lEhurch Notices STONY FORK BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Raymond Hendrix, Harlan Greene, Sunday School Superintendent. Sunday? Sunday School at 10:00 o.m.; preaching first and second Sundays at 11:00 ajn.; Training Union at 6:90 p. m. Wednesday night prayer moating at i-00 o'clock. prHbbytebian church 9 The Rev. J. K. Parkor, It., pastor. Sunday School at 9:40 a. m.; Morning Worship at 11:00 o'clock. A nursery Is kept (or small chil dren during the worship service. Westminster Fellowship at 0:45 p.m.; Youth Fellowship at 6:00 p.m.; Pioneer Fellowship at 0:00 p.m. Circles of the Women of the Church meet the first Mooday of each month; general meeting each third Monday. Presbyterian prayer service^ dial AM 4-221S. HOLY COMMUNION LUTHERAN CHURCH ? Banner Elk The Rev James D. Bayne, pastor Sunday School at 1:00 p. m. Regular Worship services at 2:00 p. m. (except on 0th Sunday.) CHURCH or CHRIST? Boom John Allen Thurman, evangelist. Sunday ? Bible study at 10:00 a.m.; Worship and Communion at 11:00 a.m.; Evening Worship ser vices at 7:90. Thursday? Bible Study at 7:90 p.m. > BAPTIST CHURCH? Slewing Rack The Rev. O. Carlton Cos, pastor. Sunday? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; worship service at 11:00 a.m.; evening scrviea at 7:90 o' clock. Wednesday? Prayer Meeting at 7:00 p. m.; choir rehearsal at t:00 pjn. WATAUGA METHODIST CHARGE The Rev. Alvin A. Wilson, pastor. First and third Sundays: Liberty at 10:00 ajn.; Valle Crucis at 11:00 ajn. Second and fourth Sundays: Mabel at 10:00 ajn.; Henaon's Chapel at 11:00 a.m. First snd third Sundays: Pine Grove at 7:90 p.m. BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH The Rev. James D. Bayne, pastor. Sunday schedule: Sundsy School at 10:00 a. m.; J. A. Burkett, superintendent; Sam MoreU, associate superintendent Worship services at 11:00 a. m. (except on 8th Sunday). Senior Luther League at 7:00 p. m. Junior Luther League at 7:00 p. m. Friday schedule: O Senior choir practice at 7:00 p. m., Mrs. Lucille Moretz, organist Saturday schedule: Catechlcal classes held at 10:00 a. m. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. W. Todd Ferneyhough, priest in-charge. O 1st and 3rd Sundays, Holy Com munion 10:30 a. m. 2nd, 4th and 3th Sundays, Morning Prayer and Church School. Church School, 9:15 a. m. Friday, Holy Communion, 5:00 p. m. Holy Days, Holy Communion, *45 a. m. ( PROFITS GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School each Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Worship each firat Sunday night at 1:30 o'clock. Each third Sun day at 11:00 l m. : Clareacc Cola, supcrintendant ti Sunday school. Raymond Hnedrix. pastor. SINGING AT MOUNTAIN MLS CHUBCH SATUBBAY A amgum fUlhkM Saturday night at 7 o'clock it the Mountain ?Dale Baptist Church fjA quilt, nude by Ux women at Mm congregation, wiU bo told at the homo of Burl ey Cornea, the proceed* to be uaod for the church fund iff. aiTUTitfiBr * The Bar. Olenn Gentry, peat or. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; preaching at 11:00 each Sunday; prayer meeting at 7:00 Sunday. tWU MEMORIAL FBE8BYTEB1AN CHUBCB Blake Brinkerholf, pastor. Sunday Schedule: 9:30 ? Men's Class Coffee Hour 10:00? Church School 11:00 ? Morning Worship 0:00? Youth Fellowship Pro gram 0:4S? Youth Fellowship Snack Supper; Wednesday ? 3:19 p. m. ? Choir practice; 7:30 p. m. ? Prayer and ftudy meeting ST. ELISABETH'S . CATHOLIC CHUBCH Sunday Mais at 0:00 ML BOONS METHODIST CHUBCH The Bar. Proton Hughes, Jr., pastor. Sunday schedule: 8:30 ? Coffee and Doughnuts (College students). 0:00? Worship (whan college to is session). 0:48 ? Church achooL 11:00 Worship. 8:00 ? Wesley Foundation sup per and program. 0:30 ? Junior and Senior High Fellowship. Tuesdays, 10-11 a. m? Pastoral counseling in study. FIBST BAPTIST CHUBCH The Bar. J. Boyce Brooks, pastor, Sunday School 0:40 a.m. Morning Worship 10:80 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Training Union 0:40 p.m. Garden Time By M. E. GARDNER Time wm when there were no snapdragon varieties suitable for outside production. Now, thanks to the plant breeders and Ail American trial gardens, we have varieties with extra large flowers and spikes which rival the best winter varieties produced In green houses. The Rocket Snapdragons ? Red Rocket, Orchid, Golden, White, Rose and Bronze Rocket ? are the first and only mid-summer heat resistant varieties of hybrid snaps. Another variety you may wish to try is Vanguard. This variety, also a hybrid, is a rich rose pink with yellow throat If we were asked to select two of the most satisfactory cut flow ers I expect most of us would name the snapdragon and the gladiolus because they last so long after cutting. Now that there new hy brid varieties are available, you should arrange to have some in your garden next summer. Check with your garden supply center. ' In All-America testa at Raleigh in 1900, these varieties performed rest well. I believe they will also do well east of Raleigh and espec ially well in the upper Piedmont and Mountains. There are several other exciting new 1M1 All-America selections you should try: "Reeie O'Day," a rose-colored alysslum; "Gloriosa Double Daisy," a golden yellow, much more desirable than Black Eyed Susan and just ss easy to grow; and "Coral Satin," a beauti ful satin pink petunia. Try these three In a border planting. Use the daisy for ? 3 foot background. Next, the rich salmon cor si petunias for It to IB inch mounded plants. Then edge the border with alysslum which grows otjly 2 to 3 inches high but spreads (each plant) S to U Inch es. II this combination ha* no ap peal for you, I am sure that you can work out a better one. In any event, you should use all of them if you want to be lint in the par ade of aii. a |m i ale* limn for 1961. , ? CANCER FIGHT URGED An International fellowship pro gram to aid In the fight The project i? becked by a grant of *280,000 {ram the r|"f~ RooMvelt Cancer Foundation. U to dcMfinrd to provide opportunity for atndy la thl? country by prtm iaiag cancer reoearcbera from far aijpi iiui for tlmilif study by United College Cowf Sj Sets Record! llit HoMaia ? Frieaian Auoeia Um at Aairltt haa tnawinrwd the completion of an ouUtandux* aifletJ product ion record by ? re filtered HaiaUU cow in thia area? Appalachian Leuxmont Don lofgin 397?1M owned by Appala chian State Teacher* College. Boone, produced 17320 lbt. milk and m Iba. butterfat in 300 dayi on twica dally milking M a T North Carolina Stole Coll??* of Agricultural and ruglaaariwf mp erviaed Um weighing and t rating of production aa a part of tLt of ficial herd teating program of the national HftiHfil orgmiielioiL fy Thcaa program provide con tinuing lactation and life*1na* pro duction rooords an every cow la more than 2,800 participating ra gulered Holatein herds. FUNDS COT OFF The General Accounting Office cut off fund* for I State Depart ?Mat branch after the department had refuaed to give Coocrtaa in formation dealing with possible "malfeasance at Foreign aid par ?onnel" iq South America. The tercet at the order ?a* the State Department1* Inepector Gen eral'i office, which checks for eign aid operation* MOBS NAMES NEEDED San Diefo, CaL ? Mra. Ituthie Alexander and her huahand, upon entering Doctor* Hoapitai, uid that they had decided if the baby was a firl ihe would be aantd Karen and if a her Dm|1u. TripleU wore ban? two girl* and a boy. Tha parenU had to think about a name for tha aacond fill TRADE AT HOME LIST TAXES NOW * ; * 1 ' "**'* ' ? * 3 Give In Your Poll NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the List Takers for Watauga County will sit at the following places at the times named dur ing the month of January, 1961, at which places and in which month all property owners and taxpayers in said township are required to return to the List Takers for taxation, for the year 1961, all the Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the first day of January, or shall be required to give in then. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are to list their polls during the same time. Return of Property and giving in of polls are required, under the penalties imposed by law. BALD MOUNTAIN John T. Trivett, Lister Jan. 7 Bob Grogan's Store Jail. It r. Goodman'* Grocery Anytime ? 14th Trivett's Service Station BEAVER DAM Dean Reese, Lister Ian. S ? Don Hagaman's Store Jan. 4 Dean Reeie'a Store Jan. S Bill Farthing's Store Jan. 6 Spencer May's Store Jan. 9 Don Hagaman'i Store Jan. 10 Spencer May's Store At Home Through 14th BLOWING ROCK Daniel A. Klutz, Jr., Lister Jan. 3. 4, 6, and 7 Blowing Rock Town Hall Jan. 12, 13, 14 Blowing Rock Town Hall Jan. IS, 20, 21 Blowing Rock Town Hall Jan. 27 and 28 Blowing Rock Town Hall BLUE RIDGE M. O. Coffey, Lister JUn, 3 ...^ ..vr..?..v.? Jes?Hp Shelll^ Jan. 4 J. L. Shores Jan. S and 6 Voting Place Until 14th M. O. Coffey Home BOONE Allen Gragg, Lister Month of January Court House BRUSHY FORK Clifford Norris, Lister Jan. 5 Courthouse Jan. I Vilas Service Station Jan. 10 Walker Tractor Co. Jan. 11 Hill Top Jan. IX ....... Hayes Store Jaa. 13 Courthouse COVE CREEK Jack Henson, Lister C Jerry Adams' Store ? Willard Eller's Store 1 0 J. C. Mast Storei 1 1 James B. Mast Store IX O. M. Little Store 13 Lewis Burkett Store Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Max Miller Store Jan. 3 Jan. I Jaa. 7 Jan. I Through 14 . ELK Mrs. Glenn Triplett, Lister Virgil Cox .... Community Building Stewart Simmons Store .... Community Building Home LAUREL CREEK Ron Norris, Lister Jan 4 ? (before noon) Ben Ward's Store Jan. 4 ? (after noon) Tom Guy's Store Jan. 5 Vance Harmon's Store Jan. < _ Charlie Oaks Store Jan. 9 Victor Ward's Store Jan. 10 Nat Glenn's Jan. 11 Cove Creek Store Jan. 12 Cable's Bros. Storei MEAT CAMP Ernest Moretz, Lister Jan. 3 Watson's Store Jan. 4 _ Roy Jones Jan. 5 Rich Mountain Jan. ? Meat Camp Sorvioo Station Jan. 7 :. Ernest Moret's Store Jan. 9 J. D. Winebarger Storei Through 14 At Home NEW RIVER J. Bynum Clawson, Lister Jan. 3 Rutherwood Trlvetts Store Jan. 4 Smith's Store Jan 5-21 At Home C?MTt Houge^ NORTH FORK W. C. South, Lister Jan. 3 Howard Thomas Store Jan. 4 Pearl Eller Store Jan. 5 Dave Main Store SHAWNEEHAW Richard Farthing, Lister Jan. 9 Valle Crucls Apple House Jan. 10 wyi Byrds Dutch Creek Jan. 11 Yates Grocery Jan. 12 V. L. Farthing's Jan. 13 Cart Ruppert* At Home Anytime STONY FORK Scott Moretz, Lister Jan. 3 * John Wellborn's Store Jan. 4 and 11 Frank Beshears Store Jan. 5-7 Deep Gap Post Office Jan. 6 .... Parkway School Jan. 9 Trlvetts Grocery Jan. 10 Watson's Garage, WATAUGA - ? , Allie B. Hodges, Lister Im. ? Howard Mast Store Jan. 9 _... .'. Valle Cruds Post Office Jan. 10 Claude Shores Store Jan. 11 S. B. Hayes Store Jan. 12 Coffey's Store ? Foscoe Jan. 13 Mrs. W. W. Collins Store Jan. 16 McLains Store on Watauga River AFTER JANUARY 15 ALL BOOKS WILL BE AT THE COURTHOUSE o ? FARM CENSUS NOTE FARM CENSUS. Each farm owner shall prepare a list of the acreage of each crop grown, laeluding tenths of acre* of track. The list shoald show the total acres cultivated by the owner, also the acres cultivated by all tenants oa each separately reeogalacd farm, the acres la Improved pasture, woodland. Idle aad other lands. He shall be prepared to report the number of bearing fruit trees, the numbers of livestock of breeding age, number of hogs sold or steagbtered durlag past 1 X months, aad number of chicken. This information is kept confidential and has no relation to taxes. Its purpose is far agricultural education, economic analysis and safer guidance of county agents aad farmers generally. J. D. WINEBARGER, Tax Supervisor ? 1 " 1 ? 1 ? 1 ' " If We Can't Sell It, Give It Back to the Indiana Have Demand Far Small Baatnaa* ? Aba Far Fa Coe Insurance & Realty Company Dial AM 4-8256 ? 217 Main Street SHALL GOING BUSINESS for sale. Immediate poiiewion. NEW 3 BED ROOM modern ranch brick with carport and 1 acre lot just outside of city limits. City water. HOME FOR CHRISTMAS? What finer gift could you give the Queen of Your Life than thii brand apanking new spacious 3- bedroom with fireplace. Located on large wooded lot Price $13,300. Good financing. NEAR GOLF COURSE? New summer cottage, large living room with spacious brick fire place, paneled interior walls, ex posed beam ceilings. Completely furnished. Will sleep 8 people. Grand view of Parkway and Golf Course. Will be ready for Christmas party. 300 FOOT FRONTAGE on Hghway No. 321, just 3 miles out of (??UtJP Boone near Tweetsie. Will sell all of half of front age. NINE ACRES WOODED LAND located 3 miles out of Boone. Ideal for development or home sites. GOOD 2-BEDROOM, automatic heat, basement, wooded lot Just outside of city limits. Will trade for larger house. NEW 3-BEDROOM BRICK, carport. Located near IRC. Im mediate possession. $800 DOWN includes closing cost on this 3 bed room home located Just outside of city limits. LET IT FROST. You'll be warm as toast in this 3 bed room home. Monthly payments $67.47. Includes taxes and in surance. Immediate possession. BUSINESS LOT located on Highway 109 just one mile out. 175 foot front, water and sewage. Ideal for store and service station. EXCLUSIVE LOTS? Located just off Highland Avenue. Every lot has a beautiful view, city water, state maintained street, short distance to shopping, golfing, and schools. Enjoy the relaxed pleasure of country living; also wooded acreage. FOR RENT ? Completley furnished, 2 bedroom, located on Winklers Creek. 3 minutes to college. $55.00 per month. 13 ACRE FARM, good house located 10 miles from Boone. Price $4300.00. JUST OUTSIDE OF CITY LIMITS? 3 bedrooms, large lot Price: $10,000.00 S MINUTE DRIVE FROM BOONE near Golf Course. Summer Cottage completely furnished hidden in 27 acres of wooded land with nice mountain stream. Privacy plus. Special price GOOD 3 BEDROOM, large living room with fireplace, dining room, garage and utility room, basement, automatic heat, just outside of city limits. $14,300. GOOD 3-BEDROOM? Bath, located near college on Grand Blvd. Price $8,300. Immediate possession. NEW 3 BED ROOM HOUSE? Bath, carport, 3 acres of land, lo cated 3 niles East of Boone. Immediate possession. 10 ACRES LOCATED just 2% miles from Boone on 421 by-pass. Priced for quick sale. 31 ACRES TIMBER LAND ? Located 3 miles off Parkway on Highway No. 16. Price $3,000.00. 3 BED ROOM BRICK? Nice lot, located just 2 blocks from Col lege on Grand Blvd. Priced for quick sale. YOU CAN'T MATCH THIS VALUE: Three bedroom brick, located two blocks from campus. Price $12,000.00. GOOD THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, bath, six acres, Und located ten miles west of Boone on Highway 603. Price $7,500. Im >? - ^ mediate possession. - ---??? - FORTY ACRES LAND overlooking U. S. Parkway. Ideal for. de velopment. Never been offered for sale. THREE APARTMENT BUILDING, furnished, monthly rental $135.00. A real investment. One block from campus. BEAUTIFUL TWO BEDROOM house of stone. Large lot located on Grand Boulevard. Priced for quick sale. 173 ACRES LAND, 3 acre lake site, with 2,000 ft. Highway frontage, entire land covered with young timebr. Located 10 miles from Boone on Highway 194. Price $33.00 per acre. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE T. D. KERLEY ESTATE.? This is the first time it has been offered for sale. Located next to the Blue Ridge Parkway about 6 miles from Boone. The best farming land in the county. W? will sell as a whole or in small tracts. Terms if needed. ONE OF THE NICEST? Urge ranch type brick, 3 bed room, S full baths, private study, litge den with fire place, modern kitchen with built-in stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal, fire place, breakfast nook, formal dining room, large spac ious living room with fire place, basement forced hot water heat two car garage with automatic doors. This beautiful house is in a picture book setting. Shown by appointment only. 2 ACRE WOODED LOT located one mile from U. S. Parkway, nice stream running through lot on good gravel road. OWNER MUST MOVE TO TOWN? New 6-room house and bath, 30 acres land on black top road, located in Beaver Dam section. Price: $8,300. DON'T WAIT? New 2- bedroom, bath, large lot, located 3 miles east of Boone on Highway 421. Can be bought with furni ture. Price $10,500. Terms. Immediate possession. ONE ACRE LOT, 4- bedroom, bath, heat basement. 3 miles out Price: $11,006. Immediate possession. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOI^E ? Forced hot air heat carport wall to-wall in all rooms except bath and kitchen. Large lot land scaped. City water and aewage. Small down payment FHA loan can be assumed. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED word that they are not any more land. You can buy 290 acres of land located about 8 miles out which has 108 acres of good, grazing and (arming land, and about ISO acres of timber Und that has not been cut for more than 80 years. Ideal for future investment Term* to suit the buyer. ONE OF THE FEW APARTMENT BUILDINGS in this area. Keen competition for every vacancy. S complete apartments, brick building, hot water heat large lot. Make me an offer. SHELL HOUSES built on your land. $1.00 down if yon own your lot SOO-FOOT FRONTAGE ON HIGHWAY 421? Located west Boom. Ideal for any commercial use. Has 200- ft depth. F. H. A. Loans 30 Years Conventional Loans 25 Yn. at 5*4%

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