3. 12,500 Acres Of | . ri? . rii pests, Survey Shows all tree* below sawtimber size dowa to ? lnehet. Pole timber volume in the coun ty is estimated at 40.7 million cubic feet or 61X100 cords. Pole timber volume In Um coun ty U estimated at 40.7 mill km cubic feet or 012.100 cords. ?out for 14 per Mat of the total votaMe, trtrtto oak* 19 portent, red Mpll P percent, yellow-poplar ? pcrtcot, sweet birch 7 JNjrcc nt , black locust ? parent, aufnolia ft percent, hard anfde 0 jwreaat, baach 8 percent, end all other hardwood* IT piHlO. Vogrnbcrgrr .aid the survey te dleatad that only about 4* per cent of the foreat a ran la the county U wall stocked with tract G rasing damage wM found an 4 pIKill tl lM ffMa TVA fanaton have Inventoried the foreata of Tt valley eountlet. Other waatera North Carolina CvtlRitrn CUHipiriM lir AVcij, Mitchell, Buncombe, Jaeksoft, Cherokee, aad Clay. St'MNtY MSttVI A region e^ual la araa to Europe and the United Statu combined haa been made la to a preserve far scientific research, immune from political aad military strife. Twelve natloaa, including the UaHad States and the Soviet Union, signed a treaty on Ant a ret la that would eatabliah a free wheeling inspection system mark edly different from any hitherto attempted. All of North Carolina's 100 eountiee are In organized aoll con aarvatioa dletriats. SHOP AT HOME Paul Says: For 43 year* we have been saying a Happy Christ mai if a Safe Chriatmas." Thia la our wish for you an* your*. IMPROTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We are moving to the Hodge Bulldini on W?K King Street soon. Watoh M moving date. I *.;? E. A. QUALTNEY 1. PAUL WINKLE R RALPH CWALTNEY IUE HARTLEY MARY BROWN Watauga Insurance Agency E. A. QAULTNEY - PAUL WINKLER ? RALPH GWALTNEY BANK BVILMNO ? MONK MM MM BOX m ? BOONK. N. C. HUNDREDS OP GIFT ITEMS 1 IN OUR STORE? ASK US ABOUT EASY PAY PLAN Recipes Given By Specialist I It 1* easy to buy your holiday cake*, cookies and candle*, but it is fun to make them And so to kelp Santa on his merry way, here are a variety of Christmas re * t cups sugar 2-3 cups boiling watrr 1-4 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vinegar Few drops of oil of peppermint Powdered sugar. Mix sugar, water, cream of tar tar and vinegar. Boil without itir ing te the brittle stage ? 296 de grees. Pour on oiled msrble slab or tray. Cool, lift and pull, keeping grate all one way. Add flavoring during pulling. When candy is too stiff to pull, stretch Into a long rope tt inch thick. Cut with scissors into small pieces. Drop into bowl of powder ed sugar and coat well. When dry. store in a Jar, cover and keep te a warm place for several days. Christmas Cookies 1 cup butter 2-3 cup sugar 2 eggs, well beaten 1H cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla Rabins, nuts or citron Cream butter, add sugar grad ually. Add eggs, flour and vanilla. Arrange by teaspoonfuls on a lightly buttered cooky sheet. Spread thin with a knife dipped te Cold water. On each cooky p?t raisins, almonds, blanched and cut te atripa, pecans, cut in pieces, or citron cut In smsll pieces. Bake in an oven 373 degrees about eight minutes. Otaaad Nats and Fruits 1-2 6up white corn syrup 1-2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons hot water Boil sugar, syrup and water un til syrup brittles instantly in cold water. Keep hot in double boiler. Dip te nuts and fruits one at a time, taking out on the point of I a fork and laying on oiled paper. Ml WHY RETIRES Robert Murphy, former Under Secretary of SUrte, has warned that Instability or weakness in the Mt> Communist world could leatt to Soviet miscalculations that might produce disaster for mankind. Mr. Murphy, recently retired after a forty-year career in diplo macy, urged his country to remain strong and to make its intentions regarding its use of that strength unffilatakably clear. MAKE CHRISTMAS LAST ALL YEAR! FREE Until Christmas HOLIDAY BAUS with the purchase of any NORGE APPLIANCE! I MM*M Refrigerator Sayings, 1 Too! MDoctor Talk? Br JOHN 8. REM BERT, M. D t Again, irresponsible federal of- a ficial* have i*e?ed atatoanenta from 1 Washington which must be comM- | wed merely as a gesture to gala 4 "headline*," aa no new seentlfk I facta have been discovered to war- 1 rant auch ra?h Implication*. The incident referred to ia the etery re lea ied by the Burgeon General of the United Mate* implicating, 1 In his opinion, tobacco vmoking m the chief reaaon for the riatng rate of tang cancer. TTili writer doea not nay that smoking 1* not a causative factor In eancer of the long, but until ac tual scientific data prove* tobacco to be one of the chief. If not the foremoet, causes of eancer ef the lung it la felt that no real benefit la derived from aueh alarming statements. Aa waa pointed out in laat week'* column concerning the "cranberry *care," nothing la ae compliihed by aueh unwUe and unaeientlfle (tatementa? aueh ut terance* ahould be publidxed only after unquestionable acient ific proof ia ettablithed. Our nation now ia made up of many thouaand* of "weak and nervous" Individual*, daily con suming thouaand* upon thouaand* of tranquilizlng tablet* ? with ator ie* *uch a* thi* latest cancer scare and the daily stories concerning the luperlority of the Buatians. the outlook I* that out nation will dally Increaae It* consumption of tranquilizlng drug*. Some will criticize the attitude taken by thi* writer in not Join ing In "the tcare campaign" to de crease smoking ? but my answer to critics will be that the all power ful federal government In Wash ington ha* the necessary law* to prohibit the aale of cigarette* if and when positive proof i* estab liahed that tobacco tar* are re sponsible for the Increaae in lung cancer. The main thing for all to remem ber in our fight agalnat cancer I* to regularly have a complete check-up by their family physician ? *ueh regular medical examina tion* allowing your doctor to de tect and properly treat early can tT. Al an example each year i bout 13,106 women dls from uter M cancer, but it is estimated that practically an of these women eouM have been saved if only they >ad sought regular medical exam ination. The Christmas season is all around us now and most people ?re busy purchasing gifts for their children and friends. It Is this matter of gifts for children that I want to bring to your at tention. Much fun and enjoyment can be had by all If intelligent care Is taken Into consideration. From a medical standpoint, I have a cer tain dread for this and all special holiday periods of the year, for during each one thousands of phy sidans across the country are call ed upon to treat holiday accidents. Children are particularly prone to accidents, particularly at Christ mastime, and many of the acci dents are due to purchases made unwisely by their parents. This Christmas thousands upon thous ands of children will receive air rifles ? and only a few, if any, of these happy children, will receive any Instruction in the necessary safety measures that must be ob served if tragie accidents are to be prevented. The one organ of the body that is most often injured by the pellets from these small ri fles is the eye ? and as so often happens, results in partial, if not complete, loss of vision in the af fected eye. The point to be stressed here Is that parents mutt seriously con sider the dangers involved and take It upon themselves to see that their child is properly instructed in the use of his rifle and stressing the great dangers to all if improp erly used. Roller-skates and bicycles will probably out-number all other gifts given this year, but parents should give one or both of these gifts to their children only if the necessary area is nearby for their enjoyment. Pleaae do not let a tragic acci dent ruin your holiday season. One last reminder is to be very Jresli Sweet YADKIN VALLEY DAIRY ? i i careful aad ever as the alert if to- 1 fan la gM la row home la the crawling stage? if older children , an la the home there la the con , ?tint danger of iwl) object! of parts of tor* about