W AHT* Am? .ESS*, SATS S Cab ? Wiri ? M CraU Cash Malt Acctapuf All Order* FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Used Irennte ironer and a i\k ft bathtub. Both in good condition. Call AM 4-3889 after 8:00 p. m. 4-13-tfc FOR SALE ? Rhododendron, na tive and hybrid. Herbert Aldridge Nursery, Highway 108, Foacoe, N. C. Telephone CO 7-?15. 8-3-tfC FOR SALE ? Lots for Summer Honea, Cabins, Camps. Springs streams, best trout fishing :n West ern North Carolina. Elevation' 4,250 ft. Scenery unexcelled Fronted on hardsurfaced road. Electricity. WU1 trade 'or any thing of equal value. 4 miles from Boone, N. C. Large or small tracts. Call AMherst 4-3468 or write Fin ley F. Hodges, Rout* 2, Box 51, Boon*, N. C. 6-aMp LOTS FOR SALE with water on Rainbow Trail. See E. C. Hardy. 6-2#-4p FOR SALE ? Well-rotted compost. Call Tate's Stable In Blowing Rock. CY 8-7381. 6-JMc FOR SALE ? Well-mannered 8 year old sorrel mare; white cock, blaze (ace, flaxen mane, tail 15-3. Good conformation; nice green hunter for lady or child. Has show experience, Must sell because of returning to University. Rachel Rivers, Watauga Democrat. tfc FOR SALE ? Home-made trailer, 1 acre of land, Meat Camp township, ?pn State road, spring on place, ball Paul Greene at AM 4-3336. 7-6-2P ' FOR SALE ? 30 acre* near Bam boo School house, for home sites, paved road. Austin Northern, Route 4, Boone, N. C. 7-6-8p FOR SALE ? Woodland acreage with plenty streams, cold spring*, cabin sites. Close to Boone ? Rea sonable. Mrs. Lois Cooke, Phone 4-364* or 4-2974. lc FOR SALE? One well-bred 'buck sheep. Wanted, one (addle mare Jim Sherwood, Sugar Grove, N. C. lp ATTENTION TRUCKERS Best quality peaches may be bought in York County, South Car olina, from now until August 7th. All the best varietie* may be pur chased at peach growert packing sheds and at orchard*. Packed peaches, orchard runs, over ripe* and cull* available. Contact York County Peach Council, County Agents Office, Ag ricultural Building, York, South ' Carolina, for information. 7-1S-3C FOR SALE ? 3 registered polled Hereford bulls. Ready for service. H. M. Hamilton, Jr., Boone, N. C. lc PRIVATE SALE by owner ? My home in Boone, 511 Grand Blvd. Telephone AM 4-2291. Miss Katye Hani*. lp FOR SALE ? 3,000 feet wormy chestnut, dry. See Herbert AM ridge, Foscoe. CO 7-2918. 7-13-tfc FOR SALE ? Small aorrell riding Inure with two week old spotted [colt. Man will work. Ideal for wo men or children. Call AM 48393 after 6:00. lp FOR SALE ? Sixteen acre farm with two houses and a Urge barn, located on hard top road about 7 miles from Boone. Also three tenths tobacco base. Owner, Fate Pottar. lp FOR SALE In Blowing Rock- -Two trailers, one acre of land, one-half acre lake, full of fish. $4,000. 2 miles this side of Blowing Rock, one mile this side scenic Parkway, on road to Boone. See sign ?n highway. Owner A t. Price. 7.232 Park Road, Charlotte, N. C., Phone Edison 2 3753. or call AM 4-30VT. Boone. 7-18-Sc 18 ACRE FARM, five room house with bath, all kinds of out build ings on Yadkin River. 12 miles north of Letmir. Contact Ben But ton, Route 5, Box 386, or call PL 8-1400. Price $8,000 lp FOR SALE? Tractor hay nafce, dump type, 3-point hookup. Pfcene CO 7-8088. Orville Foster, Whs. tt. C. lp FOR SALE? Mexican burr*, S year* eld. In mod condition. Ready to breed $78. Mrs. Clarence Wat son. CO 7 2420 IP FOR SALE? 1 good building lot In Perkinsvflle on a paved street. Call AM 44840. Coaler Steele, Rout* S, Box 42- A, FOR SALE? 1M4 Mm Fort Good transportation. eesonably priced. Call AM 4-3437 7 l? 2p FOR SALE? Six badrooa house.; 2 baths, located acroaa the rtreet from Collefe and Watauga loepi tal. A bargain if told within M days Will rent for 9M0 per month. Will soil furnished or un furnished. Reason for sailing, mov ing to South Dakota Sept. 31. Can give possession within 30 days. If interested, apply in person. No telephone calls please. Mrs. Bdna Brittain, 400 Hardin Street. 7-13-2p FOR SALE ? Five room house with bath, and lot, located in Perkins ville. Call AH 4-3598. 7-13-tfc FOR SALE ? Elgin fiberglass fishing boat with .1 7V4 horse-pow er Elgin motor, and Elgin trailer. Would sell boat and trailer separ ately. Like new. Call Ray V. Har mon, AM 44723 after 3 o'clock; in daytime call AM 4-1292. lc FOR SALE BY OWNER? The Paul Bingham house and garag* apart ment with large lot or will sell you up to 100 acres with long frontage on 421. Raymond Farthing, Vilas, N. C. Phone CO 7-2646 7-13-2C FOR SALE ? One acre corner lot In the Arleigh Hodges tract over looking Valle Crucis highway 194 and Watauga River. Some other lots available. CO 7-2646. Raymond Farthing. 7-13-2C FOR SALE ? Small farm. See me at my home or call CO 7-2633. Willie Earp, Vilas, N. C. 7-13-2p FLOWER PLANTS FOR SALE? All kinds 40c dozen. Mrs. Leonard Ward, Sugar Grove, Phillips Branch Road. 7-5-2p FOR SALE ? In Boone, modern 8 bedroom brick hoase, I 'baths, fun basement, beautiful lot, very de sirable location. Phone AM 4 3663. 7-6-2p ELFIN'S TOY POODLES, puppiel and itud service ? Sassafras line. COlony 7-2200. 6-29-4c HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE? Five rooms and bath, near Oak Grove baptist Church. Lewis B. Anderson, AM 4-8746. 6 29 3p FOR SALE ? Dwelling house, store house, barn, 2H acres of land 1 mile of Tater Hill Lake, on How ard's Creek. Drove mil, creek on one edge. T. O. Eggers, 114 Box wood Drive, Lenoir. Call at Beech's Store, near place. 7-6-4c FOR SALE ? 2 summer cabins at Valle Crucis. See Clint Baird, Vilas, N. C. 6-29-tfc FOR SALE? 1954 two-door Ford. Good transportation, reasonably priced. Call AM 44137. 7-#-2p FOR SALE? 28 ft. 1952 Elcar house trailer. Air conditioned. $1,000. Andrews Chevrolet, Inc. 6-22-tfc MISCELLANEOUS USED APPLIANCES ? We carry a larte stock of used electrical ap pliances. Guaranteed A-l condition. Easy Terns. Modern Appliance Company, Boone, N. C. 5-28-tfc GALVANIZED ROOFING PRICES SLASHED. We hare just received a car load of galvanized roofing at the car load price, fend we are passing the laving on to you. Stop by and get your roofing from oar stock of 29-guage Unico Premium quality 5-V galvanized roofing. Watauga FCX S-ll-tfc 00 POUNDS DRESSED FRYERS ABSOLUTELY FREE: That's right. We have five, Jl-ft chert freezers regUlarty prieed *379.00, Mt Sate priced at $279.00, plus SO lbs of free SraaiU fryers with the first five purchases of Deluxe 21-ft. Unieo freezers (These are Mt striped Models; they are the 4el?xe models com plete With dividers and racks for easier storage.) WATAUGA FCX Water St, Boom, N. C. le USED BARGAINS. ? Furniture I>ep Freezers, Refrigerstors, Elec tric and Gas Rinses, Wash en ? all sorts household furnishings (Some stuff 1, Call AM 44810. 7 1*4# WANTED? Mm living in Boom er Blowing Rocfc area (or morning paper route. Good part time work) with expense and commission. . Write "Newspaper", Box 311 Boone, N. C. lp Legal Notices * CIVIL ACTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY MARY COOK, Plaintiff Va. WORTH COOK, Defendant To: Worth Cook Take notice that a pleading seeking relief againat you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is for divorce absolute on the statutory grounds of two years separation. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 10th day of August, 1961, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the re lief sought. This the 10th day of July, 1961. AUSTIN E. SOUTH, Clerk Superior Court, Watauga County, North Carolina 7-13-4c-s NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION BY MAJORITY VOTE OF DIRECTORS OF WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY BE IT KNOWN TO ALL PERSONS That in accord with North Caro lina General Statutes Chapter 59, Section 116, there has been filed with the Secrtary of State of the State of North Carolina "Articles of Dissolution by Majority Vote of Directors' and this notice is be ing published in accord with the provisions of North Carolina Gen eral Statutes Chapter 55, Section 119 (a). Any and all persons having claims acaiast this aaid Corporation may file them w^th the .Corporation at its principal office in the town of Boone, North Carolina. This the 22nd day of June, 1961. WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. By S. G. Tugman, President 6-2S-4C NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admin istrator of the estate of Gertrude Moretz, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notifj* those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This June S, 1061.? IRA MORETZ. Admr., Boone, N. C. 6-Mc-e NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of J. C. McCon nell, late of the county of Wata uga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said de ceased, to present them to me within 12 months of the date here of, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those in debted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. Thii June 1, 1M1 ? Bobby F. McCon nell, Admr., Boone, N. C. 64Wc NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admia istrator of the estate of Hattie Farthing, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the eatate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This July ?. IBM.? Vann Farth ing, Admr., Sugar Grove, N. C. 7-Mc-e NOTICE or ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admin istratrix of the estate of William Lee Potter, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, tkis is to notify those having claims against the estate of the ?aid deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the data hereof or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate pay ment. This June 6, 1961. ? 1IBS. BEATRICE TAYLOR, Route 2, Box SS, Banner Elk, N. C. WMJc-s m DR. J. ELLA HARDIN OSTEOPATHY, PHYSIOTHERAPY AND DIET 7*5 East King Boone, N. C. AM 4-SI77 LeBrun N. Smith Regiaterefl Surveyor AM 4-3562 M?10p FOR ATHUTft'S MOT Vm iMlAt'drytaf T-4-L f#r I If I far* Jfafek IwpK bMjtbf Am !?##?? I l?n ???? achlM, NT ?firing la Ilk M feint* ?? A* Ml W k.tbU, ?w? w*hTr-4-L twi*. tfallr- If WW'S BOONS MUG 00. J. Doctor Talk i By JOHN B. REM BEAT, M- D. TataMM, or lockjaw," to a hor mortality rat* which vaar V provaa Madlcaly The disease is caaaaA bf a bacillus called clostridhun tetani, which upon cnteriag the body, grows upon tissuaa that are dead or have betn damaged. Onee eatabMfhed in the Body, the bacil lua produces a powerful testa or "poison" affecting the nervous system af man ? a toxin against which man ia peculiarly heiptese. How thii poison acta is not de finitely known; but it aeema (hat once In the body. It is probably taken up by the peripheral nerve endings and then travels in the nerve shaths to the spinal cord rnd brain. After the toxin reaches the spin al cord and brain, the characteris tic picture of the disease appears ? that is, stiffening and aching of the neck muscles, jaw, and face, and then difficulty in opening the mouth and swallowing. The mus cle rigidity of the neck and face gradually spreads, involving the entire body; and finally general ized muscle spasms resembling convulsions are superimposed up on the rigidity. To prevent this horrible malady from occurring, it must be stress ed that it is the responsibility of all adults to be sure that they and their children receive active im munization against tetanus. As is so often the case, parents will see to It that their children are prop erly immunized against tetanus, but fail to protect themselves. All Americans should take ad vantage of the immunity afforded by the tetanus toxoid; but especial ly all farmers, laborers, and those who ride in or drive an automobile ? in short, all will benefit by ac tive immunization. Each day in juries occur to individuals who have failed to receive booster shots of tetanus toxoid in many yeara; and every year hundreds die due to this negligence. The surest and safest protection against the dia ease is to receive active Immuni zation with the tetanus toxoid, and once the initial immunization of three injections is completed, then booster doses should be received at least every five years. Individu al such as farmers, in especially exposed occupations, or individ uals with a history of allergy to biological products, such as tet MOON SHOT DUE IN '?2 The United States will try to hit the Moon early next year with an unmanned spaceship called Rang er. Space agency officials who re vealed the plana said the Ranger ? 10 feet taH and 790 pounds ? will carry television equipment to transmit pictures of the moon's surface back to the earth. A seismograph will be included and its purpose will be to make studies of the moon's structure. RUPTURE-EASER anus antitoxin, ahouW neceive a | booster daw at laaat mq year. Ail reader, af this oohMn have pound of ewe," aad thu Is eapeo ially tret hi the caee of tetanus it "tachjaW?etoee there to ao cum! and in a he ariangewents fer active tamuniattsa acainst tataaa s. aad don't fmaet your h?oa>?r deee at prescriba* intervals. Garden Time By M. E. GARDNER Ciu>Buintf ? ? jlnaiiflktf 4a By slljf \*s UUHlsS^^ ?A" plant* from the ravage* of (Meet and disease pests is the best In surance you have against damage. A good slogan; use the right materials at the right time, pro perly mixed, and do a thorough job of covering all parti of the plant. All insects have a Ufa hictory. That is, they undergo changes which may occur tn four Ma|? ? egg, larva, pupa and adult. Or, la three stages? egg, nymph and adult. The larva and the nymph stages are usually the most des tructive although the adult stag* may also be destructive. Why don't you locate an insect egg mass of some kind this sum mer and observe It closely te see what happens. A magnifying lens would help. The moet vulnerable time for most Insects is just after they hatch out and this is the best time to destroy them. In the case of fungus <1 tseasei, it is necessary to keep the plant* protected at all time*. These di seases, represented by leaf spots of roses, apples and many other plants, produce spores. "rtiese pores germinate and attack the plant tissues, tf the leaf is pro tected by a fungicide the spores are killed before they h?ve a chance to attack. Once the diseas es gain entrance, they are more difficult to control. These simple examples should serve to show how Important it is to keep your plants protected at all times. Many people seem to think that one or two sprayings during the growing leason is all that is necessary. On the contrary, this battle agaiast inect and diseases is never ending. For thi* reason it 1* best to follow ? regular spray program for all of your ornament als, fruit* and vegetables. There are many effective spray chemicals available ? some f6r sucking insects, others for insect* that chew their food, and some combination materials which ahe effective against both type*. Mix all material* according to instructions given on the contain ers. This will insure proper con centration. Observe safety mea sures by not inhaling spray or dust, washing hands with soap and water, storing out of reach of children and pets. Observe reel due tolerances permitted oa vege table crops by using the different chemicals al recommended. Your county agent will have a supply of spray calendars for the different crop* or can get them for you. Britain promotes eight in Ms Government. Social Security iaeue splits A. M. A. delegates. FOR SALE Modern 3 Bedroom, Well Insulated Home ceftrally located between Charles A. Cannon, Jr., Minritl Hospital and Leaa-Mcftae Collet e, opposite* President's Home and Banner Elk Hotel. Nice Lawn, Beautiful Flowers Garage. $12,080. Full detail! furnished upon request Inspection lfirtted. C. L. Woodbrldge, H. D., Telephone Baaner Elk, REpaMie 4-I7B1. MACHINE CUT BANNER COAL ? 3Vfa Mile* Wert *f Raven, V*., 3 Mi MUea EMt ? I Sword Creek, Vi Lump 96.00 Ton Stoker .. $6.00 Ton R. O. M. ? 95.50 Ton Slack $1.50 Ton I (f. o. ft. mine) NASH COAL COMPANY RAVEN, VA. USED OFFICE Deato, Chain, File*, Machines REASONABLE PRICES CHERRY HILL USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANT til N. Mala Street I '*? Leoolr, Ff. C. DM PL Mill Misconception* About Food C Grandma') remedy for "(print fever" ? sulpha* and mo Issues ? briagt te |W aa? of today's facta about food hayiag and seicc Uaa aur aat aaasa aacttiag as Use ?food aM iw-ediea." falae >ntor nay affect your fcaaHk!?S* ^ J Mrs. luty Unto, no? war mar kettag ipecialist tor Ike N. C. Ag ricultural Extension grvira. would Uks to know how you would aa swar the following questions Would yau answer them yea or no? Can you toll when your plants gat sickt "Most plants gat sick at soma time duiiag their lives,' says Dr. W. C. While. Extension agroaony specialist at North Carolina Mate College. "But if you read the symptoms, you may be able to 'doctor' them effectively." The most w1dMpr<*ad illness of plants, says White, is nutritional disorder. This means ? in a nut shell ? that they're not getting the right kind or amount o t food. "Farmers faad their plants ferti lizer and lima; but often they don't give them what they need," White says. Growing plants often display symptoms that tell what's wrong with their diets. "Specific symp torn* (onetime* are turd to Ifcnti fjr; but tome point to Mfcita trouble!," uyi White. nSE-T tXZ A V-ehaped area yeto m i? the m Mr* W eera leaf. Mart* fcdlrtsnry on aMilfa PMinnsu yeltowtM Mefc oa the Imm*. On cm*, tke (Ml laMgin turn* brown tOneae!"* u" wSL -iiL-th'j'tt"1 corn, tobacco, laalaar. gra? or mm*." One Major cause to the Mtoa tode, which destroys plant not*. The raauh is a stunted plant that I may liM. Another is the funfua, a pnttio iogical disease which damages plant tissue and roots. "Drought, insects, toe much lain and a wide ?aitety of other things make plants sicken and frequently, di?," says White. "But in many cases the Illness can be prevented or cured." Each year, Tar Heels spend mil lions of dollars to prevent or cor rect plant disss? i. "They could save a lot of money and trow bet ter plants if they wanld let people who know plant* wal diagnose their tromMaa,' 'says White Estel G. Wagner Real Estate Broker IIS W. HOWARD ST. ? BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA Open and Confidential Listing of Commercial, Industrial, Rural Properties DIAL AMherst 4-85M ? AM 44M7 HOMES 12 ml. Watt of Boon* Just off Hwy. 421 29 acres ? 24 acres in grass S acres wooded 3 Bedroom haute? newly painted Living Room? fireplace Bath ? new oil furnace Storm wiadowv? insulated Price ? $15,000.00 Near IRC 3 bedroom brick Kitchen-utility room On faculty Street New 3 bedroom brick Living room-fireplace Living 1 bath Price $12,000 fireplace Kitchen-utility room 1% baths Wall-to-wall carpet Price $13,300 On Oak Street 2 bedroom House Living Room ? fireplace Kitchen ? den Price $11,900.00 On Queen Street 2 Bedroom House Utility Room Living Boom, Kitchen Bath, Carport Price $0,000.00 On Grand Blvd. 4 Bsdrtom House i Full Baths Cottage on Howard's Creek 8 Room*? Constructed at Stone and Weed Open fireplace la Rlowiag Rock 8-Bedroom house Frame ft Stone const Garage Beautiful Lot Price $14^00 .00 Running Water - Acre Let Price $7,000.00 Including Fu rattan S Baths 2 Stone fireplaeee Excellent view ALSO? GITT SHOP fronting en Liaville Road, with two furnished apts. overhead. Adjacent to Gift Shop, large lot, ideal for Motel or Restaurant WUl aell all toghether or separata. A real bargain. New S-hedroem house ltt Bath S miles from Boone oa Hwy. Living room ? fireplace 108 Den? Kitchen Hot water heat Possession in 30 days New 5- bedroom bouse 3 miles east of Boone Belli, Carport PrlM: ??*? Garage <11400.00 a tadHHM house, brick Full baaement Central hot air beat Price $1X800.00 BUSINESS AN EXCELLENT BUY in an 11 unit mote Mm Hrtnc . which Includes 3 bed rooms, kite hen, lhring room A MMk imately 370 ft. of highway frontage on FRfhwty ?n Can ACREAGE 37 ache farm * Mmtam mnuiittj. no tobMw baa*. 7 acna ef bottom land. Good term ftte >0,800. JUBT FIVE MILES FROM BOONE? From one acre ?? ten seres, miHted, excellent view, (Ming, Wfefc ?* Wttout