?I Church Notices ? *}&>> ->* i fR fflk I Rev. V. Todd Fsrneyhougn, F Host 3rd Sunday*. H. C.f 10:30 a. m. Sad, 4th and 9th 8undays, M PM., 10:30 a. m. Church School, 6:19 a. m. Friday. R. C., 6:49 a. m. % Holy Din H. C? 8:49 p. m. R rUSX YTEK1AN CHURCH The Re*. J. K. Parker, Jr, pastor. Sunday School .i 0.49 a.m., Morning Worship at 11:00 o'clock A nursery la kept for small chil dren during the won hip service Westminster Fellowship at 9:49 p.m.; Youth FeUowahlp at 0:00 pjn.; Pioneer Fellowship at 0:00 ML Circles of the Women of the Church meet the first Monday of each month; general meeting each third Monday. Presbyterian prayer aenrlce, dial AM 4-2213. NT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH? Balai The Rev. Glenn Gentry, pastor. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; preaching at 11:00 each Sunday; prayer meeting at 7:00 Sunday. it nmirniti CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday Mass at 9:00 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST? Imw John Allen Thurman, evangelist. Sunday ? Bible ftudjr at 10:00 ajn.; Wonhlp and Communion at 11:00 ajn.; Evening Worship ser vice* at 7:10. Thursday? Bible Study at 7:90 pa. BAPTIST CHUKCH? BUwing Rock The Rev. 0. Carlton Cox, pastor. Sunday? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; worship service at 11:00 a.m.; evening service at 7:90 o' clock. Wednesday? Prayer Meeting at T:00 p. m.; choir rehearsal at 9:00 PA WATAUGA METHODIST CHARGE The Rev. Alvin A. Wilson, pastor. First and third Sundays: Liberty at 10:00 a.m.; Valle Crucia at 11:00 ajn. Second and fourth Sundays: Mabel at 10:00 a.m.; Henaon's Chapel at 11:00 a.m. First and third Sundays: Pine Grove at 7:90 p.m. RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Blowing Reck The Rev. A. Blake Brlnkerhoff, pastor. Sunday? 9:30 a.m.: Men's BiMe Class in the msnse; 10:00 a.m.: Sunday School In .the Chapel; 11:00 a.m.: Morning Worship; 7:90 to 9:00 p.m.: Pioneer and Young Peo ple's Assembly In the Chapel. Wednesday ? 9:19 p.m.:Choir practice In the church; 7:90 pjn.: Prayer Meeting In the Chapel. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Rev. Floyd N. Boston, pas tor. Sunday: Sunday School? 9:49 a. m. Morning Worship ? 10:49 a. m. Youth Fellowship ? 9:30 p. m. Evening Worship? 7:30 p. m. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting ? 7:90 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. J. Boyce Brooks, pastor; Sunday School 9:40 a.m. Morning Worship 10:99 a.m. Evening Worship 9:00 p.m. Training Union 9:49 p.m. GBACB LUTHERAN CHURCH Ed* in r. Troutman, pastor. Coffer hour * MO a. m. Ser? in| are Mr. aad Mrs. Hester Nor fS):. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m.? Sermon topic: "A Hippy Minis ter" Luther League at 6:00 p. m. Lutheran Student Association at 8:J0 p. m. Men of the church will meet at 7:15 p. m. Guest speaker will he President C. MUler Sigman of Morganton Mr. MiUer fs president of the Western Conference of the Men of the Lutheran Church. Choir rehearsal on Wednesday evening at 7:90. Come and Worship STONY FOR* BAPTIST CHURCH The lav. Raymond Hendrix, pastor. Harlan Greene, Sunday School Superintendent. Sunday? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; preaching first and second Sundays at 11:00 ajn.; Training Union at 0:90 p. m. Wednesday night prayer mooting at 7:00 o'clock. HOLT COMMUNION LUTHERAN CHURCH ? Bauer Elk The Her. Jama* D. Bayne, pastor. Worth Ip icrvieea held oa 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and on 1st and 2nd Sunday* at 2:00 p. m. Sunday School bald at 10:09 a. m. on 2nd and 4th Sundays. Sunday School hald at 1:00 f. a oa lit and 3rd Sunday*. Luther League meeta each Sat urday at 8:20 p. m. BOONS METHODIST CHURCH The Rev. Praaton Hughes, Jr., paator. , Sunday achedule: 8:90 ? Coffee and Doughnut* (College student*). 8:00? Worship (when college 1* ' in leaalon). 8:48? Church schooL 11:00 Worahip. 8:00 ? Wedey Foundation rap per and program. 8:20 ? Junior and Senior High 1 Fellowship. Tuesdays, 10-11 a. m., Pastoral ' counseling in study. BETHANT LUTHERAN CHURCH The Her. James D. Bayne, paator. Sunday schedule: Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; J. A. Burkett, luperintendent Wonhip cervices on 1st and 2rd Sundayi at 11:00 a. m. Luther League at 7:00 p.m. Vesper* held on 2nd and 4th Sundayi at 7:20 p. m. Catechincal CI use* held *t 10 a. m. each Saturday. Friday ichedule: Senior choir practice at 7:00 p.m., Mr*. Lucille Moreti, organist. ST. MARY'S OF THE HILLS Blowing Rock, The Rer. J. S. McDuffie, Prlest-in-Charge Sunday: 11:18 a. m. ? Holy Com munion, (lat. 3rd and 8th Sunday*) 11:18 a. m. ? Horning Prayer (2nd, 4th Sunday*) Wedneiday: 7:00 a. m.? Holy Communion; 7:20 p. m. ? Bible Study DIAL CAFEFULLY , Claremore, Oklo. ? Mayor Jame* < Hammeltt dialed what he thought wa* Oklahoma City. A woman In 1 Hamilton, Ontario, aru we red the ? phone. While direct dialing he had 1 twirled one wrong digit. 1 1 MAYLITE BLOCKS ? MADE WITH LIMESTONE ? STEAM CURED ? LABORATORY TESTED MEET GKADE-A STATE AND FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS MAYMEAD BLOCKS Are Made with Our Completely New, Fully Aulomalic Block Machine | YOU CAN NOT FIND BETTER BLOCKS ?<. fr'f ' - ymead Block Co. N. C. Phone AM 4-3618 We Invite You To Come in and See Our New Plant in Operation on Brittol Highway Rev. Mr. Brinkerhoff To Conduct Union Meeting Th? JUv A Blake Brinkerhoff, l pastor of the Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church to Blowing Bock, will conduct thi# year** Union Thanksgiving Service spon sored by the WaUuga County Min isterial Aaaociation Wednesday evening, November 23. at 7:10 o'clock, it the flirt Baptist Church in Boom. Mr. Brinkerhoff undertook hit work in Blowing Bock last July 18, replacing Dr. Walter K. Key*. He it a native of South Carolina, but has made his home in Mon treal for the past few years. Mr J Brinkerhoff 1* a 1096 graduate of Davidson Collage, where he was president of the YMCA and j a member of Omicron Delta Kappa honorary leadership fraternity. From there be went to Union The ological Seminary in Richmond, Va., to prepare himself for the ministry. During the course of his seminary training, he spent an in terne year aa assistant to the min ister of the Westminster Presby terian Church of Miami, Fla. Mr. Brinkerhoff completed his seminary training this past June, and began the work of his first REV. BRINKS RHOFF pastorate in Blowing Rock the fol lowing month. The speaker is married to the former Miss Jacqueline Spauld ing of Huntington, W. Va., who is a 1998 graduate of the Presbyter ian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Va. Doctor Talk By JOHN B. REMBEKT, M. D. The possibility that too much publicity h?? been given to the to-called "danger lignals of can cer" was recently dlacuMed at the fourth National Cancer Confer ence. This information has been ascertained from the question naires answered by one million one hundred thousand men and women in twenty-five states. The startling fact revealed is that eight or nine out of ten Am ericans totally Ignore the danger ?ignals suggesting the possibility of cancer. The complaint of blood in the urine caused only 10 per cent of the men questioned and 27.8 per cent of the women to see Lheir family physician. The answer to this problem public apathy regarding cancer's linger signals? is being seriously itudted by all concerned with the Fight against cancer. The idea has been expressed Jut the publicity efforts of the Vmerican Cancer Society and gov srnment agencies may have call sd "wolf too often"? and, perhaps too many danger slaaals have been promoted resulting in the public .snoring them all. This writer questioned the wit lom of the wide publicity given x> the Federal cranberry ban last rhanktgiving ? over pretence of i possibly carcinogenic spray ? ind the Federal brns on some t>rands of litMtick. It is agreed Lhat no amount of carcinogenic ?ubatance it safe in quantitiea, but many foods and product! with traces of carcinogenic substances present are still being used daily and no effort is being made to stop their utage. The public feelt, per haps, that to give up all pleaturet of living in order to potsibly es cape cancer it too high a price to LIVING COST HIGH ~ Living costs rote two tenthi of 1 per cent in September to a record high. The Labor Department's living cost index went to 126.8 per cent of the 1M7-M bate period. This It 1.3 per cent higher than a year earlier. Nearly every group of ma jor contumer coats increased ex cept for cotts of new and uted cart. Higher prices for housing and teasonal - clothing coat increases exerted the most significant up ward pressures between Augutt ind September. v*r This problem, it seems to this writer, is similar to that of the daily mass murders occurring on our highways. True, these deaths could be prevented if no cars were allowed, but who wants to give up the advancement now enjoyed by millions in their new, fast, smooth riding automobiles. App Elementary School News lbs. GayoeUe Wilson represent ed Appalachian Elementary School at a meeting in the Banner Elk School Thursday, November 1 The meeting was held for superintend eats, supervisors, and teachers to leara of the new music texts were recently adopted (or the seventh and eighth grades. IP Miss Ruth Jewell, music consult ant with the State Department, and Miss Mary Beck, consultant with Prentice- H?ll, publisher, of the books, conducted the meetint Citizen* of the Week m Mr*. Mary Hamby'i eighth grade are Carolyn Tatum and Jerry Ray. Cheek chimney* and flue* bo fore winter. Do not get hog* overly excited before killing. It may give the meat poor keeping qualitie*. For More Savings In Your Compact Car YOU CAN NOW RECAP THOSE 13" TIRES! OUR 13" MOLDS HAVE JUST BEEN INSTALLED. WE'LL SAVE YOU $0% ON YOUR TIRE COSTS. New Tire Appearance ? New Tire Performance ? Longer Than New Tire Wear! Vance Recapping Co. Tires Are Our Business? Not A Side Line N. Depot St. Boone, N. C. New - New - For Watauga County The American Cross Division OF Accident Indemnity Insurance Company GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Presents t A FAMILY HEALTH PLAN THAT OFFERS: benefits for PRESCRIPTIONS ? prescribed by your Medical Doctor ? In or Out of Hospital. benefits for DOCTOR CALLS ? at Home, Office, or Hospital FIRST call on covered sickness or injury. ? Plus Other Benefits When Hospitalized ? SAME PREMIUM ? no matter how many dependent children ? DO NOT WAIT? Tear out and mail in NOW AMERICAN CROSS, HICKORY AGENCY P. O. Box 1563, Hickory, N. C. Losses Not Covered War, Intentional Self inflicted injuries, while in Gov't. Institution, health conditions hav ing origin before policy effective date, mental disorders, or if bene fits received from Workman's Compensa tion. ? Outline of Policy Form PO 13-60 Gentlemen: Please give me the complete description of your new FAMILY HEALTH PLAN (form PO 13-60) at once. I understand that this request does not obligate me in any way. MY NAME STREET ADDRESS OR R.F.D. NO CITY STATE AGE...., OCCUPATION NUMBER IN FAMILY. The dynamite behind the Buickboom! Snick's new Wildcat go, nm Clean Look of action, roomy easy-living have sales zooming! Buick for '61 b selling great . . . (nd iu new Wildcat V-g ia one big reason why. Refine ment after refinement give* the extra co-power people go far (and on lew gaa)t And Buick 'a new Turbine Drive (now lUndard on til full ?iie Buicki) booau gai aa rings . . . and go . . . even morel Add more head, leg and shoulder room . . . flatter floor*, wider doc /?...? new ntin-smooth ride ... a new Clean Look of action . . . and you've got the exciting ?lory behind Buick for 'CI. See your dealer today! FUU-SIZE '01 BTJXCK SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED RUICK DEALER NOW . . . ""^'??"?"?GREENE BUICK-.PONTIAC, INC. iuse-k^s.. OubrUc.ni v. a. mM m Moscow Muetew ? The American film "All About tow." drew bis crowd, la Moecow at dm of the Urged movie home* Producer Joteph Manklewici and actren Julia Newmar were en hand for the evening before an au dience of norc than MOO. Sergei Gerafimov, a leading Soviet pro ducer, called the American film "a real piece of art" INAUGURATION BUILDING Inauguration construction ia al ready underway in the national capital. Behind the Capitol Budd ing the inaugural platform haa been started and will be com pleted just prior to the January inaugural. This year the Capitol has a newly-extended east front, which will add a historical note to the 1M1 inaugural. 1/ We Can't Sell It, Give It Back to the Indians Have Demand For Small Business ? Also For Farms Coe Insurance & Realty Company Dial AM 4-8256 ? 217 Main Street GOOD 2-BEDROOM, automatic heat, basement, wooded lot. Just outside oi city limits. Will trade for larger house. NEW 3-BEDROOM BRICK, carport. Located near IRC. Im mediate pouession. $500 DOWN includes closing cost on this 3 bed room home located just outside of city limits. LET IT FROST. You'll be warm as toast in this 3 bed room home. Monthly payments $67.47. Includes taxes and in surance. Immediate possession. BUSINESS LOT located on Highway 109 just one mile out. 175 foot front, water and sewage. Ideal for store and service station. EXCLUSIVE LOTS? Located just off Highland Avenue. Every lot has a beautiful view, city water, state maintained street, ? short distance to shopping, golfing, and schools. Enjoy the relaxed pleasure of country living; also wooded acreage. FOR RENT? Completley furnished, 2 bedroom, located on Winklers Creek. 5 minutes to college. $55.00 per month. 13 ACRE FARM, good house located 10 miles from Boone. Price $4500.00. JUST OUTSIDE OF CITY LIMITS? 3 bedrooms, large lot Price: $10,000.00 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE with basement apartment. Located on Grand Boulevard. Priced (or quick sale. 5 MINUTE DRIVE FROM BOONE near Golf Course. Summer Cottage completely furnished hidden in 27 acres of wooded land with nice mountain stream. Privacy plus. Special price GOOD 3 BEDROOM, large living room with fireplace, dining room, garage and utility room, basement, automatic heat, just outside of city limits. $14,900. GOOD 3-BEDROOM? Bath, located near college on Grand Blvd. Price (8,500. Immediate possession. NEW 3 BED ROOM HOUSE? Bath, carport, 5 acres of land, lo cated 9 miles East of Boone. Immediate possession. 30 ACHES LAND ? 4 bed room house, large lake. 6 miles from Boone. One-third down. , 10 ACRES LOCATED Juayift miles from Boone on 421 by-pass. Priced fof quick sale. 91 ACRES TIMBER LAND^- Located 3 miles off Parkway on ~ Highway No. 18. Price $3,000.00. 3 BED ROOM BRICK ? Nice lot, located just 2 blocks from Col lege on Grand Blvd. Priced for quick sale. YOU CANT MATCH THIS VALUE: Three bedroom brick, located two blocks from campus. Price $12,000.00. GOOD THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, bath, six acres, land located ten miles west of Boone on Highway 603. Price $7,900. Im mediate possession. FORTY ACRES LAND overlooking U. S. Parkway. Ideal for de velopment. Never been offered for sale. THREE APARTMENT BUILDING, furnished, monthly rental $139.00. A real investment. One block from campus. BEAUTIFUL TWO BEDROOM house of stone. Large lot located on Grand Boulevard. Priced for quick sale. 179 ACRES LAND, 9 acre lake site, with 2,000 ft Highway frontage, entire land covered with young umebr. Located 10 miles from Boone on Highway 194. Price $99.00 per acre. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE T. D. KERLEY ESTATE.? This U the first time It has been offered for sale. Located next to the Blue Ridge Parkway about 6 miles from Boone. The best farming land in the county. We will sell as a whole or in small tracts. Terms if needed. ONE OF THE NICEST? Large ranch type brick, 3 bed room, 3 full batha, private itudy, large den with lire place, modern kitchen with built-in stove, refrigerator, garbage diapoaal, fire place, breakfast nook, formal dining room, large spac ious living room with fire place, basement, forced hot water heat, two car garage with automatic doors. This beautiful house is la a picture book 'setting. Shown by appointment only. 2 ACRE WOODED LOT located one mile from U. S. Parkway, nice stream running through lot on good gravel road. eWNER MUST MOVE TO TOWN? New 8-room house and bath, 30 acres land on black top road, located in Beaver Dam section. Price: ?S?00. DON'T WAIT? New 2-bedroom, bath, large lot, located 3 miles east of Boone on Highway 421. Can be bought with furni ture. Price $10,800. Terms. Immediate possession. ONE ACRE LOT, 4-bedroom, bath, heat, basement. 3 miles out. Price: 911,000. Immediate possession. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE ? Farced hot air heat, carport, wall to-wall in all rooms except bath and kitchen. Large lot land scaped. City water and sewage. Small down payment FHA loan can be assumed. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED word that they are not making any more land. You can buy 230 acres of land located about 9 milea out which has 100 acres of good grazing and farming land, and about 130 acres of timber land that has not been cut for more than 30 years. Ideal for future investment Terms to suit the buyer. ONE OF THE FEW APARTMENT BUILDINGS in this area. Keen competition for every vacancy. S complete apartments, brick building, hot water heat Urge lot Make me an offer. SHELL HOUSES built on your land. ?1.00 down if you own your lot. 300 FOOT FRONTAGE ON HIGHWAY 421? Located weat Boom. Ideal for any commercial use. Has 200-ft depth. F. II. A. Loans 30 Years Conventional Loans 25 Yrt. at 5Va%

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