Notices t. or ihui CAROLINA OA COUNTY fer the undersigned, act- , Substituted Trustee, in a deed of truat, executed by ~ * a Hampton and bus T. Hampton, to J. t. ? ? , Trustee, dated OeUb 19, 1907, and recorded in Book at Pace 38. in the Office of une Register of Deed* for Wata uga County and under and by virtu* of the authority vetted in the undersigned aa Substituted Trustee by an instrument of writ ing. dated February 4, 1990, and recorded in Book 82. at Page 39, in like Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, foreclosed and offered for sale the land here inafter daatribed: and where aa within the time allowed by law an advanced bid was filed with th Clerk of the Superior Court an an order issued directing the Sub stituted Trustee to resell said land upon an opening bid of 111,894-20 dollars. Now therefore, under and by virtue of said order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga County, and the power of sale contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned Substituted Trus tee will offer for sate upon said opening bid at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the door of the county courthouse in Boone, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon on the 31 day of August, 1990, the following described pro perty located in the Town of Boone and on the South side of Loy Drive, Watauga County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a point on the Western side of Loy Drive, corner of the Wade E. Brown land; thence running North 10V4 degrees West with Loy Drive 49 feet to a stake: thence continu ing alone said drive North 27 de grees West 90 feet to a stake, corner of a 29 foot street: thence a Westward direction with said street 119 feet to a stake: corn er of the lands of J. H. Hobby: thence leaving said street and runs South 3 degrees West 129 feet to a stake in Wade E. Brown's line: thence North 83 degrees East with Wsde E. Brown's line 142 feet to the BEGINNING, and being all of Lots No. 91, 90, 49, 48, 47, and a part of 40 as shown on the map of the H. M. Loy property, made by W. R. Vines. Surveyor, which map is of record in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, to which refer ence is hereby made for a more complete description of laid pro **sicOND TRACT: LYING AND BEING in what if known a* Pine Top Subdivision aa shown on map Orecorded in the Office of the Re gister of Deeds for Watauga County in Book 1, Page 49, and being Lots No. 1, 2 and the East half of Lot No. 3 and Lot No. 8 of said sub-divi?ion THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING on a stake in the Brewer line and being the Northwest corner of the Waae E. Brown land at the end of the said Wade E. Brown's spruce pine hedge, and runs with the West side of said spruce pine hedge South 8 degrees East 69 feet to a stake on the Weat aide of said hedge: thence North 77 de grees Weat 22V4 feet to corner of Mary France* BrnWi lot; thence Northeast with the Mid Mary franc i* Brewer line to her corn er; thance watlwrini with her line to the BEGINNING. This 19th day of August, IBM. WADtf E BROWN, Substituted Trustee B-20-2C-B NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Pursuant to the provision* con tained in a will executed by R. T. McGhee in which the undersigned was empowered to sell certain real estate owned by the said R. T. McGhee at a private sale and ; the undersigned having received a firm offer of 112,000.00 for that part of said lands as is described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake In the margin of Faculty Street and runs thence with Faculty Street a west direction 168 feet to a stake; thence leaving Faculty Street a south direction about 160 to a state in Stanaberry Circle thence with Stanaberry Circle and vast direction 130 feet to a stake; thence leaving Stanaberry Circle north direction about 160 feet to the BEGINNING and being that tract on a parcel of land upon which it located the R. T. Mc Ghee frame dwelling Anyone wiahing to raiae aaid bid of 112,000.00 must do so on or before the 9th day of September 1990, and to be accepted said bid must be raiaed not less than 0%. Any and all raiaed bids must be submitted to the clerk of the Sup erior Court of Watauga County This the 29th day of Auguat 1999. BARNARD DOUGHERTY Executor lc EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified u the exceu trix of the will of Thomas W. Taylor, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, thii ia to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate ace asked to make immediate payment. This August 013, 1998 ? MRS EMMA TAYLOR. EXECUTRIX, Valle Crucis, N. C. 8-20-6c-e NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admin istratrix of the estate of Prank D. Moody, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, this la to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate pay ment. This August 1. 1999. firs. Edith D. Moody, Admx., Zlonvllle, N. C. g-l-Oc GAS TAX RISE q The House Ways and Means Committee has tried and failed again to break an Impasse over financing construction of the 41, 000-mile Interstate highway sys tem. Varloua formulas were Rejected at ? closed session, but the ballot ing showed rising support for some Increaae In the Federal gas oline tax. NOTICE TO MODUS I beaicu v,otnMMt wui u ? receiv ?U WJ> Uu> !??? lUWl 1*1*111 ?uu ' l??l lAMHtWMJ'. UI IM UptUWU | UUM M UM WtiMmUuMHUi, !??? 1UIU' /UMl't ?UU 1 V*C1 l~Ulilp?lls, ' W ?MI *uig ?>??!. l~ou?;, 1 KWiUI K10U4M, UP UI i.vAJ P. u?., 1 iiiuiMa*. MJHwMiwet li, i*o?, auu 1 huumuauu) umwiui puouciy otNEiMM auu reau tur uu iiunwu u* M iauutf, Material and equip UHSUl MMtMl UlUt IM lOpKll Ui 1 nil e*i?mi a WMH. complete ?peci- 1 i .in i ?*?? *** cuauaci uucuumuw ?>mi uc unata ?? ui?t>uctu>a in uie oil lie tu U1C SUp?i .incuciu, UI IU* uil.ce ui Uie t-uguieei , ano UK Uli?e 01 lOe AMuCulieU Lieu , eiai KMUracion, inaiioue, Noun uuuiuui, ?' may uc ooutinea oy lauw r R. H., tS) door*, single com partment, single drain board and sink complete^ with all brass including faucets. 1 strainer 1| trap. O 54" Steel Cabinet and Sink, (4> doors, single compartment double drainboard and sink, complete with all brass in- ? . _ eluding faucets. 1 strainer, 1} trap. 66" Steel Cabinet and Sink (4) doors, double compartment double drainboard and sink. Complete with all brass __ __ including faucets 2 strainers, 1J trap, continuous waste. 32 x 21 DOUBIE COMPARTMENT CAST IRON SINK ? ?Complete with all brass nec essary for installation, includ ing Faucet with spray, 2 basket strainers, continuous waste aad trap. $38.75 32 x 21 DOUBIE COMPARTMENT "STEEL SINK Complete with all b r a s s necessary for installaton. in cluding Faucet with spray, 2 basket strainers, continuous waste and trap. $29.75 32 x 21 DOUBLE COMPARTMENT STAINLESS STEEL SINK Complete with all frass necessary for installation, including Faucet wtth spray, 2 basket strainers, SJlftOO continuous waste and trap. f Q CLOSE COUPLED TOILET &i>nplete with tank and bowl. f> jk 4% r n Includes seat, supply pipe and screws. @ mm mm o CEILING EXHAU ST FAN ??.'12 56 3 foot lb inch 6ALVANIZED PIPE Vi y" r THREADED ud COUPLED If GALVANIZED PIPE 11c Ft. GALVANIZED PIPE 15c Ft. GALVANIZED PIPE 22c f. wr aAtvpr?,ZiD line f,. r n GALVANIZED PIPE GALVANIZED PIPE 33