Tommfe F. Osborne of Boone, * Wildlife Protector (or Watauga county, advises that this is the 3 most popular time of year for p^farm pond fishing Hot weather drives moat of the fish to the deep InBjer part of- the ponds, but top water fishing with popper bugs and flies *j>jean be done successfully in the early morning and late evening KoP hours. Protector Osborne said that Wa p'Jtauga county has about 90 private ponds. with a state total of around 43.000 and farm ponds are now producing a major amount of fish ing sport and food for the table. Although most ponds come under fishing license requirements, the following are exempt from the pur chaae of fishing licenses: a. The owner and his family; b. Natural bait fishermen in coun ty of residence; c. Resident minors under age 10$ d. Nonresident min ora under age IS, and t. House guests of the owner of the land surrounding the poM or lake that is classified as private under the provisions of lav. This Utter ex emption is made by Wildlife Com mission regulation. All others fish ing In private farm ponds are re quired to have fishing licenses as prescribed by state law. Wildlife protectors are cooper ating with farm pond owners not only in the enforcement of license requirements, but in helping to obtain brood Mock, 'draining and restocking, and protection from use of such illegal devices as nets, poison and dynamite. Protectors also serve aa contact men between pond owners and fisheries biolo gists, helping pond owners to con tact state biologists for pond man agement advice and assistance ASC Phosphate Is Now Available To Farmers 54 per cent superphosphate and 63 per cent superphosphate if now available through the ASC office for uae in the ACP practice of im proving paaturei and meadows, thia county being in the TVA watershed. The County Committee wilt ap prove two bags per acre for either of these concentrated superpho sphates. This gives either 106 or 126 pounds of plant food per acre and iu use is especially adapted to st<$>, billy land where mater ials are hard to spread. For this reason the improvement of mkny farms in the county has been neglected. Approvals for the use of this material on this practice will first be made on those farms which have not yet received assistance under the 1990 Agricultural Con servation Program, and will be made on k first-come, first-serve basis. It should be borne in mind that in carrying out this practice the applicaton of o# ton of lmestono per acre wll'be requred unless the land has been limed during the past fiver years, or a soil test ihowi that DO lime is needed. For the but result* a soil test should be taken and the recommendations followed. - Farmers who have not received ACP assistance are invited 0> come to the A8C office and find out just how many acres they will be able to improve with scarcely any cost to themaelves except the labor involved. It is not certain that this mater ial will be available after this yesr, and farmers are urged to act at once. , Winter cover crops are being approved for all farms, and such spprovals should be secured while funds are unliable. Llmeston?^ should be applied this fall on land to which grasses fnd legumes will be seeded next spring. Contact the ASC office at once for information concerning any of these practices. Educators told to consult public on budget. Point 4 programed for Argen tine beef. "heats Opto 8 rooms . at the tost of 4 # ? ? ? How givts yfu FULL HOUSE __ HEATING* with the miracle of mkiiuwieii and thoro arm no costly pipfs and registers to install ! * Doe* an ordinary healer force you to live in one or two rooms when the temperature drops? That's be cause the heat goes out the chimney or piles up on the ceilinf. Siefler cuts this waste, cuts your fuel , bills and gives you warQi floors in eoery room of your home. Why? Because only Siegler has the patented Inner Heat Tubes and built-in Blower System. Buy it on ? great MONEY BACK GUARANTEE toying by (tapping In at rgess Antique Shop Street Boone, N. C Big ASC Vote Being Asked As at thii date there arc no change* in the lists of community I committee nominee* as announced last week. The full list of nomi- i nee* together with polling place* will be mailed to all farmer* In the next few days. The largest vote the county has every had is anticipated and all poilholders, committeemen, vendors, members i of the Grange and farm Bureau, merchant* and ichool teachei. are being asked to assist in getting the vote out to the polls. DEMOCRAT ADS PAY Zionville News Notes ' I * ? r ' -r .i, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holms n and Alfred have moved into their bow home near Mountain City, Tenn. Mr* Mauie Norrta haa moved here ' from Bethel where the had reaidod for over eight year*. Mr. and Mra. Dwight Eggers of Rising Sun, Md. spent last week with the Kev. and Mrs. R. C. Eg gers and Mr. and Mrs. Gradon Campbell. Mias Janice Eggers and the children of Mr. and Mrs. Kertia Madron who had spent the summer with their grandparents returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomas and Darliene of Upperco, Md. are spending this ' week with the Egfen. I Mr*. Sherman Miller returned I last week from a visit with Mr. I and Mrs. Bob Potter in Rising i Sun, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Everett \ Cole and children and Mrs. Mae Brown of Boone made the trip. , also. Mr. and Mrs. George Pennell of Torrence, Calif, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clay Pennell. ; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Potter visited last week with Mis. Nora Bum gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Sher- < man Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Vines and children have returned to their loroe in Burlington alter (pending be tiunmer here. Leo Wlnehnrfer. Km of Mr. and Kra. Clint Winabarger wu trans ered from WaUuga Hoapttal to ? Naval Hoepltal in Norfolk, Va where he underwent aurgery last ?reek. Mr. and Mn. Don Brineger of Winaton-Salem spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Leroy Wilaon. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mra. J. B. Triplet! were Mr. and Mri. R D. Wellborn and Jan of Deep Gap, Mr. and Mra. Claude rriplett and family and Mrs. C. R. Triplett of North Wilkeaboro, Mr. Edgar Beaheara of Winaton Salem and Mr. and Mra. Boice Attends Camp On Forestry Bobby Shipley, ion of Mr. tad Km. R. G. Shipley, wu (elected to attend the annual 4-11 Forestry Camp held at Camp Millstone. Bobby was selected on the bas is of forestry projects he has com pleted, Tree Planting and Tree Identification. Triplett and family of Charlotte. Mrs. Helton Wilson and Sandra are recovering after being seri ously ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller. 4-H Council To Meet Saturday The Watauga County 4-H Coun ty Council will meet Saturday, August 29, in the Legion Hut in Boone. The meeting will (tart at 10:00 a. m and adjourn by 12:00 noon. Plana for the club program for the coming year will be discussed. A report on Leadership Confer ence and Forestry Camp will be given. Plans will also be discussed for the 4-H booth at "Watauga County In Action" Day. Coca-Cola sales at peak, net at 10-year high. Save Every Way At Thrift Food Center? Quality Merchandise At Fair Price Plus Extra Premiums With Your Green Cash Register Tapes. SEALTEST? ALL FLAVORS ICE MILK . . Vi Gal. 49t o KRAFT PURE o BLACKBERRY ?J#V /ELIOT . 20 -oz. Jafc M a LIBBY'S FINEST 9 o o o Garden Peas 2 303 cans 29< . o SHORTENING FRI-KlNG . . 3oLb Can 49c ARDOUR'S VEGET0I.E . 3 "> 'Carton CATESyREMIUM FRESH Sweet ?Cucumber Chips V2 Gal. 59c SWIFT'S o or PEANUJ BUTTER .. Ub 49c 5 DIXIE BELLE # ? SALTINES.. ... 1 Lb. 23c DIXIE CR^TAL FACTORY PAC ? ? SUGAR . : . . 5 Lb. Bag 39c TUNA ? . . Size Can 29.C DIBBY'S ROSE DALE SLICEI# # PINEAPPLE . . No *.c?>-29t SHOW %OAT PORK^ BEANS * e- 19c OUR QUALITY ( T EA ^e? b?9s 49c ? Lb. pkg. 29< .. I MEATS S ? ? 15V2-OZ. Ci^l CHEF BOY-AR-^E^PAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS 29c PET va PORAftD MILK 3 tall 45c WILSON'S COIjp KING LEAN ? * ? SLICED BACON.. ?. Lb. 39< 1 ? * LAY'%VLL-MF*J FRANKS . v Lb. 39? ? U. S. CHOICE BEEF, CLOSE TRIMMED T-UONE steaks-. . . Lb. 99c U. S. CHOICE BEEF ? ? ? SIRLOIN STEAKS . . Lb. 95c THRIFT'^ HOT OR MILD PURE PORK SAUSAGE . . . . . Lb. 39c REGULAR 55c ANGEb FOOD (AKE only 39c King Size Cokes 1 Six9 Bottle Carton 29c ? o JUICED RITE e Orange or Grape Drink & Gal. 39c PARK FREE IN OUR LARGE PARKING LOT B THRIFT FOOD (ENTER E. King Street Plenty of Free Parking Phone AM 4-8886 '