Southern Busi ness Education Association Con vention in Columbia, 8. C? Nov. 27-29. Sutton is chairman o t the col lege and university division of the association and presided over meetings of this division duriaf the convention. Mrs. Tulley was one of the leaders for the section, "Program ming for Effective Ouidance and Counseling In Business Educa tion." The group wa* under the direction of Dr. Herbert A Tonne of New York University. BLOCKED! Buffalo. ? Henry W. Osborne, traffic director for the eity of Buf falo, was at a church dinner re cently when a policeman took the floor to ask the owner of such and-such an automobile to please move it because it was blocking a doctor's driveway. Osborne, (leading for the door, - w Paul said to Mr. Ed: At this happy Season we find many things to be thankful for. We're thankful for a good business year? thankful that we are healthy and happy ? thankful for our many, many personal and business friends. And we hope that you, tov, can find m many things for which to be thankful. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. May you have all your loved ones with you ? and may the end of hte day find you happily chuckful of Joyousness and find that? "The goose hangs high, and the world is full of smiles." Bring Your Tobacco To Boone Watauga Insurance Agency E. A GAULTNIY J. PAUL WINKLER MARY BROWN SUE HARTLEY NORTHWESTERN HANK BUILDING ? PHONE All MS?1 BOX tm - BOONE, N. C. explained that b* hadn't xeen the drivewM (a the k ) ?ami suggests plan for tal^l w> Sorttf MM iteady |li| he South American ItwU I " - " Soviet charges U. pgr? ... ? - . 11 K "echoes" ?:v*y '< . ? "*?*?? >t * C.11. M WAIT FOR IT! - DON'T MISS IT! t. You'll Save ? Save ? Save On Furniture, House Furnishings, and Appliances COMING SOON! 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Cam* on in and see this great new '59 Pontiac for yourself. Here are all the wooden you've waited for! FONT!*! HAMS v.? UN TORT I A P??rfoc T.mport 4tei ha. Mt o NASCAR MM* H?n*4 md WfmtvUti 1,441 mt. wwl H Him mot* on r?$u/or sol-only 'Vk* P0f mMo at an evoof ?f??d o ? 40.1 m.p.h.l Soo your PonMoc doolor for d?toW> and o tort 4Hv?. ? ONLY CAR WITH WIDE-TRACK WHEELS . . . acclaimed by expert! as (be year's top engineering advance! The wh?cl? are moved out 5 inches for the widest, steadiest stance in America? lower center of gravity for better grip on the road, safer cornering, smoother ride, easier handling. Pontiac gives yon readability mo narrow gauge car can oferl America's Number ? .. fisl J TtisUy New Smiti ? CatsUna . Star Chief ? BevitvM* Read Car! I 5 tyl SCC Y0?K LOCAL AUTHORIZED POUT I AC DtAlER ? And remember, your quality Pontiac dealer displays the manufacturer'! wggested rettf Pfices on every new Pontiac I ?**. BARNETT MOTOR COMPANY? 1 .... 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