m Churcfi Notices % > Harlan Greene, Sunday School Superintendent. Sunday ? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; preaching first and Mcond Sunday* at 11:00 a.m.; Training Union at f:00 p.m. Wednesday night prayer meeting j at 7:00 o'clock. BAPTIST CHURCH? Blowiig Back The Rev. Q. Carlton Cos, pastor. Sunday ? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; worship service at 11:00 a.m.; evening service at 7:S0 &? clock. Wednesday? Prayer Meeting it 7:00 p. a.; choir rehearsal at 8:00 p-m. WATAUGA METHODIST CHARGE The Rev. Alvin A. Wilson, pastor. First and third Sundays: Liberty at 10:00 ajn.; Valle Crude at 11:00 ajn. Second and fourth Sundays: Mabel at 10:00 a.m.; Henson's Chapel at 11:00 a.m. First and third Sundays: Pine Grove at 7:30 p.m. RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH Slewing Rock The Rev. A Blake Brinkerhoff, pastor. Sunday ? 8:30 a.m.: Men's Bible Class in the manse; 10:00 a.m.: Sunday School in the Chapel; 11:00 a.m.: Morning Worship; 7:S0 to 9:00 p.m.:Pioneer and Young Peo ple's Assembly In the Chapel. Wednesday ? 3:15 p.m.:Choir practice in the church; 7:80 p.m.: Prayer Meeting in the Chapel. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Rev. Floyd N. Boston, pas tor. Sunday: Sunday School ? 0:45 a. m. Morning Worship? 10:45 ?. m. Youth Fellowship ? 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship ? 7:30 p. m. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting ? 7:30 p. m. HOLY COMMUNION LUTHERAN CHURCH? Banner Elk The Rev. James D. Bayne, pastor. Worship services held on 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and on 1st and 2nd Sundays at 2:00 p. m. Sunday School held at 10:00 a. m. on 2nd and 4U> Sundays. Sunday School held at 1:00 p. m. on 1st and 3rd Sundays. Luther League meets each Sat urday at 8:30 p. m. mt. cutut baptwt ff ?wdST'sSST preaching at 11:00 each Sunday; prayer HMtll| at 7:00 Sunday. cHumca or nu epiphant Sunday Mm at 11.-00 am bt. win episcopal CHURCH The Her. John 8. McDuffle, priestln-ebarge. Scrvic^^s SiiAd^y rooroiD^ at 0:M o'clock. BOON! METHODIST CIVICH The Bov. PraatOB Hugba*, Jr., pAitor. Sunday ached ule: 8 30 ? Coffee and Doughnuts (College students). 0:00? Worship (when collage la In session). , 0:49? Church achooL 11:00 Worahlp. 1:00? Waalay FotfhdaUOn tap per and program. 6:30? Junior and Senior High Fellowship. Tuesdays, 10-11 a. m.. Pastoral counseling in study. BLOWING BOCK METHODIST Dr. H. E. 8 pence, pastor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. PBESBYTEBIAN CHUBCH The Rev. J. K. Pa.ker, Jr., pastor. Sunday School at 0:40 a.m.; Morning Worahlp at 11:00 o'clock. A nursery la kept for email chil dren during the worship aerviee. Westminster Fellowship at 0:46 pin.; Youth Fellowship at 6:00 p.m.; Pioneer Fellowship at 0:00 p.m. Circles of the Women of the Church meet the first Monday of each month; general meeting each third Monday. Presbyterian prayer aervlce, dial AM 4-221* CHUBCH OF CHBIST? Baaae John Allen Thurman, evangelist Sunday ? Bible atudy at 10:00 a.m.; Worahlp and Communion at 11:00 a.m.; Evening Worahlp ser vicea at 7:80. Thursday? Bible Study at 7:90 P-m. BETHANY LUTHERAN CHUBCH The Rev. Jamea D. Bayne, pastor. Sunday achedule: Sunday School at 10:00 ajn.; J. A. Burkett, superintendent. Worahlp services on lat andJSrd Sundaya at 11:00 a. m. ' Luther League at 7:00 p.m. Veapera held on 2nd and 4th Sundaya at 7:30 p. m. Cateehincal Classes held at 10 a. m. each Saturday. Friday schedule: Senior choir practice at 7:00 p.m., Mrs. Lucille Moretx, organist. ST. ELISABETH'S CATHOLIC CHUBCH Sunday Maas at 9:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHUBCH The Rev. J. Boyce Brooks, pastor; Sunday School 0:40 a.m. Horning Worship 10:SB a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Training Union 0:40 p.m. ROLL CALL SUNDAY Sunday will be Roll Call Sunday at the Boone Methodist Church. The roll of church members pre sent will be checked by signing of attendance regiatration cards. The purpose of the observance is to see how many able-bodied resident members of the church can be mustered in public worship on a given Sunday. Church loyalty will be emphaaized in the renewing of church vows by all preaent. Elsenhower gets flag from re covered capaulc. I'll Save You Money and I'LL GIVE YOU THE BEST SERVICE! See Me When You Need Anything Ib Hone Appliances WE FEATURE iiffw Wanted by Most Women'* ? . rn pliance Co. i W. King St. Boone, N. C BOMB COMING AT POPLAR OBOVB CHURCH Home coming will be obiirved at PnUr Omti Baptist Church Sunday, September 4. The pro gram will hc?ta with Sunday School at 10 ?'etortl a. at. Friends and former ncmtwri arc invited to mm. brtqg A^knlc baikat and spwtthcd*.,, g chicken rat supper A thicken pic tapper will be held at Km Blowing Rock Schorl Cafeteria Saturday, September a, 0 to S p.m. Proceed* from an ad miaaion charge of 78 centa and $1.23 will be ut?d for acbool pur HOMECOMING DAT Homecoming Day at Blue Ridge Advent ChrUtian Church will be held on Sunday, September 4. Special ling en. The Southern Quartet of Hickory, will provide music and a basket lunch will be served on the ground. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to express our deepest thanks to the many friends and relatives, who, in so many differ ent ways were helpful during Lee's sickneaa and afterwards. Gifts of food, flowers, and other helpful services will long be re membered. ? The Lee Coffey Fam ily. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our neighbors and friends for every act of kindness and expreasion of sympathy shown us in the illneas and death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Joe Balrd. Also wish to thank everyone for the food and flowers sent. May God bless each of you. ? The Chil dren. NEW APPOINTMENT General Lyman L. Lemintzer, Army Chief of Staff, has been named by President Elsenhower co become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the retirement soon of General Nathan F. Twin ing. General Lemmtier, who is 61, has been Army Chief of Staff since July 1, IBM. No date has been set for him to succeed General Twin ing, who has been in ill health and has asked to be relieved. Fluid milk prices In the U. S. continued to rise In August, at producer and consumer levels. News Items From Mabel Mr. and Mrs. G)?nn N orris and too a from Cleveland, Ohio arj visiting with relatives and friends in (he community. Mr. and Mri. Dwight Eueri and daughter Jania, and Mr. and Mr*. Curtis Madron and daughters. Patsy, Linda, and Judy from Rising Sun, Md~, are visiting for a lew days with their parent* and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Madroa'i son Jack, who has been spending a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Campbell, will return home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright from Cleveland, Ohio, have been visiting for sometime with Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Beeee. They moved recently to Bristol, Tcnn., where Mr. Wright has employment. Mr. Earl Norri* received injuries from a fall Saturday while fishing. He is improving fast. Mr. Blaine Warren from Ports mouth, Va., ia visiting thia week with his mother, Mrs. Cora War ren and other relatives. His son, Jerry, has been spending the sum mer months with Mr. and Mrs. Members of REIN 8-8 TURDIVANT MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Can New Increase Their Burial Insurance with "PLAN BITE" THE PLAN -BITE FUNERAL EAPEN8E POLICY IS A PLAN OF INSURANCE DESIGNED TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR PRESENT BUB1AL ASSOCIA TION COVERAGE AT A MIN 1UM OF COST TO YOU. WE OFFER AS FOLLOWS: Ages 0-80 ? $1,004.00 protection at a cast to you of only *5 e per *100.00 per quarter, ** ii an extra benefit of tt% of face amount in case of acci dental death. Agea 11-50?41,000.00 prelection at a cost to you o( only 60c per 1100.00 per quarter, with an extra 50% of face amount In case of accidental death. Agea 11-44 ? $600.00 protection at a cost to you of only 75c per ?100.00 per quarter, with an extra benefit of 15% of face amount in case of acci dental death. Membership Fee Z5c per *100.0 Face Amount 401 East King St. Phone AMherst 4-8866 Dean Isaac*. He will return home with them. ' gtS Mr*. George Swift ha* returned home from Watauga Hospital and it ? slowly improving. Mr. and Mr*. Aubrey Greene an c 'hildren, Tommy and Janet, and Mrs. Jennie Greene from Cleveland, Ohio, have returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mr*. L. C. Oliver, Jr. and other relative*. Mr. and Mr*. Grant Thomas and daughter, Darlene, from Upperco, Md., are spending s few days with the Rev. R. 0. Eggers, Mrs. H. G. Thomas and other relatives in the community. They also visited over the week end with Mr . and Mrs. Blaine Warren in Portsmouth, Va while on their trip down. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Main and children, Carolyn and David, from New Castle, Indiana, have moved to their home here in Boone. Mr. Main is employed with the Ap High u jmitor. Mr. and Mr*. Bill Swift and daughters, Linda and Barbara, from New Castle, Indiana, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Swift for a few days. Mrs. Elmer N orris and daughter, who have been visiting with them and other relatives in Indiana, returned home with them. Announcement We Are Happy To Announce That We Have Acquired The Coal Lands Of ELKHORN COAL CORP. At Haymond, Fleming and Jackhorn, Ky. These locations are in the very heart of the famous Elkhorn No. 3 producing district which has supplied COLONEL JACKHOHN stoker for over a quarter of a century. , This superior fuel will be prepared in our modern facility at Jackhorn and stocked in our new yard at Norton, Virginia for shipment East and South. When you select COLONEL JACKHORN stoker you will get these advantages: Low Ash High Heat Non-coking Free Burning Perfectly balanced by nature for the ulti mate in stoker performance We will also stock 6" COLONEL JACKHORN lump and 6" KENTUCKY RIVER splint. Our yards now open for business. Call us for summertime prices. Greer-Ellison Coal Co., Inc. 200 Progress Bldg. Norton, Va. Phones: 1340 - 412 THE SOCIABLES prefer Pepsi They move in pleasant company... lad enjoyment in *11 they do. So do you. Ertn your refreshment ii part of the fun: it's Pepsi-Cola. Pepsi refreshes without filling. Y ou'i* one of The Sociables ?so pick up an extra carton of Pepsi today. Be Sociable, Have a Pepsi Refresh without t tiling ?orrmo undcm a*pointm*ht *rom pcfoi-coia company, ncw yonk. N.v.fcr DoUl?d by PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO., Spruce Piu?, N. G $1 Quit* TV Work For Teaching Dolly Isaac Bnuinon, who ha* been "Kin Dolly" on Romper Boom over rhannel 10, TV, Miami, aioce bit April. is giving up her TV work to return to teaching She will he a primary teacher at the West Laboratory School, con nected with the Univeraity of Mi ami, (or the (all term. "Mist Dolly," with her two ions, Gary 3 and Jeffrey 1, is re turning to Miami after spending the lut month at her cottage, "Whoa, Thar" at Wildacrea. Mr*. Brannon's husband, Perry Bran non, a fupervlaor with the Shtr iff'i Department at Miami, died of meningitis laat May. This earned her to decide to give up the at tractive work in TV for the greater security of teaching. She is a mem ber of Alpha Delta Kappa, teachers honorary sorority for outstanding teachers. About 04 par cent, or almost IS million acres, of North Carolina's agricultural land is in woods. If We Can't Sell It, Give It Back to the Indians Hare Demand Par Small Business ? Also Far Farms Coe Insurance & Realty Company . Dial AM 4-8256 ? 217 Main Street FOR SALE OR RENT ? 3 Bedroom house, bath, large lire place. Onr.arrf lot, jinl outride of city. Monthly payments $83.92. 3 MINUTE DRIVE FROM BOONE near Golf Course. Summer Cottage completely furnished hidden in 27 acrea of wooded land with nice mountain atream. Privacy plus. Special price must go before September 8th. GOOD 3 BEDROOM, large living room with fireplace, dining room, garage and utility room, !>asement, automatic heat, just outside of city limits. $14,900. GOOD 3 BEDROOM ? Just like new. Garage, basement. Located two blocks from college. Monthly payments 167.39. GOOD 3-BEDROOM ? Bath, located near college on Grand Blvd. Price |8,900. Immediate possession. NEW 3 BED ROOM HOUSE? Bath, carport, 9 acres of land, lo cated 5 miles East of Boone. Immediate possession. 3 BED ROOM HOUSE ? Bath, 9 seres land, overlooking Boone Golf course. Price $10,900 00. 30 ACRES LAND ? 4 bed room house, large lake. 6 miles from Boone. One-third down. FOR RENT ? 2 Bed room house on Faculty Street, one block from college. $90.00 per month. 10 ACRES LOCATED just 2Vt miles from Boone on 421 by-pass. Priced for quick sale. 91 ACRES TIMBER LAND? Located 3 miles off Parkway on Highway No. 18. Price $3,000.00. 3 BED ROOM BRICK? Nice lot, located just 2 blocks from Col lege on Grand Blvd. Priced for quick sale. SPECIAL ? New 2-bed room summer cottage, completely furn ished, located V* mile from golf course. Priced for quick sale. Immediate possession. YOU CANT MATCH THIS VALUE: Three bedroom brick, located two blocks from campus. Price $12,000.00. GOOD THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, bath, six acres, land located ten miles west of Boone on Highway 603. Price $7,900. Im mediate possession. FORTY ACRES LAND overlooking U. S. Parkway. Ideal for de velopment. Never beM, offered for sale. THREE APARTMENT B WILDING, furnished, monthly rental *130.00. A real Investment. One block from campus. BEAUTIFUL TWb BEDROOM house of stone. Large lot located on Grand Boulevard. Priced for quick sale. 173 ACRES LAND, 3 acre lake site, with 2,000 ft. Highway frontage, entire land covered with young timebr. Located ' 10 miles from Boone on Highway 104. Price $33.00 per acre. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE T. D. KERLEY ESTATE.? This is the first time it has been offered for sale. Located next to the Blue Ridge Parkway about 6 miles from Boone. The bat farming land in the county. We will sell as a whole or in small tracts. Terms if needed. ONE OF THE NICEST ? Large ranch type brick, 3 bed room, 3 full baths, private study, large den with fire place, modern kitchen with built-in stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal, fire place, breakfast nook, formal dining room, large spac ious living room with fire place, basement, forced hot water heat, two car gsaage with automatic doors. This beautiful house is In a picture book setting. Shown by appointment only. GOOD 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, hot air heat, large corner lot la new development City water. Price $10,300. Terms. YOU CANT TELL WHETHER A HOUSE IS A HOME from the outside, so why not take half an hour and look at this beau tiful 3 bed room brick, family room, basement, garage, 1% baths, forced hot water beat Large lot 130 l 180. FHA loan can be assumed. 2 ACRE WOODED LOT located one mile from U. S. Parkway, nice stream running through lot on good gravel road. OWNER MUST MOVE TO TOWN? New 6-room house and bath, 80 acres land on black top road, located la Beaver Dam section. Price: $8,300. DON'T WAIT? New 2-bedroom, bath, large lot, located 3 miles east of Boone on Highway 421. Can be bought with furni ture. Price $10,300. Terms. Immediate possession. ONE ACRE LOT, 4- bedroom, bath, heat, basement 3 miles out Price: $11,000. Immediate possession. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE? Forced hot air heat, carport, wall to-wall in all rooms except bath and kitchen. Large lot land scaped. City water aqd sewage. Small down payment FHA loan can be assumed. MOUNTAIN HOME ? 3- room house, bath, 1 acre land on good state road. Approximately 4,000 feet elevation. Tea miles out Price: $3,300. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED word that they are not ???"?( any more land. You can buy 230 acres of land located about I miles out which has 100 acres of good grazing and fanning land, and about 130 acres of timber land that has not been cut for more than 30 year*. Ideal for future investment Terms to suit the buyer. ONE OF THE FEW APARTMENT BUILDINGS in this area. Keen competition for every vacancy. 9 complete apartmenta, brick building, hot water beat, large lot. Make me an offer. GOOD 4-BEBROOM, 2-bath bouse and lot located Grand Blvd. Price: (MOO. C?od terms can be arranged. SHELL HOUSES built on your land. >1.00 down if too own your lot >00- FOOT FRONTAGE ON HIGHWAY 421? Located we* Ideal tor any commercial uae. Haa 200-ft depth. F. H. A. i I Conventional 30 Ym 25 Yn. at 5 Y?% ?i'MI Hf I!' ?