ivmuti Uniiuuai want AfrvurruiNa eatk t Ceiti a Werd ? M CWi Utah? Charge CMh Hut Arwuir All Orders FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Complete coin-op erated automatic laundry. 19 waahers, S dryer*, soap dispenser, change machine, hot water beater, storage tank electric outlets and plumbing hookup for waste water. Call CY 5-7431 Blowing Rock. *-ll-4e FOR SALE ? About 400 bales good hay. 69c bale. If said immediately. It. Grady Farthing. S-U-tfe RESTAURANT located on main highway in Western N. C. Cater ing to high class clientele. First time offered. Broker, AL 2-0038, Asheville, N. C. UMc FOR SALE? Late model 49 hone power unit. Excellent condition. Greene-Buick Pontiac, Inc. 8-23-tfc FOR SALE ? 98 acre farm, S miles from Htn. City, Tenn., on hard top road, Good 6-room house, newly decortted, bath, hat and cold water, utility room, fire place, hardwood floors, plenty of built-in cabinets, screened in rear porch with adjacent block stor a?j room. Two good barns and other out buildings, tools, jeep truck, .75 tobacco allotment, three springs, plenty fruit and berries, milk and school bus route, church es and schools hasdy. Contact Fred Nichols, Trade, Tenn. 9-l-2p FOR SALE ? Good building lots in Archie Hodges Development at Valle Crucis and on Charles Os borne Street In Boone.. Also have some other good plots available. Raymond Farthing, Vilas, phone 7-2646. 9-l-2p FOR SALE ? Large Westinghouse refrigerator, in good shape. Call AM 4-8791. Mrs. C. H. Hendrix. lp FOR SALE ? Cheap ? half-bed headboard, leather traveling bag, foot locker, new Scott lawn spread er, cot mattress. Hollywood befl frame, bird cage, mahogany cof-j fee table. AM 4-351S. lp 1 FOR SALE ? Two beautiful new wool Afghans 63" x 72". See at Gibbons Easo Station en Blowing Rock-Linville Road. lp FOR SAI.E ? Remington automatic .22 caliber 241. Practically new, in excellent condition. Will sacrifice. Write Robert R. Allen, P. 0. Box 276. Banner Elk, N. C. 9-1 2p TWENTY-FOUR 2f ft building lob off Highway 106 bypass. CaU AM 4-3778 or AM 13969 or Coo tact Greene Buick-Pontlac, Inc. 6-16-tfe FOR SALE ? New pianos that hare been out for 2 and 3 mo*. on rental plan. Discount* from $190 to $100. Also nie* (election of used piano* at reduced prices. One vary fine Ivert k Pond used piano. Inside like new. Ideal for accomplished musician. All instruments guaran teed. See them at GARWOOD PIANO CO., Wilkeeboro, N. C. 6-2 tfc FOR SALE?* acre* on 421 3 miles East of Boone. Valuable Itinber neir Sunset Hotel. John Stewart, 6421 Teague Lane, ?Charlotte S, N. C. 7-21-tfc ?FOR SALE ? 32 acre* land: 6 ?acres cleared, balance timber, five (spring*, lake site, trout stream oa ivel road. W. W. Winebarger, ?Route 2, Boone. 8-2S-3p IFOR SALE ? Good work horse, |l$00 pounds, ? years old, and good of harneas, $170.00. Alio 1V4 ?ton 1946 International truck. B. Ray. AM 4-2127. 7-1-tfc ?FOR SALE? 1OS0 Naihua house (trailer. Small down payment, and loan. Call AM 4-3S18 from a. m. to 8 p. m. Evening* CO 7 IP ?FOR SALE? 3 pony mares. Bred chestnut stud. Also 1 pony colt, readv to go. If interest see F. C. Miler. Boone Tire b ?Bargain Store. lp ?FOR SALE? $ week* old pics. Mrs. |m S. Milter, Big HU1 Road, Phone 4-3161 . lp VOR SALE ? Canning Corn. San ford Caffey, Foacoe. Highway 108. IP ?FOR fALE ? Three tracts of land. t tract. 40-acre trait, 6atra Bract, all with road frontage oa II rant*. Looted in Meat Camp *o?. W T. Ellison. Star Route ?ro rid. N C. lp r>R SALE? 600 Hemlock throb*, to 8 year* old. 2* to S feet tell. $ to 4 feet M diameter. Well ready for fan ll?f. Route ts. Partlw. Route l, Boone, N.l PUae AM 44U0. If THREE WALKER VOX bounds, chtap, for quick sale. Blaine Tri vette. State Farm Road. 9-l-3p CLARINET FOR SALE. Almost new. Call AM 44332, or see Mr*. Gloria Hampton. lp GO CART FOR SALE. Reasonable' Todd and Higgins Enso. 8-2S-2p MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG MEN'S ill wool ivy league suits, $2995. CHURCH'S, West Xing St. 1c SEED RYE ? We Have Just receiv ed a trailer load of onion free Balhon Rye. This rye meets ASC specifications. Let us fill your ABC order today. Watauga FCX Service. lc BOYS' CREPE SOLE OXFORDS, fcH-7, MBS. CHURCH'S, West King St. lc CUSTOM picture framing. Differ ent styles and sites. Telephone AH 4-3981 during day. 8-23-2p NEW OR USED PIANO. If you need an acroaonie Baldwin Prom piano, write I. C. Church Piano Co. Will rent you them too. Wil keaboro, N. C., ? miles west on Ml 6 9-tfc YOUNG HEN'S all weather coats, zip out lining, the perfect coat for everv occasion. CHURCH'S, West King St. lc TIME TO START canning and freezing. We have everything youll need including freezer bags, boxaa and frceaer paper. Parmer* Hardware k Supply Co., Boone, N. C. 7-14-tfc BOYS' light weight pull - over sweatera, shawl collar, sires 6-18, $3.98. CHURCH'S, West King Sr lc WANTED TO BUY ? Ragweed pollen, clean and dry $2.73 per ounce. Greer Drug k Chemical Corp., Lenoir, N. C. 8-23-4C Your money buys a lot more on our lots, nothing but bargains in liigh quality mobile homes. CASTLE TRAILER SALES 2 big bargain lots, in Aaheville 8 miles past Wettgate on the way to Enka. In Waynesville on 19A-23 next to R. E. A. office. Dealer 3398 S-2-2* HAVE YOU seen our line of Men'a ?nd Boys' shoes and boota? If you need shoes, we need you CHURCH'S, West King St. lc DR. L. K. WELLMAN, Optoma tr istist. Eyes examined, glasses fit ted Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Farm ers State Bank Building, Moun tain City, Tenn. 5-5-tfe HOMELITE CHAINSAWS ? Sales, service and repairs. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 8-8-tfe VERY SPFXIAL ? Suede loafers by Jarman. aoft aola, aolid com fort ? $8.99. CHURCH'S, West King SL lc SHOEMAKB AND COUNCHJL ? Sinclair heating oils, and all other Sinclair products. Serving Watauga and Aahe counties. Day phone AM 4-8870; night AM 4-3921 or AM 4-SS08. 3-14-tfc VERY SPECIAL? Dirty buck ox fords and loafers, $8.00. Church's, West King St. lc MR. FARMER? You can eliminate one big threat to your income by taking hail insurance on your to bacco crop. Hants may be bard te get and setting will be late this year io there will be no second chance if hall destioys your crop within S or 4 weeks after the crop is out. Be safe and not sorry, con tact or call Jerry Adams, Sugar Grave, N. C. for rates and other Information. 6-M-tff LOMBARD CHAINSAWS ? Sales and service. COVE CREEK STORE. Sugar Grove, N. C. S-8-tfc BOYS' briefs and T-shirts, 3 pairs guaranteed for one year. 3t cents each. Get a load of these Church's, West King St. lc GOTTA GO GO SALE AT THE TRADIN' CORNER IN GRANITE FALLS. LOOK . . . GOOD BUYS . . . REAL BAROAINS IN USED CLEAN HOUSE FURNISHINGS. HERE'S SOME EXAMPLES: Refrigerators ..: from flt.N Electric k Gas Ranges from 35.00 Coaches t from U.9fV Pianos ...... from 48.00 Oil, wood, coal heaters from 20.00 TV. accessaries, in fact avefythirg to furnish a house St low down prices. We trade and sen oa terms Volume and wholesale discount* THE TRAOW CORNER (ant te German Trailer Park) Oranite Falls, N. C. lc BOOTS ~ Art fMlWppiipmcnt HAVE YOU tried Brook', shoe* for boy*? They stay put. Big boy* up to aise # ? M M-97.B6. Church'i, OUR^STOCK OF MEN'S SWEAT KR8 is by far the most complete we have erer shown Take a look CHURCH'S Wert King St. 14 WIuTgIVK LOT to any Me who wanU te . build nite reaturant. Good location adjoining motel Call AMherat 4-3617. #-13p 3 ORPHAN KITTENS Poll ADOP TION. fait Mr*. Forbes at Ranch Motel, Blowing Rock, CY 5-2916. ? ? lei 8 EFTIC TANK CLEANING Prices reasonable, work guaran teed. Appalachian Septic Tank Service. Phone Warren Greene, AMherst 4-3203, Route 2, Boone, N. C. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVED S-31-tfc WE BUY. SELL OR TRADE any thlng, anywhere, anytime. M. k R. Furn.ture Co.. VUas. N. C. 3-8-tfc USED APPLIANCES- We carry a large stock of used electrical ap pliances. Guaranteed A-l condi tion. Easy terms. Modern Appliance Company, Boone, N. C. 5-28-tfe FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Furnished 3-room cabin, electric appliance*. Located ?n Blowing Rock Road. Call AH 4-8682. 7-2Mfc FOR RENT? 2 bedroom home close in. Duct heat. Modern kit- ] chen. Available about Sept. 1. Mrs. W. M. Deal, Granite Falls, N. C. I Phone EXport 84424. 8-ltfc FOR RENT? New 3-room furnish ed apartment, Blowing Rock Road, | hat air heat. Call AM 4-3037. lc FOR RENT ? Small studio apart ment, September 1. 709 East King I St AM 4-8377. 9-1-tfc FURNISHED HOUSE for rent References required. Call Raleigh VA 8-2910 nights, or come to 210 Hill St, Boone, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. lp FOR RENT ? Three furnished separata bedrooms, twin beds, j Collage students and others wel come. Telephone AM 4-8637, Dan iel Boone Inn. lc FOR RENT ? 8-room furnished house with two baths and oil heat. Also efficiency apartment. H. M. Hamilton, Jr. lc FOR RENT ? 3 furnished bed rooms. Twin beds. Daniel Boone Ins, 100 Hardin St, AM 4-8657. lc FOR RENT ? Apartment suitable for a married couple or girls. Telephone AM 4-M19. lc FOR RENT ? One furnished apart ment. Close in. AM 44724. Alles Henson. lc FOR RENT ? 3-room furnished | apartment, heat and water furnish ed. Over Greene Furniture Store. I Telephone AM 4-3737 or 4-8974. lc FOR RENT ? Four room furnish ed apartment, lights, water, bath ' included. See or call Mrs. Lloyd . L. Hayes, 1908 Daniel Boone Drive | Boone, N. C. AM 4-3739. lc , FOR RENT ? 3 room apartment, furnished heat and water, on Grand Boulevard. AM 4-2132. ?-1-tfc ? ? I ? ? I FOR RENT ? 2- room furnished apartment cloie in. Apply West ern Auto Store. 9-1-tfc FOR RENT? Furnished 2 room apartment, private entrance, near collage. 130 Blowing Rock Road. Call AH 4 9097. lc FOR RENT ? 3 room apartment. Private entrance, heat and water furnished. 309 Grand Blvd. AM 4 *11. 0-1-tfc FOR RENT ? Small furnished house near college. Married couple only need apply. Mae M. Miller, AM 4-3600. lp FOR RENT ? Furniahed apart ment. Heat and water furnished. Fresh painted. Call AM 4-3000. lp WANTED WE BUY LOOS? White pine and poplar. Deep Gap Log Co., Inter section highways 421-221, Deep Gap, H. C. 0-10-tfc WANTED GALAX? We are again buying gain at highest market price; we also will be buying WILD CHERRY BERRIES when ripe hi dry and not dried stage. WUcox Drag Co, Boone. 0-ll-4c WANTED byBept.~15? Unfurnlsh ed I or 3 bedroom apartment at kowse, near campus, far year round rent by adults only. Phone AM 4-8074. 0-10-tfc WANTF.D? Ten or fifteen bushels of rye lor sowing winter pasture. Thomas W. Ferguson, Ferguson, M.C. lp ' EMPLOYMENT WANTED? Settled young woman for general duty work in re?t home. See George Arney, Appala chian Rett Home, 1 mile weat of Boone on Briitol Highway. No phone calla. . " 6-23 tfc $2 80 per hour or more for pert or full time route work. Large repeat crders. Man or woman. Write Me NESS CO., P. O. Box >71, Balti more, Md. 0-1 -2p WANTED? Lady to manage local clothing store. Experience not necessary, as we train. Bring pas tor or credit reference. See Mr. Broughton, at once, at 418 West King Street, Boone, N. C. lp WAITRESS WANTED" Experienc ed preferred. Apply Boone Trail Restaurant. lc NEED SCHOOL FUNDS? Take care of this by earning money the Avon way. Few openings avail able. Write Lillie Fayne, Mana ger, Box 1187 North Wilkesboro, N. C, giving directions to home, le WANTED ? Middle age woman or girl to help with cooking in a small hotel. If Interested write Mrs. Maggie H. Lewellyn, Dobson, N. C. lp Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admin istratrix of the estate of Clarence Newton, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months oi the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate pay ment. This July 22. 1960. ? Mrs. Clarence Newton, Blowing Rock, N. C. 7-JMp EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having qualified as the execu tor of the will of Minnie Faye Costner Stacy, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Caro lina. this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be oleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate pay ment This Julv 2fl. 19BQ.? STARR iNjjpLY STACY, JR., Boone. N. C. , T 7-28-flc-e NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY MARY CHURCH, Plaintiff. VS. TEH F. CHURCH, Defendant. The above-named defendant, Ted F. Church, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Sup erior Court of Watauga Countv, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant on the ground that the plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the bringing of this action, the de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clark of the Superior Court of Watauga Coun tv, in Boone. North Carolina, within twentv (20) days after the 4th day of Seotember. 1060, and answer and demur to the com plaint *n said action of the plain tiff will aoplv to the court for the reH?f demanded in Mid cpmnlslnt.. This the 8th day of August, 1960. A. E. SOUTH. Clerk of the Superior Court 8-lMe NOTICE OF ADWINHTRATION Hiving qualified u the admin istrator of the rotate of Mn. Effie M. Mast late of the count* of Wa tauga. State of North Carolina, this is to notify those havin* claims asalnat the estate of the laid deceaied to preient them to us Within 12 month! of the da?e hereof or this notice will be n'eaded hi bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate nay This Ati?u*t 17. 1M0. ? northwestern bank, North Wilkeiboro, N. C. 8 2Mc IN THE ?1TI??*I0* COHET VOBTH CAROT.TOA WATAUOA COUNTY BARBARA ANN GREATHOTt**. Plaintiff, 9b, rnvrrtn DONALD ORE AT HottBC, Defendant. Th? ?Nyre - named defendant Chester Donald Craathouae. will take notice that an action estltled ?s above hai been commenced in the Superior Court of Watan'a Cmintv North Cat-ofton. hv the Plaintiff, to ?eftlre ?n absolute di vorce from the defendant on the ernwtd that tb? nlaintiff and de fendant have lived sensrate and snart for more than two veara next preceding the fcHneltur of this ae. tioTi: th? defendant will further tsVe notice that h? is retired to ?""?r ?t th? of'ce of ?*?? riertr of the S'tnoHnr Co""t of Wat<"i?a Ow'v. ?n Hson<> Nieiti r?-s|iis ?--l-4c-b Common market aeeki farm pro- 1 duett outlet ^ Doctor Palk By JOHN B. HUMBERT Many readers will think this writer "old taahioaed" after read ing this column dealing with infant feeding, because many will 41a. agree with Ue opinions expressed here. These opinions, whether the reader agree* or disagrees, should he expressed and discussed oftsn This writer admits that advance ment in science is necessary? but only when this advancement is of benefit to all concerned. The scien tific advancements made in arti ficial feeding have developed to a reasonably satisfactory state? that is in this writer's opinion for the benefit of the busy modern mother, but not necessarily for the benefit of the infant. Regardless of how busy the modern monier may be ? and if she is truly as busy as so many claim, then this writer ques tions the wisdom of motherhood in these individuals ? she should make every reasonable effort to breast feed her infant. Nature has done a good job of providing most mothers with the facilities for feeding their infants ?this they should do without hesitation ? breastfeeding being denied the infant only if medically contra-indicated. The advantages of breastfeeding are numerous, such as: (1) sterili ty; (2) satisfactory emotional ex perience; (8) composition of breast mllK; (4) the ease of digestion of bresst milk; (S) the constancy of the milk constituents; and (6) the probability of the transfer of im mune bodies from the mother to the infant. Mother's milk is completely safe with sterility never a problem artificial formulas using cow's milk or evaporated milk are constantly in danger of becoming contami nated because of refrigeration re quired and the use of utensils for preparation. Psychologically the mother and her new infant must become ad justed to one another. Mother* breastfeeding their infants derive satisfaction from the feedings and the fact that it is impossible to nurse the infant without holding him closely provides him with the sense of security which is so nec essary early in life. The ease of digestibility of hu man milk to any other milk for the infant is agreed to by all authori Brief News Notes U. S. economic growth in 1950 put at 7 percent. Belgian Cabinet defends it* po licy on Congo. Seoul test gives Chang the lead for Premier. Bonn sharply aniwer* Soviet missile complaint. U. S. expedition to salvage tem ples in Egypt. Kennedy outlines view on Mid dle East. Soil congress told desert* can double food output. Business loans eased by 39 mil lion. Grain futures are lifted by late rally. New trade pact assures free Berlin traffic. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admin istratrix of the estate of Robert G. Perry, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the estate or the said deceased to present them to me within It months of the date hereof, or this notice will ha pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate art asked to man immediate pay ment. This September 1st, 1960 ? Mrs. Myrtle Hollar, Boone, Route 3. 1-9-flp ties. Cow's milk often causes dis comfort and digestive dlstrubancer. The protein concentration in hu man milk Is low and its structure results in very little casein, where as, In eow"s milk th? casein con tent Is S to 4 times greater. This difference In proteins remits In the rtird formation in human milk being small and friable, while In eoWs milk It Is large and tough. The chief disadvantage to breast feeding from the mother's stand point la her loss of figure. Whether or not the mother nurses her in fant, the breasts involute sooner or later after each pregnancy. Another argument against breaat. feeding la that it is time consuming and necessitates the curtailment of many outaide activities ? but mo thers should remember that thia cloae and intimate aasoclation with the mother In the early weeks of life is of the greatest importance to the emotional aecurity of the infant ? so this is time well spent. DAVID N. SPAINHOUB fOR G000 iNSURANCt AfrfR THE accident ITS TOO I ATE Boone Insurance Agency INCORPORATED DIAL AM 4-8732 BOONE, N. C. MAYLITE BLOCKS s ? MADE WITH LIMESTONE ? STEAM CURED ? LABORATORY TESTED FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS MEET GRADE-A STATE AND MAYMEAD BLOCKS Are Made with Our Completely New, Fully Automatic Block Machine ' YOU CAN NOT FIND BETTER BLOCKS Maymoad Block Co. Boone, N. C 4 * f J Phone AM 4-3618 1ft Invite You To Com e in and See Our Nete \ I M 1 M it m m e _r*.E ZS* ^ R& ? SwF#* ? *? ' 'M MMf\9HP% fm I Estel E REAL ESTATE BROKER jM In fbe COOK AND WAGNER APARTMENT Bl lit W. HOWARD ST. ? BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE SALES ? RENTALS pi PROPERTY MANAGEMENT S?$i Open ud Confidential Listing of RctfdMrtUV^I ComrmreUl, Industrial, Rural Propertiei .|| DIAL AMherst 4-*?8? - AN 4-3M7 Broker's License No. 4331 HOMES 3-Bedroom bouse 1 acre Kitchen S mi. east of Boone Living Room Price? flSJM.M . "i-l* ? 12 mi. from Boone Living Room 19 teres? 14 improved Kitchen Plenty writer Bath 2 bedroom* Tobacco baa* $9300.00 unfurnished; can be bought furnished. Good financing. LARGE FRAME HOUSE in good condition, opposite college campus. An opportunity for income from room rentals, plus living quarters. 26 acres, 3 mi. from Boone 2- bedroom house Bath, living room Kitchen Apartment over 2-car garage Price *12,000 7 mi. from Boone Kltchen-dlnihg area 4 acres, grand view Full basement with faintly 3 bedrooms, brick room, fireplace Bath 2 bedrooms and bath 2 Bedrooms Part Basement Bath New Armstrong Heating Living Room System Den Garage Apartment Large Landscaped Lot PRICE ?13?M.M DUPLEX in one of Boone's newest developments; two bedrooms each; one has a den with fireplace. 8 ml. E. of Boone on 421 Stream in front of house % acre 3 bedrooms Unfinished house, but Kitchen All under roof Bath Frame and asbestos siding > ??