mm warn rnmmmm mmm ^ VISITORS.? Discussing aortbwMt Narth Carolina development, on the steps of the Fine Arte Building at the Collate Friday are, left to right, Nail Bolton, executive secretary of the development association, W. D. Halfacre, who acted a* panel chairman at the Joha Hilary Walkman Seminar that night; John Forlinee, Jr.. president; Alfred T. Adams, cashier Northwestecn Bank ia Booae; George Stephens. Jr., special assistant of Governor Tarry Santa* working with development groups; and Jamea Farthing, cashier TayloravMe branch af The NPrthwaatem Bank, and formerly of Boone.? Staff photo. Various Churches To Take Part In Observance Of Rural Life Sunday The comnmalty of Vail* Cruds will hold its sixth annual Rogation or Sural Life Sunday aervic* at Holy Cross Episcopal Church an May 7, beginning at 11:19 a. m. The theme of this year's service will be, "Rural Life Around the World." Emphasis will be made upon the interdependence of -all people the world over upon the Und, the teed, and the aower, and the unity of all people in Christ, the Rev. Rhett Y. Winter*, Jr, priett-in-charge of the hoit church, laid, in nuking the announcement. , Participating in the aervice will be repreientativei of four differ ent continenti of the world. Purn achandra Rao of aouthern India, Beech Creek News Items Rev. Ed Farthing filled hli re gular appointment at Beech Valley Church. Mrs. Opal Mays visited relative* In Elizabethton, Tennessee, sun Say Mrs. Lois Jones, twin* Paul and Pauiette, Mr. and Mr*. Hunt Tri vett visited Mr*. Vergie Trivett, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Fred Palmer of Morganton visited friends and re latives in thi* community Sunday. Mr. Jasper Pretaell has moved his lawmill to Mountain City, Tennessee. Mr. and Mr*. Jane* Stlne* have ?loved to Lenoir, where Mr. ttine* i* employed. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Trivett visited Mr. and Mn. Ivan Trivett, Kay and Karen of Vila*, Sunday. Mr. and Mn. R. L. Harmon, Sharon and Ricky visited Mr. and Mn. Ed Winten at Rou Moun tain. Miss Kathy Edmisten spent the Week end with the W. M. Harmons. Miss Edmisten is Mr. Harmon's great grandchild. Mn. Elbert Stanaberry and Mn. George Harmon vidted Mn. J. C. Anderson in Fo*coe, Sunday. Mr. George Harmon and Rev. Id Farthing visited Mrs. Stella Surton Sunday. She has been FCX SPRING PAINT SALE 15 WATAUGA SERVICE South Water St. seriouily ill, but ii rapidly im proving. Mr. md Mrs. Htmnw Rocic visited relatives in Boone Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Oaks and children visited Mr. and Mri. Jack Taylor, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Triplett and children of Newland visited rela tive* here Sunday. Talefit 'Contest Set For Friday The county 4-H Talent Contest will be held on Friday night, April 28 at 7:30 in the Boooe Elemen tary School. Each achool in the county will have four entrie*. Some of the achoois will have a achool contest to choose their entries.' Bob Hemes from WATA will be master of ceremonies. The public is invited to attend There will be no admission charge New York tenor wins "Met" opera auditions. Francisco Blanco of tbe Yucatan in southeast Mexico, and Hits Randy Sue Yu (ram Seoul, Korea, will represent their people in the srevice. All three are students at Appalachian State Teachers Col lege. Dr. J. C. Yoder, head of Social Studies at ASTC, will give ? talk after the service on International Relations. Leaders of the Methodist, Pres byterian , Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, and Episcopal churches will participate in the service. The offering will go to Christian Ov erseas Program for World Relief. Following the service there will be a picnic on the grounds. Watch Repairing A Specialty Give your treasured time piece the e*re It deserves. Depend ?pon our experts (or repairs in record time. Prices are low. WALKER'S JEWELRY Oposlte Postofflce Boom, N. C. Rev. Mr. Dobbin I* Given Honor On April 16. ? group of sixty rfUuvci and IriMds the ftav. Huga A. DobHin net at Ike home of Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Dobbin in huer Elk Thia waa in honor of R?v Dobbin, ?koM ninety-fifth birthday was April U Ht?u born In Watauga county id IBM to Hugh Alexander Dobbin and Margaret Dobbin. After a bountiful dinner was en Joyed by all, diaries Dobbin ot Lenoir, a grandaoe. gave a abort talk. Mr. Dobbin added a few re marfci concerning chiefly the aa pecta of the Fourth Commandment, and atated that feuiliea who honor ed their parent! applied to all hta frienda. Mra. F^inie Lowe of Banner Elk alao made a ahort addreaa, after which Mr. Dobbin opened the many glfta with which he waa remember ed. It aeemed there waa never a happier crowd to participate in a celebration in apite of tbe (act that what waa intended to be an outdoor event had to be obaerved indoors due to the cold mountain "T U. S. roae growera are saved $3 million annually by new inaect killlng chemicals. Viverette Attends Washington Meeting C. E Viverette, manager ol the Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation. is la D C., attesting a meeting at the Mr. Viverette, with raptwts tives Iran an eleven Mat* am, which rwnprieti the states served by the Southeastern Power Ad ministration, the market agency in the Department of Interior (or the pwwer developed at the Federal Hydro- Electric protects built by the Corps of Engineers, are ?Met ing with the Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall, and members of his staff to work out (tans whereby preference customers can best se cure their power from these federal hydro-elecetric plants. Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation and all other electric cooperatives would qualify as pref erence customers. Mr. Viverette serves as secretary to the eleven state power commit tee. The chairman is E. V. Lewis, manager of the Central Electric Power Cooperative of Cayce, I. C. The artificial insemination pro gram now embraces nearly a third (about seven million) of the cows in the U. S. Rev. Mr. Winters In MImoun The Rev Rhett Y. Winter*. Jr., prie*t-io-ctiar(e of Holy Cie*> Church. Valie CrocU, to teprMaat ing the Episcopal Diocese of West ern North Carolina at the National Biennial Episcopal Conference on Church in Town and Countr yat "Roan Ridge," The National Town and Country Inatitute, Parksville, Missouri, April 25-28. Theme of the conference will be, : "Challenges for the Chord) in j Town and Country." The purpose of the conference is to provide at the national level an opportunity > for sharing on a representative church-wide basis the experien ces. concerns and problems of those who are involved with the Epis copal church's work in town and country areas. Representatives from the Angli can Church ia Canada were also expected to be in attendance. Grenade injures U. S. official in Saigon. Midwest parley opens Democrats 1M2 drive. ? ? ? . ? . . f" Soviet presents mU Comgo plM to U. N. fr?ch police raid hornet of Rightist extremists. Paul Says: MY TALE OF WOE by A. Lapsed Policy I was once a proud valid policy Whose paid premiums kept me in force My owner, planning for the futre Arragned protection to cone in due course. My Owner missed one prem ium payment A lapsed policy, I now have become My owner has lost my pro tection My purpose In life is now done. My Owner passed away quite suddenly And his loved ones had to be toM The protection they thought I provided Was no longer there to behold. So, as my spirit cries out in the darkness And I rest here so sad and blue The maral of my sad little story Is, Dont Let This Happen To You. ? *?1>* jl < ? tip IN ALL SINCERITY If we are helpful in any way in your keeping your policy in force at all times, we will indeed be gratified; as we know there will come a day when you will say, "I'm Grateful I Did." ? Paul Watauga Insurance Agency J. Paul Winkler Ralph Gwaltney Mary Brown Mary Sue Hartley Box M7 223 West King Street BOONE, N. C. FUU.-WZC DOOOC DART WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A DART INSTEAD OF A LANCER ... OR VICE-VERSA OOMWkCT OOOQE LANCCM In buying ? new Mga, thaw's only one M| Bristol. What sia, compact or stonderd? Dert(ontop) is* full -sin Dodge frioad?Ddel for moMwMk Ford snd Chevrolet. Below to our mw compact Ood|e Lamar. There are three dNerama batwean them. Ste : Oart to Mm biuar. Appearance: obvious. And price. We've already eatab MM OerTa. laort to about the tame at Comet, Falcon and Corvair. Otherwise they're iiieihmttal twins. SMNMRD OR OOMRACT YOU GET A GfiW DEAL WITH D0D6E With a unitized, rust-proofed body. A superbly -controlled ride called Torsion-Aire. A kattery-savm( aKemator. And lots more. Pick the Ood|e that fits you best Get it at the lowest possible price. What could be fairer than that? ran TK-CUP MNITION KITMM |W??Maev. M sua naa nk? M MM *MM^r H* )Mr lr takkf a ?Mi ki ? Mp Mr ? knk m a* Ma* <"?* iplN ?? ??iim Ki" tew. Ota a#M aWrifM, M ?, last. SB THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN KEYS - YOUR DEPENDABLE DODGE DEALER . -'Uk.' BROWN & GRAHAM MOTOR CO. Dealer No. 833 BOONE- N. C. 111 Daniel Boone Inn will open Saturday, April 29 FOR THE SEASON * I Serving the Very Rett Family Meal * Serving Monday thru Saturday 5:00 p. m.-8:'30 p. m. Sunday - 12:00 Noon-8:30 p. m. MRS. ANN WHITAKER, Mgr. DElUXf tors AND GIRLS ? 26" BIKES Fully equipped EVERGREEN OSCILLATING SPRINKLER REG. $5.4* < Contains the finest mixture for turf like results. Hardy Kentucky Hue base. (130) Covers up to 1500 sq. ft. in a setting. Sealed mechanism eliminates dirt. TMJE VALUE SHAOT GRASS Revolve* on y specially * furnnhed faucet. Green baked enamel. Desiined far ittp shade Areas. 1 lb. Bo*. 69/ S a.?WL., UM P WW ^ f On pi?i wodiImi troy with , \ ?turdy rolled edge. 3 cubic foot ' topocity. Heavy dvty lira. ? tTrJiv. }|49 I | HOUSEHOLD A | BROOMS M O Save now tn these duraMe, long last- //jV/ /? fl, , S in| brooms. Specially priced with this , (MHfgM g coupon. Reg. $1.49 ffM/lMflUlf* % ~ OOj with tku MM/my* LONG HANDLE SHOVEL Lucky $2 ? For April No. D95642581-A If Yon Have the $2 Bill Bearing Thh Serial Number, It Will Purchase a Complete Fishing Outfit That Regularly Sells for $24.95 Farmers Hardware and Supply Company, Inc. WEST KING STREET ? BOONE, N. C. AM 4-6901