I p About^our Home best done pe. Chairs the ?nd In Fashion Clothe* that (it you properly are a must If you are to look your best It is surprising how many women don't know their correct dress size. Unless you have an unusual figure problem there is a stock size that will fit you perfectly, or almost so. Junior sizes ? seven, nine elev en, etc ? are created for the youth ful figure. The line are shorter, arm opening and neck openings ?re smaller. There are styles for the small; same size lines as the junior clothes, but more mature in style. The regular sizes ? ten, twelve, fourteen, etc., are cut for the av erage size figure. More women fall into this group thsn any other. It is the most desirable group to be in, as you have a much larger choice of clothes. Then, there is another group of sizes designed for the mature, somewhat heavy figure. Lastly, there are a number of clothes houses that design for the really stout figure. Investigate and decide exactly what group you are in. Never buy a dress or suit which will require extensive alterations. It is alwayi a mistake. No matter how lovely you think the dress is, remember, you will look much smarter in a dress not quite so pretty, if it fits. STEVENSON HAILED Gov. David L. Lawrence of Penn sylvania hai expressed the view that Adlai E. Stevenson is the ablest man In either party to fill the office of President He said Mr. Stevenson could not be count ed out of the running for 1060. Governor Lawrence, who is ex pected to lead the lecond largest delegation to the Democratic Na tional Convention next year, indi cated that he would like to b* for Mr. Stevenson. But he refused to My whether the seventy-four member Pennsylvania delegation would be committed in advance to the defeated standard-bearer of 1992 and 1996. eaaily moved about. It i* vary important (or outdoor furniture to be weather-re*i*tant, (or when furniture become* a bur den, the terrace it do longer the pioaaure it thould be W**ther-re* latent furniture la made from metal, painted, certain type* of reed or fiber, hickory, painted wood and redwood. Fiber* which grow In marahy place* are fine for furniture ekpoaed to dampneaa. Color* and fabric* muat be chos en with attention to the color of the houae itaelf. Thi* i* particular ly true If your house la of brick. Wicker In a natural color and blue or yellow go quite well with al moet all (hade* of brick. Almoat any bright color goea well with a white brick or clapboard hou*e except white, which doe* not ?how up well enough. Fabric* ihould be durable one* ?uch aa: aailcloth, cotton twill*, cretonne or any number of the water-proof fabric*. Furniture op wheel* la becom ing quite popular and ie certainly to be recommended. The barbecue grill on wheel* U convenient and Juat a* functional, aome lay more, a* the chimney-type built of brick or atoBfc ? - 1 Trivette To Study In Florida Ned Trivette, who has been em ployed at Appalachian State Teach er* a* accountant and who hat handled veterans' a flairs, in the office of the vice president and comptroller, has been granted a year's leave of absence, to that he might study toward a master's degree, it was announced last week. While Mr. Trivette is studying. Jack Williams, who has operated a business service in Boone for ?evert 1 years, will serve as ac countant, according to the vice president, Bernsrd Dougherty* Mr. snd Mrs. Trivette left Boone Thursday, for Tallahassee, Fls., where Mr. Trivette will enter the fall term at Florida State Univer sity. Mrs. Trivett will teach in the Tallahassee City School Sys tem. EMPLOYMENT RECORD More Americans were at work last month than at any time in the nation't history. The Labor Department has re ported thst in mid-July employ ment stood at 67,994,000, an in crease of 292,000 over June, when the previout record waa tet, and 2,419,000 more than a year ago. SKY-VU DRIVE-IN THEATRE SHOWINGS EVERY NIGHT Friday and Saturday August 28 and 29 Man From Delrio ANTHONY QUINN KATY JURA DO Sunday ? August 30 Home Before Dark DAN O'HERLIHY RHONDA FLEMING Monday and Tuesday August 31 ? Sept. 1 GIGI LESLIE CARON JOURDAN MAURICE Wednesday and Thurs. Sept. 2 and 3 AUNTIE MAME ROSALIND RUSSELL FORREST TUCKER SCOPE f Ybur CAROLINA FORD DEALER , invites y?rtrtWKi ii aatf (et icqaanted wNt his e?nplet? . AUTOMOTIVE 1 SERVICE I 1*1 FOn MAM ...wHkUt Your Carolina Ford Dealer extends you this InvffoHon to (top in and get acquainted with all Kit "one-stop-to-shop" automotive facilities. You'll enjoy masting hii staff of quo 6 fied, courteous cor, truck and service personnel . . . letting them provide you with complete satisfaction in oN auto motive needs, to save yourself money, time and effartl mm. iow-tfttr ran cam Your Carolina Ford Doolor con ?ortify your mow cor noorfi wUh any of tba popular 59 Fords . . . from low-coat Ford sodons, hard top*, convortlblos, station wagon*, to tbo magnMcont Tbundorbirdl mw. icoffMMou ran ratcn Go* o boufing problam? Sao your Caroline Ford Doolor. Ho can sofcra H quickly, economically, bacousa Ho off on a wido rango of tbrifty now Ford Truck*. A-i tin oits an* n? rwars So morry folks bovo boon trading far tbo popular now Ford Car* and Trucks tbot your Carolina Ford Doolor bos a wido rango of Mod units to salad from. Cboooo an A-1 Usod Car or Truck wbb a wrttton u wrrwi rem PMtrt AHB ACCfSSOMS $?? your CotoRm Ford DmIt for Gomiino Ford Porto toft to Ford apotffkotiom. Ai?d, lor oddod rfyto, toofortj convtMMU ond idtty, you'll wont MMrt, low twl Ford ActMiorloi f Ifftf FO0t JRVKI IMvo your Ford Into your Corolho Ford Doolor't for torvko, o*d got oN fbo odvontogo* of fotfory Iw^roc^od poraoonol Imov fcow ?o aorvko Fords bost. ff mry bHwiKh wW M# fMT CAROLINA FORD MAI BO WINKLER MOTOR COMPANY,~lnc. Dealer Lice rite No. 1X70 DEPOT AND HOWARD STREETS ? BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA __l| fN'ri ilimtl* Is an tked Car ar Truck? Be Sure Te See Yaw Fart Dealer Health And Beauty Nothing five* a child more hap piness than to be allowed to own a pet However, the child that has a pet should be required to care for It aa far a* be la able. The very helplessness of their dumb playmate will appeal to the better nature of children. Caring for peta teachea the child thought fulness, patience and tenderness. Inquiry was made some time ago among a group of youthful criminals, and It was discovered that only a very few of them had ever owned a pet in childhood. A lady revealed recently that a little boy stopped at ber door, and asked for food. She told blm to sit on tbe steps while he ate. He declined, saying that he would take something In his hand. She watched him to see if he would throw the food away, but be crossed the street where his dog wu obediently waiting (or him. H? divided the food exactly in half, ate one-half himself and gave his dog the other half. |t is safe to auume that this boy will not be found later in life among a gang of criminals and law-breakers. He knows the law of kindness, love and unselfish ness, as was exemplified in his consideration for his dog. Yes, let your children have pets, but see to it that they are treated with kindness. The children will learn that dumb creatures need love, that they appreciate and re fbond to it. They will also learn that, as they hunger and thirst, so does Rover or Tabby. The devotion of their animal friends wil help them to realize that as we give love we get it back. A selfish child will grow up into a selfish adult. The child will learn unselfishness {mi caring (or hia pet*. When the child hat a pet, even though he doeant (eel like doing it, he mutt be made to under itand that it* want* muat be at tended to. He will hi thia way per ceive a little of the aaerificea that other* make for him. It helpi a child to realize that hia parent* are always toiling, ucrificing and planning for hia comfort and welfare, ao he in turn must care for hia peta, who can not care for thenuelvea. LUXURY ITEM Spartanburg, S. C- ? Busines* man A. D. Cudd, who ia in Anch orage, Alaska, developed a crav ing for lome home-grown peaches. So he telephoned grower Paul Black and askid him to ship a bushel. The peaches left by air express a few hours later. Shipping charg es amounted to *69.88. Letters To Editor Dear Sir: We the members of Blue Ridge Motor Cycle Club want you to know that we appreciate very inuch the nice write up we received in your paper. The Watauga Demo crat, and also for your lending us copies of Thursday, Aug. 20 issues. We really enjoyed our visit with you and are very proud to get such nice recognition in your pa per. We had a nice trip on to Ashe ville, Newfound Gap, Clingman's Dome, Gatlinburg, Tenn., Chero kee, Johnson City, Bristol, with pan of the club staying in Marion, N. ??., for the races, and we must say that Boone was one of our most pleasant stops. There were no other mishaps af ter the calf incident. We did get into some rain Sunday on our way home. We decided after running in and out of the rain for about twenty-two time*, that it wai rain ing between ahowera. Brady and Eugene Richardson are getting along fine. Hia leg ia in a caat, and he haa to be laid up for awhile, but the ia back to her job and doean't have too many signs of "Highway raah" we call it, from the accident. They are still talking about how nice every one waa to them while they were hospitalized there. Thank you again, and hope we meet again. C. G. SELLS, for the Club Galax, Va. Notwithstanding the life of a paper dollar is from five to eight months, we've never had one die on our hands. AT AUCTION m Saturday, August 29, 1959 At 10 A. M. and 11 A. M. Two Very Fine Pieces Of Property At Vilas, N. C. About Five Miles West Of Boone On Highway 421 First Sale For Mr. D. L Glenn Consists Of A Nice 7-Room House And About 7 Acres Of Land. This Land Has Been Subdivided o Into Some Of The Most Beautiful Homesites. We Have Built A New Street Which Makes It Very Convenient If you Want A Home In a Good Community And On A Good Road, Look This One Over Before The Sale. The House Has Lights, Water, Bath, Etc., Also Pretty Shrubbery And Shade Trees. Second Sale For Mr. J. L. Reese Immediately Following The First Sale We Will Offer For Sale A Row Of Lots Fronting On U. S. 421. These Lots Are Suitable For Residences Or Business, Also A Nice House With Most Of The Furnishings. This Property Belongs To J. L Reese and Is Located Just Below Vilas Postoffice. Your Chance To Own Some Of The Choice Property In This Neighborhood. Free Cash? Free Music? Free Radio % One Radio Will Be Given Away At The Gose Of Each Sale You Do Not Have To Buy To Win A Prize 9 Just Be There When Your Name Is Called. TERMS ANNOUNCED ON DAY OF SALE D. L Glenn, Owner ? J. L Reese, Owner S. C. EGGERS & CO., Selling Agents