W.U?V0*~r,t WANT ADVERTISING RATE S Oat* a Ward ? M Cento Minimum Charge Cask Mast Accompany All Ordcn * FOR SALE TWENTYFOUK 23 ft. bnUdlnf lots off Highway 106 bypass. Call AM 4-3778 Or AM 4 3M9 or Con tact Greene Buick-Pontiac, inc. ii * 1 i in i t FOR SALE ? Ear tarn, 2 cento per pound. Any amount. V. C. Shore Produce Co. Ilt4-tfc FOR SALE? 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon. Very good tires. Excellent condition. Priced to sell. Earl Nor ris, Jr., Route 1, Boone. Phone 264-7159. l-5-3p FOR SALE of rent 1960 model house trailer, two bedrooms. Phone AM 4 8396 or AM 4-8866 l-5-2p FOR SALE ? 9 year old horse, about 1,400 pounds. Works good. Ward Billings, Vilas, N. C. l-5-3p FOR SALE ? 1958 Chevrolet 2-ton dump truck, 1 owner. Price $2250.00. fr. W. Watson, AM 4 3917. l-5-2p FOR SALE? ?'x8' wall tent, $23; IVi hp Elgin outboard motor, $55; Bell & Howell camera, screen and projector, $100; tape recorder, $65. Call CO 7 2490. 1 12-2c FOR SALE ? 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon. Very good tires. Excellent condition. Priced to sell. Earl Nor ris, Jr., Route 1, Boone. Phone 264-8159. l-123p FOR SALE ? 1956 Chevy 4-door sedan, fully equipped, one owner, like new. Also 1953 Chevy sport coupe in A-l condition. Both cars priced to sell. May be seen at C. W. Hoke's residence, Route 1, Boone, N. C. lp FOR SALE oh RENT? 2 bedroom, furnished cottage, heat, hot and cold water, on Highway 106, 2 miles from Boone. Telephone AM 4-8520. l-12-2p BALED HAY for "wle. Ray_F\ Ward, Sugar Grove, N. C. 1-12 3j> BEAGLES for sale? Full-blooded, 2 year old beagles. Good rabbit dogs. Call Johnny Greer, AM 4 3166. lp FOR SALE? 1985 Willys car. See Don Thompson, Vilas, N. C. lp FOR SALE? -Good farm mare. Work anywhefe, about 1500 pounds. R. W. Harmon, Route 3, Boone, N. C. Poplar Grove Road. IP MISCELLANEOUS PEOPLE STAYED away from our store in crofcd* list week, ?o we still have lot* of good values left. CHURCH'S, West King St. ? USED APPLIANCES' ? We carry a large stock of Med electrical ap pliances. Guaranteed A-l condi tion. Easy terms. Modern Appliance/ Company, Boone. N. C. 5-28-tfc WE HAVE MUD AND SNOW TIRES. Our mud and snow treads bite deep and pull hard . . . keeps you on the go over rough slippery winter roads. See us and save money while you (pare yourself trouble. WATAUGA PCX STORE. le HOMELITE CHAINSAWS ? SalM. service and repair*. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. M-tfe LIGHT BULBS? We have a special high voltage light bulb that give* longer service on today's higher voltage lines. Eliminate frequent bulb failure . . . come in today and stock up.? WATAUGA FCX STORE. le FCX BATTERIES make cold morn ing starts a snap. Save money . . . save tint* . . . save trouble, get a new, ldng-life battery today and say goodbye to cold weather starting troubles. WATAUGA PCX STORE. le LOMBARD CHAtNSAWS ? Sale* and service. COVE CREEK STORE Sunr Grove. N. C. 8-8-tfe PIANOS ? We have just received a truck load of new pitaea. Must sell them to someone, somewhere, at some price so that we can make room for other* that we have coming in. Also have la rue selec tion of good u*ed planet. See them at Garwood Plan Co., Wilkw boro. N. C. HS-tfc PIANO LESSOfIB ? t shall resume riving piano lelamtt Jfmiary 1A. Phone CY 5-373*. Mrs EdWin El more, Blowing Hdflc. le MEN'S and boys' sport coat* and 'top coat* reduced 10% to 40%. (CHURCH'S, Wert KiqgjH le ?????? ? ? ? ? OUR ENTtRHi *hoe stock reduced 10% ? plus several special buys with as much as 40% oil. CHURCH'S STORE, West King St. lc NO+ICE? Mil accept bids on the Old Pleasant Grove Baptist Church building Anyone ifiterestad tee Emory Mitchell, Tom Perry or Rortda Greene at Silverstone. l-122c ALL MEN'S and boys' ear coat* and Jackets reduced 20% to 40 CHURCH'S, West King St. lc 'LOOK AHEAD to Spring PUnting Write today for Ffee Copy 56-pg Planting Guide Catalog in color offered by Virginia's largest grow ers of Fruit and Not Trees, Grape Vines, Berry Plants, Flowering Shrubs. Evergreens, Shade Trees, Flowering Trees, Roses. WAYNES BORO NURSERIES? Waynesboro, Virginia. l-12-3c ONE TABLE men's pants ? includ ing all wool at A blends, half-price. All pants reduced 10%. Church's Store, West King Si. lc WELL DRILLING ? Using the revolutionary and fast rotary air drill. For fast, efficient service, call or write Newman Brothers Well Drilling Co., Elkin, N. C. Phone 835-4914. Call Collect. 12-8-tfc ONE TABLE men's knit shirts ? values to $3.96 ? now $1.98. One table sport and dress shirts of equal value ? $1.98. CHURCH'S, West King St. lc SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Prices reasonable, work guaran teed. Appalachian Septic Tank Service. Phone Wafren Greene, AMherst 4-3203, Route 2, Boone, N. C. HEALTH DEPT. APPROVED 3-31-tfc OUR entire stock of men's and boys' suits reduced 20% to 30%. Now is th* time; Anybody can dress up at our prices!. Church's STORE, West King St. lc WE BUY. SELL OR TRADETny thing, anywhere, anytime. M. & R. Furniture Co., Vilas, N. C. 3-8-tfc ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Floor waxers and cleaners. E. J. Pierce. Millers Craek, N. C. Phone WANTED WANTED TO BUY or rent good 3 bedroom house in Boone or nearby vicinity. Must have base ment and car port or garage. Write "House" Care Watauga Democrat, Boone, N. C. l-4-2p WANTED ? Baby-sitting job in my home in Boone. Call AM 4-2267 af ter 3 p. m. lp FOR RENT FOR RENT -J- Furbished apart ment. 3 rooms' and bath. Located on West Howard St. Available January 1. Call AM 4-3019 or AM4 3868. 12 22-tfc FOR RENT ? 6 room house, furn ace, hot water heater. H4 miles west of Boone. Contact George Wilson, AH 4-3582. l-5-2p FOR KENT on Watauga Drive New hooae. 5 rooms with storm windows, hot air furnace. Will be vacant January 19th. Call AM 4 8298. Ted Clawson. lp FOR RENT? Large 2 bedroom apartment. Well furnished and heated. Close in. AM 4*377. 1-12-2C COTTAGE, 3 rooms and bath, com pletely furnished for rent to mar ried ample. Steam heat, hot and cold water furnished. Also rooms for rent. Phone AM 4-3888. lp ^ - FOR RENT ? 3 bedroom house, basement, and apartment in base ment. Now rented for the next term of school. If you are interest ed you may see the house on Grand Blvd. WiU sell or rent. Mrs. G. B. Miller. 302 Grand Blvd Telephone AM 4-2132. lc FOR RENT ? Garage apartment. 3 rooms and bath. Couple only. AM 4-9082. lc EMPI-OYMENT BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Earn more selling Rawleigh Product*? every body knows and like* them. Work part time at (tart. If you arc dubi ous. See for yourself. Vacancy nearby Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCA 080-H, Richmond, Va. 1-lftJp $2.50 PE* HOUR or more for part or full time route work. Large re peat orders. Man or woman. Write McNESS CO., P. O. Boa 171, Bal timore, Md. Ml2p Listen ? avon s calling, u inlereMad in goad income M put time basic with no experience necessary then write Ullie' Fayne, Mgr.,' North Wilkesboro, giving di rections to home. lc Legal Notices NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY ? Under and by virtue ?f the pow er of ??le contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Shirley Williams (Single), dated May 2, 1980, and recorded in Book 93. al Page 182 in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Watauga County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclo sure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for tale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Boone. North Carolina, at noon, on the 11th day of February, 1961, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the tame lying and being in the Coun ty of Watauga and State of North Carolina, in Boone Township, and more particularly described as follows: TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at a point on the Western side of Loy Drive, corner of the Wade E. Brown land; thence running North 10V4 deg. West with Loy Drive 49 feet to a stake; thence continuing along said drive North 27 deg. West 50 feet to a stake, corner of a 25 foot street: thence a West ward direction with said street 115H feet to a stake, corner of the lands of J. H. Hobby; thence leav ing taid street and runs South 3 deg, West 125 feet to a stake in Wade E. Brown's line; thence North 83 deg. East with Wade E. Brown's line 142 feet to the BE GINNING. and being all of Lots No. 51, 50, 49, 48, 47 and a part of No. 46 as shown on the map of the H. M. Loy property, made by W. R. Vines, Surveyor, which may is of record in the Office of the Re gister of Deeds for Watauga Coun ty, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete descrip tion of said propertv. TRACT TWO: LYING AND BE ING In what is known as Pine Top Subdivision as shown on map re corded in the Office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Watauga County In Book 1, Page 49. and being Lots No. 1. 2, and the East half of Lot No. 3 and Lot No. 8 of said sub division. TRACT THREE: BEGINNING on a stake in the Brewer line ?pff being the Northwest corner of the Wade E. Brown land at the end of the said Wade E. Brown's spruce pine hed?e, and runs with the West side of said SDmce pine hedge" thence North *1 fan. Mtot* 224 feet to comer of Mary Fr*P ces Brewer's lot: thence North east with the said Mary Frances Brewer line to her -corner; thence continuing with her line to the BEGINNING. But this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unnaid taxes and municipal wsessme"" This 10th dav of January. 1961. STACY C. EGGERS, JR. Tnistee 1 12-5c-e NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admin istrator of the estate of Delia Aus tin, late of the countv of Watauga. State of North Carolina, this is to notify thrtse having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the d?te hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ttiose Indebted to the estate are ask?d to mak* im mediate payment. Thin January 9. 1961 ? Wade E Brown, Admin istrator, Boone. N. C. l-12-6c-h ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having Qualified as the admin istrator of the estate of J. B. Nor ris. late of the countv of Watauga. Stat* of North Carolina, this is to notify thoae having claims against the estate of the said decased to nrej?nt them to me within 12 months o' the d?te h?*e?f or thl? not'ce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Thow indebted to the estate are asked to make im mediat? pavment. This December 6. 1960? W. D. Norris, Adm>-.. Boone, N. C. 12-lMp S-Mv for ttio man who Works for a Living ? Income Protection H disabled by sick nets or acci dent ? Family Protection ? Retirement Imn so yoo can take it easy in com ?4 rmr rmnalMfi IBMTMM AM NATIONAL GRANGE INSURANCE CO. Kwiw, N. H. SERVICE SAVINGS SECURITY Fire Homrftwnrn Auto Personal LUbilitjr Farm Liability I,ive*tock Firm Machinery Nets hat the fastest claim service la thla area The eompuy has aaeeta ever 9lt.MM.toe. and Sarptaa over Slt.ttt.tOt Represented by a local lade pendent Afeat who serve* the Inimred fim Cal Or Contact JERRY AfrAMS SUGAR GROVE, N. C. CALL CO 7i4W NOTICE or ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admin istrator of the estate of Life Ox entine, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, this ia to notify those hating claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to th? estate are asked to make immediate pay ment This December 27, 1968. ? HAYDEN C. PITTS, Administra tor, Blowing Rock, N. C. 12 29-6p EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the will of Roe Wilburn Keller, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be oleaded in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This Decem ber 30, 1960. MAOGIE ELLEN KELLER McMAHON, 231 Blowing Rock Road, Boone, N. C. l-5-6e-e AMERICAN FOOD INTAKE The average American consumed an estimated 1,488 pounds of food this year. The Agriculture Department re ported that the average American ate a little over 400 pounds of dairy products, except butter, and approximately the same amount of fruits and vegetables. The average meat consumed was 178 pounds followed by 146 pounds of flour and cereal and 106 each of potatoes and sugar and other sweets. The lowest category of below one hundred pounds covered 67 pounds of butter, 41 pounds of eggs and 17 pounds of coffee, tea and cocoa. About 87,000 Tar Heel farmers grow cotton. Washington News I" Washington 0. C, ? The crisis U Laos was the litest n a iertes at Chinese sponsored aggressietfc which calls pie (Jolted States' hand indirectly The technique is the same whit^i teas used So success fully for a while by Adolph Hitler. Hitler had National Socialists parties organized In such state* as Austris and Czechoslovakia and used them )o do the things, quite often, he did not want Germany to do openly. The Chinese have the same plays working for them. Law was invaded, according to the most reliable sources, by com munist-prepared and trained forees and because the United States and other democratic powers had guar anteed its fredom, it was up to us, the English and the French, to fight or negotiate. prance, tied down in Algeria, is too weak and tired to fight. Eng land wanted to hold conferences and negotiate. President Eisenhow er was tempted to be tough and stand back of our guarantee to Laos. that was the situstion facing the outgoing President as he prepared to vacate his office in favor of a successor. The Chinese Reds have gobbled up part of Indonesia, Tibet and parts of India's border area. They tried to grab South Korea but force stoped them there. The obvious feeling among Chi nese Reds is that thfe United States will not go to war over Laos at a time of changing administrations ? despite the guarantee. Our "out" is that rival factions began fight ing in Laos long ago and that the Chinese Reds are not directly in I volved. It is supposed to be a revo lution, communist-style, that is. What worries some American of ficials is the loss of face inevitable with backdowns in Asia. Yet few Americans want to fight in Laos ? it is generally conceded. The crisis strikes Washington at a delicate time and President-elect Kennedy it certain to iaWrit an explosive ?i tuition lit the Fir Ext. SftATO, which pledged to guar satee Laos' independence, ia on the spot. And it apear* that Red China haa once more flung down the challenge fdr all to aee: if we want to save Laos (gambling that the* people Will be of value to us, and suport democracy in the future) we ran fight; otherwiae the comnuiifist led guerillas will take over. House rules Committee Chair man Howard Smith of Virginia is quietly lining up House and Senate suport for a new effort to enact into law HR-3, the Smith States Rights bill, which he plans to re introduce in the Congress shortly. The Smith bill, which has twice been passed by the House but has died in the Senate each time, would bar courts from invalidating state laws under the preemption doctrine, unless Congress had stat ed specifically its intention to take over the field in question, or un less the state law and a federal lawe were in irreconciable con flict. It would also give states express permission to pas* and enforce sedition laws panianing subsersive activities against the federal gov ernment. The Smith bill has been endors ed by the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Associa tion of Manufacturers, and com mittees of the American Bar As sociation and the National Associa tion of Attorney General. It is oposed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Americans for Democratic Action, the AFL CIO, and the Eisenhower Justice Department. U. S. merchant fleet gained four ships last month . ...the only car in its field beautifully built to go... miles between lubrications 30,000 is the most famous num ber of the year. It's every '61 Ford owner's license to save. How can Ford do it? Conven tional chassis lubrication fit tings have been replaced with metal plugs that help protect each lubrication point against abrasive mud, dirt and dust. And then, for only about $4 and about 20 minutes your Ford is ready for another 30,000! This is just one of the many ways the '61 Ford is built to. take care of itself. Your Ford Dealer can show you more. nm f-M HERE'S HOW THE *1 FORD TAKES CAKE OF ITSELF LaMeatM heelf? YouH normally go 30,000 mile. ? chassis lubrications ( which com only about ' about 10 mKluMal Mcrat Ford $4 00 I haa replaced conventional ireaae fittings with ? ?ealed-in lubrication system. Cleane k> own *U ? You'll CO 4400 miles between oil changes becMW Ford'l Full-no* oil IU? t g.ves you lUtration through Ahers . . . trapping mxc dirt than any otlicr type of lltar made. Adjn* ill owl IMkw? New Thwk Ma hrai.es adjust themseivea? awMmaMraSy. Qua rds ha wwn nsaWIrn ?Ford mufflers ?r* tfcmble wrapped and aluminized to laat three times aa long aa ordinary mufflers. Protects Its rwa My? All vital tmderbody parts are specially procaaaad to renin rust and evrrotion. even to galvanUbg Ite body panels beneath the Tstts etra df hi ?*? lfhM-)u? wash and dkaa Ford's new Diamond Luatre Finish and It cootfcuti to gliftta Ilk* tew. It never needs Wmng. Only FORD is beautifully bulk to take care of itself WINKLER MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. D?*M md Bowari Sired* DMltr Uecnsc Ho. 1170 tim kwtk Caratta* USE WANT AOS FOB RESULTS ' ???>'/ rt ' | \ i\ Of the K9 billion in agricul tural export* ia fiacal year I960, $3.2 billion mtrtefl tftrhiKerdtelly for dollar* and $13 billion moved under government flnanct-d pro friiM. ^ " : JL Estel G. Wagner Real Estate Broker 115 W. HOWARD ST. ? BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA Open and Confidential Lilting of Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Rural Properties DIAL ^Mherst 4-8586 ? AM 4-3647 FOR RENT 3 Room Apartment ? Heat and water furnished. HOMES On East King St. Living room with* fireplace 4 bedroom house Dining room 2 baths Price >10,900.00 7 mi. W. of Boon, otd Hwy. 421 ? : I h?7