p. er&ona I Wention JEAN L. RIVERS, EDITOR? Home Telephone AMherit 4-3889? Office Telephone AMherst 4-8812 ocia t Activities Mh Local Affairs Jordan W. Cooke, Jr. of Miami, Florida visited laft week with his parents on Route 4. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isley of Coolomee, N. C. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Isley, Jr. and family on Woodland Drive. Mr. and Mrs. H. Neal Blair, Jr. and Miss Linda Blair of Greens boro spent the week end with Mr. Blair's parenta on Deerfield road. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Richard son, Debbie and Tommy, Jr., of Elk in were week end visitors with Dr. and Mrs. O. K. Richardson. Bob Yoder returned to Pfeiffer College last Thursday after spend ing the summer here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Yoder. Miss Gertrude Perry and Miss Donna Perry of Greensboro spent the week end at the Perry home on Cherry Drive. Thomas Bingham of Duluth, Minn, arrived Friday for a two weeks visit with his mother, Mrs. Grace S. Bingham of Sherwood. Jerry McCracken left Wednes day for North Caioiina State Col lege. Raleigh, to continue his stu dies in field engineering. Mrs. Dale Adams of Sugar Grove visited with her sister, Mrs. Wallace Eubanks and family in Concord a few days last week. Mr. Tom R. Brown returned to his home in Perkinsville Saturday from Watauga Hospital, where he was a patient seven weeks. Mrs. James B. Mast of Sherwood is visiting in Winston-Salem this week with her daughter, Mrs. Col on Nifong, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Willett Moreti of l*xington visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Brown. Mrs. Ray Harrill and Mrs. Har vey Owens of Gastonia spent Sun day visiting with their mother, Mrs. J. C. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stakias and Gregory visited in Asheville Sun day with Mrs. Stakias' parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Johnson. Mr. Rogers W. Whitener and daughter Kim spent the week end in Rutherfordton with his sister, Mrs. W. L. Lamb and Mr. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Stallings and Andy were the guests of Mrs. Charles Nelson in Newport, Ten nessee oevr the week end. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Richardson, David and Julie, visited in Sparta Sunday with Mrs. S. C. Richardson and Mr .and Mrs. Robert Crouse. Mr. and Mrs. Roacoe Brown Jr. and daughter, Elaine of Lancaster, S. C. spent the v^eek end with Mr. and Mrs. Roacoe Brown of Per kinsville. Hiss Barbara Malheson enrolled at Duke University last Wednes day. She was accompained to Dur ham by her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Matheson. Col. and Mrt. Clyde C. Miller returned to their home in Dayton, Ohio Tuesday after visiting a week with Col. Miller's sister, Mrs. Lil lian Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Potter and daughter, Jane, of Childs, Mary land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norris in Cleveland, Ohio, last week. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mast spent the week end in Gatllnburg, Tenn. They visited Rebel Railroad, Maggie Valley and Ghost Town on the trip. Bob Cook returned to Chanute Air Force Base, 111. Tuesday after spending two weeks with his par enti, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Cook in Perkinsville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fox. Paul. Jr., and Prankie visited Mr. and Mrt. A. L- Cooke over the week end. Paul, Jr, a senior and Fran kie, a freshman, are entering the University of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dunnegan of Winston-Salem announce the birth of ? ton, Robert Lee, on Septem ber 12 at Watauga HoapKal Mrt. Duanegan it the former Mitt Bar bar* Winkler. Winfield Yount of Eau Gallie, Florida It visiting thlt week with hit grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ellia, who returned Sunday night fr c:a ? visit with the C. E. Younts in Eau Gallie. Mr. and Mrt Leroy Euhanks and torn Neal and Harold of Lynchburg, Va. spent the weak ead with Mr. and Mr*. Howard Danejr. Also visiting Saturdaj were Mr. and Mr*. Jack Phillips of Lynch burg, Va. Little Danny Winkler under went a tonsilectomy at Watauga Hospital Saturday morning and ii now recuperating at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Winkler. Jimmy Greene, who is with the Washington Senators with head quarters in Middlesboro, Kentucky, is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Herman Greene of Vilas. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cline, Jr. and infant daughter Rene, who have been in Chattanooga, Tenn. years, arrived in Boone Satur day where they plan to establish their home. Tad Buckland, who spent the summer with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. G. T. Buckland, returned Tuesday to Duke University, where he is a junior majoring in nuclear physics. Mr. and Mrs. George Flowers and children, Cecile, Arthur and Pat, and Mrs. Ruth Thompson of Walterboro, S. C. who is spending three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Flowers, were in Gatlinburg over the week end. Dennard M. McGuire of 605 Greene Street, returned home last Wednesday from Korea, where he had served in the army for mour teen months. At the expiration of his leave he will report to Fort Gordon, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wheeler have returned to their home in Clearwater, Florida after spending the summer on Route 4, Boone. Stewart Cook accompanied them home and will visit there a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Adams of West Palm Beach, Florida visited a few days last week with Mr. Adams parents, Dr. and Mrs. Taylor S. Adams, who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on September 12th. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Watson of Deep Gap were Mr. Ro bert J. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Ruth Collins, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Mrs. Mary Rollins, Mrs. Ann Sheek, of Yadilnvflle; Mr, and Mrs. M. 0. Greene of Lenoir. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Henson of Cleveland, Ohio were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reese of Boone, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Henson of Vilas and Mrs. Wal ter Fletcher of Mable and other relatives in the county. Mr. and Mrs Kermit Daeus, Jr., of Rockville, Md., spent a week visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Dacus of Boone and Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Tolbert of Blowing Rock. Mrs. Tolbert accompanied the couple when they id Mrs. Hershal Wil liams of Jacksonville, Florida. Mrs. Robert Congleton and children, Carole. Betty Ann and Robin, returned here Saturday af ter visiting two weeks with Mr. Congleton ond his parents, \\r and Mrs. CMude Confleton in Barbourville, Kentucky. They plan to establish their home In Bar bourville soon. Mi'. and Mrs. Carloek Greene and son*. Bill and Randy, who have been in Vancouver. Canada for several months, are visiting Mr. Greene's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Greene of Vila*. Car. lock is a professional baseball player and he will be with the Mil waukee Braves In Puerto Rico this winter. Guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Rankin last week were their grandson, Mr. Paris Rutherford HI, Mrs. Rutherford and their daughter. Stephanie, of Dallas, Texas, Dr McG Anders of Ga* tonla and Mr*. Carl Underwood of Winston-Salem. Stephanie I* the 4th greatgrandchild of the Ran kin*. E ngaged HISS LINDA G. WILCOX Mr. and Mrs. Ravon Wilcox of Route 4, Boone, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Linda Geraldine, to Charles William Lew is, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Lew is of Route 2, Boone. The wedding will take place November 4th. Kindergarten Opens Monday The Boone Kindergarten, spon sored by the Boone Junior Wo men'! Club, opened Monday, Sept. 11 with fifteen student!. The Kindergarten at 423 Grand Blvd. formerly operated by Mrs. Louis Farthing, is now under the direction of Mrs. Robert Snead with Mrs. Francis Montaldi assist ing. The schedule for the year will be the same as that of the public schools except for the hours which will be from 9:00 o'clock until 12:00 noon. Applications are now being taken for this year in case of drop outs and for the year 1962-63 school year. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please write or call Mrs. Robert Snead. Hodges Gap Club Holds Meeting How to set the table correctly. This is what the members attend ing the Hodges Gap Home Demon stration Club received Friday night. Miss Childers, Home Economics Agent set several different settings stressing the simplicity and beauty of "Table Setting." The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Don Hodges. Mrs. Frank Brown gave an in teresting report on the tour of Camp Yonahiossee in which mem bers from four clubs participated during the mopth of August. Mr*. Burl Harris was welcomed as a visitor. Mrs. C. J. Farthing a former member was welcomed back into membership. Women Voters Meet Tuesday The League of Women Voters will hold its regular general meet ing. Tuesday night, September 28, at 8 o'clock, in the ladies' parlor of the First Methodist Church. Mrs. Verlin Coffey is in charge of the prografti and will lead a dis cussion on the tax structure of the State of North Carolina. Any wo men interested in this subject or in government and politics in gen eral, is invited to attend. The local league was organized during the past year and It open for membership to all women citi zens of voting age who believe in representative government. The league is non-partisan. Mr and lln. D. L. Wilcox spent the week end with Mr. and Mn Julian Ragan and Valerie in Char lotte. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stroupe In Clo ver, S. C. on Sunday. Mr. Stroupe remains criticaly ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stroupe. Mr William Witaon, Larry Wil son. Miss Ethel Wilson, Miss Pstsy Farthing of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Charles Isaacs, Miss Betty Ruth Greer and Mr. Glennwood Greer of Cincinnati, Ohio were called here last week because of the death of Mr. Tom Wilson, who died Thursday night. Miaa Greer and Mrs. Isaacs nlnn to remain awhile with Mrs. Wilson. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ottle Smith and Mrs. Ruby Hodges over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips. Mr. snd Mrs. Larry Eubanks snd sons of Lynchburg, Virginia, Mr. and lies. Emory Culler. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Culler and son of Greenville, Tennessee. Mr. snd Mrs. Howard Smith and son of Lenoir, Mrs Paul Klutx, Kim and Dana Klutz and Johnny Lent of Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dancy and Mr and Mrs. Ted Greene of Vilas. Littleton-Plyler Vows Said Sunday MRS. CAROL WILLIAM PLYLER Miss Carol Sue Littleton and Carol William Plyler were married Sunday afternoon September 10th at four o'clock in a ceremony con ducted by Rev. J. K. Parker in the first Presbyterian Church of Boone. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Littleton of Hillcrest Circle in Boone and the groom is the son of Mrs. C. W. Plyler and the late Mr. Plyler of Statesville. The bride's gown was of peau de soie, fashioned with a bell draped skirt trimmed with Belgian lace. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a pearl crown and she carried a bouquet of white carna tions and yellow rose buds. Mrs. Joyce Littleton Walker of Char lotte, sister of the bride was ma tron of honor and Miss Jane Sny der of Leaksville was maid of hon or. A color scheme of yellow and white was further carried out in the attendants dresses which were identical and of maize taffeta with white head dresses. They carried yellow and white bouquets. Little Diane and Kim Rowland were flower girls and Master Robert Littleton, brother of the bride acted aa ring bearer. Mr. Joseph Mitchell of Hickory, uncle of the groom was best man and the ush ers were Mr. Robert Plyler of Statesville and Mr. Sherrill Parks of Statesville. Mr. Charles Isley and Mr. Wal ton Cole of the music department of ASTC furnished the nuptial music; Mr. Isley rendering several traditional vocal selections with Mr. Cole at the console of the Hammond organ. Mrs. Plyler is a graduate of Ap palachian High School. She at tended Catawba College and was graduated from the Presbyterian School of Nursing in Charlotte in August. Mr. Plyler is a graduate of Statesville High School and of Appalachian State Teachers Col lege in Boone. For the wedding reception the yellow and white color schema was carried out in the charming living room of the Littleton home where Mrs. Zeb Shook greeted the guests and Mrs. J. K. Parker pre sided at the punch bowl. They were further assisted by Mrs. W. R. Richardson and Mrs. Bill Klutz and Mrs. Carl Meeks took car* of the guest book. Immediately following the re ception the couple left for a tour of Florid# after which they will make their home in 8tate*ville where Mr. Plyler is manager of the Sherril-White Shoe Company. 8?clal Events Dr. Ina Van Noppen and her Appalachian Garden Club The Appalachian Garden Club will show two movie* in color on September 28, at 8 o'clock, in the Boom Met hod lit Church. The film*, under the ?upervl ?ion of representative* from Ar mour Agriculture Chemical Com pany. will five infonr.stion about the plantinf of bulh* and the cul ture of roee*. Member* of other garden club* are invited. P daughter, Mrs. Jack Milsaps, were joint hostesses at a bridal tea honoring Miss Carol Sue Littleton on Friday Sept. 8th at four o'clock. The Van Noppen home was charming in pansy decorations and the guests enjoyed an informal hour of visiting and well-wishing to the bride-to-be. Mrs. C. W. Plyler, the prospective groom's mother and his sister Miss (Cath erine of Statesville were present. Pink tea cakes were served with the tea and coffee. The gift to toe bride-elect was a charming Usabo ta ? an oriental flower container. Another social event In connec tion with the Littleton-Plyler wed ding was a coffee honoring Miss Littleton, given on Wednesday morning Sept. 6th by Mrs. Roy Keplar assisted by Mrs. Wm. J. Rowland. The Keplar home was bright with autumn flowers and pink candles. Each guest was presented with a pink corsage, the bride's being white. The hostesses served fancy sandwiches with the coffee and a gift of crystal was presented the bride-elect. Out of town guestf in cluded the groom's mother, Mrs. C. W. Plyler and his sister, Miss Katherine Plyler of Statesville. weiiare topic Of Home Life Department The Homelife Dept. of the Worthwhile Women* Club met Sept. 14th in the assembly room of the Methodist Church. Meotiug w?? called to order by the chairman, Mrs. Dempiey Wil cox. Mrs Lona Quails gave the club collect, after which business was taken up, gardens were dis cussed briefly and two or three members offered to go and prune dead flowers from plants and per haps pull out some of the large weeds. There was no new business so the need for help with guests in the various rest homes so far as some form of recreation, hob bies, etc. for them was brought up from last weeting. Mrs. Har mon asked that we postpone dis cussing that until another meet ing was held with operators of these homes and a more definite program could be outlined for them, after which we would know more about the need of the peo ple and what we as a club can do to be of service. The meeting was turned over 10 Mrs. R. H. Harmon form the Wel fare Dept. for Watauga county, who gave much needed informa tion and brought the members up to date on what is being done for various groups of children and older people who are in need of assistance. She also told of institu tions now in service over the state as well as some that are now un der construction to be used for this service to the handicapped people. The information mention ed routine required to place such people with the State agencies af ter getting the parents or guard ians consent. Much can be ac complished with many of these children in an institution with trained personnel that can never be accomplished in the home. Mrs. Harmon was proud of North Carolina's program to as sist these unfortunate people such as the mentally retarded, cerebral palsy, visual handicapped, crippled children and the emotionally dis turbed child. Better facilities are now being provided for the first four classes of handicapped child ren than is done for the emotion ally disturbed child which at the present time are being neglected. We should all be proud of our ser vice clubs for the financial aid they provide for helping all of these indigent children. With the institutional care given these child ren by trained people many of them can be made into useful citi zens while others can be raised to a self-sustaining level which Is a great help to the family. Such work cannot be accomplished In the homes. After Mrs. Harmon's informa tive discussion, Roy Isley from the Agricultural Stabilization County office showed a film. The Caswell Story, which showed in pictures the work being done at that institution for various groups of handicapped people, both child ren a'.id adults. Every parent* with a handicapped child should see this informative picture and they would bp willing for their child to use our SANITONE service regularty We do such a superior job with research-tested Sanitone dry cleaning and fabric finishes your clothes look new longer. They hold that like new body . . . color* snap back to original bril liance. Our thorough, gentle clean lil? actually ? prolongs wear; our expert, professional press preserves fit and finish. Yet our prices are mod erate . . . compare them with any quality dry cleaning service, then judge results far jrouneM. Its? ' m Trail way Cleaners, Inc. Pickup find Delivery Service iM BOONE, N. G Jr. Womaus Club Meets The members and guests of the Boone Junior Woman's Club met last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs W C. Crawford on Tracy Circle for t delightful tour of the Crawford home. The guests were shown through out the home by Mrs. Crawford, who discussed style and decor for each room. Following the tour, the group gathered in the spacious family room for a discussion per iod. The business meeting was hold at the home of Mrs. B. O. Ray on Bristol Road. Mrs. J. E. Chipman, president, conducted the meeting. Mrs. Walton Cole gave a devotion al. Welcomed as guests were Mis. David Spainhour, Mrs. James Saw yer, and Mrs. Louis Schaeffer. Mrs. William Mueller was elected to membership in the club. This year, the club sponsored kindergarten will be directed by Mrs. Robert Snead at her home on Grand Boulevard. The club al so sponsors a nursery school, di rected by Mrs. Carlos DeLima. A new welfare propject under taken by the club Is aid to the Wa tauga Hospital through magazine subscriptions and with a story hours for children patients. Following routine business, the meeting adjourned. During a soc ial period, the hostess served a refreshing punch course. Faculty Dames See Fashions The September meeting of the Faculty Dames Club of Appalach ian State Teachers College was held in East Hall September 12. Caudill's Inc., of Boone, pre sented a fashion show for the clufi. Mesdames Tarleton, D e G r o a t, Spencer, Travis, Melton. Carpen ter. and Meeks wore the latest in fall and winter fashions ranging from carefree slacks and sweaters to stunning afternoon dresses. Nar rating the event was Mrs. Bill Fulmer. After the program, the presi dent, Mrs. John Justice, dispens ing with the business, had the members and visitors Introduce each other. The club then ad journed for a get acquainted ses sion and refreshments served by the hostesses, Mesdames Justice, tsley, Shook, Bagley, Harris and Dixon. Grandma Moses celebrated her 101st birthday. go there for training. It would be a God send to any retarded or crippled child, and any parents should be proud to send their child there for help which cannot be given so well in the home. Hostesses for the evening were Mesdames L. L. Bingham, L. T. Tatum, Herman Wilcox, Ralph Greene, and Albert Isaacs. ? Reported by J. Ella Hardin Sands Club Entertained The Sands Club met in ttu home of Mrs. Finley Hodges onfjj Sept. 12 at 1:30 p. m Arrange ment! of paitel flower* decorated the home. Mrs. Stuart Barnea, President, was in charge of the buaineaa meeting. Mra. Finley Hodgea gave the treaaurera report and read the mlnutea from the July meeting. | The leaaon for the month was on table aettlnga. Miaa Jean Cbild rea made the leaaon most intereat ing with the use of many beauti ful mata, cloths, china, erystal and silver Mrs. Hodges served coffee cake, ? offee, nuts and minta for refresh ment! Each member and guest were presented an African violet. Fine Arts Dept. To Hold Meeting The Fine Arts Department of the Worthwhile Woman's Chib will meet at the Dougherty Cabin on the Yonahloaaee Road Thurs day evening. Members and guests are asked to meet at the postoffice at 8:15 for dlrectiona and transportation. Nursery School Has Vacancies The nursery school directed by Mrs. Carlos DeLima, and sponsor ed by the Boone Junior Woman's Club, is now enrolling children. A few vacancies still exist, and in terested persons should contact Mrs. DeLima at 210 Hardin Street, or phone her at AM4- 3673. CLEAN TOWN, DUSTY JAIL Middleport, N. Y.? Apparently there's nothing wrong with the jail here that a little business wouldn't cure. Police have received a report of an Inspection the State Commission of Correction made during the spring. It says:' "The cells and cell room were clean but somewhat dusty from disuse on the date of inspection." There were no detentions in 1960 or up to the date of inspection, village officials explained. CONSIDERATE AT LEA8T Philadelphia ? There is one bandit in the city who has some feelings for his victims. Two men bound and robbed a Philadelphia dentist, one of them placed a pillow under his head to make him more comfortable. While they were gathering up $395 from the office and home of Dr. Maurice Belasco, one of the bandits told of his personal prob lems and promised to send the money back when he got a Job. Cuba striving to increase its food output. Rayburn takes off to rest ailing back. Humphrey assails Russia on re suming atom tests. SHOWS i Monday through Saurday at * - 4 ? 7 ? t ? Sunday 3 ? 8:15 Moviet at the Appalachian Always the Biggest Entertainment Value