Trade News Mr. ami Mr. Howard Miley mad Hwh Shirley Biarfey m4 Hen rietta barlow of Proapeet, Ohio Ura. I. O Greene of Boone. Mai Bartow of Boone, and Wayne Cook of Charlotte, Hr. and Mn Doaald Richaitlsoa, Frank, Jem a a 4 Gwyndolya of San Aatoaio. Toaaa. who have beta vtaUiag Mr. ad Mrs. Frank Bumgardner aad othe relatives ia the couaty, returned to their homes last a lit Mr. aad Mr*. Karl Bumgardnei and family of Arotidala, Pa . visit ed aovoral days rocoatly ?ith Irs Haaal Phippa, Mr. and Mrs. Miltoa Cornett and relatives in the county Mia* Mary Tester of Johnson Ctty is spending two weeks with Mr. nod Mrs. Fred Wilson ami Mr and Mrs. Milton Cornett and Miss Betty Jean Cornett. Mrs. T- J. Thomas and sons of Cheyenne, Wyoming, hsve been vis iting Mr. and Mr*. Robert Thomas and relatives at Mountain City, Tenn. The Green Valley Home Dem onstration Club met Thursday with Mis. D. C. Mock. Twenty-two mem bers and visitors were present. Af ter prayer and business a social hour was held, with refreshments being served. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Price, Al thea Andrea and Regina Price of Avondale, Pa., who have been visiting Mrs. Eula Price and fam ily at Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bumgardner and Mr. and Mr*. Fred Wilaoo, returned to their home last week. Dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornett and daughter, Miss Betty Jea'a, were the Rev. and Mrs. Arnet Greer of Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. Burnard Pal, Ronnie and Lee, Louise Os borne and Tommy of Wilmington, Delaware, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn May and Glenna of Trade. Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Ruther ford of Bristol, Tenn., spent the week end with Mrs. Amanda May and Mr. and Mrs. Claude May. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and Mrs. Fred Thomas visited Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam South | and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. South of Tamarack. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole and children of Avondale, Pa., are vis iting Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Mock and Mrs. Kate Thomas attended the funeral Saturday at St. Johns Epis copal Church, Valle Crueis, of Mrs. Mock's aunt, Mrs. Jo Etta Thomas. Mr. Robert Wilson spent Sunday with friends at Johnson City, Tenn. Sri Mollie Reece, age 70, died at her home, Trade, Wednesday morning about 1:29 a. m. Her hus band, Jack Reece, died several years ago. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, Charlie and Willet Reece of Edwyn, Pa., Mrs. Mildred Greer of Elizabeth ton, Tenn., and Mrs. Pauline Tho mas of Trade.; also nine grandchil dren and two great grandchildren, three brothers: Frank Bumgard ner of Trade, Edd of West Palm Beach, Fla., Don of Crest an, four sisters: Mr*. Isaac Snyder, Mrs. Glenn South and Miss Lula Bum gardner, all of Trade. Mrs. Reece was a member of th? Evergreen Baptist Church where funeral services were held Friday at 2 p. m., by the Rev. Barney Oliver and the Rev. Ed sel Farthing. Burial was In the Reece cemetery. STRICTER LAWS A House Judiciary nub-commlt tee approved legislation recently aimed at protecting the nation's communication lines from attacks such as the recent bombings in Utah and Nevada. Such attacks would be called a Federal criminal offense punish able by a $10,000 fine and ten year prison sentence. far pmkfrtl Tow eu't Co wroqf ! Borrow tb* Color Harmoajr Guid* from M free? browse through Ita knrfndi of fraah, baantlfol painting Idoaa. it's * nurt for folks who can about color. COM M TODAY I Parkway Co. BOONS, N."C. ? um ANCLC* eu*viv*E3 V Scfcrepi Ukie, N. V. ? L*tt ir? lay*, in th? Adirondack Moutv taint, (rail bat wiry Yt-rear-old fay Kaadall ktyl tain aad mr stvad. - -4. t Kendall bra tar toil from Ilia Hah tag etnananioo aadUwMwl ?round until V finaUy stuatbled into as unoccupied camp. . .y. ? ? a? ? . ? - ? Luck ni with Kendall? UN | ?VMM arrived a few mm l ater | to op?n the camp for :he ; ummer An Mualmnf physician believed he escaped death oecause !i? drank water. His only other food was four small piece* J andj and a teed >aten : sw. DEMOCRAT ADS PAY ? 1^1 ? I I I I ? Ml I> i iijp i IB ii ?I BM Lamb Show Is . ?? Held At Sparta Six local 1 H -nd ?TA : lewberi exhibited 17 lamb* In ..he Vri Cotmty Lamb Show ind Sale lield at Sparta July 1rA_ Alex Greene, soo of Yr.i.'nd Mr*. Forest Greene, howed :ht . J. ^ ? 1- I ? ? 4th and 1Mb pUce tamb? in the in dtvidapt U?b el*? He also had the m Pl?. lamh. ta tk? ven o| Thiee Ua*. < Jerry R^aan, eon of Mr*. John Hafama*, bad tb*Mb place lamb; bii brother, David, ted Umbe that placed 17th and 22nd Jack. an other b rather, h *. *mjw that piaCMl 19th and Slit. 1 ^ ?tlx : i*9SZf.T-? .. ? -. Leroy ruw**end :i !?mt? i 12th and HU U? *t? had the Ith place in the otn of tirea .' imba. i Johnny tUalqe W tfc. I*h *d , 14th placa Iambi In tha individu- I al Umb clam. . : I Watauga pheed and in the MWty irmip of five limbs The show and m1? trill be held In Boone n??t juar. 'fl|# rVitD or thaw ^ wt w?m u*> ?|#i ?*- < predion at jMUtkm -i 'j?* who I :?r?4 iAr a*ttie r?twn? -'.wifC 1 Mr tlcknets ud who wnt "lower* it th* time Qf \er Je#tfc ? Mr*. i Vann Tlithiftg infl couiIft?. U. 8. expects lupport o* U. .1. ?'WHHHMW - . ttffii ?????? " a 1 Powell Wyo. ? Winning oll-ge isr-ctr?iirsi "?? , /Mine lonntr, n " eihman, mm M named -JfU? Unlve ?ity . ? '.?jro? inj." Bob. fcer brother, v?u r **in ner lor In the ?me ??oltege. .1* won the university'* "Ugly n?n" W I Palanatt* Farm* (All Fkr??t) Gelatii Salads - - 8? 35c Pimento Cheese - E 35c 0 , . PalaMH* Pwm Han Salads - - & 49c AjSTl&r - - 2 - 111 WD3w.r-.te 34. vTu,.w ??? Paimoli*. Sm| 3 & 32c ! JuUrten'i Umon, I 8lf?wp?f?y# Cnhm^. Cream Pies ? 39c ShflM# Akw |rnii| Shriap I ~ Wi H?fc rw?i? - - - i .at Mt Irowoli Span - 4 '*?? 89c Jtr?wi?rrie? ? 5 2? Mo CJSdT- ? ? ? ?*