As of last week? and probably M of this one? everyone wanted batter schools; but nobody wanted them enough to pay for them. It waa the Mine old story. ? The tobacco people did not want It on tobacco. The house wives did not want a tax on food. The bottlers did not want it on soft drinks. The fanner did not want U on agricultural products. Unleaa those interested in rais ing North Carolina from the bot tom rung of the educational lad der become better organised ? and mere active? you can pretty well kiss goodbye for another season any plans for much educational advancement for our Old North State. F earth Coming Up Those responsible for carrying Terry Sanfonl to victory in the first Primary l*st year ? and on to another victory over Dr. Lake in the second Primary ? and thence to victory over Robert L. Gavin in November ? now have a fourth time at bat They must side with the San ford speech as one undivided group ? or run the risk of tossing away their three great victories in 1980. Sonadlag Out Sentiment To ?ay "I'm for better schools, but ? " kids nobody. But it does dig one more mudbole in the road to progress. If you believe in the Governor's program, now is th? time to let your legislator know about it. He would appreciate ? wire from you? or a letter, or just a post card? letting him know how you feel about it. And maybe why! Main reason there was so much mental milling around, backing and filling immediately after the Governor's speech was thst the men and women in the Legislature didn't know what the reaction of the people back home would be. Virtually without exception ? even including those from the far western counties? the solons went home this past weekend to scour the bushes sounding out sentiment. We should all remember that progress never comes easy ? sel dom comes without sacrifices. The Experiment Failed An honest effort was made here during the first mot 't' of the cur rent aession of the Legi^aturc to hold meetings of the Finance and Appropriations Committee* in morning*. These are the two big commit tee*. Everybody in the Legislature i* one one or the other of these committees Since the beginning of time these committee* bad met in the afternoon ? usually at 2:30 o'clock. But a long debate or dis cuaaion in either House baa fre quently resulted in legislator* go ing without lunch in order to make it to the group meeting. It was frequently the case ? probably more often than not ? that the committee meetings could not be gin hearings on time. Then, too, long-winded speakers before the committees have been known to keep them in session un til dark? well past supper time. Also, 'after a couple to three hard hours in session, some of the com mittee members did not feel up to a vigorous committee discussion. So this time it was decided these big groups would hold their meetings - early in the morning when everybody was fresh from a good night's sleep and ready for business. Less doling, more vigor, more interest But it just didn't work. Here's why The members would not at tend the meetings of the umpteen "little" committees transferred to the afternoon. Sometimes these smaller groups act on matters a* far-reaching aa Appropriations snd Finance ? and when there was much sbsenteeism they could not properly function. So now we are back where we started ? with Appropriations and Finance meeting at around two TERMITES SWARMING? WE MEAN "PROVEN RESULTS" ON ALL CROPS ROBERTSONS PROVEN FERTILIZERS an the "all round" everycrop fertilizers that for 50 years have provan themtelvot over and ever again. All crops that naad fertilization art candidates for tht famous "ROBERTSON TEST." Tiy Robertsons on a ay erep, next to any othor fertilizer and you'll sao wliy "Proven" Is our middle name. Call your Robertson agent today. Plants Located at ? NORFOLK, VA. ?OUTM HILL, VA. ' RALf I6H, N. C. STATE8VILLE, N. C. WILMINBTON, N. C. o'clock Is the afternoon? and the other if Him beginning promptly at uoi in the morning. High N?m A lot of "people think they on coax to Raleigh almost any tint* and find their representative or senator sitting in solemn session as shown in the movie*. But as a matter of fact less than 23 per cent of his work day 1* spent In the Capitol. Moat of his time I* consumed in committee meeting*. So, unles* yon know what committee the per son you want to aee i* on, the best time to catch him in the daytime is at noon ? along then ? when both house* are usually in *e?*ion. Sam Lambert, director of the Reaearch Division of the National Education Association, say* that within the next ten years tbe;e change* will be made in our pub lie (chooti: 1. A 200-day school term (we now hove 180). 2. An 8-hour school day ? against our present si*. 3. Increased academic require menta. 4. All year schools in the form of greatly expanded and improved summer school*. 3. Abandonment of itudy halls. _____ 6. fton public kindergarten and nursery schools 7. Increased attention to alow learners. 8 Hi (bar qualifications (above B. A Degree) for teachers y. Additional public junior col legaa. 9. Additional public junior col leflei. Get-Then Trading Since aur don't want 's are stronger than our want's, the Gov ernor has member* ol the Legiala ture toaaing the hot (tick to each other. Remember back in the old day* when on Halloween we would aoak a rag ball in keroaene and throw it about? Hold it over a second and you were burnt. Get rid of it in a hurry ? and it became the next person's responsibility. The real battle comet down to an increase In the sales tax to four per cent or the inclusion of food, with tobacco, soft drinks, and one or two other items such as farm machinery. There will be trading! Maay More Within t mo weeks the General Assembly will have before it at least a half-dozen different type revenue bills. All sorts of combi ON PROGRAM. ? These 4-H Club members were on the annual Achieve ment Day Program at Cove Creek Friday night. They are, left to right, front row: Ronald Swift, Kent Younce, Larry Richardson, John Lett Jr.; back row: Lockwood Shull, Bettina Danner, Diane Forester, Judy Henaon, and Agnes Gray Shipley Staff photo. nations. It remains anybody's guess as to what the mixup will do to the Governor's Better Schools Program. North Rhodesia tense as race strife is feared. Traffic Toll Raleigh.? The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths in North Carolina through 10 a. m. Monday, March IS: Killed to date 173. Killed to date last year ... 183| WILLIAMS 8JEKJL8 ?? MILLION Auistant Secretary of State William* haa uktd tor *S?SM?0 to oataMiah fourteen new embaa aiea and three consulate* in Africa and strengthen hi* African Bureau in Washington. He said the rapid emergency of new nationa in Africa had "left the bureau breathlea*." He i* in charge of African Affairs. NOISY LIONS Fair Lawn, N. J.? Residents are kept awake here with lions roar in* The lion* are being kept in ? warehouse in a residential section here until their appearance on a TV program. One resident said, "Those roars mean they're hungry? and that's what worries me." R. D. HODGES, Jr. Dealer ESSO Products AM 4-8801 * BOONE, N- C. Breasts Thighs Livers - - ib. 59c - ib. 49c ? ib. 79c Legs - - ? Wings - - Gizzards - - ib. 45c - - lb. 15c ? - ib. 15c SAVE YOUR GREElfeCASH REGISTER TAPES FOR VALUABLE PREMIUMS. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS East King Street ? Plenty of Free Parking Space ? Phone AM 4-8886