1 Church motices B gbace LunnuN cnnoi| E r. Troutman. Futor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion will 1m admto kM at 11:00 a. m. All resident The Lather League will serve the women of the church topper at 8:80. A dmntiooal program will follow. ' B" The July meeting of the Church Council will be held at 7:15 p. m. The women of the church will hold the July meeting Tuesday, July Sad at S:00 p. m. The Mia aionary topic: "Are You Inform 1 odr will ho led by Hrs. Bay Greene. Beat ess la Mrs. Ernest if Mm. J# Come and Worship METHODIST MISSION Bamboo School House Sunday school 10:30 each Sun day. Singing and prayer service Thursday evening at 7:S0 o'clock. MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH ? Bala The Rev Glenn Gentry, pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; preaching at 11:00 each Sunday; prayer meeting at 7:00 Sunday. ST. MARY'S OF THE HILLS EPISCOPAL CHUBCH? Blowing Beck The Rev. John S. McDuffle, prieet-in-charge. Sunday ? Holy Communion at 8:00 a.m.; Church School at 10:00 a.m.; Morning Prayer at 11:18 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION LUTHERAN CHUBCH ? Baaaer Elk The Rev. James D. Bayne, pastor. Sunday School at 1:00 p.m. Worship at 2:00 p.m. each Sun day. BETHANY LUTHEBAN CHUBCH The Rev. James D. Bayne, pastor. Sunday schedule: Sunday School at 10:00 aju.: J. A. Burkett, superintendent Wot ship at 11:00 a.m. Luther League at 7:00 p.m. Wedneaday schedule: Catechetical Clasa at 4:00 p. m. Friday schedule: Senior choir practice at 7:00 pjn., Mrs. Lucille Moretz, organist. 8T0NT mi BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Raymond Hendrl*, pnstor . Harlan Gimm, Sunday School S"&mdir^Mda7 School at 10:00 a.m.; preaching tint and second Sunday* at 11:00 ajn.; Training Union at 7:00 p.m. Wedneaday night prayer meeting at 7:00 o'clock. church or the emphant? Hull Back Sunday Maaa at 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST CHURCH ? Slewing Beck The Re*. G. Carlton Cox, pastor. Sunday ? Sunday School at 10:00 ajn.; worihip aerviee at 11:00 ajn.; evening aerviee at 7: JO o' clock. Wedneeday? Prayer Meeting at 7:00 p. m.; choir rehearial at (:00 P-a. RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH? ?lewiaf Reck The Rev. A. E. Dallas, D. D., guest minister. Sunday? 4:30 a.m.: Men's Bible Class in the manae; 10:00 a.m: Sunday School In the Chapel; 11:00 a.m.: Morning Worahlp; 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Pioneer tad Young Peo ple's Assembly In the Chapel. Wednesday ? 3:18 p.m.:Choir practice in the church; 7:30 p.m.: Prayer Meeting in the Chapel. ST. ELISABETH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday Mass at 9:00 s.m. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. John S. McDuffie, priest-in-charge. Services each Sunday morning at 3:30 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev. J. K. Parker, Jr., pastor. Sunday School at 9:48 a. m , Morning Worship at 11:00 o'clock. A nursery is kept (or small chil dren daring the worship service. Westminster Fellowship at S:4S p.m.; Youth Fellowship at 6:00 p.m.; Pioneer Fellowship at 6:00 p.m. Circles of the Women of the Church meet the first Monday of each month; general meeting each third Monday. AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY THE SKY IS THE UMITI Last year there wet* mart auto accidents, mar* lawsuits and higher damages awarded sinca . the invention of the motor car. Whafs the an* swer, then, to your personal solveocy hi AN misfortune heads your way? Increase the limits In your policy and he dead sure ifs in a good company. We can be helpful. COE INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY E. F. COE, Manager 217 MAIN STREET, BOONE, N. C. ? WAL AM 4-ttM WATAUGA MKTHODUT CHARGE., J-' ' / , ']Kw K?t Ahria K WUsoo, pot or. First aad third Sundays: Utaif at 10:00 aJM.; Vail* Crucis at 11:00 1 ?ML Second and fourth Sundays: Mabel at 10:00 aja.; Hanson's Chapel at 11:00 aja. Flrat and third Sundays: Pine Grove at 7:90 p.m. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Her, Floyd N. Boston, pa* tor. Sunday: Sunday School? 8:48 a. m. Horning Wonhkp? 10:48 a. m. Youth Fellowship ? 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship ? 7:30 p. m. Wfdneiuy: Prayer Meeting ? 7:30 p. m. CHURCH or CHRIST ? Boooc John Alien Thurman, evangelist. Sunday ? Bible study at 10:00 a.m.; Worship and Communion at 11:00 a.m.; Evening Worship ser vices at 7:90. Thursday? Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. BLOWING SDCK METHODIST CHURCH Dr. H. E. Spcnce, putor. Subject of lermoo on Sunday "That Peace That Jesus Give*." A communion meditation follow ed by the celebration of The Lord's Supper. BOONE METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. Preston Hughe*, Jr., putor. v Sunday schedule: 8:30? Coffee and Doughnuts (College students). ?:00? Worship (when college is in session). 8:48 ? Church school. 11:00 Worship. B:X>? Wesley Foundation sup per and program. 6:90 ? Junior and Senior High Fellowship. Tuesdays, 10-11 a. m , 4-8 p. m. ? Pastoral counseling in study. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. J. Boyce Brooks, pastor; the Rev. John Gibson, associate pastor. Sunday School 8:40 a.m. Morning Worship 10:99 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Training Union 6:49 p.m. END OF STUDENT OATH The Senate has voted to remove the controversial "non-subversive affidavit" from the National De fense Education Act The Senate action came on an amendment Introduced last Jan. 27 by Senator JohA F. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, to strike out the affidavit and leave merely the oath of allegiance. The bill had received the endorsement of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Argentina notifies U. N. of Eichmann case. I'll Save You Money and ? I'LL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE! JOHN HOYT ED MIS TEN See Me When You Need Anything in a Home Appliances We Featore The Trim New Line of Modern Living MODERN ApplianceCo, W. Kli| 8t ? ?? e, N. C. IKIWIMiWJ Ml jQ7MroM)lwiMCii Prayer Service Ii Available II you an discouraged, or lone ly, or just fool the nood lor a prayer, dial AMherst 4-2313. The first Presbyterian Church is now offering a prayer service lifted with the Telephone Company a* Presbyterian Church Prayer Ser vice. Then win ha a prayer lor each day, available day and night dial the above number, wait lor II you need a spiritual life, simply the prayer, and listen. Methodist Charge Notes Activity Card Methodist Church of Watauga Methodist Charge cordially invite* all perton* in the community to join them in taking advantage of summer activities. It is hoped that all young people of each commun ity will attend the Vacation Bible Schools and Youth Activity Weeks. June 27-JuIy 1 Valle Crucis and Liberty Methodist Churches will have a combined Bible School to be held a't Liberty, located at Mat ney. The pastor will furnish trans portation to and from the church. July 44 a Bible School will be held at Henson Chapel for the Cove Creek community. July 11-15 Bible School will be held at Mabel Methodist Church for the Mabel and Zionville communities. July 18-22 Bible School will be held at Piney Grove Methodist Church for the Rominger community. All Bible Schools will begin at 0:30 and continue to 11:30 a. m. August 8-12 is being set aside for a youth activities week to be held at Henson Chapel and Mabel Methodist Churches and commun ity. Youth activity week will be from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Monday through Friday. Other religious retreats for Henson Chapel to be planned for a week end at Lake Junaluska, the young people to be accompanied by the pastor and his family if young people and parents desire. In Chapel Hill Chapel Hill? Mack Mast, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave P. Mast of Sugar Grove has been in Chapel Hill participating in the Pre Registration and Visitation Pro gram. The purpose of this program ia to enable a student to take re quired placement tests in advance, to select his subjects for the fall, and to have opportunity to con sult officials of the University in regard to loan*, scholarships, job*, housing, and ROTC opportunities. DEMOCRAT ADS PAY Get "wear conditioned" beauty... > in full ? color, too! Ah, th* famous Formic* Vanitory*! , In a rainbow rango of kvmf ootort and lastini woodgramv it pvts wastod bath room tpac* to work b*autif?lly. Just pick your color pattern and posts' a Forme* Vanitory is yours with Formic* top and ndts. custom ibuitt and compact, not n|ht to* easy damp-doth dtMtnt tad ?asy livim. Rifht now, wt ofltf dcsiins which can ho adapted to tho tut *nd shap* of your bathroom. In tho nam* of btttor hnn| lot ui croato a Formica Vanitory lor your lamily Com* in loon. V. L. MORETZ & SON DEEP GAP, N. C. Kural Church Meeting Set Sural ministers, Laymen and lay women will be seeking a clearer picture of the church 'i role in the rural community at a special con vocation at State College, August MX. The gathering will be known aa the North Carolina Rural Church Convocation. All church leaden in terested in problems and oppor tunities offered by rural communi ties are invited to attend and par ticipate. Participants will do three things: first, they will study changes tak ing place in rural communities; secondly, they will see what ser vices public agencies offer; and thirdly, they will diacust ways in which they might face the chal lenge of tomorrow's rural com munity. The convocation will be sponsor ed by the Rural Church Commit tee, North Carolina Council of Churches; and the School of Agri culture, N. C. State College. Lutherans Gel Synod Posts Salisbury, June 23? Two Boone area Lutheran ministers have been appointed to committees of the United Evangelical Lutheran Sy nod of North . Carolina for the 1000-61 year, It was announced here today by Dr. F. L. Conrad, president of the synod. Rev. Edwin F. Troutman, pastor of Grace Lutheran church, will serve on three different commit tees of the synod: the examing committee (which approves candi dates for ordination), the com mittee on the Lutheran student census, and the committee on col lege and university student work. Rev. James D. Bayne, pastor of Bethany Lutheran church, has been appointed to the committee on disaster relief. A total of 148 appointments were anounced by the president of snyod to the 28 standing and spec ial committees of the Lutheran church. The Lutheran synod in North Carolina has a membership of 80,000 members, located in 180 local congregations. Clean all trees, stumps, brush, wire and rubbish from the swim ming and boating areas of farm ponds. PreSeason HEATING SALE Effective Immediately We Are Offeing A 10% Discount On All Complete HEATING SYSTEMS With First Payment Coming October 1 See Me for Estimates IVAN CHURCH Sales Representative BOONE, N. C. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Plume Day AM 4-8M9 Home CO 7-251C 11:. Sears BOONE, N. C. Methodist Church News Or. and Mr*. Paul Graff, Green way Drive, and Mrs. Ennis Davis of Todd were received into Uu membership of the Boom Metho dist Church Sunday morning. There were more visitor* from Florida (14) than there were from North Carolina (12) at the Boone Methodist Church Sunday. There were also 14 visitors from Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. An emergency relief offering of |70 was contributed Sunday at the Boone Methodist Church to be sent to Chile, where 26 Methodist churches and parsonages were damaged or destroyed in the May earthquakes. Over 20 children attended the story hour at the Boone Methodist Church, Thursday June 23, at 3 p. m. to enjoy stories, games, and refreshments. These weekly story hours, under the direction of a group of Appalachian State Teach ers College students are for chil dren 4-8 years of age. They will be held each Thursday through July 14 at 3 p. m. All children of the community are invited said the Pastor, Rev. Preston Hughes. There is no charge. Thirteen boys from Troop 100, sponsored by the Boone Methodist Church returned Sunday from a week at Raven Knob Boy Scout Reservation in Surry County. Cove Creek Club Meets The Cove Creek Community Club and Grange are having their annual barbecue Friday, July 8. Service will began at 5:30 p. m. and will continue until 8 p. m. Everyone is invited. The meal will consist of barbecue chicken, green beam, slaw, creamed potatoes, rolls, tea, coffee, and home made pie. The price will be 75 cents for children 12 and under; $1.00 for one quarter chicken, and $1.35 for one-half chicken. At 8 o'clock there will be a gen eral meeting of the citizens of the community in the high school gym. The purpose of the meeting will be to give 'the people an op portunity to express their ideas on securing a doctor for the com munity. The guest speaker at this time will be Mrs. Annette Bout well, Health Educator with the State Medical Society in Raleigh. It is hoped that many local peo ple will attend the meeting and support this project. Proceeds from the meal will go toward gen eral community improvement East Germany protests over al leged recruiting. F. P. Rice Dies Philadelphia ? P. P. Rice, Direc tor of Operation* for Internatioo Resistance Co. rtnee 1M*. died Monday (June JO) in Preahyterian Hospital. Newark. M. i. I". Mr. Rice, who wai 49, Joined IRC three yeara ago aa President of Cirentt Instrumenta, Inc., St. Peter* burg, Fia, a aubaidiary of the firm. Be became IRCi Direc tor of Operation* a year later with hi* headquarter! In Philadelphia. Prior to IRC, Mr. Rice wa* Manager of the TV Receiving Diviaion of Allen B. DuMont La boratoriea. Inc., and had been aa aocUted with that firm for IS year* la various cipacittss A graduate of Montdalr State College and New York University, be la survived by hi* widow, Doro thy, and two sons, Richard t. and Robert T. A GOOD SEASON Pomona, Calif ? "I've been bit ten by a rattlesnake," gasped Rickie Graclano, 17, when police stopped Ms speeding automoble. He got a police escort to the near est hospital, where he la recover ing Sea ton slashes fuel oil import quotas. BRAND NEW! For th ? Average Hay Producmr FORD 150 HAY BALER A PTO -driven, twine- tie b*ler that's - both economical and efficient. Bales up to 6 bales per minute, or 8 tons par hour. You don't have to have big acreages of hay to make a baler pay for itself? not if it's a Ford 150 hay baler! Low coet and dependable, this compact baler has many of the same features that have proved so successful on larger Ford balers. It'll make top quality bales at minimum cost! And with your own baler, you'll be able to time haying operations more precisely to the crop condition. (mm far and Chotk Fiatvr* for Foatoro ... 5m why It's today's outstanding Mot for tho avorago hay prodmor . . . Right for limltod ocroogos Only $250.00 Down Payment Easy Terms for Balance $1,000.00 Walker Tractor Co. Phdne';C01ony 7-2540 Vilas, North Carolina BIG REFRESHMENT ~ VALUE , m FOR THE 4& m KING SIZE COKE HAS MORE FOR YOU GET VALUE, LIFT, REFRESHMENT TOO ! ?_?_j _X irmriii r.nr.n,..H HICKORY COCA-COLA BOTTUNG CO?Hlckory, N. C.