FOR BEST RESULTS advertlaeri invariably uae the column* of the Democrat. With ita full paid circulation, intensely covering the local (hopping area, it u the beat advertiaing medium available. VOLUME LXX1II? NO. 40 PRICE: riVE CENTS BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, APRIL I, 1*1 An Independent Weekly IS e?t>$ paper . . . Seventy-Third Year BOONE UULb' COURSE opened this week for what Joe Maples, golf i pro at the course, believes will be the best year in its three-year , history. Hugh Morton took this picture last year when the sports man's attraction was at its height of beauty. Watauga's United Drive Nets 60% Of Quota, Figures Show Watauga County's United Fund Campaign, caught first in the flood tide of the heated and colorful "Great Debates" of the Presidential election year, then taking a back seat to Thanksgiving and the Yule season, has just completed its mopping-up procedures and has ar rived at a figure for the campaign, according to Campaign Chairman Robert Bumbaugh, as he reported an approximate 60% of the $17, 000 goal for the Fund's 1960-61 budget. "The campaign was filled with contradictory aspects," Mr. Bum baugh said. "First, it was the largest budget committment ever assumed by Watauga United, but it met with the smallest subscriber committment ever pledged by Wa taugans. There were isolated in stances where volunteer workers Debating Team Goes To Oklahoma The Appalachian State Teachers College debating team participated last week in the national Pi Kappa Delta forensic tournament at Ok lahoma State University at Still water, Okla. Representing Appalachian were Hildreth Jo Crowder, Raleigh, and Ramona Lee Craig, Lenoir. The students were accompanied by Professor Leo K. Pritchett, the college's debating coach. The Appalachian debaters joined approximately 1000 other collegi ans from colleges and universi ties throughout the country in at tacking this year's debate topic: "Resolved: That the United State* Should Adopt a Program of Com pulsory Health Insurance." did the most outstanding job ever undertaken for the Fund, there were other instances where volun teer workers met their task with an apathy heretofore unknown in any Watauga United campaign," he said. Mr. Bmnbangh had the highest praise for such workeri as Fred Gragg, who led the IRC employee solicitation to an all-time high in per capita giving, and to a 1M%. partkiMtion with the ex ception of two departments. In the community, he said, the fin est job was turned in by Dr. Lawrence Owsley, leading the Advance Gifts Division, and Cecil Miller, leading business employee solicitation among downtown firms. He also expressed his ap preciation to John Broyhill for his work among the Shadowllne employee group. "We set up what be believed to be excellent machinery for the drive," Mr. Bumbaugh said, "with detailed plans for solicitation that embraced every part of our county. Somewhere along the line it bogged down. We tried to do it without a lot of hoopla and fanfare, be lieving our citizenry were 100% behind Watauga United. I guess we just overlooked the fact that the fanfare of the big election cam paigns was going to overshadow us, both from the standpoint of keeping workers on the job and capturing the attention of the con tributor." Dr. Lawrence Owsley, Chair man of the Budget and Admis sions Committee, expressed dis appointment in the outcome of the campaign. "Oar budget com mittments were the very mini DEBATERS. ? Hildreth Jo Crowder, Raleigh, and Ramona Lee Craig, I Lenoir, repreaented Appalachian State Teacberi College In the na- ' tional Pi Kappa Delta debating tournament lait weak at Oklahoma I State University. Professor Leo K. Pritchett, the college'* debating coach, accompanied the tfudenU. nrum we felt we eouW make In the face of the nee