ctivitieA Telephone AMberst 44612 ?- ; , ,.vc ? Local Affairs ' f? Johnny Taylor it viaiting a friend, Jack Amated, at Raleigh this week. Senator and Mrs. Gordon Wink ler were home from Raleigh over the week end. Mils Barbara Wilfong of Char lotte is visiting her cousins, Linda and Bill Dixon. Mrs. J. C. Goodnight, Mrs. J. L. Goodnight and Mrs. Max Dixon spent Thursday in Bristol, Va. Susan, Melanie, Jack, Charles, and David Gibson ire r pending two weeks with iheir grandmoth er, Mrs. C. N. Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKnight of DeLand. Florida, have arrived U> spend the summer .it iheir cottage on Payne Branch 3oad. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Worth and Hill returned Sunday from a week'r vacation at St. Petersburg, Flor ida. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Coffey *nd children, Mike .and Brenda, visit ed relatives in Hudson on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Caudill spent the week end n West Jefferson visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gale McMil lan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Farthing spent the week end with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. C. Farth ing, Jr. at State8ville. Dr. H. B. Perry, Jr., and son, Henry, of Greensboro, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bynum Taylor. Mrs. Conley Storie of Route 4, had surgery at Blowing Rock Hos pital Monday. Her condition is said to be good. Mr. Clyde Eggers and Mr. Clyde Greene have returned from More head City where they spent a few days last wek on a fishing trip. Mrs. R. H. Hardin spent the week end in Greensboro with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Matthews. Miss Katy Harris of North Wil kesboro has arrived !n Boone to spend the summer at? her cottage here. nev. ana sire. Lawrence is. Har den and three children of Pelham spent the week end with their par ents, Dr. and Mrs. John G. Barden. Or. and Mrs. J. G. Barden are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Barden at Nash ville, Tennessee. Mrs. Clarence Ballard and son, Mr. Ronnie Ballard, of Lincolnton, were guests of Mrs. Carlos DeLima on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Cheek of Charlotte were guests of Professor and Mrs. A. R. Smith the past week end. Mrs. John Kirk and children, Tommy, Sandra and Lome, visited relatives in Lexington the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shore and family of Sunnyside, Wash, nre visiting relatives in this vicinity for the rest of the month. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fairchild of Winston-Salem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Trivette and Miss Ruby Trivette. Mrs. Pearl Luttrell attended the christening of her grandson, Sam Ogilsby, Jr., at North Wilkesboro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Isaacs and children, Brenda Lail and Kenny, visited relatives in Newland on Sunday. Bobby Watkins of N. C. State College spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Watkins. Mrs. Charles Taylor and daugh ter, Cynthia, are spending a few day* In Winiton-Salem visiting Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Wall. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ray over the week end were Mrs. W. H. Randall and child rea, Dianne and Patricia of Lillington, and Mrs. W. H. Randall, Sr., of Falcon. Col. and Mrs. Clyde Miller, who have been viaitlag his sister, Mrs. Lillian Hopkins in Boone for the past two weeks, have returned to their home at Dayton, Ohio. i Mr. sad Mrs. Ernent Bolick of Hudson spent the weak end with Mrs. Bolick's mother, Mrs. T. M. Moretz, and her sister. Miss Maggie Moretz. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunt, who have been visiting his p* reals, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hunt, doriaf the past week, left Monday far their home at PI int. Michigan. Mrs Nell Lin My, Mrs. K. B. Porter, Mrs. Doeie Greer and Mrs. Dean Bingham Waited Mr. and Mn Frank Williams at Asheville on Sunday. M-s. Alvin Cannon is ? natient at the Charlotte Memorial Hoapl tal, where she wae takaa a weak ago for examinations and traat menta. Rev J. N. Atkiaa aad Mn Atk ins have returned from West Point, Va., and are occupying their home in the Foattoe com munity for the summer. Ur and Mrs. Shelly CmMm and daughter. Jeaaie Lou, ?( Wadeeboro, ?rt occupying their euaamer hoax mi Crwt Drive for the next few month*. Lj Mr. tod Mr*. Hot Maat nnd Mr. and Mr*. Clement tmrrt visited Mn lUit'i brother and slater ?U Uw, Mr. and Mn. Jack Powell nt Lenoir on Saturday. Mr. a*d Mr*. William Dixon and children ware at Kluti Mountain National Park Sunday for the an nual picnic given by member* of Mr*. Dixon'i graduating claaa. Visitors laat week wtth Mr. and Mr*. Ernest Vennoy, Sr. of Poplar Grove were Mr*. Vannoy'i ilatar, Mr*. C. A. Sullivan and Mr. Sulli van of Lexington. Ky. Mr. C. D. Brown of North Au gust*, S. C. vtiited last week with hi* siiter Mr*. A. L. Cooke and Mr. Cooke, a*d with hit brother, Mr. Homer Brown and Mr*. Brown. Mr. and Mr*. Gilbert Wan) rnd Sandra of West Jefferson, rnd Mrs. Eude Moody of Sugar Grove, returned Sunday ifter vacationing at Carolina Beach laat week. Mr. and Mr*. Jack Caudill, for merly of Boone, who spent '.he winter in Sarasota, Florida, have moved to Greensboro where they plan to live. Miss Stella Sherrlll, who has been visiting with Mr .and Mr*. Gordon Joine* at Lenox, Mass. for the past 10 day* returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mr*. Owen Greer and children, Owen, Jr. and Ginger were week end gue*t* of Mr. and Mr*. Howard Hodges and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greer. Miss Diane Hardin of Temper ance arrived Saturday to spend the summer with her aunt, Dr. Ella Hardin, and other relatives in the county. Mr. Charles Taylor, Mr. Arm field Coffey and Mr. R. D. Hodges, Jr. left Sunday for Fort Bragg for two weeks duty as members of ihe National Guard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Auten of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Houck of West Jefferson, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Houck during the past wefck end. Mr. aqd Mrs. Guy Hunt, Jr. rtnd daughter Debbie of Miami, Flor ida are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Eggers had as their guests this week Dr. and Mrs. Richard Zuber of Charleston, S. C., and their grandchildren, Colleen and David Hill of Thomas ville. Mrs. Earl Brittain Is a patient at Blowing Rock Hospital where she is recovering from a back in jury suffered in an automobile accident at Valdese Sunday, June 4. Mrs. Steve Seymore and child ren, Geoffrey and Melete of San ford and Mias Daiorcs Sutphin. al so of Sanford are spending a few weeks in Boone in the Mont Glovier cottage. Jimmy Goodnight arrived home the past week end after a visit to Myrtle Beach. He will remain In Boone for the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Good night Mrs. Ralph Estes visited rela tives in Dobson on Sunday. Re turning to Boone with her to spend several weeks this summer was her niece, Miss Sandra Ham by Mr*. China Lavender, who ha* been teaching at Indian Rivar City the paat winter, hat returned to Boone to spend (he Wmrrter She viiited Miss Maggie Moretz over the week end. Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Jones and daughter*, Betty lean, Wanda Lie and Sherra Lynn have returned to their home in Perkintville after spending (even month* at their home in Vefo Beach, Th. Mr. and Mr*. Arnold Tester and children, Timmy and Kimberly Suzanne of Leu rin burg art spend ing a week with hi* parents, Mr. and Mn. Stacy Tetter, at their home on Briitol Bead. Mr. Ed Lewi* of Raleigh was a guest of Mr. and Mr*. Harold Rice Wedneaday. While here he attend ed the Grandfather Mountain Mo tel Ateociation meeting, of which he it executive secretary J (An Bay, ton W the B. G. Ray*, haa returned borne from Oannon Memorial Haapital at Banner Elk. where he underwent surgery last He la recovering from hit Mtiafactarfly. Mr. MM Mr*. Raymond Carroll, Mr*. Aite# Moody, Mrs Bina Gra ham, Mr, aaid Mr*. Zari Tugmaa. Kyle Md James. Mr*. Man Tol bert Md MM, Ben and Hagh, Mr. Md Mr* VtUm Bumgarper awl Jean of North Wltkeaboro attend ed a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Joe Matt in King sport, Tenn. on loadajr. Visiting Mr. and Mr* If C. flor nett the paat weak vera thru grandchildren, Oerald and Man? Porch of Linoir, 104 Mr. tad in /. U LeBoy *f Eiitaheth City, also MiwUIlun Stansbury of Wtaaton llr. and Mr*. Robert H. Cooke of Jbcfcaonvllla, Florida, have re turned to their home after visiting their parent*, Mr. and Mra. Edgar Cooke. Returning with them to Jacksonville (Or a viiit ?aa Johnny MM. Mr. and Mra. W. R. Vinoa of k|>r Grove, and Mr. and Mra. T. B. Vine, of Burlington, visited the family of Mr. George Farthing at North Wilkeaboro Saturday. Mr Farthing died of a heart attack Friday. Mr. and Mr*. BUI MeCoogan of Roaklnfkaaa vtattad Mra. MaGoo ?an'* parenta. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moretz. of Route 2. Boon* thia week end b*for* they laav* for a tour of the northeastern states and part* of Canada. Miaa Gertrude Perry of Greens boro arrived Sunday to -pend ihe summer at h*r home on Chorry Drive. H*r ni*ees. Su*an ind Torit Perry, twin daughter* of Dr. nnd Mr*. H. B. Perry, Jr. are (pending a month with her. Mr. and Mr*. David R. Hodgin have returned from a visit with ' Mr. and Mr*. Stanley South in Wil mington. They also viaited Orton Gardens apd Brookgreen Garden* near Myrtle B**ch, South Caro lina. Mr*. Harold Simp*on and child ren Eddie, Martha, and Rebecca of Lewiaville, North Carolina, ipent last week with Mr*. Simpion'* *is ter, Miss Clyde Kilby. Mr. Simp son Joined them for a week end ho*. ? " ' ? Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh rnd ions Jimmy, Randy, Lesley, rnd Ronnie, and Sandy Kirk returned Tuesday from Virginia Beach where Mr. Harsh attended the Saving k Loan Convention which had been in session lince Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hardin, Leslie, and Betay from Brook field, Con necticut, were recently in Greens boro for Jon Ann Hardin's gradua tion exercises at the University of North Carolina on June 5th. Hill Cynthia Stilea and Mrs. C. N. Sti les alao attended the graduation. David Lewis went to Dunedin, Florida laat week end to viait hia aunt, Miaa Sally PenJck, who has been teaching there this summer. They will return to Boone next week end where Miaa Penick will spend the summer with her moth er, Mrs. Edna Penick. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harria thia week are their grand children. Betay, Ricky and Stan ley Farthing of Greensboro. Their mothers, Mrs Glenn Farthing, and brother, Eddie, are spending this week in Waahington, D. C., and Baltimore, Md. Recent vlaltors with Mr. and Mrs Joe Coffey were Mr. and Mr*. Ronald Hammett, Mrs. Nancy Smith and Mrs. Clate Harmon of Johnaon City, Tenneaaee, Mr. and Mrs. Erneat C. Lane of Portsmouth, Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs Homer Watson of Falls Church, Virginia. Sgt. James Moretz of Walter Reed Heepital in Waahington Is spending a few weeks with hia parenta, Mr. and Mrs Forest Mor etz. Sgt. Moretz has been home be cause of the illnees at hia mother, who is much Improved and was discharged from Watauga Hospi tal Sunday. Mr*. Ronda H. Hardin left Satur day for Greemboro to be With Che Matthew* ?hiUr?n while Mr. .md Mr*. Matthews attend the City Cemrif Cenvention Id Waah ington, D. C. On their return they will come by Greenbrier, Weat Virginia to attend the National Committeeman meetlag of C P. A t Of wMrti Mr. Matthew* It a mem ber. Mr*. Hardin will be away about ten daya. Mr. Eugene Wilaon, of Bel Glade, PI*., formerly of Boone, ae companled die fallowing student* to the (tate legiahtura tat Tail* haasee laat week: Anna Malic La Chance, Mary Mathewapn. Penny Connell, Peaay <fc?ltnn, Barbara Stone, Tyr* Ue, ftfehanl Ohap> pell, Michael Berrybill. Martin Buaa and John Kelting. The Bel Glade Lion* Club aponaora tM* trip each year the Legiila^ar* It in oeeaion. The Rev. E. Dargan Butt, pre feasor of Rural Sociology at Ma bury Theological 8chool at (Drana ton. Illinoia, I* apending two week* at Valle Cruel* a* director of the Rural Town and CoupfT J?tlt?te After hi* atey at Vala Cftlcia, ha will fto to St. Auguatioa College in En aland iar week*, where he trill contact a ierie* a/ leattfre* an rural chareh work. Mf. Butt waa formerly reMor of Aeiy Craaa Epiacopal Church at Valla Cruel* for ail year* aad baa many friend* In thla aection Mr*. Butt will ac company Mm to England. Miss Brooks, Mr. Godfrey Married MRS. RICHARD BYRON GODFREY miss jo eaten urooxs was mar ried to Richard Byron Godfrey at 6 p. in. Saturday at the Flrat Bapt ist Church here. The Rev. James Brooks, aaaiated by Dr. E. Norfleet Gardner of Henderion, officiated. A musical program was given by Mrs. Graydon Eggers, organist, and Mrs. Gene Wilson, soloist. The bride is the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. James Boyce Brooks. She U a June graduate of Wake Forest College and will teach physical education at At water, Calif., next fall. Mr. Godfrey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wesley Godfrey of High Point. He it i graduate of Richard L. Zuber received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the commencement exercises at Duke University June 9. Dr. Zu ber is a graduate of AfiTC and has a Master of Arts degree from Em ory University. During his gradu ate work he held a Danforth Fel lowship. Dr. Zuber is now associ ate professor of history at the Citadel in Charleston, S. C. and is married to the former Isabel Eggers of Boone. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brown on Sautrday were their daigbter, Mrs. R. C. Mabry of Con cord, and Mrs. Kirk Sullivan of Palm Beach, Florida. They were en route from Elk Park, where Mrs. Sullivan was called three weeks ago because of the serious illness of her father, Mr. Belle Winters, to their homes at Palm Beach and Concord. Mrs. Mabry had been spending a few weeks at her cottage at Elk Park. Mr. and Mr*. Mack E. Greer and Chad of Orlando, Florida have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greer the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Greer returned to their home in Florida Monday and Chad remained to spend the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Miller of Lansing .and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greer. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Greer were Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Adams of Greenevllle, Tennessee, Mrs. Nancy A. Jerome and Ruth of Kingsport. Tennessee, Mr. an4 Mrs. John Wethered of Orlando and Boon* and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard M. Greer and Phil. Mara mil toiicge ana ?. u. state College at Raleigh. He ia serving in the Air Force. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a princess gown of peau de soie appliqued with Alencon lacc, seed pearls and sequins. The bouffant i.kirt ended in a sweeping chapel train. Her veil of tulle was attached to a crown of seed pearls and lace. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid. Miss Carolyn McBee of Marion was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Tinus of Maple wood, N. J.; Miss Sherrill Hege ?f Lexington; Miss Nancy Jane Spencer of Raleigh; and Miss Jane Hart of High Point. The attendants wore white dresses of silk chiffon with Qeren aatin cummerbunds. The bridegroom's father was best man. Ushers were Deng Choi of Se oul, Korea; Jimmy Hart of High Point; Bill Brooks and Jimmy Brooks; Wesley Cook of Calypson; Chuck Bobbins of Greensboro; and Edwin Wiley of Princeton, West Va. The Women's Missionary Soci ety of the First Baptist Church entertained at a reception at the home of the bride after the cere mony. The couple wlH be at home aft er July 1 at Atwater, C?Uf. Fine Arts Dept. To Meet Thursday ?The Fine Art* Department of the Worthwhile Woman's Club will meet with Mra. E. M. Luttrell Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock There will be an arts and crafts exhibit by the members. University Women's Club The American Asaodation of Un iversity Women will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m? at the home of Mrs. John Van Noppen on Watauga Drive. Mrs. David R. Hodgin will have charge of the program. The aub jeet will be "African Women Speak." *vU Ask About Low Cost BOX STORAGE % J j . v ' ? I i|| 3 V V I j ?, P. S. ? Store now? f?jr nexl fail Call on or im the folk* at Trail way Cleaners, Inc. PUkup and fttllpery 3er*lcm I AM +6413 "* BOONE, N. C Cooke-Hayes Vows Are Exchanged PhdtO' Piowii-tf' Photo Liliop MRS. JAMES BURTON HAYES Miss Betty Lucille Cooke rnd James Burton Hayes of Boone ox changed wedding vows on Sunday afternoon, June 4, at 4:00 o'clock in the Boone Methodist Church. The Rev. Preston Hughes, Jr. Per formed the double ring ceremony. The bride is the only 'laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 3dgar Cook and the groom's parents ire Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marion Hayes, all of Boone. The chancel and choir were banked with gladiolas, fern rnd palms. In the center of the rltar was a double arranyement of wrought iron candelebras holding cathedral tapers and flanking the sides were single arrangements of seven-branched candelabra*. Mrs. Austin South, organist, pnd Mrs. Richard Greer, -soloist, pre sented a program of nuptial Tiua (c, which included "Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee", "The Lord's Prayer", and "I Love Thee". The Driaai enorus from Lohengrin by Wagner was used 'or the proces sional and Mendelssohn's Wedding March from Midsummer Night's Dream waa uaed for the receasion al. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white silk organza and chantilly lace over taffeta, lavishly trimmed with sequins and seed oearls. Shirred panels of organza were drafed be tween gores of the bouffant skirt which ended' in a chapel train. She wore matching lace mittens Yonahlossee Theatre BLOWING ROCK, N. C. Shows Each Day at 3 - 7 ? 9 Sunday at 3 - ? o'clock Closed Tuesday . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ladies Man with JERRY LEWIS In Technicolor ? SUNDAY AND MONDAY JUNE 18 - 19 Shows at 2 and 740 Gone With The Wind with CL^RK GABLE VIVIEN LEIGH Technicolor WEDNESDAY * THURSDAY JUNE SI - tt The Big Show juM with ESTHER WILLIAMS CLIFT ROBERTSON Ctfw kj Mut and her fingertip veil of Imported illusion was attached to a coronet of Uce, embroidered with sequins and seed pearls. She carried ? white Bible topped with an or chid. Hrs. Robert Cooke of Jackson, Florida was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Misses Jeanne Phellps of Winston-Salem, Glee Blanton of 'Cherokee, Lavaun Neel of Mooresville, Carole Red mond and Mary Hayes of Boone. They wore morning glory blue semi-formal dresses of silk organ za over taffeta with matching headpieces and shoes. They car ried bouquets of white carnations. Little Vivian Leigh Wilson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wendal Wilson of Athens, Georgia was flower girl and Tommy Cooke was ring bear er. Ushers were Jim Stroup of 3ed dick, Florida, Boy Cooke of Jack K?vUle, Florid., Richard Greer and Boone. Bob Cook* er. C. 1. Hayes n> HU best nun. The bride's mother wor blue chiffon dress with in? hat ?*N ef A reception was bride'. piiNti In t ial hall immediately ceremony. Greeting the r?MU were Mr. and Mr*. Preston Hugh a*. Dr. and Mrs. John G Harden introduced them to the eceivins; line composed of the bride nnd groom, their parents, grandpa reats and the wedding ittendanta. Mrs. Harvey Owens of Oastonia directed the guests to the bride's table, which was covered with an appliqued white organdy doth over pink satin, centered with rn arrangement of pink -oees rtid flanked by silver candelabra hold ing pink lighted tapers. The three tiered .wedding cake, topped .vith pink rosebuds, was -erved by Mrs. Paul A. Coffey, nnd Mrs. Kenneth Linney served punch, nuts ."nd mints. Mrs. Homer Critcher pre sided at the regiater and ?ood byea were said to Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Cottrell. For the wedding trip the bride wore a dreas of beige and brown linen with bone acecssories. She Is a graduate of Appalachian High School and Southeastern School of Beauty in Charlotte. The groom is president of the junior class at Appalachian State Teachers Col lege and is a member of the foot ball team. They are residing in Boone. Out of town guests were Mrs. W. 0. Bradford, Mrs. F. H. Lo rick, Mr. Max Marley, Mr. Buddy Lomax of Charlotte, Mr. and Mra. Wendal Wilson and children, Billy, Mary Frances rnd Vivian Leigh, of Athens, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fox of Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bobbins of Happy Valley, Col. and Mrs. Clyde Miller of Dayton, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graham and Betsy of Todd, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Neel of Mooresville and James D. Davis of Lenoir. Insects were as numerous on earth ISO million years ago as to day. More Society On Page Six Everybody Likes Boone , N. C. " And Most Everybody Likes the MOVIES APPALACHIAN THEATRE T clcphonc? -AM 4 8606 SHOWS s Monday through Saurday at 2 ? 4 ? 7 ? ? ? Sunday 3 ? 8:15 Moviet at the Appalachian Always the Biggett Entertainment Vtdue

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