oes Farm The outlook wai bad and aomc tima after be purehaaed the land tha County Agent, viewing the tahn that aomething had to bo done far hi* farm, o&mriw, he would have to abandon It. fwlwlil>, in the thirtis*. lime and fertiUier became available to the farmers of the county through the fhrm prafram wtiirti began to be Initiated at that time "I ?ai not able to Ft chat fertHiaer," aaya Mr. V annoy, "but I used every pound that I could poaaible gat through the program. Ecpeclally, I made mm ?f all lime, fertilizer and met furnUhed through the Agricultural ConaervatlM Pro gram." All Ike briar* and buahe* Ml cut, (rati wa* ceoded and { good farming method* ware car ried out according to available PATENTED built-in BLOWER! INI FLOOR than Ifir b?f?r?! The revolutionary new Sfegler ?end* the air right through the heart of the fire TWICE to give you a houseful of SUPER Floor Heat! Here'i jfrrnatt comfort with out coetly pipe* and register* to frntaH. You ?ac*r the met waating heat on the ceiling or out the chim ney. See the amazing new Stagier that pays for itadf with the fuel it ?ave*. Buy it on ? MONEY BACK GUARANTEE OIL HOME NEATER (mm fa f tr ? fitt hot demonstration! BOONE TIRE & BARGAIN STORE Wert King Street ? Boone, N. C. teehnlaai advice. Soon now cattle were added to the faraos pastures and MMi ?*ara tmpiwed. Pa In addition to cattle, sheep were added and have Mm a regalar source of Income ever since Track crops tare also helped suppleii.eiit the income (rem the farm. LmmI ii#t more thaa ? buaheia of corn per acre at first now yields at leaat 100 bnaheli per acre. Tobacco has been the major crop and tor the past five years the yield haa ever afed better than 2400 pounda per acre. In Mi remodeled home with all modem conveniences on the banks of the river, Mr. Vanaoy now en joys the security he has obtained by hart! work, initiative, perser vance, technical aid, and, meat of all, government aid in carryinf out conservation practices on his farm. When asked what haa meant ?teat ta Mm fci the sueeeas he has attained, he ?t?k*Iy gave credit to the Agricultural Conservation Pro gram administered by AAA, PMA, and ASC. "I couldn't have made it without it," ha concluded. Mies Farthing Get* USC Credit Miss Ruth V. Farthing of Blowing Reck Road, Boone (Southwest High School, Clemmons) is one af It teachers attending the fourth annual Journalism workshop for high school teachers, administra tors, and students at the University of Southern California this sum mer. The six-week program gives graduate credit and is the only practical workshop of its kind in the West, offering courses in ieature article writing, school pub lication problems, and publicity .writing. A lohg ? time member of the American Asaociation of Schools and Departments of Journaliam, the USC school offers broad, prac tical work In the newspaper field and related areaa, Including public relations. An honors luncheon was held Friday, July 20, on the USC cam pus with each student receiving a certificate of completion of the course, Dick Turpiit, education Gets New Post At College JAMES F. JONES James F. Jones hat been ap pointed Business Manager of Ath letic! at Appalachian State IVacfe ers College, President W. H. Plem mons has announced. The appoint ment became effective August Jv Jones, a native of Bolton in Columbus County, succeeds Dr. Francis Hoover who resigned the position to devote more time to his duties as president of the Na tional Association of Intercollegi ate Athletics. Jones, no newcomer to the Ap palachian sports scene, has serv ed at tennis coach for four years and athletic publicity director for three. During the part year, he assumed Dr. Hoover's athletic duties while the latter was away en N. A. 1. A. business. Prior to joining the Appalach ian staff four years ago, the east ern Carolinian worked with athlet ic publicity and statistics at High Point College for two years and was assistant basketball coach at Louisburg College lor one year. Jones holds the Bachelor of Arts degree from Elon College and editor of the Los Angeles Times, was the guest speaker. NOTICE OF Auction Sale Of Personal Property OF MISS ALENE HARDIN including HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES ? FURNITURE AND SOME ANTIQUES To Be Held At 10:00 A. M. SAT., AUG. 13, 1960 at the HILLSIDE DAIRY BUIDING South Depot Street ? Boone, N. C. Miss Florence Boyd? Guardian Jack Shoun? Auctioneer | Thanks to 10 years' experience building compact cars 1 t\ , ONLY RAMBLER CAN OFFER TOP QUALITY-LOWEST PRICES birthday deal Save up to ?346' over other compact wagons! Ramblers in Mfltnf in record volume, ao Rambler dealers can oAr you mora generous trade-in allowances if you act now! Drive in today? take advantage of our 10th Birthday Deal? and drive out with a built- to-last, gas -saving I960 Rambler. ?frttm uiimpiri? n? mil on momrfootwwrv MUMtid focMfy prim for tamt-pricod ototion wagon models o< tho 5 major U. 5. cor mokars, Md??ns rem pad cor*. Optional aquipmart, trontportotton, bMuranca. ?tata on* locol tsaaa, tf any, antra. the Master of Art* from Carolina. He bw <*>?? g?*?*? wort at AwaUeWan M Teach ?? College and the University of North Carolina. jones has had accounting ex pciienee a* a public accountant, coet accountant, and *? a member of the Federal Internal Revenue Service He currently hold* the rank of aeeietaot profeaaor in the Department of Buatoesa Education. Doctor Talk By JOHN B. REMBERT, M.D. Flouridation of public water supplies ha* cauaed much contro versy at time* in thi* country, th? public becoming thoroughly con fuaed when the politicUn* have entered into the di?cu?aion. It has been thoroughly tested and proven that if flouridation is carried out property the incidence of tooth decay is drastically reduced. De spite thi* scientific evidence many source* of public water supplies still have none, or an inadequate amount of flourlde preaent. The matter of flouridation can now be taken out of politics and each parent can make the choice for their own children; this is pos sible because of the development of a unique flourlde preparation for the prevention and reduction of tooth decay introduced recently. Your physician or denti*t can now *tart your children, if de*lrec, on thi* flouride liquid by home i'.*e. If you live In an area pre scribing thi* new drug for where the flouride content of the drink ing water i* Inadequate, then you should con*ult either your dentirt or phy*ician. ... ? For many year* now dental ana medical *tatistics have proven that the rate of incidence of carles (cavities) increase* with defic iency of flouride. The optimum flouride content is one part per million. A level of more than 1.5 parts per million may cause mot. ling of tooth enamel, but is not dangerous. During the last two decade* ex periment* have been conducted in Newburg, N. Y? Grand Rapids. Mich., and Brantford. Ont., indl eating that the introduction or flouride in the drinking water has reduced caries up to #0 per cent Since approximately 80 per cent of all children have carles by age 6, a reduction at &4 P*f cent~ which is what was achieved in Newburg? mean* a great aavt?* in dollar* and cent* a* well a* in protection against pain. In Kingston, N. Y? which was the "control" for Newburg. and where flouride wa* not introduced into the drinking water, children from ? to ? had eight time* a* many missing first permanent molars as Newburg children of the same age group. Study of the statistics in Brant ford, Ont., shows 84 per cent less decay in the permanent teeth of children from 6 to 16 after flouri CALL ME and SAVE am m$m , IVAN CHURCH Sales Representative FREE ESTIMATES AND INFORMATION ON: ? APPLIANCES ? PLUMBING, HEATING ? IRRIGATION ? FLOOR COVERING ? TELEVISION ? FARM EQUIPMENT SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Phone Day AM 4-8852 Home CO 7-5216 Sears BOONS, N.C. datton than before. Jj Despite all this statistical proof ?T the benefit from proper ftourK dstion, opposition to the addition of flouride into the publie drinking water hat often been successful in delaying or preventing iti Intro duction If aueh U the caae in your community, then you can now de cide for yourself, and your dentist or physician can preacrihe the flouride preparation and instruct you in the addition of the taste lea* liquid to your child's liquids. ADMINISTRATION BLAMED "The Eisenhower "Atoms-for Peace" profram has failed for lack of International leadership by the Administration, according to a study prepared for the Joint Congressional Committee on Ato mic Energy. The program, first outlined by President Eisenhower in a speech to the United Nations in Decem ber, tM3. has failed to achieve its objectives "in any substantial de gree," the report charges. C. A. B. examiner urges wider service to Orient. Chrysler and Studebaker end 1960 model runs. How *o Keep /i/ Money Coming f'W when Accident or f lllnev* Knocks You CrCr # Aafc r?r r*BM Mi Tniw '???? ?'??? W JERRY ADAMS, Agent Sugar Grove, N. C. CO 144N mm HOW! WAU-TO-WAIL OR ROOM SIX! ROOS Cunr Mohawk | NOVn SEE fO* YOUISHM LOOKS BETTER... Wmts longer... Greene Furniture Co. Edmistcn Bldg. Boone, N. C. Shop at Hunt'* . . . and Save ! BOYS' LVY LEAGUE PANTS $2.49 to $6.95 MEN'S IVY LEAGUE PANTS J $3.98 to $9.95 1 GIRLS' JEANIE BLOUSES Ideal for School Wear $1.19 to $2.98 KEDS PLAY SHOES For Boya and Girls $1.98 to $4.95 / Boys ' and Girls' WINDBREAKERS Black, Red and Other Colors Dan River Poplin only $2.98 BOYS' WRANGLERS AND GIRLS' JEANS Fine for School or Play. Sixes 6-16. $1.98 to $2.98 OTHERS ? $1.69 to $1.98 I Peaehe* 'N' Cream SCHOOL DRESSES Sizes 7 to 14 ? ? to 14 Sub-teen* $1.98 to $7.95 A ? Boy* ' and Girls' POLL PARROT and A 1 STAR BRAND / SHOES ? ' Ideal far School