Health and Beauty The use of paint and powder goes back as far as recorded his tory. The book of Job is supposed to be the oldest literature in the world. Job's third daughter was named Keren-Happuch, a Hebrew word which means "paint-horn," L e, cosmetic box. The name im plies that cosmetics were popular when the world was young. We realize that powder not only enhances the beauty of the com plexion by removing the shiny, greasy appearance, but softena harsh lines and contours, if prop erly applied. Powder also provides valuable protection to delicate skin against the irritating action of the sun and wind. However, powder should be selected that will cling smooth ly and evenly to the skin. Some women have an idea that powder clogs the pores of the skin, thus preventing the escape of im purities through the pores. Many of these women dust their faces with talcum, under the delusion that they are beautifying them selves without injuring their com plexions. Talcum is useless as a protec tion, and comes off very quickly. It has its uses as a body powder, es pecially for babies, but is a failure as a face powder. The making of powder is really an art. An ancient formula that is still popular requires the finest and purest almond meal, orris root, wheat and rice starch. These are sifted by machinery many times through cloth, then tinted and perfumed with a delicate oil. After the process is completed the mixture is soft and fine, pos sessing the quality of adhering to the skin, to which it imparts a vel vety appearance. No complexions are wnue. me powder should be chocen not only for its quality but particular at tention should be paid to its shade, the natural tints of the skins. The shades most in use are achieved by adding carmine and ochre to the white materials until the desired shade I* obtained. There are many beauticians who will blend ponder to suit almost any complexion. Home Menu ? safe enough place until you study the statistics about h6w many accidents happen in the home. According to a recent sur vey made by a group of foot doc tors, you are safer crossing a busy intersection than you are in your own kitchen. More than half of all home acci dents are ankle sprains and foot injuries resulting from falls off ladders or slipping on waxed floors or stairs. The study showed that most home accidents occur late in the day, as a result of fatigue. The doctors state that, if women would wear the proper footwear around the home, accidents would be cut down. Rubber soles in contact with wet or highly polished as phalt rubber tile or- linoleum floors may skid in the same way rubber tires skid on contact with wet highways. The doctors recom mended a low-heeled walking shoe, with a broad heel, flexible leather soles and supporting leather up pers. It seems that the closed toe is as important in the kitchen as steel-capped safety shoes are in an industrial plant. Many a house wife has suffered a bruised or fractured toe when a can fell off the shelf. A tired pair of feet can make you look and feel tired all over. Save your high heeled sandals for an occasion, never wear them for housework. Discard that worn pair of house slippers for the right kind of shoe. If you have trouble with your arches, try exercise. Pick up mar bles with your toes or stand up a bottle with your toes. You will feel the muscles pulling. Make sure your shoes and your stock ings fit correctly. Fudge Cake Wins Top Honors ? A dramatic demonstration of the art at fine baking was given by Mrs. Hal Weik of Leicester, N. C, with a date-filled, chocolate rich fudge cake that won top honors for cakes at the National Graiue Bake-Off in Winston-Salem, N. C. Mrs. Wells represented her Grange Region comprising Indiana, North and South Caro lina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Hare, for you to try, is Mia. Wells' prize recipe: Measure sifted flour, add soda, and salt, and sift together. Cream sugar, shortening, and vanilla together. Add eggs and beat until light and fluffy. Add melted chocolate. Alternately add flour and water to chocolate mixture, beating after each adcUion until hatter is smooth. Pour into three greased 8-inch layerAns. Bake in a moderate oven (360*F.) 36 minutes. Cool/ Spread Date Cream Filling between layers and Chocolate Cream Frosting over top and sides of cake. Dale Cream Filling: Heat 1 cap milk and V4 pound chopped dates in the top of a double boiler. Combine Vi cup sugar, 1 table spoon flour, and 1 egg, blending until smooth. Slowly stir into hot milk mixture. Cook and stir until mixture is thickened. Cool. Then stir in V4 cup chopped nuts and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Makes about 2 cups. Chocolate Cream Fronting: Grate 2 squares unsweetened choco late. Combine with 1 cup light cream and 2 cups sugar in I small heavy saucepan. Bring to a boil. Then boil 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and set in a bowl of ice and water. Beat until frosting will hold its shape. Makes about 3 cups. I 1 Fudge Cake FOR DELKXMIS ROLLS I In Jus I Seven Minutes, Try AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY Hints For Homemakers By RUTH CURRENT Cold weather time for carbo hydrate*. ? la cold weather hard to take? Reaearch shows that carbo hydrate food* are rold weather pro tector*. Best known are: Fruits, moat vegetables, breads, cereals, milk. Be sure bread and cereal are enriched or whole grain. Sopiething different in menu planning. ? For a change of menu, switch the high protein food of the meal from the main course to the daeaert course. Add preserved gin ger, chocolate chip*, or plump rais in* to baked cuatard. Tasty bread puddings are good selections, too. Angel food cake or meringues, tMmed with fruit or ice cream, are bargains in high quality protein as are cheeae cakes and baked Alas kaa. O Teen-agers need good breakfast. ? It's foolhardy for high school stu dent* to trade their breakfast for a little extra morning sleep. It is practically impossible to make up the food missed at breakfast by eating snaeks or "overeating" at other meals. Breakfast should pro vide at least one-fourth of the teen-ager's total daily food intake. That mid-morning hunger feeling among teen-agers can be stopped with a good serving of eggs at breakfast. Because high protein foods are slowly digested, hunger comes less quickly after eating eggs for breakfast. Much of the ground work for health in later life is laid during the teen-age period. It is often impossible to compensate for nu tritional damage incurred during the teens. Make best use of life insurance policies. ? Life insurance enables a family to have household help when most in need of it ? some times during stress and strain of a family emergency. Know the choices you have for using dividends. Some policy hold ers apply dividends to premiums; others take the dividends in cash. Count your life insurance in re tirement planning. When you reach retirement age the cash \al ues in your policies may be used to supplement other retirement in come, such as a company pension and Social Security. Many retired families today have a very com fortable income built up of such "bits-and-pieces." At the same time, husbands ke^ii part of their insurance as protection for their wives. Laying stair carpet. ? We suggest to the person who is going to put down stair carpet that this be done. When you buy your carpet buy an extra foot of carpet and fold it under against one or two risers at the top of the stairs. As neces sary, shift carpet downward an inch or two before the edges look worn. Fold under the excess car pet at the foot of the stairs against the lower riser. Traffic areas the first to show wear on your rugs. It is wise, therefore, to reverse the po sition of a rug at intervals. The location of heavy furniture should be changed occasionally. Use matching scatter rugs on the car pet or rug in front of favorite easy chairs used for TV viewing. Dbn't put your scatter rugs down zigzag ? they should be straight in front of furniture. Emergency Successors for Top Otthials STATE GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE ?-Ill I JUDICIAL LEGISLATIVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ? L COUNTY SUPERVISOR I ? MAYOR OR CITY MOR. ?oooeeaen for Md key official In State %nd local rorermmtole ?? niMllil k otrani emerrenclee to unn that repreeenta. Uto fforernmeat would (arrive a mwlni attack and bo able to funotloa effectively. "Conttnnlty o I t?voramimt lefUlat i," Dlreo torlML Hooch. 0 1 the Office of Civil a ?J Defcnae MobUbaUon, declares, "Is ?till to !???? nrrtral, mmm ul victory.** Many Btotai already have provided (or Unee o i aatomatle saooe* ?loa la proper depth for key oxecotlTO offlclala, lerUaton and the Judiciary. Fourteen State* win be T otitic on emergency power oonatitaUonal ?moadmenU durln* Ik* Nor. I prooldrntl.l ?l?otlo?I Regular Exercise Aids In Controlling Weight Regular exercise can be a big help in controlling weight. More activity in the daily routine can further the cause of a reducing diet, or with no change in diet at all it can bring about a gradual loss of excess fat. Long hours of strenuous exer cise are not necessary to keep weight in check and, for many people, are not even recommended. But regular, less strenuous exer cise, can be surprisingly effective for people who need to take it easier and at the same time need to either lose or maintain weight while eating the same amount of food as before. Nutritionists say if an over weight woman, who gets just enough calories to maintain her weight, spends one extra hour ev ery day at housework that keeps her moderately active and moving around instead of sitting, she used 80 more calories a day. In a year, " if her diet remains about the same, she can lose nine pounds. Then if she can change a second "sitting hour" to some type of daily active recreation, without changing diet, she can use an additional 170 cal ories a day, and in a year shed an other 15 pounds, or a total of 24 pounds. Many people, of course, are not as free to get more activity into their daily routines, particularly those with fulltime jobs. Thus, leisure time offers the best oppor tunity for more exercise. Even though the time given to added ac tivity may be short, if established as a regular routine it can have gradual and lasting effects on weight and can also help muscle tone and circulation. BRITISH SYMPATHY London ? Americans are more popular in Britain than they used to be ? because they are not so rich as they used to be. This is a contrast to the days when the United States by its gen erosity toward Britain created en vy, annoyance and sometimes re vulsion. However, this sympathy is re flected in conversations and news paper discussions about the loss es of United States gold reserves. If you're not getting service ~ like this, switch^ now to our "Watchdog" Oil Heat Service! R. D. HODGES, Jr. Dealer ESSO Products AM 4-8801 BOONE, N. C. On.HUT?VMC SHOP YOUR FRIENDLY HOME-OWNED THRIFT STORE . . . AND SAVE ON OLD BLACK JOE to celebrate the Mew Year! We Feature U.S. Choice Beef ? Tender SIRLOIN STEAK - Lb 89c FINE QUALITY ARMOUR'S CHOICE - STEAK - T-BONE ^ 99c - DELMONICO * 99c SWIFTS SWEET RASHER BACON - ^ 39c WHITE FIRM CABBAGE - u> 4c SMOKED PORK Hog Jowl Lb. 25c MEDIUM YELLOW ONIONS 3 u? 19c BLACKEYE Peas 2- No. 2 cans 29c DRY CELLO 2 lbs. BUCKEYE PEAS 35c MDI ? ALL PURPOSE THRIFT ROYAL FRESH GROUND SHORTENING 3 u, c,? 59( | COFFEE - 1 l? b,3 5 5t LAKE ORCHARD FROZEN 2Q-OZ. SCOTT FAMILY FRUIT PIES 3 f?' 89c Napkins^?25< TISSUL>?53 DELSEY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS 0w| East King Street ? Plenty of Free Parking Space ? Phone AM 4-8886