VOLUME LXXIY? NO. 2 WATAUGA DEM An Independent Weekly Newt pa per . . . Seventy-Fourth Year of Continuous Publication BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 13, IM1 Optimist Club Installs New Slate Officers Officer* of the Boone Optimist Club were installed Monday night in special ceremonies attended by members of the Lenoir Optimist Club as special guests. The club here was sponsored by the Lenoir club. Hugh Cranford, who is past di rector of the Optimist Internation al, past governor of District 18, and past president of the Charlotte Optimist Club, installed the off icers. Those who will be in charge of the local club this year are: David N. Spainhour, president; A. E. Mc Creary, first vice president; Joe Todd, second vice president; Doughton Greene, secretary and treasurer; Nick Stakias, sergeant at arms; Hubert Inman, immediate past president. Directors for two year terms are Joe Todd, John Miller, Jack Williams; for one year terms Neil Faires, George Flowers, and Nick Stakias. In adition to being installed as president, Mr. Spainhour was pre sented a nine year perfect attend ance pin. Mr. Stakias and Mr. Mc Creary received two year pins. Mr. Flowers was installed also as a new member. Ned Leftwich, past lientenant governor and past president of the Lenoir club, presented the Boone Optimist Club with a banner of the Optimist Creed, as a gift from the four members of the Lenoir Optimist Club who were respon sible for the forming of ihe Boone club. Present at the meeting also was L. E. Dimmettee, charter president of the Lenoir Optimist Club. He is - Mr. Spainhour's father-in-law. Howell Is Given IRC Scholarship 11111111 ~ ROBERT GENE H(J WELL Robert Gene Howell has been named by International Resisatnce Company officios as the recipient of the IRC Watauga County Science Scholarship. The scholarship, worth $1,000, at the rate of $290 per year, will be awarded annually, according to Carl Smith, manager of the Boone diviaion of IRC. Mr. Howell's Selection was based on transcripta of hia four years grades at Appalachian High School. He was among several that com peted for the acholarship from the high schoola in Watauga county, and hia final selection was made by the operating sfaff of the Boone plant. He alao had to express a desire to follow a science career on his application to be eligible. It was necessary that he be accept ed at the college of hia choice before making application for the scholarship. Mr. Howell, who is the son of (Continued on page two) To Democrat ? Subscribers < Subscriber* living In North Carolina are again reminded that subscriptions are now tax ed at S per cent. ' A number of renewal* have been received by nail locally with only %ZM rndoaed, where it should be |1U. We have to pay this tax on the very low sub script ion rate. If a reader live* ( Outside Watanfa County bnt in the State, his subscription la U.M per year plus tax, and he will need to send II. M. We would appreciate complete cooperation In this regard. Due to taxes, increaaed cant of publication, etc, the news atand price of the Democrat la now I cento, the first time this price has been changed since the founding of the news pa pr II year* ago. CHERRY PICKERS.? It's cherry picking time on the campus of Appalachian State Teachers College. Miss Elizabeth Wood, of Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. Inez Conners, of Shelby, participants in the Foreign Language Institute, climb atop the rear of a truck to pick the red berries.? Photo John Corey. Parkway Extension News Given Out By Commissioner At Monday Meet By KAUCH TUGMAN Democrat Staff Writer A story book sense of liming it a mid-summer meeting of the Parkway Comimssion in Boone Monday, gave a dramatic touch to in interruption by a long distance :all from the Washington office of Congressman Roy Taylor to an lounce House approval of a bill ooking to the extension of the Jlue Ridge Parkway into northern Georgia. The announcement came midway n a luncheon meeting of Parkway Commission members and guests it the Daniel Boone Inn, where lost-member of the Commission, V. R. Winkler and other Boone >usiness men entertained the (roup. The call came to commis lion chairman, William Medford, 'ho made Jie announcement. The bill would provide $35,000 or a study to determine whether he Blue Ridge Parkway should >e extended through southwest forth Carolina into Georgia. At one point in the debate of he study bill, Republican H. R. >ross of Iowa asked why the state if North Carolina couludn't pro ride funds for the Parkway study, ie withdrew his objection when it ras pointed out Uiat the Parkway i federally owneil and operated. The study would be conducted ly the Interior and Agriculture lepartments. If the extension were constructed, it would run about 78 miles past some of North Car ilina's mountain water falls. Other commission members in ittendance at the Boone meeting ?ere Vice Chairman Frank H. Jrown, Dr. Kelly Bennet, Robert I. ?resley, W. F. Osborne, and Mrs. Corinne Killian, secretary of the commission. Guests attending were Fred J. )verly, superintendent of the Ireat Smoky Mountain National (continued on page two) MRS. P^T ROBBINS Mrs. Robbins Is Red Cross Leader At Blowing Rock Mrs. Pat Robbing of Blowing Rock has been named Fund Chair man (or the town of Blowing Rock for the Red Cross Fund drive which begins July 15 and con tinues through August IS. Mrs. George W. Grove is serv ing as co-chairman. Mrs. J. D. Jones, treasurer, and Mrs. Carrie Johnson, Mrs. Fred Fincke and Mrs. W. W. Williamson will work in key posts as committee mem bers. "Our quota thia year is $500.00 for the town of Blowing Rock," said Mrs. Robbins, and it is very important (hat we meet that quota to continue the services offered by Watauga Red Cross, one of the most vital oeing the blood bank (Continued on page two) County Rescue Squad Ready For Operation The Watauga County Rescue iquad I* now ready for operation, iccording to Capt. R W. Watkliu rhe aquad now own* a panel truck ind has a boat, outboard motor and escusitator available (or use. Members of the squad are now aking training in first aid, safety ind- rescue techniques. The Retcue Squad la still In need >f several items Of equipment in >rder to be able to handle emer (encies effectively, and donations ire being sought from anyone in teres ted in helping. Person* in terested in making contributions may leave them with 'Zeb Kirk at Kirk's Restaurant, James Marsh at Watauga Savings and Loan Associ ation, or with any member of the squad. The rescue truck and equipment was on display on King Street last Saturday. The Rescue Squad meets each Thursday night at 7:00 o'clock, in the Apaplachian Slate Teachers College Physical Education Build ing and applications from qualified men are still being accepted. Parkway Travel Up Roanoke, V*.? The Bluffs Dis trict of the Blue Ridge Parkway had a total of 178,609 visitors dur ing June, Parkway headquarters here reported this week. The Bluffs District consists of the Parkway area from the Vir ginia line to west of Blowing Rock. The headquarters is Laurel Springs. The district had 154,203 visitors in June, 1060. Parkway headquarters said the four districts of the parkway re ported 753,418 visitors last month and 702,558 in June, 1960. The Asheville District counted 306,927 visitors in June as com pared with 264,249 in June, 1960. The district covers the parkway from near*Mt. Mitchell, about 28 miles north of Asheville, to the scenic highway's southern termi nus in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park near Cherokee. The districts in Virginia ? James River and Rocky Knob ? reported 122,938 and 144,854 respectively during June. Both were decreases from the total* of June, 1960. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs r.nd Mr. Chester Jackson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Craw ford. Mr. Briggs has just complet ed a two week's stay ,'n Paducah, Kentucky, where he was filmed in a new picture with Spencer Tracy. TAX RATE UPPED 5 CENTS Watauga Budget Estimate Anticipates Revaluation Local Levy To Produce Sum Of $255,170 The Wataugi County tax rate for the coming year has been set at $1.00 rather than at 95 cents, the additional five cents to be placed in a fund to be used for payment of the 1962 revaluation of real estate in the county. The one dollar rate is based on a valuation of $26,000,000 and is expected to raise $260,000, which added to the dog tax of $2,400 and the poll tax of $6,200, will bring the total from the local levy to $268,600. Forty-one cents of the levy goes to the general fund, 8 cents to the health and welfare fund, 2 cents to the debt service fund, 29 cents to the school fund, 14 cents to the social security fund, and 6 cents to welfare administration. A five per cent allowance, or $13,430, is made for insolvents which would leave the net tax revenue at $255,170. A break down of the budget est imate shows receipts of $3,280 from the state intangibles tax, tax pen alties bring $2,500, cost on tax sales $500, court costs, $5,000, schedule B licenses $1,000, mar riage licenses $400, interest $1,500, miscellaneous $800, and State aid for the Veterans' Service Officer $1,000. Mate ana reaerai grants are: welfare administration $12,000, fines and forfeitures $15,000, old age assistance $130,248.00, aid to dependent children $198,400.00, aid to totally and permanently dis abled $55,242.00, equilization $7, 000.00, hospitalization $7,042.50, State aid to library $4,000.00. The estimated expense in excess of revenue is $7,686.50. The total estimated revenue is $672,489.00. Estimated expenses include for tax releases and tax collector's commission $11,000, general fund expenses $116,568.00, health and welfare $50,669.00, State literary note retirements $2,600.00, State literary note interest $855.00, school expenses $92,457, old age assistance $149,040.00, aid to de pendent children $176,640.00, aid to permanently and totally disab led $63,360.00 and hospitalization $9,300.00. Money Order Fees Changed New money order fees which became effective July 1, are at follows: Up to $10, 20c; $10.01 to $50, 30c; $50.01 to $100.00, 35c. Mr. R. C. Winebarger, secretary treasurer of the N. C. Rural Letter Carriers Association, says that since the application blanks will not show the (pew fees for several months It would be well for pa trons to clip these figures and keep for future, use. OPTIMIST CLUB OFFICERS.? These men figured in the inUllation of officers for the Boone Optimiiti I Club Monday night. They we, left to right, seated, Hubert Inman, immediate past president; Joe Todd, vice president, David N. Spainhour, president; A. E. McCreary; standing, fc. E. Dimmette, member Lenoir club; Ned Leftwich, Lenoir; Hugh Cranford, of Charlotte, who installed the officers; John Miller, Nick Stakiaa, Nail F aires, tad Jack Willisana, directors. ? Photo Flowers Photo Shop. wmmmmmtVT -?-?tvmmmsmm m ??i? n ? .. MEETING PRINCIPALS. ? John Hollar (left) and S. C. Eggers (right) pose with Rufut R. Clarke, presi dent of the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., who made the main address at the annual Stockholder* meeting of Federal Land Bank Association of Boone Saturday morning. Mr. Hollar is manager of the local association and Mr. Eggers president. ? Staff photo. 1,000 Hear Land Bank Official Speak; Lower Interest Rate Noted J. E. Holshouser ? Resigns As U. S. Dist. Attorney J E. HOLSHOUSER James E. Holshouser of Boone who had resigned as district at torney tor the middle district of North Carolina, effective July 0, agreed to a request that he hold office until July 14. Holahouter announced earlier he had resigned and that the re signation had been accepted by the Department of Justice. The depart ment made the request that he re main in office until next Friday. (Continued on page two) ' I t J 1 thoUM?<? person* heard I H Urke Uy Saturday that &ZTnI Und Bank *"<*'? Hon of Boone ,nd the Federal Land Bank of Columbia (S. C.) have taken the lead in supplying long term credit to farmers. Mr. Clarke Bank* n /"r 'hC Federal Bank of Columbia, and he was ipeakmg at the annual stockhold er. meeting of the Boone F. L ?. A in the Boone Elementary School Auditorium. "f- ^rke told the group of fimM their frien<u >nd I i even "lough they had I r?7 of ?^?.ney #t the con,r?ct , *"*!* ot ?% interest, they would of 514% k thi' year 11 ">? rate He attributed this saving, for the borrower, to the fact that the land the ,UCh * ,ood reco?,'l i" uUtio^nCH W?rld "nd Uwt "* ?P uution and strength had grown so ^' L?nrWniZation W" ?bl? to ZEtauSTL? ' g00d n,te ln* ?wned by the .tockholder., whose borrower, are I e ?tockholders, Ju?t passe, the wvings on to the stockholders theIni^diCtlnf f"ture lrowth ^ I association ,nd the Fed Zbicb 0, ?' CoIumbi?. with ?ted Mr grouP U affili Mr. Clarke Mid, "Only a lew 2E* V?J.0Ur "^'ation had .h" ln ,oaM Tod?y 't i? a three million dollar auo F^?rn. 'U year' the Federal Land Bank of Columbia wa. a $73 ,000,000 bank. Tod? 't i. a $190,009,000 bank^ndipre win 'L? yeir* from now we will be a 1300,000,000 bank " He uid the FLB ha. no trouble getting money needed to carry on "?ur money supply ? unlimited bccau?e we buy it on to ?et ?, nUrkel We ?*" know tl? m?T "nd tbe Public now. that our bond, are the best they can buy," he laid as he ex igency fr?Wth ?l the ,cndjn? J*?** 00 the stage a. ,pec * K Matthew,, ,h* Und Bank. Service, aahlngfon, D. C., and J. H War ["? ft*** 0f u,. WtaSJX Jwn Federal Land B.nk Aaaocia thV'f,r,t" aaaociation ance .nH u Z in ?ttend "d Matthews praiaed th!ir^ ,r?UP **d IU officer, for S r i, r?COrd "'tendance. S C. Lgger*, preiident of the CUrkt *l*2c,aUon. introduced Mr. hi?? 1 ??teonwd tbe itock ?"? SuSS (continued on w. t?g) Winkler Is Given Auto Assn. Post W. R. WINKLER Raleigh, July 10? W. R. Winkler of Winkler Motor Company In corporated in Boone has been ap pointed to lerve aa area chairman of the North Carolina Automobile Dealers Association (or Watauga County, it waa announced today by Rupert E. Atkins, President. Winkler will act as liaison officer between new car and truck deal ers in Watauga county and the State and National Aaaociationa. In announcing the appointment, Atkins said Winkler will keep his area informed of State and Na tional affaira affecting the retail automotive industry and will ad vise NCADA and NADA of local happenings. Winkler will also head a county wide membership cam paign for both organization in (continued on page two) Frost Seen OnMonday Light to fairly heavy frost was reported from different aections of the county Monday morning. Tempers tores 1b some cases were said to have been aa low aa M degrees bat la Boom the of ficial weather station gave a low of 4# degrees. No damage to vegetation was reported.

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