Tasty Seasonal Recipes A Sauce -y Chocolate Fronting L MSmi..-. . ltWAWpaPBHHR':. ?? What's sauce for the pudding may be trotting lor thi flake! This fine sauce with the rich flavor of unsweetened chocolate can bo made into a frosting just by adding two cup* of sugar to tha basic recipe. * Fudge Sauce and Frosting 6 squares unsweetened 1 % cup* (1 tall can) undiluted chocolate evaporated milk cup butter or margarine t% teafepcoii* va:ii..a cup* sifted confectioners' sugar Melt chocolate and butter in saucepan. Remove from heat Add sugar, alternately with milk, blending well after each addition. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirriag constantly. Then 000k and stir about 8 minutes, or uatil milium heroine > thick and creamy. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Serve warm aa a sauce. Makes 3 cups sauce. To Make F rot ting, use 2 cup* of the above recipe and cool to room temperature. Then add an additional 2 cup* sifted confec tioners' sugar, blending well. Makes 2V4 cup* frosting, or enough to cover tope and aides of two S- or 9-inch layers, or 24 cupcake*. Herbed Beans Make Hie Meal Yon can incite ? meal of Hubed Beanl or accent add extend summer's barbecued meats, the' rows of. winter-time. The simple ingredient* are Greet Northern bean* ? that large white grown in-Idaho variety, plump, tender, full-of-flavor ? and a mafic blending of herbs with a ham bone cooked in or meat drippings added before serving. Have you met theee unusual Idaho-grown been* ? the "Great Northerns" as the attractive bags on your grocer's shelves will read? They are well worth your acquaintance. Obligingly they become salad, soup, meat accompaniment, main coutae dishes, contributing "Good Eating" not only in food enjoyment , ? , They, with others of the Bean Family, are sotM of e<lr richest common sourose of protein among foMs of plant origin. High in food energy, bean* ate also good suppliers of B- vitamins and aome of the important mineral*, iron especially. Hsrbed Beans, Idaho Style . . r You'll need, lot 6 substantial servings: 2 cuds Idaho Great Northern (large white) dried beans, 6 cups 'water lot Snakisg and cooking, 1V4 to 2 teaspoons salt unless ham bona or rind is used, 1 large onion stuck with 1 cloves, 1 smaQ-lsh bay Uaf, J fat doves of garlic, frsah or dried herbs, pan juices from roast er butter. To prepare bean* dry bean * cooked without sooMnf take longer to cook and are not eo tender ae thoee looked overnight ar by the hot water method. Overnight method: cover wathea beans with the cold water. Allow to ttand overnight ? It to IS hours. Or morning method: cover washed bean a with the cold water. Bring to boiling point over high heat, boil briskly 3 mlnvtH only. Re move from heat; cover, let stand 1 hour. Us* heavy p?t with Ugbt fitting cover. To cook the beans: for full natural flavor and to save vitamin and minerals, use the soaking water for cooking. Place over high heat Add 1 teaspoon butter to keep down the foam, and all ingre dients except herb* and drippings. Bring to boiling pdiht- oovsr and reduce heat so that water will smfniar. Cook paans about 1 hours or until tender but not mushy. Than stir in 2 to 4 tablespoons snipped fresh parsley and herbs of your choice, from garden or J*r. Winter savory, marjoram, thyme make a food combination? -about % teaspoon each dried crushed herbs, double for fresh. Or try thyme and oregano or basil. 8tir in pan iuioss from roast lew of Iamb or other roasted meat or 3 tablespoons butter. Serve piping-hot Nogs for Summer Sipping Quick Chocolate Nor will help avoid too light a diet this nirnmPT, since with thia heveragc, a simple fruit salad or sandwich will make a delicious and nutritious lunch. The chocolate flavor of thia Nog is so easy to achieve, using quick chocolate- flavored mix that dbpanes instantly in milk. TT>*rs ia extra nonrishuaat la quick chocolate flavored mix because it i* fwlMail wkh vitamin C and iron. A wonderfully refreshing drink that is frothy and flavorful, you'll enjoy Quick Chocolate Nog any day thia ainin. If ffca heat over-take* you and you ran feel too lackadaisical to tackle making a Quick Chocolate Nog, then just stir quick chocolate flavored mix into milk for a nourishing yet even simpler solution to bemagas that go with summer meal sc bunas. ( Qalek Chocolate Nag J eggs H cop <?ick choonlato favored mix V, cap sugar i cups c?4d milk J5T ?SS2S,i?iS5^,l?3t?Si'S2 at Pour into 4 tall glaaase. Yield: 4 serving*. Note: Mixture tends to separata upon standing; beat wall Mora serving. Season ... A New Dessert plain, and makes interesting sail son elaborate desserts. Used hen mm for a rich and testy filling, i "dapple" ol pineapple. You Will crumbs and 2 tablespoons sugar. Add batter and mix irmly into the bottom of an i-inch square pan. Chill, aeapple, reeerving juice. Dissolve gelatin in boiling wa neap pie juice. Cool. Meanwhile, combine cream cheeee. 1, s tablespoons sugar and vanilla. U cup cooled gelatin and the pineapple. Set aside, sdj remaining gelatin to cream cheese imxture, Uend aooth. Fold into sour cream. Pour onto graham cracker I until fin*. Then carefully spoon on the pineapple U0. Makes about 9 servings. Ffaseappb Dapple graham cracker IV* cups boiling water 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheeee, softened teaspoon orange rind 3 tablespoons sugar V4 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sour cream Porcupine Meatballs Please Youngsters of All Ages Youngster* of all ages love porcupine meatballs became they're lota of fun to eat. The ground beef, mixed with egga, onion, panley, and ipicea, is cooked in a delicious sauce cre ated in ? twinkling from canned condensed tomato soup. Qreen bean* with white onions, brown-and -serve French rolls ? cut lengthwise? and raw vegetable relishes complete the main meiL For dessert, theres ice cream with strawberry sauce and cookies. PORCUPINE MEATBALLS 1 MM (1IV& ounce*) condensed 1 mad imurf beef V4 cup uncooked rice 1 e?t. illghllr beeien V? cup minced onion I tablespoons asters 1 parsley 1 Iminn salt 1 small ?!?** ?mU*. mtaeed 2 tablespoons shortening 1 cup water Mix M cup soup with beef, rice, egg, onion, parsley, ana nit Shape into balls inches in diameter (about 16). Brown meatballs and garlic in shortening; blend in remaining soup and water. Cover. Simmer about 40 minutes, or until rice la tender; stir often. Makes 4 servings. Breezy Way's Best For Junior Guests Lucky i* the child who can have hi* birthday party outdoor* or on a patio or porch. Hb mother M fortunate, too became with tha formality ol damaak and china packed awav with winter wooU Tomato Soup Tops Menu For Good Springtime Eating I'immmmsaL ? Spring, the light-hearted season, demands meaU ot ? mat^ ing mood. Gay and delightful Tomato c?nfettiSoup?a m?^ riag? of canned condensed tomato soup and beef broth gar nXd with green pepper and cucumber-is easy on toe eye and easy on the c?k. Serve it in mugs and sip It with a ?upper of Hamburger Balls and Nutted Green Beans, lasty Hawaiian Mae?roons will lie just right for dessert. ?UTt*D QUEEN BEANS H cup butter . 4 jug tailed pauiutt. cut in a _ _ Cook sreea bean* until Under. Drain; add Duiusr But*. Season to Tote lightly. Makes 4 to ? ?ervin*?. HAWAIIAN MACA?OOH8 1 box (13 ouncM) OM*nut macaroon mix 14 (*out ! cup) minted pine apple chunks _ * j: n?. o i Mrn ccv*Kic. caice m ,VC"?V ' " uil. v. to* w ui.'il J'ghUy bi.ovw.cd. Maku 2 doxe;i cookie?. Pickaback Cookies Give Soacktime Lift A new type of cookie comas oat of the cookie kt to make mack time a complete newer It'* called a Chocolate Pickaback and it combines two of America's favorite cookie ingredient*, choco late and oatmeal. The crisp oatmeal baa* supports a creamy choco late filling, and a smaller oatmeal cookie foes for a rfde on top. Semi-eweetchocolate moras!*, tfcr nuggets that made Toll House cookiee famous, turn into a nch-taeting, d e luxe Oiling. These versatile morsels, which can bo eaten just ae they come from the package, melt smoothly over hot water. Combined with cream cheese, they make a soft mixture that contracts nicely with the crisp cookies. The chocolate and oatmeal flavors am on eacallent term*, too. Pickaback fssklns H cup shortening U teaspoon baking soda % cup sugar Y* teaspoon salt 1 egg 1% cups rolled oats V, teaspoon vanilla . - % cup chopped nuts V{ cup sifted flour Cream toapther shortening, sugar, egg and vanilla. Sift in Hear, soda and salt Add oats and nuts. Mix well. Form into equal num ber* of 1-inch and y.-inch balb. Place on Magr.amd cookie sheet and flatten with spatula or bottom of glass dipped in floor. Bake in a moderate own (37 VP.) 10 minutee or until lightly browned. Cbot Spread Chocolate Filling* on large cookies; top with " 1 6-oonce ssmi-eweat morsel* V4 cup sifted iu|tr Melt semi-swaet chocolate morsels , sarssPcSfJ ffilsaasfJv They're Cooking Without Mess A aaw "drop! retieeerU ha wowJ tlx Im npUtnt harden from mudoar rookinf ? thu of tlwili| np iwm j aahae. TV' anlt heau <? kmffd |iu uUum IK, commonly known at LP-Caa. Tha rotiaeerie b n tlmple I* im thai area the auua of lha horn tan taka over a* the backyard chef. ? ? ? ? ? ? I ? * n r* u I- Ma in* DarKyarn cookoui amm become a rtsltghtfal btavt hi the lirim pattara rf Mum minded America. During the nmnmr month* millions of families across the nation ? following an estab lished trend ? will abandon cooped np homes to frolic and dins in sun-kissnd outdoors. This rsar backyard chats lift have to bother with char coal and wood to do their cook tag. A "*w "drop-in" rotlaserie lewwvss the last unpleasant buiden from outdoon cooking ? tSat at cleaning up messy asfcsa. aaatly Into the we* ef ? til bew Or, it ou lw InstaUeH anjrvhnn in the house ? in ? kitchen counter, patio, porch or , whack makes around UN. Mm' it practical for yiar i Twin radiant burners provide clean, efficient heat which Hals in natural meat iuices make* foot) mora delicious. The unit is squippH with a sausajps wheel for ????* SGV perfection. perfection. I for' .JftL. can be covered when not in use. It converts qn fatly to a broil pumper rooking L and other chop*. The rotiseerie Saucy Butterscotch Tops AKj Buttaracotch, as typical of Scotland as plaids and bagpipaa. takes a quick trip around the world to join forcaa with crushed pineapple in an exotic dessert sauce. This meeting of West and East produces a sauce of mellow color and flavor that glamorises ice craam or caka. Thanks to faattoraootch favored morsels, the (sues can he mada in a few mimiMe and, once made, it keeps well in the refrigerator. Butterscotch morsels are the same size and shape as the famoua semi-sweet chocolate morsels that go into Toll House cookies. Like ihe chocolate morsels, too, they can be eaten as a candy, put into cookie dough, or melted for use in saucea. fro* tings or baked goods. But they have a flavor all their own, the Savor so popular In traditional butterscotch candy. Because thaae rr-rssis melt so readily, they need only be stirred into the simmer. is apple to miilnta the sauce. ' - Battencoteh-Plneapple Skill* Saase 1 can <9 ounces) crushed 2 tablespoons butter ' pineapple X B ounce package (1 cup) v butterscotch ?raisla Put crushed pineapple with syrup into saucepan. Add butter and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat; simmer 6 min utes. Remove from heat. Add butterscotch morsels and stir until melted. Yield: Approximately l'/i cups. Not*: If sauos is chilled in refrigerator, reheat ovsr low beat, hefaaa serving. Grapefruit Spring Plentiful * " " mm What would springtime dinners be without Im Bad Florida grapefruit? Although they usually appear on the menu separately, these two plantifnti aru a food team when prepared tngilhii as a dinner antes Sl The Juicy tartnaa o t grapefruit foes well with ham aad since the fruit lends itself to broiling it can be done right on the broiler rack with s tnick ham slice. If you're not familiar with broiled er baked grapefruit, try it soon and see what a treat tt can be. The heat iihiis to bring out the sunshine flavor of Florida's prize fruit. This time of year brings lots of grapefruit from Florida to local markets so buy enough to serve them often as Juios and halves, in salads and fruit cups, and in cooking. Broiled Crapefrait aad Ham 3 Florida grapefruit 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1 ready-to-eat 1-inch thick 1 tablespoon catchup ham slice Vi teaspoon Tabasco Cut Florida grapefruit In half; remove core if desired. Cut around each section I lossalnj fruit from membrane. Do not cut around entire outer edge of fruit. Place ham in pre-heated broiler; broil 10 minutes. While ham is broiling, blend together sugar, catchup and Tabasco. Spread part of the topping ovsr cut surface of grape fruit halves. At end of 10 minutes, turn ham; spread with remain ing topping. Place grapefruit halves on broiler rack with ham. Broil ? lowly 15 to 20 minutes, or until heated through. Yield: 4 servings. Note: If dssirad, ham and grapefruit may be bakad hi a moderate oven, (3S0*F.) 46 minutes. Hamburgers Take Shape Small, large, round or lone ? ? ? hamburgers an the shape of things to mma. Boom will bo decorated with lettuce, tomato or onion, other* with rhsm ? or a pickle or olive perched atop a toothpick. All thsae hamburgers, irrespective of (hope, die or garnieh, will have one thin* in common: delicious taste, because Ac'cent baa brought out thsir fall bwf flavor and juiciness. Once your meat is wall m? lined, shape it to suit your mood ? and almost any

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