Speaking Of Golf fly WE MAPLES Entries are already coming in for the Carolina! Open which will be played on the Boone course in' just three weeks and interest is really running high. We Jjave re-j ccived an entry from is far aw?y as Greenville. N. C. and wHan they come from that far away Its u fr ugal. Ticket sales tor the Open will be under |he sponsorJItfp at th?, Boone Rotary Club and admission will be >1.00 per day. The Rotary, will receive a portion of the money received from these sales to fur ther the fine civic work they do, ao five them all the support you can. They will also have change of the sale 'of ?ur beautiful progrhm that has much Interesting Information in it about the tournaiMBt, the pltoyars and our local atea as well. Tfce .charge tor these Will 'be 50c which h less than they cost to have printed. There will be no ad mission charge for the Pro- AM which is to be held on Monday June 5. The sale of advertising In the program has made it possible lor us to put on a banquet fdr the eon- 1 testants, their wives a* of the preaa to' be held on Tues day night it the Daniel tawe lite, and alsp to have score jearfls ;,nd wintttbleld it letters prtnteti Air <he tftajers ?rs. Thh turning Monday and Tnea Ay, Ihtre Win be * tournnm??it Vet<on%y the La?l? Foothill L* gpc Old we enp?? fidld df over 123 players from all over "Wkstern Carolina for this. The course will still lie open 40 play for other players after 41 the ladies are tejd dff, Which should be no later than 2:00 Ip. Hi. Arbund 2d0 Mitations, pro grama ant are* fold< rs are being mailed dut this .?M to Country OKfflk 'all ovar North >and Soutjif Carolina and from these we ex pect to have a record field of be tween 179 anil 200 player* for the Carolhas Opto. We art -wbrking at full speed in order to get the local course in the best pan! hie condition for this. Members of the, Boone ctyb interested in ptayW in the pro- Am should, Sigh lib Uni the goH ihnp -at -ones. Comment On Sports . BV T"ETE FRITOBIE Washington, D. C.? The New York Yankees are still making smart trades and that has been? for the past fifteen years or ?more ? one of the reasons they are usu ally up there in the standings at the end of the season. The latest was at the expense of the Los Angeles Angels. The Yankees got two players who will htlp the club In Bob Cerv and Tex CievAiger. The Angels got "num bers" and aome might help ot none might help. These numbers were Rhyne Du ren and Johnny James, pitchers, outfielder LeRoy Thomas and an unnamed outfielder. Duren is i question-mark this year, and aftei the trade the Yankee front office admitted as much. Not much k known about James and Thomas Ahd not even the identity of the fourth player is known. Cerv ia an established player who is a good man to have on the benfeh. And Tex Clevenger was prized even more by the Yankees than was Cerv. The deal might turn out all right for the Angels but it looks like another time the New Yortt club stole two respected per formers for very little. On the other hand, Cerv anc Clevenger are not good enough tc give the Yankees the pennant ...111 ..1 U. VICVCIIBCI , WUUC RWU, Will 11UI UC another Duren ? in Duren's best years. And Cerv is mostly insur ance. The Angels, who have looked pretty good at times, since 'the opening of the season, might get some help from the acquired play ers over the long run, especially if ISKY-VU DRIVE-IN THEATRE IVow Open for the Summer Season Friday and Saturday May 19 - 20 WiM River MONTGOMERY COFT LEE REMfGK Sunday - Monday ? Tiies. May 21 - 22 - 23 North To Alaska JOHN WAYNE FABIN i <i \Manday - Tbwsday * iky 24 - 25 Story of Ruth % STUART WHITMAN i d James turns into a good starting pitcher and the outfielder to be acquired is playable. But in this case, again, the ' I Yankees got something definite ? established players ? for some thing indefinite ? future hopes. It's an old custom with die Ameri can League pennant Winners of I960. They have been pulling horse trades like this with Kansas City for many years. A)1 of which makes people won der whether it will be Los Angeles, now, to take over Kansas Clty'a former role as trading "cousins" of the Yankees, ftte new regime at Kansas City doesn't seem in clined to supply the Yanks with their needs of the moment any longer, so perhaps it will have to be L. A. DROPS POLL ON COLD WAt The United ? Stales Information Agency has dropped its poll taking abroad on who's winning the cold war, a spokesman said. The decision on the controversi al USIA studies was said to have been made with White House ap proval. The spokesman said the agency will continue its secret broader studies on foreign thinking involv ing the United States. .* Walters Writes VtttteybaM Rule Micshill L. Walter*, Chairman of the Department of Health, Phy steal Education and Recreation at Appalachian state Teacher* Col lage hat been appointed Editor of the 1982 Volleyball Guide and KulciPook. Ifr 'world volleyball before eominf to j^oone three year* ago and the Mayers and officers here are hap &y that he has agreed to again.be. tome active. Walter* jpt tOBMtted two na tional volleyball Obamjlomhipe, *ne in cDl?|o and another In Springfield, Mm*. We ha* bMtt dhief referee fir 4hree flatumal tournamenb, dhawman ot tite 1ft tional offiatals comhiittee, repre sented the UtftteA States in Inter national Meetings %t Pari* -and conducted coa'ASs arfd 'officials clinic* in Europe and Latin Amer ica. His presaht position will now make him a member of tie Execu Jbk Committee of the "U S Volley ball Association, and a member of the rules cdntihfttM. All businesfc-and publication and writing procedures will be done .from Boone. national championships Are now on at tip University of Mlb nesdta, Duhith, ?Field Hd?ise. Lake James Boat Races Marion. ? The seventh running of the Lake James Boat Races, sanctioned by the National Out board Association and sponsored by Marion Lodge No. 1706, Loyal Order of the Moose, will be held Sunday afternoon, June 11, at the Chnfl Bridge race course. The race* which are Scheduled to start at 2 o'clocjf, are being held again after an absence of several years. They will feature outstanding professional racers from throughout the southeast who Will be competing in five divisions featuring motors and boats cap able of speeds up to 79 miles per hour. INFANT GAS PROTECTORS Children up to 4 years old may be protected with special equip ment being tested by the United States Army Chemical Corp* in anticipation of poMible chemical and biological warfare. Col. George D. Rich, deputy aa sfctant director of chtraical, ^>lolo glcal and radiological defense O Gf DM, Battle Creek, Michigan, said, "The protectors are pup-ten-like devices with a strong alumninum frame along with a vinyl plastic covering. There are two large fil ter pads similar to civilian mask equipment." Opinion varied on tax plan on "texpenses." MUMO FOfCH DAY mi. ? Til. Army'a nr Of M? toiMna, ? tw wild pM^alhm baflkHc mt?.lk, h ?rad Ian Ih portabl* traiupsitar enWerlewn<k?r. Health and Beauty A great deal is written about the best way to weight reduction. If you are intreested in this sub ject, you will want to learn about hidden calories. ? Did you know that it you would eliminate just one pat of butter each day you could lose more than eight pounds in body weight in one year? If you would elimi nate one tablespoon of salad oil per day you could reduce ten pounds during one year. A good example of hidden calo ries can be found in the "diet popular" baked potato. The potato itself contains only eighty calories. However, by the time you add one pat of butter the calories double and can hardly be called diet fare. One tablespoon of gravy contains 100 calories. By the time you fry fod4s, you need an ?dding maohine Ju count the calories. Many of us drop an artifical sweetner in our coffee or tea, then fill the cup with cream. A tea spoon full of sugar 'contains about sixteen calories. The cream can easily add 80 calories. Lean roast beef is only twelve percent fat by weight. Lean pork, on the other hand, is fully thirty percent fat. Some people pad their daily in take of calories by drinking. In this department, it is easy to mAe weight reduction impossible even on a strict dirt. There are 150 calories in one and one-half ounces of whisky, 120 calories in the tame amount of gin and 120 calo ries in an eight-ounce glass of beer. Keep these bits Of information in mind if you want to lose weight or retain your present weight. WAGE BILL PASSES President Kennedy's legislative program has been given a tremen dous boost by passage of his minimum wage bill. The Senate approved it resound ingly 64 to 28. The surprise was in the House, which had twice re jected similar measures. The House approved it 230 to 196. The key to -winning Southern support was a series of exemp tions. These removed certain cot ton-gin employees, tobacco proces sors, livestock auctioneers and others from coverage. Rusk forecast new moves to oust Castro. Nixon sees lack of support for Kennedy program. \ In Appearance for '61 Graduates the reason is not hard to find? -qlulity apparel, styled for Young Men, wKh service to match. Men, with serviee to match. In all the ollar Styles preferred by Yomg Men DRESS SHIRTS SUITS and Sport Coats, Other Popular Gift* for the ? Men's jewfry ? Billfold* ? Sportswear ? All leather (]oat? ? Umbfdllaft ' f? The Young Man's Favorite! Gob) Cup SOCKS Blowing Rock Rotoriaite j Hear AddressOn Schools Public education in the United States today, ahd In WatauM County, has progressed to the highest level of effectiveness ja. the HUtvy of our clviUttfftp, It M Widener, Jk" told** rtowlK* Hcfefc Rotary Club Hon Jay welling %e W* icttejr'te^tlitokt bet ter, tMMn' panAu. bet.' teaching (material* and equipment, better buildings, m ?t qualif.ed teachers thin wt have ever had "We know rhoilfe about frfe w'orM 'ill 'Which wfe live, more about (he Ituman mlhd an< how we learn, more about the fundamental needs "of Cbfiaren, mdt* 16W those things which tore eaaentlal to aue ?ceftful affd'tateppy living; and more 'rfbout children and how ffiey grow and (j?v?|<H(, than we ever have known "Berauta df these' thin'gs? the things we have and the things we know? w* ane Challenged today tb do the "beat 'job of efeiltfting our youth th^ft fhai ever been done. Fortunately, in WaUulgt County jve ha\* thfe b?st trahtefl "teachers of any school system I have ever kndwh. Books, schemes, Equip ment, and new buildlhgs are Im portant but, it -is the -parson who really makes the difference be tween an effective sohool ?nd ? ineffective school. Our teachers do not teach textbooks, but rather they teaoh pupil* and the teach ers are well versed In scientific knowledge about ohild growth and development. It is a tendency of the poorly trained teacher to Ttly too heavily on textbooks, on teach ers' manuals, on films, and on other equipment, forgetting that none of these things can substi tute for careful and though (ul planning, and good teaching wheae in the teacher gives a part of him self each day to those who come to him for learning. "Trends in education have swung from traditionalism to pro gressivism within pur lifetime and now we are on sound footing in the great middle (round of phllo sophy and methodology in educa tion. We are in a position to uti i-hae -Ute good (choate -and good fcfpllfcf - >?ofr%ly(sm 4a dead to outmod ixxfzt ?l> place t funds R's. We Inating the ?ru?(le $ taming lb the class room "S probacy better to wear oflt than to itvt but. Those critics of otf schools who Say we are n<4le?tig the fundamentals of a sodnd education are simply Ignor ant, 4?r they failed to in form thamMjve* of the facts about ?thk. gyHroiKun, textbooks, and tAithers of today's schools. "the IMt a f ItMk ipdblic schools always has beep to proyide the youth of eatfh generation the best ,|?nd most Klcquite aetlcation pos sible. that task remains unchang ed today." - , ' TO REVISE INMKTKY The Army Waff has come up Mth-s prelimitiafy plan to revamp the structure <6{ Ms ?ftlftnftry divi sion ..in the interest of greater fffexibilfty a'hft tijlrtet "Cominand on the battlefield. This means abandoning the five |1>?ttle group ewteept -s (I opted only five years ago and substituting a structure In which ten Infantry arid armored battalions could be grouped under three brigade com mands in various combinations as the battle situation dictated. . London? Sales of the transpar ent black nighties have slumped badly in Britain. Sto?e managers and sales clerks say that the fad of the black nightie is dver. and that the man ufacturers no longer make them. The popular colors note are fellow and lilac. British women seem 'to be con vinced that the naughty black nighties is a symbol for naughty girls. Attract N?<?p Belk Managers Mr. W. V. Chatter, Secrettry Ti-emm?r and Manager of Belk'i th Boone will leave Suvlay morning, Sf?r l?th to attend the Belk Stores MmaferU Convention, which will be held in Southern fine* May 22 to ? C The Boone store is one of more than four hundred Belk Store* op erating in oineteen southeastern states and Puerto Rico. Baying and administrative offices are main tained in Charlotte and New York. The program at the convention will feature nationally known e* pvrts and .outstanding speakers within the Belk organization. Out side speakers will include Senator George Smathers from Florida; W. Maxey Jarman, Chairman of the Board of Genesco; Dr. Bernard Smith. New York University School of Retailing; and the Rev erend Thomas Haggi, Pastor df the Emerywood Baptist Church, High Point. Some sevnty-fiVe Belk Store managers and other personnel will also participate In the program. Mr. Chester stated that these conventions are the only times when all the managers get togeth er. An informal family atmosphere will prevail and recreational acti vities have been planned to com plement the business phase of the convention. This convention is a continua tion of Belk's constant effort to offer better merchandise at less money, to Improve the efficiency of store operation and thus better serve the local community. This year's convention purpose will be "To motivate management to suf ficient planning and effort so that each store will reach its maximum potential in the community it serves." CARD OF THANKS The family of William Carl Shell wishes to express apprecia tion to their many friends who sent food and flowers and other wise contributed to their comfort during their recent bereavement. DEMOCRATS ADS PAY Brand a Bargain AT YOUR CHEVY DEALER'S Truck Roundup! Trtn ? p ? ? ? ' ? ? : : !%? fanjoua Tkrlftmuter ( does the saving u standard equipment In tiris FleeUide motel. For V8 power,, you can chooee the Tradstn^sUr V8, optional at extra coat. Here to lam up L*etv* big taring* founiup * Western itar 'Rift Roger 1 1 ">J h4, W** ti t W MK time oj aum put your orana on a hard-working, $nn tiding l.F.S. truck. You'U find a full corral to ja& frvm ? each built end ?prictd to ?tm fow piwly . ? Roy*? laying It right oh Trttlnjyeo In M the beet time to buy MdtlntMM to That *oee tor ?Iwtoete MM you need, too . . . from pioktpelo JjU With Chevy'* VMS. (independent front Su? peneion) K?Ma|?p rokd ihonk ?nl ?ibrmtlo?, your Chevrolet ihyi (bung, protMlath* load bettor, world fatter. You matt more money. AM who can off* ytjfl MytMhf MMftr Aran that? Juet eee yolir cieafer? 'coon. it a CHEVROLET HSu TRUCKS hefty 261 -en. -In. Jtbauln ? biR M| TMibn for th? outstanding popularity of CMNlto) middleweight!. r See ftotr {pcQlQufamdGhevrola Healer \ ,.*i j DRtWS CH?V* North Depot St. D-"r Unhn Vo. lift ? %i5ui?cturer,i ] W > LAI

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