no re<l Mrs. W. Todd honored on ? reception given by Club of St Luke'* A in ?ome 400 guest* from Blowing Bock, Watauga and *ur rounding counties aU? ided be- 1 twaeft.t he botir of 2:*> and 4:30 1 P * ; Dr. and Mr*. W. H. Plemmon* jfraciotuly opened their home for Uw occasion, and assisted the Canterbury member* in entertain ing. Member* of the congregation I trf St. Luke'* alio assisted. ; An arrangement of yellow and | .'white chryianthemum* and (lad iolua formed the centerpiece of the dining room table. On either side were (liver candleholder* holding pastel yellow candle*. A beautiful compote arrangement of purple, red and green grape* cen tered the buffet, with *mall cluat- 1 ers of the came draped on each | Side Dr. G. K. Moose and Mr. C. A Price greeted the guesta at the door, and Mil* Lillian Sherman presided at the guest register. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Ray conducted the I visitors to the receiving line, which | was composed of Rev. and Mr*. Ferneyhough and Jimmy Hartin, president of the Canterbury Club. Mia* Betty Carne* and Mia* Car ol Martin ushered the gue*t* into the dining room where Mr*. Mont Glovier, Mr*. Bert EUU, Mr*. How ard Madison and Mr*. R. E. Agle! presided at the tea and coffee | table during the afternoon. Mrs. G. K. Moose and Mr*. C. A | Price. Mi** Janie Price, Mi** Pat *y Alexander, Mr*. R. A Well- 1 born. Mil* Linda Darby, Mi** Betty | Hugh Q. Alexander I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the fine sup port given me In the recent election. I shall strive to merit your confidence In every way. My services are available to you at all times, and I trust you will call me when I can be of assistance about any matter pertaining to my pub lic office. Hugh Q. Alexander Bmly and Mia* Ann Sharpleas ?? Mated ib directing the (umU lute the living room and bidding them goodbye. *m The Rev. W. Todd Kenvry hough came to St. Ixike's Episcopal Church several weeks ago aa HMnjii from the pariah at Baton Rouge. La. Ha to a native of Reidaville, N. C. and hia wife ia the former Mias Dot Cabia of Greenaboro. They have one aoo. N!m Mulling, Mr. Reardon Wed Mr. and Mn. James Albert Mul lina of Boone announce the mar riage of their daughter, Rachel Virginia, to Karl Anthony Rear don of Alberta Canada. Mias Mul lina baa ?been working for Air craft Tools, inc. at Los Angeles for the past year. Mr. Reardon holds an executive position with the same company in Los Angeles, where the couple will make their home. Blue Bonnet Club Meets By BARBARA BARNETT The Blue Bonnett Junior Garden Club met for ita regular meeting Saturday, November 12. New 'fficers presided for the first time. Business taken up waa how to make some money for the club, and it as decided to make miniature Christ maa Corsages to sell for a small price. The project for the month of November waa bird houses. This waa solved by painting gourds in gay colors. We then cut an open ing in the gourde, and they will be used for wren houses. Refreshments were served by the leader, Mrs. Dewttt Barnett, at the close of the meeting. Club Enjoys Coffee Break The Boone Junior Woman's Club held a coffee break at Ap palachian Elementary School on Teacher* Pay,' Monday, November 14, serving cookie* and coffee to the teachers. A Thanksgiving theme waa u*x1 and each teacher was wearing a lovely corsage which the children in each clase had presented to her. Hostesses for the coffee were Mrs. Johnny Barnett, chairman, Mrs. Ken Shaeffer, Mrs. Billy Foutz, Mrs. John Hollar and Mrs. W. J. Rowland. Other members of the club made cookies and participated in various ways to make Teacher's Day a success. "OUT OF ODOR" Der Moines, Iowa ? In the wo men's lounge off the lobby of a Des Moines hotel stands a per %ime dispensing machine, which, for a dime, will sprsy any one of four popular scents. The machine went on the blink and up went a sign saying: "Out of order." An unidentified girl, using her lipstick, scotched out the words and revised them to say: "Out of Odor." ' FOR EVERY HOME THAT APPRECIATES BEAUTIFUL FLOORS Solve the Problem with a Gift for CJHE HOME Make It a MOHAWK CARPET M ? ? Complete the Picture of HOME BEAUTIFUL with Custom Made NORMAN DRAPERIES Greene Furniture Co. EDMISTEN BLDG. BOONE, N. C. Miss Aurelia Cannon Presents Recital Friday -**? -j At' RE LI A CANNON On Friday evening, November 11, the ASTC Music Department presented Miss Aurelia Cannon Ip her senior piano recital. The program was held in the Fine Arts Building Auditorium at 8:00 o' clock. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs: F. W. Cannon of Lancaster, S. C? Miss Cannon has studied during her four years at Appalachian un der Walton Cole. Miss Cannon has been a mem ber of the ASTC chorus for four years, a member of the Methodist Church Choir and MYF, a mem ber of the Music Education Club; and has played in summer school band. Assisting Miss Cannon in the program was Kenneth Adams, vocalist, accompanied by Miss Faye Davis, pianist. Know The Weather By E. H. SIMS What U "football weather?" Do people really (eel better in the fall, when football is played? There U luch a thing ai foot ball weather, not because of foot ball but because of the time of the year football is played in the United States. This sport comes when high pressure systems begin to push down from the north with greater regularity, bringing with them cold, dry air. It is the beginning of the trend toward winter, and there is less rain in the fall than in summer. Since high pressure usually makes people feel good (low pres sure sometimes has a depressing effect), this ? combined with cool er weather, and resulting invigo ratlon ? combines to produce an energetic feeling, or that "football weather" in the fall when appetite and energy seem to return after a hot summer. About Your Home There should be a place in every home to keep, in orderly fashion. Important papers. Wills, insurance policies, deeds, with certificates and such should never be kept scattered through various desk drawers. A safety deposit box at your bank is an excellent place for those papers that are vitally im portant. When you are building a home ? if the expense does not prohibit it ? you cou(d include a built-in wall safe. This convenience in your home can be used for jewelry, as well as important pap ers. It should be fireproof and well concealed from sight. There are a number of filing cabinets on the market that will fill the bill very well. A cabinet for this purpose should lock and be, at least, partially fireproof. For papers, this type of storage has an advantage over the wall safe. The papers can be filed in alphabetical order. A filing cabinet makes sn ideal storage place for easily lost items such as: extra keys, patterns, ad dresses, seldom-used phone num bers ? the list could be endless and made to include all those bits of gardening lore, etc., you always mean to save for future reference. A filing cabinet need not be an unattractive piece in the home. There are many ways to redecor ate the exterior. It can be painted and embelished with prints or a Chinese pattern. Try wallpaper. One of the new marbleized prints usually works out very well. If you are building you may think about having a fil ing cabinet built into a wall. TO HEAL RED SPLIT Western diplomat* are convinc ed that the Soviet and Chinese Communist* are working overtime to try to patch up their differ ences. Yet the evidence to date suggests that they have not had any conspicuous success. It is widely believed that the Soviet and Chinese officials have been clotted ? in Moscow, Peiping or elsewhere? for some time, to discuss and try U> end their dif ferences. WARNING FROM F. B. I. J. Edgar Hoover has called on business men and the general pub lic to join forces with the police throughout the nation in fighting "a veritable plague of bad check passers." The director of the Federal Bu reau of Investigation said "these callous scavengers," will take ad vantage of the holiday season and heavy shopping crowds. Yule Contest Is Announced Tha Boone Junior Woman', a ob will sponsor again this year ? Chriatmu decoration contest. Other club* will be cooperating. Club members urge that every family in Boone enter this con test More details concerning the con test will be given in the Demo- . crat at a later date. Mrs. Isaacs Rites Friday Mrs. Addie Matheson Isaacs, 82, of Rt. 1, Sugar Grove died Wed nesday, November ?. Funeral services were held Fri day, November 11 in the Henaon Chapel Methodist Church at 2:00 p. m., conducted by Rev. W. Alvin Wilson. Surviving are three sons, Bud and Lonnie Isaacs, both of Vilas, Roy Mutheson, Elizabeth ton, Tenn; three daughters, Mrs. Charlie Greene, Sherwood, Mrs. Earl Tea gue, Boone, Miss Carey Isaacs, Sugar Grove, and one sister ?Mrb Callie Shull, Sugar Grov?. There are 19 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Weed Cards Are Available Burley tobacco marketing cards will be available at the county ASC office Monday, November 21. Op eratora who wish their cards mail ed should advise the county office, and those who wish their cards de livered to someone else should send written request by such per-^ An. Delivering cards in person will allow farmers to make perform ance reports and discuss any other matters of importance with the office personnel. i Organize Club At flowing Rock The Blowing Rock Dramatics Club was organized November 6th. The purpose of the club is to de velop the appreciation and the presentation of plays. The club serves a three-fold purpose ? It provides fun, soctala, and learning experience for ' it* members. The officers elected are as fol lows: President, Betty Martha Trip let!; vice-president. Bill Dotaon; secretary, Jeanette Storie; treasur er, Edwin Isaacs; reporter, Ann Moody. A Professor brought a copy of his final exam to be mimeograph ed. The secretary looked at it and said, "But Professor, this is the same exam you gave last year." "I know," replied the Prof, "but I've changed the answers." This Ford Fairlane . costs even less than some compacts Tin M f+tm* CM Ma ftMwtifutlir FrofoftiolMIl la Ik* CKUIC lit iMkl Sava and tm Apaftn wfWl Mm Trand-Sattktf >U Falrfana I Sava an initial prtcal Tba full a>M '<1 Fairlane actually eoata up to $M.48* lets than aomc new-name compact*. Yet it offara mora room, mora lunate apace, more beef, mora brawn, and mora built-for-paopla comfort than ever before * And tava avan mora an opar atlnf casts I Tba '(1 Fairlane offer* many new built-to-Uke rare-of-iteelf feature* that keep yon out of repair abopa. Come (n today and aaa A* ' $1 Ford FmrWiu tAt. tm t M |w> pm A* wd/?kt l*o*l *>??< m ? mmm*? ?f mmIhIvW huuZr^ "ijiajjll **** j T* 1 and only the '6TFORD is beautifully built to take care of itself mmnm HE Mrs HOW THI *?1 fORO TAKES CARE Of ITSELF I I akriaatM NaaH-Yaa'l normRy 10 30.000 ch^ms lubncjfiofls a wick, maipansiva Ford Oiler Ma jat (?mek cods tola tlun $4 OOt) ?HH |tt yaa M tat inotlw 30,000 Dittos. On* Ma mm a*? Van*! h 4.(00 mitat Mom* oh dua?n wM Fart's fall-Flow ?? Mar. WM* Na mm ta*M How Track Sua OwnttfvtS mm ?Htai ?fori muftteri ara My parts M IpactoHy pfMMMd to rasist r?.' tad carraaJan. tvaa to [ll>?i*n IK WINKLER MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. Depat amt HmiH Streets Dealer Liceiuc No. 1170 BmM. N.rtk Carellaa Doctor Talk By JOHN B. REMBEBT. M. D. During the put year this writer has mentioned the great waste by million* of American* each day purchasing special vitamin* of fers , over the counter home reme dies, and fat reducing foods ? mil lions of dollars are wasted yearly in this manner. To focus the attention of Jw American public on this yearly waste on worthless health eare, the American Medical Associa tion haa launched a comprehen sive rtudy and action program aimed at guiding the consumer in spending his health care dollars wisely. The first step taken by the A. M A. was the formation of a Commission on Medical Care Costs. The purpose of this new commission is to find answers to many questions being raised about medical care coat* and to praaent the findings frankly and forth rightly to the medical profession and to the public. The second phase of this pro gram launched by the A. M. A. calls upon the nation's physicians to provide the leadership in alert ing the public to the ineffective nesa of a vast number of non prescription or over - the - counter drug products currently being used by the public in great quanti ties and at a coat running jnto millions of dollars annually. The food-faddism phase of the program is merely a continuation of an earlier nationwide campaign against doorto-door peddlers ? the self-styled hmlth and nutrition ex perts ? who promote "cure-alls" for everything ranging Irom "that tired feeling" to arthritis and can cer. It is estimated that approximate ly $390 million dollars is being ^spuit annually by the public on sell-prescribed vitamins alone. It has been stated months ago in this column that if a healthy in dividual's diet contains the key food groups in sufficient amounts, nutritional supplementation is not needed. The A M A's Council on Foods and Nutrition has recently reiterated thia same statement. The council did point out, however, that vitamin perpa rations are val uable when used properly. Vitamin preparations are not the only way in which Americans waste their health dollar: lkst year more than 148 millios dol lars was spent on laxatives; more than 968 million dollars was spent on aspirin; $290 million a year is being spent by arthritis patients on uranium-ore pads, super aspir in, alcohol and herb rootsjtand other nostrum 111* *u(t each year it alarm ing? and Uc benefit, it any, ia eligible. The goal of the A M A program and your family physician m a higher quality of health care for a greater number o I people at a lower coat LOSER AFTEK ALL Eagle Paaa, Texas ? State police told today how Marcelino Cam poa narrowly eicapcd death in an automobile accident only to be kill ed minute* later in another. Alvarado Garcia, 30, of, San An tonio, Texas, was killed when the car in which he and Campos were riding ran off the highway. Campos extricated himself from the wreckage and walked back to the highway. A passing auto struck and killed him. Retires After 20 Years Army S?t. Carson McNeil, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Grady McNeil, hat re turned from Hawaii, upon his re tirement from the Army, alter twenty year* service. S?t. McNeil spent about half of the twenty years out of the States, and served in Europe during the liut war. He has served ia Ha waii,- Siam, and Korea. Mr. McNeil will reside in Wa tauga, where he will engage in farming activities. Several years after moving out of town, a lady came back to visit and ran into a neighbor who said, "I didn't know you. You look so much older." O The lady replied, "I hardly knew you either except for your hat and dress." WE WILL SELL AT ABSOLUTE AUCTION AT 10:30 A. M. Saturday, November 1 9 A 44-acre farm with .32 acre of tobacco*allotment located at Trade, Tennessee. A good 7-room house with bath; water in house by gravity; hardwood floors; built-in cabinets; hot water heater; good barn; garage; warm house; chiken house; and all other necessary out build ings. AT 11:00 A. M. Store building 50x58 feet located on lot 100x200 feet at the intersection of U. S. Highway 421 and state highway No. 67 at Trade, Tennessee. Following the sale of the Real Estate the following personal property will be sold; Gristmill hammermill, 7Vi hp electric motor, cash register, safe, water pump, and a set of counter scales. $50 FREE $50 FREE ? CLEAR TITLE? EASY TERMS Sale Conducted for the Owners ? MR. AND MRS. A. R. MAY by Shoun Brothers Land Co. Agents Far Further Information Dial Mountain City PA 7-2674 or PA 7-3407 NO DOWN PAYMENT The family with afmited budget but with a CASH price Of LOW paymints ! taste for elegance will do well to consider this smart new Jim Walter design. Note how the plctnre window and continuous use of vertical siding gives it the big, prestige ? home look. $3395 Sea thn? NOW f "autipul JIM WALTER beautiful JIM WAU? HOMES ? 220-lb. Roofing ? IS yt. WRITTEN Guarantee ? 2 -coali Harris Point ? Awarded Good HWM* keeping Seal ? Rust Proof aluminum ?croons ? Mortgage Of* Insurance ? Many, many mm* HEAR (he "Jim Walter Jim- | boree" Every Monday, Wed- j netday and Friday Afternoona. Good Country Muaic with "The Stoacy Mountain Partner*" WKBC, North Wilkeshoro, THE RAMBLER 6-BIG ROOMS ' O cash met m Uw, Uw Nyawnt* $2295 Free I ???A BnhMH NlWtlw Imhvrt illviMni If Dlfftrtnt Jim Wakar M?Mi w?ffc Fleer fleet end Price*. Semi f er yeer Free Cepy Terfey! Merf to ifce eWc? ?era? ye? JM WAITM COOOHATION Boon 11. 17 I ?? inferettcd m owninf o Jim Walter heme and would Kite I Hove a deer deed to my lot. ????????< Pfeate teed Pfeete Have ? re?re*e<*taHve cell an me. Mo** il Jim Walter ? ( >MI M )l< A I K >N * NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. 48! A By Pass or Write P. O. Box 866 Call CoUcct 1455

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