m ersona ention JEAft L. RIVERS, Editor ? Home Telephone AMheret 4-3889 ? Office Telephone Local Affairs! Mr. and Mr*. Fred Mist spent Christmas day wttlr Mr*. Smith Ha gamin in Winston-Salem. Mist Jane 9mith spent the holi days with her mother, Mrs. Mae C. Smith, in Spartanburg, S. C. Rev. and- Mrs. M. E. Milder re turned Sunday from a visit to re latives in Durham and Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rollin* a*d son Gray of Spindalc, were Christ mas visitors with Mrs. Lena Geer. Miss Martha Rose Hanson, of Gadsden, Ala. visited in the l)ome Of Dr. and Mrs. John G. Barden this week. Mr. Russell Gragg is spending a two weeks' vacation from his work at Fort Jackson, S. C? at home with his family. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dixon and family of K?o**lHe, Tenn., were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Houck. Dick Hunt returned to Flint, Michigan Saturday after visiting ? week wfth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Greer have returned home from a visit with Mr. and -Mrs. Earl Greer and family in Albemarle. Mr. Larry H. Moore of Roanoke, Virginia visited last week with Mrs. Dean Bingham and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berryhill. Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Rollins spent, the holidays in Warsaw, N. C. with Mr. Rollins' brother, Mr. Glenn W. Rollins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rky Estes are Ipending two weeks at their home in Boynton Beach, Florida. They frlan to return January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Berry hill spent several days laat week Visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. fi. P. Berryhill, in Concord. Mrs. Stuart Norris will leave Saturday for Elisabeth, N. J. to spend some time with her son, Mr. T. 0. Norris and family. , Mrs. J. R. Smith and children, *f Charlotte, visited Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mull ins, during the Christmas holidays. Mr. Bobby Sherrill left Satur day for Bradenton, Florida after tpertdtng the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Sher Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long and children, of Charlotte, visited Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. and Mil. Russell Grau, during the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Earl p. Johnson returned to Atlanta Monday, after spending Christmas with Mrs. Johnson'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cook. Mis* Racher Mullins, a senior at Furman University in Green ville, S. C, spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mullins. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley South and David of Wilmington, returned home Sunday after spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. South. Aiman U Guy W. Hunt, Mrs. Hunt ?*d Debbie of Washington, t>. C. Were holiday visitors- with Mr. and Mrs. Gny Hunt and Mr. And Mrs. A G. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brookshire, and Mrs. Paul Brookshire and Hettie Hodges spent Christ inas day with Mr. and Mrs. David Holt in Mooresvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Hurley, who recently moved here from West Jefferson, visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worth Bobby YXm, who is in the Air Force and stationed at Rantoul, niinoi*, spent the Christmas holi days with hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yatea of Valle Crueia. Or. and Mrs. Taylor Adams art spending several weeks with their son, Mr. Sam A da ma and family in Wast Palm Beach, Florida. They plaa to return this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McConnoll returned home Sunday from Win ston-Salem, where they speqi the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jim mi* MeConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hagamao and children, Mackie and Buzz, spent the holidays in Winston Salem With Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimel and Mrs. Smith Hagaman. Mr. and Mrs. Li ami Watson were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Dowling in Charlotte, where they attended the lee Cep ades. Dr. and Mm. J. C. Yeder. Bob by and Barber* Ann, spent Christ ina* Week ia Zephyr Hills, Florida wXh Mr*. Voder's father. Mr. It. L* Berber. -tlfA Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worth and MM, Billy, Stent Thursday in West Jefferson with Mr*. Worth's peroats, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. KffffHtf. Mr. and Mr*. Russell Tea sue celebrated their silver wedding aMlvvMry December ST A luncheon was given by their daughter. Miss Peggy Teegee ia hooer of the occeaioa. A number of relatives and (Heads were pre 'Dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. (till Hopkins Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Bar! Pritchard and children, Mr. and Mr?. Tttm Smith and family, and Mr. a*d Mrs Lea Frttchard, all af Newland. Mr. and MA. Mark Eby of Port Rep utile. Virginia and Mr. and Mr*. Buddy M?Cuin- of the Uni Veraity of North Carolina and Granite Falls were week end visi tors with Mr*. It. W. McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gabriel and daughter, Rebecca Ann, spent the holidays in Lincoln ton with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gab riel, Sr. and *Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hampton, Johnny Hampton and Ann Suth erland spent the holidays in Silver Creak, N. V. with Mr. and Mrs. Hampton's daughter, Mrs. Sam uel Restivo. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Watson, Luther Martin Bingham of SugSr Grove, Mrs. Mae Miller and Miss Lorene Miller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Miller in Spruce Pine Christmas day. Miss Clyde Kilby and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Kilby of West Jefferson, visited Wed nesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simpson in Lewisville, N. C. Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Bar den and son, Mark, of Hiddenite, and Milton Barden, student at Pfeiffer College, were guests of their parents, Dr. and Mrs. John G. Barden during the holidays. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Granville Norris were Mr. and Mrs. Lorenza Clinard and daughter Bridgett of Winston Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mc Curry and son Ladd of Boiling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Safian and daughters. Faith and Donna, have returned to their home at Vilas after spending Christmas with Mr. Safian's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Safian at Whittlewood Lodge in Mt Pocono, Pa. Mrs. Miriam Smith, Janie, Susie, and Carl, Jr., of Fort Pierce, Fla., spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. R. K. Bingham, attending the family reunion and dinner held on Christ mas d?v. -I Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hagaman and daughters, Nancy and Jane, of Norfolk, Virginia- apent the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Htgtfian of Beaver Dant and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis of Sherwood. Dr. and Mrs. A. Y. Howell and children, Patricia, Keith, Baxter and Avery, of Cummings, Georgia apent the holidays With Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Howell, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cannon and Miss Floy Cannon at Vilas. Pvt. Melvin Greene, who is on furlough from his California Arftiy base, his wife, Mrs. Bonnie Greene, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greene, spent the day Saturday in Burlington with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Greene and family. Holiday visitors with Mrs. Edna Penick were Miss Sallle Penick of Bradenton, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Austin of Asheville and Mrs. Agnes Penick, Donna and Eddie, of Johnson City, fennel Miss Sail ie Penick wUl leave Friday for Bradenton, Florida where ahe it teaching in the Jes aie P. Miller School. She will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penick and aon, Stewart, who will spend a few days with her. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Price and Janie apent the holidays with Mrs. Price's father, Mr. Walter Eth ridge near Wilton, N. C. Mrs. W. R. Eaatridfe and daughter, Owen, of Charlotte were fai charge of Daniel Boone Hotel during their absence. Mr. and Mra. E. T. Marsh and children, Sally and Sam, returned to their home in Charlotte Mon day after visiting several days with Mra. G. K. Moose, and Dr. Moosfc, who la improving from a seriout ill neat at Watauga Hospi tal. Mr. and Mr*. Justin Ragan and family spent the Christmas holi days with Mr. Ragan's tister, Mrt. Joe McCurry, in Ean Gallic, Fla. While there they visited Cyprut Gardens, Silver Spring!, Jungle Gardens and other point* of in teract. Mr. and Mrt. V. J. Moreti, Jr., a?d children, Mike and Virginia, of Lowell, Ind., visited Mr. and Mrs John K. Brown la Boone the first of the week en rtvte home from Pin* Bluffs, where they vis ited with Mr end Mrs Vilas Mor eta. Holiday visiters In the home of Uf tOi ten. t. %. Hayes of Trip lett were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hayes and Carolyn M taMeirt, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Cefley And Sue, Bob, Steve and Scott of Cnlpoper, Vs., and Dr. and Mrt. Burke Smith of Roanoke, Va., and Mrs. Dale Vannoy and Patsy W Boone Miss Doris Perry, Mr. Hampton Wed 'a . - mmaksmmmM MRS. LEONARD ALBERT HAMPTON Miss Doris Arlene Perry and Leonard Albert Hampton were married by the Rev. W. Perry Crouch, D. D., in the First Baptist Church in Asheville, Saturday, December 20. The Rev. Loren T Jenks, post chaplain at Fort Jack son, S. C., assisted. Music was by Miss Wtlda Bell and Mrs. W. G. Llnfo. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Perry of Zion ville and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hamp ton of Commerce, Ga. The bride was given in marri age by her father and the bride groom had his brother, Comer Hampton of Atlanta, Ga., as best man. She wore a dress of lace and tulle, with tiered skirt and fitted bodice. Her veil was attached to a coif of lace and she carried a white Bible with a white orchid. Mrs. Robert Howard Futrelle of Chapel Hill, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mr?. Francis Cook and sons, Bob and Dave, visited during the holiday* with friends in Demo rest, Ga. They made another visit with friends at Pfeiffer College. Bob Cook also attended the Christ mas party of Louis Nunnery's dance classes in Hickory. Holiday visitors with Mrs. John Cox of Todd were Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, Jr. and children, Mar tha Kirby, Sherry, Rejean and Johi) Benton, of Summerfield, N. C., Mrs. Claude Rose of Winston Salem, Billy Wade Cox and Joe Cox of Coatsville, Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Leith and children, Mary Charles and Martin, of Winston-Salem, who spent last week with Mr. Leith's mother and grandmother in Cum berland, Md? are spending this week with Mrs. Leith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Howell of VIMS. Mrs. James O. Hill and children, Martha and Mark, of Lansing, Michigan are spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis of Sherwood. They were accom panied here by Mr. Hill and son Scott, who left Thursday for a week's visit with friends at Tam pa, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilson and daughters, Brenda and Rene, ar rived here last week from Belle Glade, Fit., to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Wilson of Boone, and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Bum garner of Trade, Tenn. They plan to return to Florida the last of the week. Holidays visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mont Glovier were Mrs. Glovier's sister, Mrs. Eleanor Crawford of Seibring, Florida, Robert Hennesaee of Louisville, i N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Glov-j ler and sons, Billy and Joe Mont, of Old Fort and Mrs. Miriam Rabb , of Raleigh. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mill ard Greene of Lenoir through the holidays were Mr. ?nd Mrs. Bax ter Hardy and Miss Lois Eggers of | Boone, Troy Cornett of Royal Oaks, I Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornett | of Woodbine, Md., Claud Cornett of Reen. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Mask and family and Stan Swinson of Lenoir. Holiday visitors with Mrs. Dora Johnson and Mrs. Rhoda Wine barger were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells and family, and Mr. aad Mrs. Gene Smith of Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hart of Baltimore, Md., Mr. Lynn Moretx of Todd, Mr. and ten. Edd Win* barger and J. C., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ketri* and family and Mr*. Ida PrefBtt of Bluntrille, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnaon of Bristyl, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Teener aad Kay of Greuaboro and Mr. and Mrs Worth Combs and family. W. Hoyle of Asheville and Mrt. William Black of Weaverville were other attendants. They wore crimson velveteen dresses with harem skirts with matching band eaux, and carried matching muffs with white carnations. Ushers were Robert Howard Futrelle, J. W. Hoyle, uncle of the bride, Tillman Hampton of Atlanta, brother of the bride groom, and Richard Symms of Cantin, Ga. A reception in the Youth Build ing followed the ceremony with Mrs. O. K. Keeling, Mrs. William Seroggs, Mrs. Bennett Bost, Miss Loiiise Buckner, Miss Irene Mat thews and Miss Joyce Sinclair as sisting. The couple will live in Ashe ville. The bride Is employed by Hoyle Office Supplies and the bridegroom, a graduate of the University of Georgia, is forestry extension specialist in Western North Carolina. Among those visiting with Mrs. Robert Harmon and family Sunday were Troy Cornett and son, Rob ert, of Royal Oak, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comett of Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cornett, Mrs. Henry Waters and son, Harold, of Reese, Mrs. Ernest Guy and children of Zionville, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Greene and two children, and C. T. Cornett of Lenoir. Guests of Mt. and Mrs. Lee South and family of Route 2, dur ing the Christmas holidays were: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McCall, Buck roe Beach, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Setzer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wright and Margaret of Hickory. Mr. Louis Farthing underwent surgery at the Navy Hospital in Portsmouth, Virginia December 18. A sister and brother, Miss Frances Farthing of Abingdon, Virginia and Mr. Wheeler Farth ing of Greensboro, spent a week with him during his recovery. He is expected home son for a visit with Mrs. Farthing and children, Louis, Jr., Benny and Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lyons and sons, Harry Dean, Danny and Michael, of Newland, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dean Lyon# and son Dean of Jonas Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McConnell and Joetta of Sugar Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Kester Norris and Larry of Hill crest Drive spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hopkins en tertained a number of friends and relatives at a dinner in their home on December 28. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis of Bristol, Va? Mr. and Mrs. A G. Miller of Deep Gap, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Hampton of Boone, Mr. Jason Moretz of Boone, Mr. Cecil C. Greene and the Re*. Homer F. Greene of Deep Gap. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lyons and daughters, Gail and Joy, of Law ?onville, N. C. were holiday visi tors with Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Lyons. Other visitors in the Lyons home Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyons and daughter, Sybil, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lyons and daughter, Donnie, of Bo?ne, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Norris and sons, Norman, Clay and Jerry, of Route 2 and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Lyons and sons, Craig and 8cott, of Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hodges, Jr.. Mr and Mrs. T. M. Greer. Mrs. John W. Hodges, Jr. and Johnny III visited with Mark Hodges at Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem Friday. Mark's mom was removed from the critksfl list last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bodges, who hare been with their sen since he was injured la an automobile accident December It, are the guests of Mr. lad Mrs. Donald Greer. i; Mr. and %rs. Ray Harrill and torn, Baxter and Jo?, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Owen* of Gastonla spent the holidayt with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cooke. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hardin and daughters. Leslie and Betsy, left Saturday tor their home in Brook field, Conn, after spending the holidays with Mrs C. M. StUes and Miss Cynthia Stiles. They were accompanied by another daughter, Miss Jb Ann Hardin, a stbdent at the University of North Carolina, who will spend a week with them before returning to the university. Visitors with Mrs. A. M. Banner of Sugar Grove Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. James E. Banner and son. Jimmy, of Belmont; Mrs. Don Henson and children, James and Nina Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Edmisten and children, Glen da, Kenny. Kathy, Alice Fay and Ricky, of Vilas; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Warren and children. Tom my, Betty Sue, Danny and Caro lyn, of Shouns, Tennessee; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and daughters, Angela and Daphne, of Asheville;' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banner and daughters, Ruth Ann and Jean, of Sherwood; Mr. aqd Mrs. J. E. Joines and son, J. E., Mrs. Martin Banner, Mr. and Mrs. John Banner and son. Stevie, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alexander, all of Boone; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Alex ander and ions, David and Mike, of Newland; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and daughter, Nancy, of Mabel; and Billy Banner of Camp Lejeune. Miss Abbott, Mr. Walsh Wed Miss Norma Jean Abbott of Chesnee, S. C. and Paul Hunter Walsh of Sherwood, N. C., were married Sunday, Dec. 21, at 4 p. m. at the Chesnee Uethodist Church. The Rev. J. H. Sowell officiated at the double ring ceremony. Wedding music was presented by Uiss Loretta Edwards, organ ist, and Mrs. Shuford Mills, vo calist. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. R. C. Scarbrough of Ger many and J. D. Abbott of Spar tanburg, S. C. Mr. Walsh is the son of Mrs. Paul Walsh of Sher wood and the late Mr. Walsh. Given in marriage by her grandfather, C. D. Pyatt, the bride wore a street length dress of white lace and satin with matching accessories. She carried a white prayerbook topped with a white orchid. Mrs. John Holland of Charlotte, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a street length dress of red satin with a white feathered headdress and carried a cascade bouquet of white carna tions. Lt. David Horton of Fort Camp bell, Ky., was best man. Ushers were John Holland of Charlotte and Watson Jolley of Chesnee, S. C. Immediately following the cere mony* a reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pyatt, Chesnee, grandparents of the bride. After a short wedding trip the couple will live in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh are attend ing Appalachian State Teachers College. Greer-Hayes Vows Are Said Mr*. Eisie H. Hayes of Knox vllle, Tenn. and Mr. John F. Greer of Boone were married December 21 at 2 o'clock at the Boone Bapt ist Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. H. Hollingsworth in the pretence of a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Greer are resid ing at their home pn Grand Boule vard. Christmas Tea Fetes Teachers Mrs. Bruee Greene, Mrs. Nor man Pitts and Mrs. Arnold Bollck were hostesses at a tea given in honor of tbe teachers at Blowing Rock School Friday before Chrlst maa at the Sunshine Inn. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. Charles Davant and Mrs. Bill Williams. Orono, Maine ? Mrs. Roselle M. Huddilston. M^rho claimed to be tbe first woman to vote in a United States election, died re MMtly. Her clfim was based on the fact that Maine voted a month ahead of the rest of the nation in 19ftt and she was at the polls be fore they opened. f She wif tbe first woman to hold public office In Orono? as a member of tbe acbeel beard? end was the .first woman ever admit ted to the Maine Republican con vention. Barnett- Wilson Wedding Is Sol<*mm?ed MRS. ALFRED ROBINSON WILSON, JR. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton Barnett of Ferguson announce Ihe marriage of their daughter, Mary Kathleen, to Alfred Robin son Wilson Jr., son of Judge and Mrs. A. R. Wilson of Durham. The bride was graduated with a B. S. degree in science and home economics from Appalachian State Teachers College. She is now teaching science and home eco nomics in the West WUkes High School of the Wilkes County School system. Mr. Wilson received ? B. . S. degree from Wake Forest College. At preient he i* enrolled at the Unlvertity of North Carolina work ing towards a master's degree in counselling and educational guid ance. Mr. Wilson was for seven years counsellor at the Umstead Youth Center, at Butner. The couple twas married Satur day, December 27, at 4 e'cloek in the afternoon In the First Baptist Church of Boone. Worthwhile Club Host To Yule Party The annual ChrUtmai party of the Worthwhile Woman's Club was held in the parlors of the new educational building of the Boone Methodist Church. Mrs. Hale Vance read the Christmas story from the scrip tures, and a poem, "Christmas Meditation". Mrs. Glenn Andrews reported on the tea honoring the faculty of Appalachian High School on Teachers Day, November 14th. Mrs. James Winkler reported that all toys and gifts were pur chased for the Empty Stocking project, and packing and deliver ing would be done before Christ ma*. Club voted to sponsor an annual project headed by the Building Committee, the proceeds to be ap plied on the Club House Fund. Mrs. John Houck gave a report that she and her committee had prepared 1200 letters containing Christmas seals to help in the fight against tuberculosis. Mrs. R. C. Winebarger, presi dent, appointed a committee to name a slate of officers for con sideration by the club at the next meeting.. Mrs. Homer Brown was named chairman, others are Mrs. Raleigh Cottreli, Mrs. Gordon Tuberculosis Is Expensive Tuberculoid cost American* $729,000,000 last year, most of it in tax money. Dr. R. H. Harmon, President of the Tuberculosis As sociation, said, in a message urg ing support of the Christmas Seal Sale. Although the campaign is officially over, late contribution* are gratefully accepted. ".Huge sums of the taxpayer* money will continue to be spent on the treatment and rehabilita tion of the tuberculou* until an effective vaccine or drug is dis covered that will protect us from the disease," he said. Part of every dollar contributed to the Tuberculosis Association is apent to finance research on tub erculoai* which may someday lead to an "ea*y" mean* of pro tecting everyone against TB. Meanwhile, he said, "We must continue to do ft tho hard way? by finding thi people with TB and getting them under treatment. Through rehabilitation, we nrait help the ex-patient stay well. We must educate people to keep a high general level of health to fight off infection and dlaeaae. The prevention activities of our TB association must be continued and Increased ?r the gains already made againat TB any be lost." TIGHT SQUEBn Capitol offlciala believe they have found a way to seat all 44 Democratic senators on the ssm? side of the chamber. But It would be a tight squeeze, with some desks wedged together. And? although the Repubiiean* lost heavily in the November elections? the 34 remaining OOP aenaton would enjoy more em tort than their Democratic col leagues. At least, they'd have more elbow ream. j Winkler, Mr*. Lee Reynold*, and Mrs. Glenn Andrew*. The program was in charge of Mr*. Carlo* De Lima, who read a poem, "Annie and Willie's Pray er." Mr*. A. E. South read an article, "Christmas of Long Ago," and an original poem "A Prayer of Thank* At Christmas." A poem, "Christmas Card Mag ic" was read by Mrs. Hal* Vance. Mr*. Herman Eggert read two poems, "Had I But Known" and "The Inn Keeper." "O Holy Night" was sung by Mrs. R. C. Winebarger. Carol* were *ung by the grow, l?rt, !>y, Mr*. 0. R. Sutton at Gift* from under the Maatmli ly decorated tree were distributed to everyone present. Congealed salad in Chriitma* tree mold*, dainty wafers, holiday cookie*, candies and coffee was served to the twenty-seven mem ber*. Ho*te*ses were Mrs. Lee Rey nolds, Mrs. P. H. Vance, Mrs. B. W. Ellis, Mrs. Lester Carroll, and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. ' i ? ? ? Dance School Enjoys Pbrty During the holidays the at dents of. Nancy F. Cook'* school entertained their with a demonstration lesson Christians party in ttw ASTC Pine Art* Building. The students received Christ mas presents which included scarves hand decorated by Mrs. Cook Refreshments were served to the young dancers About forty parents were present to In formal performances by the tol" JM lowing children: Margaret Blanton, Ferris Cofey, Myra Da iris, Jane Dougherty. Lyn don Lackey, Patsy Rose Miller, Sf Cheryl Morhauser, Jennie Lou Robinson. Paula Steele. Margaret Winkler, Tefri Lee Greene, Mary Catherine Miller, Arlene Morhaus er, Shirley Ann Ray, Amy Steele, Beth Artn Sutton. Vlcki Lynn Wellborn, Tina Blackburn, Chris Blackburn, Jane Bolick, Michael Corey, Karen Edmisten, Greta Houck, Mary Gray Melton, Robert Melton, Deborah Osborne, Julia Dee Wilson, Sophie Williams, and Dianne Davant, Judy Lynn Robin son, Jane Triplett, Lynn William*, and Jane Bolick of Blowing Roek and Mary Ruth Glenn of Sugar Grove. No school for Norfolk teen ager*, but integration still oposed. Boy, Girl Scouts assist TB seal sale drive. NEW SUIT? *0t ot all/ Ai ill/ It's Just c" iANITONI DRY CLIANID That mean* ALL the dirt's removed so that both the look and feci of newness are fatly re stored. Try it and see! TRAILWAY CLEANERS INCORPORATED Pickup tad Delivery Service AM 4-8415 BOONS, N. C. CATAWBA DAIRY DRINK CATAWBA MILK You Have a Choice of Container* ? GUsi Bottle Or Payer Carton AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE . . . OR DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR "The BeU Dairy Label For Your Table " fii&uvfoi \ MILK YOUR HOME TOWN DAIRY NEW LOCATION BLOWING ROCK ROAD Just Below Highway 1 Phone AM 4-8211