i WW V ? ???-??' FOR BEST RESULTS jf advertiser* invariably um the columns ot the Democrat. With ito (alt paid circula tion, intensely covering th? tool ihappiM area, it's the beet advertising medium available. VOLUME LXX1?NO. 4? An Independent Weekly Newspaper . . . Seventy-First Year of Continuous porto-Aass',X3x&6mia?? ?y ~ ' ? ) ?? <'* ? ? , ^ r 1 1. 1 'rWtft Handcraft Center To Open Watauga Handcraft Center will open on Wedneaday. June 10, aay? tUm Elizabeth Lord, the director. The summer term of weaving inrtruction will come June 10 to August 21, and the fall Una Sept - ember ? to December 10. Classes this rammer will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday, from fcOO to 4:10, in charge of Mr*. Ruth South. The handicraft shop win he ? /? 1 ? m ? open weekdays except Monday, from 0:00 to 8:90, and will be In charge of Miaa Margaret Moretx. Visitors from far places, and neighbors la Boom are invited. clothing left in the office. Apparently no effort was nude to take any of the firms valuable atock of automobile parta, or to ateal from ita atock of new or uaed automobiles. The only thing Mr. Williama has missed, he Mya, is a small sum of change from the cash register till. The trail of havoc, Mr Williams believes, indicate* a search for valuable papers or personal be longings, but he is at a Iocs just what they were seeking, or why anyone would believe he kept documents there of importance to anyone except himaelf. Negro Killed On Parkway A man waa killed and five oth er* were Injured in an auto acci dent on the Blue Ridge Parkway Sunday A. C. Jackson, negro resident of High Point, was killed and five others were hurt when the car in which they were riding crashed over a atone guard rail and plunk- M ed about 78 feet down a rock fill. The accident occurred about six I miles east of Dough ton Park. Two of the Injured were ciaseed as serlM* and were taken to a Winston-Salem hospital following first aid at Sparta, Ambulance* from Sparta and North Wilkeaboro wm called to the scene of the wreck. Heavy fag in the mountains waa attributed II a. bejaf a Mntributory cauwjg