Personal Wention?Socid -Activities JKAN L HlVteS, enfTOR? flomt Telephone AMhefst 4-3889 ? Office Telephone AMherH 44612 Local Affairs Miss Elizabeth Lord U a patient At Watauga Hospital. Mrs Lawrence H. Owsley re turned Friday after a week'* visit in Pittsburgh with relative*. Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Hagaman re turned Sunday from a week's vaca tion at Key West, Florida. Miss Gertrude Ferry of Greens boro spent the week end at her home in Boone. Mr. it b Farthing is a patient at Watauga Hospital after suffering a heart attaek last week. O Mrs. Rayford Pool of Taylora ville visited her mother, Mrs. J. C. Farthing, last week. Mrs. Miriam Rabb of Raleigh is spending Christmas with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Glovier. Dr. and Mrs. John G. Barden spent Saturday with Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Barden and sons in tYlham, N. C. Mrs. Evelyn Norman, who haa been a patient at Watauga Hospi tal, is much improved and ba?k home recuperating. Miss MaTy Jo Walkup and Miss Jane Merredith are spending the holidays with relatives in Dallas, Texas. Mr. frank Payne, Jr., of the University of North Carolina, ar rived last week end to spend the holidays with his parents in Boone. Dinner guests of Mr. And Mrs. D. L. Crook on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McNeill of North Wilkesboro. Mr. Rogers Whitener and daugh teh, Kim, are spending the holi days in Florida visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Jack Mock is spending a few weeks at Spencer, visiting Mrs. Blanche Brendle, who is ser iously in. Mrs. Roy Rufty arrived home Friday to spend the Christmas holidays. She is teaching in Burke County. Mr. and Mrs. John HoOck spent Thursday night in Charlotte with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrr. Frank Au'ten. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Bozard left Wednesday for Florida to spend a week's vacation touring the State. Mr. and Mrs. Btll Crawford of Ft. Pierce, Fla. arrived this week to spend Christmas with Bill's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford. Mrs. J. C. Cooke is spending the holidays with her daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Owens and Mr. and Mr*. Ray Har rell of Gastonia. Dr. Graydon Eggers and son, John L. Eggers are spending a few days this week at Duke University, where they are engaged in re search. Dr. Mary C. Googe of Ridge wood, N. J. visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Googe, last week. She is an Anaestheseologist at Valley Hospital at Ridgewood. Mr. and Mrs. A. ft. Hamby and Miss Pam Hamby are spending the holidays with Mrs. Hamby's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Faulk ft Fairmont. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dowling and Miss Pat Dowling are spend ing the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Craig in Cin cinnati, Ohio. Guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Plemmons over the Week end were Mrs. Plemmons' brother, Mr. Rod Sparrow, and her niece, Miss Ann Sparrow, of Loris, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Agle and ions, Bob, Jr., Richard and Bill, And Mr. W. L. Eury attended the family reunion at the Euiy home ill Bessemer City. Dr. and Mrs F. R Derrick and children, Linnaem and Matgaret Elaine, are spending the Christ mai holidays m Columbia, S. C., and Augusta, Georgia, with relative*. Mr. iN Mrs. t. M. Deal and Children, Sandra, Jhnmle and Har vey, left thi? week for Ft. Pierce, Florida, to s??nd the holidays with her sistff, Mrs. Carl Smith. Mr. and MM. D. L. Crook Spent last Thursday and Friday hi Hfgfc Point and attended the funeral o( Mrs. Crook's aunt, Mrs. Lowe' Gal liinore. Mrs. M. Haskell is spending thi Christmas holidays with her son*. W. T. Haskell, in Chicago, Illinois, and Mr. D. A. Haskell at Rock ford, 111. Mr. "fom Owsley arrived Wed hesdat from rfariard University to speM the ChristmM holidays with his parents, Df. and Mrs. L. H. Owifey in Boon#. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cline, Jr. of Chattanooga, Tennessee, are spending the Chriatmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cline. Tad Buckland is home from Duke University to sperfd the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Dr and Mrs. Golden Burk land. Visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. Boyce Brooks over the week end was their daughter, Miss Jo Ellen Brooks, of Hi fit Point, and a house guest, Mr. Byron Godfrey, also of High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Crayte Teague and son Keith, and Garvey Hayes left Wednesday for Winter Beach, Florida, to spend Christmas with Mrs. Teague's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Edmisfen. Mr. and Mrs. John Houck and Greta left this week for St. Peters burg, Florida, to visit Mrs. Houck's mother and sister. They will visit scenic spots over the sttte while there. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holshous er of Blowing Rock left today (Wednesday) for ? tWo-week visit with their daughter, Mrs. T. M. Johnson, Mr. Johnson and thetr twin sons in New -York City. . Mr. and Mrs. Phillip White of l|f i ? fc ? n ni . ? w* -1 - - 1 WAsningxon, rroiuyivanra, wrro has been visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob White, for the past three months, have returned to their home. Mrs. Homer Brown spent the wMk end in AshebOro with Mrs. Peafl Hmghtfm, who re tu hied with her to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Brown and oth er relatives in Watangi County. Rev. Jack Caudill left Saturday morning for the Tampa area in Florida to spend several weeks. While there he expects to visit in teresting spots throughout Florida, especially along the west coast. Dr. and Mrs. J. Boyce Brooks entertained the young people of Appalachian State Teachers Col lege at Open House at (heir home immediately after the evening ser vice last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mast Spent Monday in Charlotte with their son, Frank Mast, who underwent major surgery at Mercy Hospital. Doctors described his condition as satisfactory. Mrs. . Montgomery Tully and son, Sam Tully, who is a student at McCauley School at Nashville, Tenn., left last Friday for Oak Hill, West Virginia, to spend Christmas with her parents, ind Mr. Tully's parents. Mr. Tully left Baltimore last week end and join ed Mrs. Titlty and their son at the Tully horit* in West Virginia. Large Assortment TOYS Price Western Auto Store W. King St. Boone, N. C. Mr. and Mi*. Shirley Gabriel of South Boston, Virginia, win spend the holidays with Mr*. Gabriel'* parent*, Dr. and Mrs. 0. t. Rich ardson, m Boone. Mrs. G. E. White of SUtesville spent several days last week with her mcrfher Mrs. J. L. Goodnight. Also visiting Mrs. Goodnight last week was another daughter, Mrs. Charles Berry and Mr. Berry of Drexel. Mrs. ben Storie flew up from Miami to ?tate?vftle last week end and accompanied by her son, Mr. James Storie, came to Boone to* visit her fafter, Rev. W. C. Payne, who is a patient. at Watauga Hos pital. Mr and Mrs. Fred Wyke of hickory, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Os borne of Lenoir, and Mrs. R. C. Miller and three children, Dukie, Dianne and Johnny of West Jeffer son visited Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brown on Sunday. Mr. end Christmas with Mrs. Ray noTds, who was called there sever al weeks ago because of the seri ous illness of her father. Mrs. Jack Hodges and son J. B. left Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Haynes, in Minden, La. Mr. Hodges, who is teaching in Miami, Fla., will join them at the Haynes home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rufty, Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Redmond and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dougherty attend ed the 50th anniversary celebration of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campbell, at Roan Mountain, Tennessee, Sunday afternoon. Those visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Millard Greene and family and C. T. Cornett of Lenoir Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Hardy and son of Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Yates lekard of Connelly Springs, Mr. and Mrs. John Mask ind fafnily, and Mr. Jake Fox, all of Hudson. Mr. Bob Voder, who is a stu dent at Pfeiffer College, is spend ing the Christmas holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Yoder. Dr. and Mrs. Yoder, Bob and Barbara, plan to spend part of the holidays with Mrs. Y Oder's father, Mr.